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Gronk replacement? Brady effect?

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Who do you have/get to replace the #1 TE? And how does this effect Brady?


Lucky for me I had Tony Gonzalez on my bench. But my QB is Brady and I am worried about his Red Zone production now. Hope he finds a way in wks 14, 15, 16 and 17 (Hou, SF, Jac, Mia). I will be one very upset fantasy owner to lose in the playoffs because Brady is only putting up 20pts/wk

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I didn't have a backup TE, so I have to get mine off the WW. Mercedes Lewis looks to be the best available. I put in a $3 bid for him, which would normally be enough, but I won't be surprised if somebody blocks me. What a downer. I've lost all interest in fantasy now. I was hanging by a thread because of McFadden and Sproles' injuries. Gronk was the only thing giving me a chance.

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Who do you have/get to replace the #1 TE? And how does this effect Brady?


Lucky for me I had Tony Gonzalez on my bench. But my QB is Brady and I am worried about his Red Zone production now. Hope he finds a way in wks 14, 15, 16 and 17 (Hou, SF, Jac, Mia). I will be one very upset fantasy owner to lose in the playoffs because Brady is only putting up 20pts/wk


I don't see if effecting Brady's #s very much. They will miss him in the red zone the most i think. That assumes that Hernandez comes back and stays on field.


Now a little criticism. Why in the heck would you have Tony Gonzalez sitting on your bench when byes are over? :dunno: Your lucky you did not make your team better. Sometimes better to be lucky than good.

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I think the biggest beneficiary of the Gronk injury is probably Brandon Lloyd. With Hernandez less than 100%, I think some of the focus of the offense will shift to Lloyd. Just a guess though.

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I think the biggest beneficiary of the Gronk injury is probably Brandon Lloyd. With Hernandez less than 100%, I think some of the focus of the offense will shift to Lloyd. Just a guess though.


I'd agree with this.


Also Edelman.


Hoomanawanui might be a dark horse.


In terms of TEs available in one of my leagues:




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I think the biggest beneficiary of the Gronk injury is probably Brandon Lloyd. With Hernandez less than 100%, I think some of the focus of the offense will shift to Lloyd. Just a guess though.


I disagree. Welker becomes the focal point of the offense again. He's gong to be biggest beneficiary IMO.

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I'd agree with this.


Also Edelman.


Hoomanawanui might be a dark horse.


In terms of TEs available in one of my leagues:





I only own Lloyd in one league and don't even like him all that much, so it's not me being optimistic for a player on my roster. I firmly believe that he's been underutilized and now that Gronk isn't there to get targets, he's going to see an uptick, another 2-3 throws a game. Just my opinion though.

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In terms of TEs available in one of my leagues:






I like Lewis with Henne throwing to him.

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I'd agree with this.


Also Edelman.


Hoomanawanui might be a dark horse.


In terms of TEs available in one of my leagues:






I grabbed Allen. Seems to have the best qb throwing to him. And they throw a lot.

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I only own Lloyd in one league and don't even like him all that much, so it's not me being optimistic for a player on my roster. I firmly believe that he's been underutilized and now that Gronk isn't there to get targets, he's going to see an uptick, another 2-3 throws a game. Just my opinion though.


Yeah I had Lloyd earlier this year, and actually I do like him a lot as a player and I thought he was getting more chances with Hernandez out but that cooled down. But I also remember Edelman coming on in the same situation.... and then getting hurt. Now obviously Edelman is back.


Apparently Lloyd had the 3rd most snaps among WRs this week, which should be concerning for any Lloyd owner.


Now, we know the Pats will do something, and that could mean turning to Lloyd, definitely a hold and see.

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Now, we know the Pats will do something, and that could mean turning to Lloyd, definitely a hold and see.


Turning to Lloyd?

Why do folks think Lloyd is this "STUD"? He had 1 GOOD SEASON in a 10 year carreer. The dude can't make the tough catches anymore. Drops the easy one. Isn't fast or quick enough to beat the good corners in this league. Brady isn't great with the deep ball which is where Lloyd excel in during that 1 good season in Denver. If i have to take a guess, Welker and Edelman will get a big JUMP in production.

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i don't think that this hurts brady at all... this may sound crazy, but i think that the person it will affect most will be Ridley. I foresee the patriots running less 2TE sets and spreading it out more often. When they have been running 3 and 4WR sets this season they have been leaning more heavily on Vereen and Woodhead. Because of this i think you have to bump Welker and Edelman up a few notches as well as vereen and woodhead as they are more versatile.

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On the Gonzalez issue.... The reason i still have him is because in my 10 team league (1 keeper), nobody wanted to give up anything decent for him. I am one of 4 knowledgable owners in the league and the 6 others are veto happy.


Needless to say, sick of the other 6. I had worked out a deal with Gonzalez and James Jones for Ryan Mathews back in wk 5 or 6... They vetoed.

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Now a little criticism. Why in the heck would you have Tony Gonzalez sitting on your bench when byes are over? :dunno: Your lucky you did not make your team better. Sometimes better to be lucky than good.


Maybe it isn't luck but rather foresight.


If you have two great assets, and nobody is willing to give you another great asset in return, why just give away one of your assets when they could come in handy as depth? Football is a violent game. Either you have to use that player because of injury or someone else can't use him either.


Now if you do manage to work out a fair offer and improve your team, by all means make the trade. But in my experience that can be a difficult proposition. It seems like most people value RB then WR then maybe TE in that order. It's awfully hard to move up that chain. And most people don't like packages.


I saw a guy whining that the Bears and Texans owner wasn't trading him one of those DSTs for Stewart awhile back. The guy just valued any RB higher than the top DSTs and threw a fit that he wasn't getting his way. If you guessed wrong and picked the Texans to keep right now might be iffy for you, but if you have both you're still set.

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Exactly! I am not going to give you a top 5 TE for you to get pts every week while I get a 2nd RB that gets 8 carries a game just to sit on my bench and eventully get dropped because I need a K or DEF to fill in for a week.


Just to anger people.... I have had Andrew Luck (1 start), Tony Gonzalez (2 starts) and James Jones (2 starts) ALL season long. If I cannot get valued players for these valued players then I will just keep them in case something happens. And guess what? Something happened.

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I am so happy I didn't drop Brandon Myers after Gronk's bye week. I will be rolling with Myers!


same here. gets a lot of targets on a team always behind and over the past few weeks is starting to get the tds too. could do worse.

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brady effect...

hernandez come back next wk, so they will still be able to run 1TE sets effectively.

while the pats scored a ton of pts the last 2yrs out of 2 TE sets, most of the damage done this yr has been w/ 1TE sets. this yr, the scoring has been up fro the pats O w/ 1TE sets.

so, the impact on brady should be minimal, if at all.

dont dismiss the versatility of the pats scheme and their ablity to adjust, they do it for living and do it very well.

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Maybe it isn't luck but rather foresight.


If you have two great assets, and nobody is willing to give you another great asset in return, why just give away one of your assets when they could come in handy as depth? Football is a violent game. Either you have to use that player because of injury or someone else can't use him either.


^This. I was hounded by this one owner offering up to 3 trades a week for one of my RB and couldn't understand why i would not accept 3-4 scrubs for one of my RB. When i wanted to unload Ridley(got tired of the Patriots offensive game plans) I traded with another owner who had Sproles. The guy was not happy! :headbanger:

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