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Why do people hate Tebow?

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What I don't understand is all the Tebow love. I guess it's based on his career at Florida. But, other players come into the NFL that had great college careers and don't get all of this hype and love.

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So in summary......


Hes not liked because of:


Hype (Which isnt his fault)

Religion (Faulting someone for religion?)

He sucks (He seems to be doing just fine)


Which lets touch on that a second. His wr's are eric decker and demarious thomas, i couldnt even tell you who the tight end is, and has Moreno (######) and Mcgahee (old) as running backs and a very very average line.


But you want this guy to do what exactly??

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polarizing figures are either going to be loved or hated. I don't think anyone genuinely 'hates' him, but people get aggravated with the attention he receives, because his talent doesn't dictate that attention. I'll give you other examples of other QBs that were 'hated' same as him...


Joey harrington

Jeff George


list goes on and on. Add to that the fact that most believe he shouldn't have been drafted in the 1st round, and believe there are 2 QBs better than him on the broncos, who are not a good team to begin with, and you get very polarized opinions on him. I think the only people that love him are gator fans or jesus freaks, everyone else will fall into the 'why the hell is he getting all that attention when he clearly sucks' camp...

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polarizing figures are either going to be loved or hated. I don't think anyone genuinely 'hates' him, but people get aggravated with the attention he receives, because his talent doesn't dictate that attention. I'll give you other examples of other QBs that were 'hated' same as him...


Joey harrington

Jeff George


list goes on and on. Add to that the fact that most believe he shouldn't have been drafted in the 1st round, and believe there are 2 QBs better than him on the broncos, who are not a good team to begin with, and you get very polarized opinions on him. I think the only people that love him are gator fans or jesus freaks, everyone else will fall into the 'why the hell is he getting all that attention when he clearly sucks' camp...




Thats just it...HE...TIM TEBOW...is not polarizing. HE seems very humble in perfect in a lot of ways.


The hype train, ESPN, media have polarized him.


Again i dont care if he makes it or not....just trying to understand the anti-tebow camp and the rational

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I hate gator fans in the way you hate Ohio State fans. Most of my friends are gator fans so I dot literally hate them, figure of speech. I was making a point. You are making Michigan fans look dumber then they are. And I actually like Michigan.

I don't hate on Ohio State. I don't hold on that tight.


Your point is as weak as your jabs at U of M fans. Give it up. :overhead:


Tebow rules! :banana:

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Thats just it...HE...TIM TEBOW...is not polarizing. HE seems very humble in perfect in a lot of ways.


The hype train, ESPN, media have polarized him.


Again i dont care if he makes it or not....just trying to understand the anti-tebow camp and the rational



i don't think you quite understand the meaning of the word 'polarizing'


doesn't have to do with him personally, or what he does or says. has to do with people's opinion of him. Polarizing means there's no middle ground. You have extreme opinions of him. Either you 'love' him, or 'hate' him. Thing is, in the context of this board, which is strictly FF related, the polarization is going to be even greater. You have the people that think he's a great guy and deserves a chance to prove himself, and you have the camp that have already written him off as a sucky qb that will never make it...


I personally do reside in the middle ground. i think he's a great guy, especially in the world we live in where a good chunk of pro athletes are just plain thugs and ######. However, I also think he's a waste of a qb, and the whole, 'lets give him a chance to see what he has' ideology is a joke. They should be seeing what they have in quinn well before tebow. And I'm also an atheist, but have no issuew with him wearing his religion on his sleeve. And I think you'll find a lot of people fall into this category, however when there's a mob mentality, people will just pile on, which is what you see...


Regardless, the dude is a good guy, on the surface anyways, and people shouldn't 'hate' him, even if they believe he sucks as an NFL qb...

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So in summary......


Hes not liked because of:


Hype (Which isnt his fault)

Religion (Faulting someone for religion?)

He sucks (He seems to be doing just fine)


Which lets touch on that a second. His wr's are eric decker and demarious thomas, i couldnt even tell you who the tight end is, and has Moreno (######) and Mcgahee (old) as running backs and a very very average line.


But you want this guy to do what exactly??


You still don't get it even after about 10 people in this thread explained it. No one dislikes Tebow. We all dislike you because 1. You think Tebow deserves a shot to play over Orton, 2. You think he's "doing just fine," and 3. No one gave a sh!t that the Bronco's sucked when Orton was fighting for his life in the first 6 games of the season, and now all of the sudden that's relevant.

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Don't care either way. It's all business. Could care less as long as he produces FF points.

Pray? Great.

Sacrifice goats at halftime while listening to Slayer? Great.


Put up points.....PERIOD. :doublethumbsup:



End of thread.

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I am a Christian and found myself getting irritated with the hype in this years season. But understand this will all play out and no need for bashing a guy who is doing the best with what he has skill wise. I can assure you he is not perfect as in my beliefs there was only one who was perfect. He has some skeletons in the closet but he is doing the best he can everday which is much better than me and alot of others and that brings jealousy.

Wow, so Jebus really is your savior and hero ? How about Santa Claus ?...same thing :overhead:


The Fact of the Matter, people who can say yes to either of those questions, you HAVE to question their ability to logically think on their feet, use common sense, problem solve, etc.


If he is your QB and the leader of your offense, and and your going into a battle, fighting in the ternches, game on the line, etc.......at what point does he start thinking that Jebus and his "faith" will see him through this...instead of his game, his teammates and coaches, etc.


Man I don't want to go into a battle with my leader having those thoughts....my grandmother was off her rocker like this.....pretty harmless (RIP) not the leader of a Football team.

I can definitely see how this could be a Locker Room issue for the non jesus freaks....you wanna punch a guy in the face for spewing that BS....that's probably why he's toning it down....probably came "from above" to not divide the locker room. :thumbsup:

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I don't hate on Ohio State. I don't hold on that tight.


Your point is as weak as your jabs at U of M fans. Give it up. :overhead:


Tebow rules! :banana:


Are you from there, live there, go to games?


Have I made jabs at u of m fans?


Okay, so you don't "hold on that tight" to your "team", but you hold on that tight to Tebow :wub: , got it :thumbsup:

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You still don't get it even after about 10 people in this thread explained it. No one dislikes Tebow. We all dislike you because 1. You think Tebow deserves a shot to play over Orton, 2. You think he's "doing just fine," and 3. No one gave a sh!t that the Bronco's sucked when Orton was fighting for his life in the first 6 games of the season, and now all of the sudden that's relevant.



Dont be a bigger dipSh!t than you normally on this bored. And if you are...at least learn how to read. Please copy and paste where i said he should start over orton.........ill wait.


Or ill save your dumbarse the trouble and tell you i never said it. I dont care who starts in denver. Run along kid.


Yes i would say with the crap players he has to work with....hes doing fine.


PLENTY of people dislike him...moron theres a facebook page with over 3k followers called I HATE TIM TEBOW, Sportnations poll said 65%+ want him to fail.


Like i said...run along billy.

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He is more beloved then hated but I don't get the bashing


Except for Gators fans who appreciate the National Championships why is he "beloved?" I think the hatred / venom is a reaction to the irrational man-love for Tebow.


And as far as his faith, I'm not sure why so many act as though Tebow is the first Christian or born again to ever play in the NFL.

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Yes i would say with the crap players he has to work with....hes doing fine.

And with the same crap players Orton was doing just as well or better.


I'll accept the argument that the Broncos should run Tebow out there to see what he has, since the Donkeys are going to lose anyhow. But to say Tebow is doing "fine" so far is absolutely delusional. And *that* (delusional Tebow fans) is what pisses the rest of us off.


Edit - in his three games so far Tebow's QB ratings are 101.7, 91.7, 56.8. Since he is an unconventional QB I think he did well in the past because DEFs didn't game plan for his style of play. Now that he is the starter they are game planning for him. We will see over the next few weeks whether he adjusts or not. But again, to say that his performances against Miami and Detroit were "fine" is delusional.

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I can only speak for myself, but for me it is his 'faith'. I don't hate the guy, but I refuse to support someone who openly promotes an idea that I find harmful to civilization. Of course this is just my opinion, and doesn't explain everyones feelings about Tebow, but I think this is a factor at least for some people. Moreover, if you know anything about fundamentalist christianity, you know that it has a large base in the greater Denver area, which goes a long way to showing why there has been so much clamoring among Broncos fans for Tebow to play. My guess would be that white middle class christians make up a large portion of the Denver fan-base (and an even greater portion of those able to buy tickets), which led to the Tebow hype at least in Denver. Watching these people push for a QB change, solely because they share his religious beliefs is annoying. I am against anyone promoting something I believe has harmed humanity, simply because I don't want these ideas p[propagated, end of story. That said, distasteful as it was, I took a shot on him in two leagues and wish he would keep his religion to himself and run in a few touchdowns. He is not good.

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Are you from there, live there, go to games?


Have I made jabs at u of m fans?


Okay, so you don't "hold on that tight" to your "team", but you hold on that tight to Tebow :wub: , got it :thumbsup:

I'm Pure Michigan brother! I've been to the Big House a lot.....good times.


I guess saying I made U of M fans look dumber than they are was not a jab then......my apologies.


I'd consider myself in the middle on Tebow, as others have mentioned. I don't think that much about him since he's had little affect on the teams I like. Not a huge fan but have nothing against him either. I think the media and fans went way overboard in college raising the kid up, and think the media and fans now are going overboard to bury the kid.

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Wow, so Jebus really is your savior and hero ? How about Santa Claus ?...same thing :overhead:


The Fact of the Matter, people who can say yes to either of those questions, you HAVE to question their ability to logically think on their feet, use common sense, problem solve, etc.

You serious? Your avatar speaks volumes about your logic. When was that doosh last relevant.....the 90's? He's got to be like 75 years old by now. :lol:

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As an fan of the NFL who happens to be an Atheist, I have no ill feelings toward Tebow whatsoever. He seems like a likeable enough guy, no matter how misguided I think he may be. I don't think he's a very good QB, although he is a great athlete and a winner, for sure. He has the IT factor.


I do, however, get sick of all the adulation by the Christian right as they pimp him like some 2nd coming of Jesus of Nazareth. I mean, people taking-out billboards for the guy to be starter in Denver? Puh-lease...that is just religious folk using him as way to spread the gospel. They have their poster boy and they NEED him to be in the spotlight to spread the word as far and wide as possible. THAT is what I don't like. I do agree, that's not all his fault, although he does seem to embrace all the adulation so he is at least a willing accomplice.


IF he was simply another NFL player, there would be a lot less polarizing effect with this guy. BUT, he isn't. And it's because of the above. So...the more he gets glorified by the Christian right, the more he is going to get vilified by the Liberal left. Right or wrong, that's just the way it is.


That said, I may pick him up this week since Stafford is on a Bye. :headbanger:

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I'm Pure Michigan brother! I've been to the Big House a lot.....good times.


I guess saying I made U of M fans look dumber than they are was not a jab then......my apologies.


I'd consider myself in the middle on Tebow, as others have mentioned. I don't think that much about him since he's had little affect on the teams I like. Not a huge fan but have nothing against him either. I think the media and fans went way overboard in college raising the kid up, and think the media and fans now are going overboard to bury the kid.


I guess it is different, maybe, here in Florida. FSU and uf are in very close proximity to each other and I live in Jacksonville which probably has more gator fans then gainesville. I would bet most of Michigan fans that actually live there probably think differently then you towards Ohio State.

In fact, I know they do because if they didn't, it wouldn't be as big of a rivalry and it is one of the biggest.


As far as tebow goes, I was more explaining the reasoning behind it. I personally don't care, but will say when he does play well, it becomes unbearable in this town. You then get the gator yeeehawww fans coming out saying the jags should have taken Tebow and gator fans saying "I told u, told u". Tebows disdain comes from those fans, at least here. I get annoyed at the college fan mind frame carrying over to the NFL. Do I want Christian Ponder to do well, sure, but was I upset that the Jags didn't pick him in the draft? No, I can separate the two.

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People are sick of the media shoving him down our throats. In what world does Tim Tebow deserve 100 times the coverage as Aaron Rodgers? I stopped watching ESPN years ago so I am indifferent to Tebow. ESPN has become the National Inquirer of the sports world.

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You serious? Your avatar speaks volumes about your logic. When was that doosh last relevant.....the 90's? He's got to be like 75 years old by now. :lol:

Relevant to who ?

Adults enjoying adult radio ? My kids don't watch R movies, I do My kids don't watch Sopranos, I do. My kids don't listen to Howard Stern, I do.


Before he moved to Sirius, they had like 500,000 subscribers, after he signed it went to like 7 million, then they save XM and merged to now be like 20million total.

He has estimated 10 million listeners on his channels, everyday, that's waaaay more than Leno, Letterman, Kimmel, get on their nightly shows.


Your Welcome.

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Wow, so Jebus really is your savior and hero ? How about Santa Claus ?...same thing :overhead:


The Fact of the Matter, people who can say yes to either of those questions, you HAVE to question their ability to logically think on their feet, use common sense, problem solve, etc.




Why are you afraid of Christians?


Attacking other people is an easy way to deflect the reality of your own life.

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People are sick of the media shoving him down our throats. In what world does Tim Tebow deserve 100 times the coverage as Aaron Rodgers? I stopped watching ESPN years ago so I am indifferent to Tebow. ESPN has become the National Inquirer of the sports world.



Well and thats why i asked. Is it Tebow himself? Or is it ESPN jamming him down our throats? If its the latter...then all the garbage is misplaced.


IMHO you can bash ESPN, the media, etc for the hype....but hes a pretty special person it seems, one i think people could get behind.


And again..just my opinion..but we seem to have a problem with people that society perceives as "perfect"...we want to tear these people down. In not sure why....but we do. Dont know if its to make ourselves feel better about ourselves or what.


But i can understand the arguement of there being a disconnect from the current level of play and the media hype surrounding him. was just trying to understand the case against him.

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Why are you afraid of Christians?


Attacking other people is an easy way to deflect the reality of your own life.

Grown adults....not children, but grown adults, believing in imaginary people, heavens in the clouds, IN THE CLOUDS !....and some kind of after life.....are you serious ?....adults, we're talking about adults????....yeah, I'm scared of adults who think that way. (maybe not scared but question their logic, education, general knowledge of the world around them)


I understand raising kids that way, it's a lot easier to default to that, when asked about where babies come from, what happens when you die, etc.....but we're talking about adults right ?


Keep handing over your money, it's business....keep handing over your money....I'll keep mine.


The reality of my life ?.....when I die I'm going in the ground, isn't that the ultimate reality of life....sorry for those adults who don't have that reality.

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People who "hate" Tebow don't hate him because he's Christian. They hate the unwarranted coverage of his so-called football skills. They resent being told by non-football following Christians that Tebow's mechanics, footwork, and capacity to read defenses doesn't matter because he's an Evangelical Christian and therefore will succeed. They resent being told that someone who completes less than 50% of his passes for a 5.42 YPC average (separately, terrible numbers. When combined, they are mind-blowingly bad) is a "winner." Being an Evangelical may or may not provide you some secret knowledge that will get you into heaven, but it does not provide you with any extra special talent that allows you to evaluate talent better than Catholics or atheists.


Supporters of Tebow take it as an article of faith that Jesus is the son of God. That's fine, religion revolves around faith and faith and logic don't really intersect--they aren't meant to. But when they try to use the same mode of thinking when it comes to Tebow's future as a NFL QB, it pisses people off. You can't take Tebow's greatness as an article of faith because there's a mountain of evidence that runs counter to the idea.


All that said, I hope the guy succeeds just because I generally want most of the decent-sounding guys in the NFL to succeed (as long as they don't play for the Jets*).


*A complete list of decent guys who have ever played for the Jets:

Curtis Martin

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And again..just my opinion..but we seem to have a problem with people that society perceives as "perfect"...we want to tear these people down. In not sure why....but we do. Dont know if its to make ourselves feel better about ourselves or what.


Society doesn't perceive Tebow as "perfect". It seems that you do and the Christian right does, but here's a hint...you guys don't make-up all of society. HTH


Bishop Pickering, "Excellency, fiddlesticks, my name's Fred and I'm a man, same as you"

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Society doesn't perceive Tebow as "perfect". It seems that you do and the Christian right does, but here's a hint...you guys don't make-up all of society. HTH


Bishop Pickering, "Excellency, fiddlesticks, my name's Fred and I'm a man, same as you"



Not a denver fan, or on the christian right......sorry..not perfect but certainly an athlete people could idolize. Be better than a hundred other idiots fans beat off too.

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Relevant to who ?

Adults enjoying adult radio ? My kids don't watch R movies, I do My kids don't watch Sopranos, I do. My kids don't listen to Howard Stern, I do.


Before he moved to Sirius, they had like 500,000 subscribers, after he signed it went to like 7 million, then they save XM and merged to now be like 20million total.

He has estimated 10 million listeners on his channels, everyday, that's waaaay more than Leno, Letterman, Kimmel, get on their nightly shows.


Your Welcome.

Your numbers are ridiculously inflated from what I've read. Stern jumped the shark when he went to satellite radio. Since he's been on Sirius/XM the company has never been profitable. He has about 1.25 million listeners per week on satellite. He used to draw over 12 million when on radio. His relevance is dwindling.



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Grown adults....not children, but grown adults, believing in imaginary people, heavens in the clouds, IN THE CLOUDS !....and some kind of after life.....are you serious ?....adults, we're talking about adults????....yeah, I'm scared of adults who think that way. (maybe not scared but question their logic, education, general knowledge of the world around them)


I understand raising kids that way, it's a lot easier to default to that, when asked about where babies come from, what happens when you die, etc.....but we're talking about adults right ?


Keep handing over your money, it's business....keep handing over your money....I'll keep mine.


The reality of my life ?.....when I die I'm going in the ground, isn't that the ultimate reality of life....sorry for those adults who don't have that reality.

I question any person who believes they have all the answers. Who believes there is nothing beyond what man has already figured out. That is incredibly small minded. Epic fail.

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Well and thats why i asked. Is it Tebow himself? Or is it ESPN jamming him down our throats? If its the latter...then all the garbage is misplaced.


IMHO you can bash ESPN, the media, etc for the hype....but hes a pretty special person it seems, one i think people could get behind.


And again..just my opinion..but we seem to have a problem with people that society perceives as "perfect"...we want to tear these people down. In not sure why....but we do. Dont know if its to make ourselves feel better about ourselves or what.


But i can understand the arguement of there being a disconnect from the current level of play and the media hype surrounding him. was just trying to understand the case against him.


ESPN used to be a sports network, it became a rag pushing human interest stories on fans who just want to know about the game. The audience has changed and the true sports fan has moved on.

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Grown adults....not children, but grown adults, believing in imaginary people, heavens in the clouds, IN THE CLOUDS !....and some kind of after life.....are you serious ?....adults, we're talking about adults????....yeah, I'm scared of adults who think that way. (maybe not scared but question their logic, education, general knowledge of the world around them)


I understand raising kids that way, it's a lot easier to default to that, when asked about where babies come from, what happens when you die, etc.....but we're talking about adults right ?


Keep handing over your money, it's business....keep handing over your money....I'll keep mine.


The reality of my life ?.....when I die I'm going in the ground, isn't that the ultimate reality of life....sorry for those adults who don't have that reality.


What is your real problem, it seems deep rooted.


But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.

– Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1782

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Not a denver fan, or on the christian right......sorry..not perfect but certainly an athlete people could idolize. Be better than a hundred other idiots fans beat off too.


Never said you were either of those things. And, people shouldn't idolize anyone, IMO, save a child idolizing a parent, maybe.

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Never said you were either of those things. And, people shouldn't idolize anyone, IMO, save a child idolizing a parent, maybe.




Right....good luck with that.

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WTF does that mean?


No need for such harsh letters. :cheers:


I mean good luck getting a kid who is into sports not idolizing their favorite athletes.

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Your numbers are ridiculously inflated from what I've read. Stern jumped the shark when he went to satellite radio. Since he's been on Sirius/XM the company has never been profitable. He has about 1.25 million listeners per week on satellite. He used to draw over 12 million when on radio. His relevance is dwindling.



Wow, very different numbers. Had Sirius since he signed in 2006, when Sirius had only 500,000. He talks ratings, number of subscribers, etc all the time. I was wrong, SiriusXM is combined with over 20million. Been a listener since 1990, and when he made the move, the show got better, funnier, sexier, hotter chicks, sybian rides, adult radio.


Sounds like you either know nothing about him/his show, or your pissed because you made the choice to not be a listener cause you didn't want to part with $13 a month, but you sit at a bar every Sunday with your football jersey spending $40. :thumbsdown:

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No need for such harsh letters. :cheers:


I mean good luck getting a kid who is into sports not idolizing their favorite athletes.


I hear ya, but you seemed to be saying that it was the adults that "beat off" to these athletes that bothered you. :cheers: Still thinking about nabbing Tebow for the bye week start. :unsure:

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'Hate' is a relative term. Most don't personally hate the guy, they just spin anything he does negatively and jump at any chance to dispparage the guy. They rag on him because of a few things.


1.) The media hype. Which as earlier stated isn't his fault. It's misguided anger. Call up the ESPN producers if you are tired of them running Tebow stories. Tebow simply goes to practice and plays a game on Sundays. If you've been following he's pretty much said all the right things "Team first" "Trust the coaching staff" yada yada.


2.) He was a Heisman winner and National Champion. It appears human nature is to tear down the folks on top. It's what people do in America and especially sports. We love to build up athletes so we can tear them down later. Then read about it in US Weekly or People Magazine.


3.) The religion angle. It's a polarizing topic. Of course Tebow has been rather muted on the whole religion aspect since he's been in the NFL. As stated countless other players are way more outspoken than Tebow has been (since he's been in the NFL). But folks gloss over that fact. He has a stigma, so they run with it.


Personally I don't care about any of those three things which is why I'm rooting for Tebow to succeed. Pretty much only to prove all the so called 'analysts' wrong. I like pulling for the underdog. :dunno:

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Are you from there, live there, go to games?


Have I made jabs at u of m fans?


Okay, so you don't "hold on that tight" to your "team", but you hold on that tight to Tebow :wub: , got it :thumbsup:

UofM blows. I just threw a jab. :ninja:

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