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Bill E.

Guess the Superbowl Winner, loser and Score Contest. for Megalodon Shark Tooth set.

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I need to buy one of those toofs. I loved my historical geology class in college

Historical or prehistorical.



I apologize for being an as$hole. Carry on.

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Didnt you share the story about bumping uglies with sharks in that murky water, while harvesting the teef of their ancestors?


I think that would freak me out more that being swept out to sea, to spend eternity on a desert island with Mary Ann, or Ginger!

I have been bumped into a lot and grabbed by the fin and spun around once but that is about it. i can not see a thing so I guess they can not either. i think they are just swimming blind and bump into me. The swept out to sea thing was really strange. Perfectly quiet, beautiful warm sunny day. Dolphins were swimming by. I remember thinking that I could not have picked a nicer day to get lost. It was almost peaceful except the land kept getting farther away. It was a weekday in January so there was not another boat in sight until I started seeing the Coast Guard. Now I thank them every time I see them. I had gotten complacent and relaxed some safeguards I had in place. It should never happen again.

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Congrats SkiBum, Patweisers/whoever won the other! Thanks Bill for doing this :cheers:

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Mtski you drunk fool. You won it !! Congrats. Great contest again Bill E.

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Way to go, joe public, way to call the game right. Always go against the popular opinion, especially if you can get points with your bet.

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Just a warning MTskibum, when i won my shark toof way back when, and provided an address, i had a house guest until the next SB. Notice i didnt enter this years contest. Just thought you'd like to know.

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Just a warning MTskibum, when i won my shark toof way back when, and provided an address, i had a house guest until the next SB. Notice i didnt enter this years contest. Just thought you'd like to know.


PAtweiser, the other winner, lives in cold country SC. So if SkiBum does not live in a warm area (and by his name not much chance of that) I may be back on your sofa so load up on the junk food.

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PAtweiser, the other winner, lives in cold country SC. So if SkiBum does not live in a warm area (and by his name not much chance of that) I may be back on your sofa so load up on the junk food.

You i have no problem with. You are a scuba diving badass rockstar and im pretty sure the sharks just spit their teeth out so that you arent forced to rip them out of their mouths by hand. I can double up the kids or make one of them sleep in the shed or something. It was the staff and camera crew and junk. And the groupies at all hours of the night. Im an old man, broken down physically and emotionally by BigCorporation, and i dont have the energy to be a part of the rockstar experience anymore.

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