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Drawing of cartoon bomb gets special-needs student suspended

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A South Carolina mother says her son was suspended for drawing a picture of a cartoon bomb at home and bringing it to school.

Amy Parham told FoxCarolina.com her 13-year-old son, Rhett, was suspended from Hillcrest Middle School after showing the drawing to classmates, who reported him to administrators.

"They actually reiterated to me they knew he was non-violent," Parham told the station. "They knew he was not actually having a bomb, creating or making a bomb. But that they could not go with out making an example of him and take some type of action because they were worried about their perception."

Rhett, who has autism, was suspended indefinitely by school administrators. Greenville County Schools spokesman Oby Lyles declined to comment on the specific case, but said a hearing would be held to determine "if the behavior is due to the student's disability."



Indoctrination complete!


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Brought to you by the Fox News Mock-Outrage Generator

Indoctrination complete!


As always feel free to prove any of my links inaccurate.

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LOL. I love how phurfur finds a new example of the exact same story every few days. God, I wish they'd find a cure for elderly erectile dysfunction so that poor bastard could get a life again.

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Indoctrination complete!


Darn schools teaching kids that bombs are bad. :mad:

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LOL. I love how phurfur finds a new example of the exact same story every few days. God, I wish they'd find a cure for elderly erectile dysfunction so that poor bastard could get a life again.

Indoctrination complete!

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Darn schools teaching kids that pictures of cartoon bombs are bad. :mad:



Indoctrination complete!

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LOL. I love how phurfur finds a new example of the exact same story every few days. God, I wish they'd find a cure for elderly erectile dysfunction so that poor bastard could get a life again.

Dyyyyum, if he's able to find these stories more frequently and more often, it kinda proves his point.


You might want to edit your sad attempt at insulting.

Dyyyyumm :doh:

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Indoctrination complete!

Schools should be teaching kids how to safely and responsibly use bombs, not to be afraid of them. :thumbsup:

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Dyyyyum, if he's able to find these stories more frequently and more often, it kinda proves his point.


You might want to edit your sad attempt at insulting.

Dyyyyumm :doh:

We all get it. Retards shooting up schools and bombing malls have made people a bit overly sensitive towards things like fake weapons and threatening Facebook posts and people drawing explosive devices. That's life in the terrorist and whacko-filled US of A. It's not changing. The good news is, phurfur and you are both free to leave if you don't like it. :wave:



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Wow, that's a greta story. It cites the mom's claim about why the suspension occurred, which is uncorroborated by any other source.


Nice job Faux News! FAIR AND BALANCED

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At least it wasn't a key chain. Selfiejr would be hiding under his bed for the next week.

And if I was a doctor, your ex would be under there with me. Sucking me dry.

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Sucking me dry.


Between your excessive tanning and nearly bald cranium, you're about as moist as unused kitty litter laying in the Sahara.

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Between your excessive tanning and nearly bald cranium, you're about as moist as unused kitty litter laying in the Sahara.


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More stupid lefty logic.


We have created a school system that suspends students for drawing a cartoon of a bomb but allows students to bully classmates to the point of suicide.


We are the Great Society!

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I agree with Phurfur, when are we going to do something about these 'tards?


Could we maybe bring back the eugenics movement, you know, from the good ol' days before the pvssification of America set in?

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More stupid lefty logic.


We have created a school system that suspends students for drawing a cartoon of a bomb but allows students to bully classmates to the point of suicide.


We are the Great Society!

They "allow" bullying? lol How on earth would you like schools to put an end to bullying?

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Phurfur trolls the fukk outta the Closetards.

I just trolled you by pretending that I was trolled by someone else. It's a move I call the 'troll roll' And you fell for it. Burn motherfucka! :banana:

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Drawings can be skeery.


Hell, a keychain had Selfie hiding under his bed for a week.

I will concede that he could have given out some major papercuts resulting in nasty infections. BAN PAPER!! :mad:

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That kid must really be retarded.



Bombs haven't looked like that since Wile E Coyote tried to blow up the RoadRunner.



He should've drawn a picture of a pressure cooker.

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What kind of retard draws a bomb in school? :mad:



Oh, wait. Nevermind. :unsure:



That kid must really be retarded.



Bombs haven't looked like that since Wile E Coyote tried to blow up the RoadRunner.



He should've drawn a picture of a pressure cooker.


Can a normal person draw a picture of a retard or will that get you suspended?

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Can a normal person draw a picture of a retard or will that get you suspended?

If I were still in school I would draw a picture of you and test your theory. :music_guitarred:

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If I were still in school I would draw a picture of you and test your theory. :music_guitarred:


I can only imagine the toothless cunts that must be hanging on your mom's wall. If I were your dad, I would have smothered you with a sharp rock.

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If you were my dad, I would have smothered myself with a sharp rock.


You must hate walking around your town wondering which one of those toothless cunts is your dad.

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I will concede that he could have given out some major papercuts resulting in nasty infections. BAN PAPER!! :mad:

If he was using crayons imported from China there is no telling what kind of chemicals they contain. Nasty infections from the paper cut are a natural result of paper cuts from this bomb drawing.


I say this kid was using chemical weapons. BAN CRAYONS!!!


We have to draw a Red Line somewhere. :mad:

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No offense,


But the united states needs to realize you cannot educate everyone. The thousands and thousands of dollars in equipment, assistance, pupil/teacher salary ratio is truly being wasted on students that will not contribute to society in any possible way. Now before you flame, I am talking the severe cases. Forcing schools to spend thousands and thousands of budget dollars for special needs kids and taking it from regular education is a big problem for me.


Nothing like having 30 kids in your class, 12 with IEPs (not part of my argument, many kids on IEPs will turn out fine), and yet I walk by the SBH room and see a teacher with 3 kids in her room one coloring, one sleeping under the desk and one surrounded by a cardboard cubicle.


Where is the dollar value in that? Its a 35k babysitter.


This is a very touchy topic, especially for parents of special needs kids. I expect to take some flak, but other countries get way more out of their educational dollar by not attempting to educate these kids till they are 22 years old

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If he was using crayons imported from China there is no telling what kind of chemicals they contain. Nasty infections from the paper cut are a natural result of paper cuts from this bomb drawing.


I say this kid was using chemical weapons. BAN CRAYONS!!!


We have to draw a Red Line somewhere. :mad:

What? Dude, you're focking losing it :wacko:

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Special needs kid gets suspended for a drawing, your solution is eugenics for "tards", and I'm losing it???? :shocking:

Mine was a joke.


Yours was the ramblings of a mad man who really needs to step away from the 'puter for a while

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