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Sho Nuff

Private Email is bad...right?

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You ran away from that one...and thecheering CIA thing.

Not shocking you won't admit it.

National polling was actually pretty accurate as I said.

Google it...chose what source you want. Ive already posted the links...and again posted links to where I posted them.




There was the first link in a search...last time I just posted the search soyiu can pick the source...Cue whining about Washington Post rather than trying to understand the numbers they are showing.

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You still believe polls after this past year???


What I'm seeing now is dangerous. A certain segment of society has decided:

- We can't trust polls because they messed up the election.

- If the media says it, it's a lie.

- We can't trust Science anymore.

- We can't trust our intelligence agencies because they messed up WMDs in Iraq.


We all have an aversion to information that makes us uncomfortable. I get it. And by no means should we trust blindly. But anyone that points to an uncommon result as an excuse to simply dismiss historically accurate sources of information is really just being lazy.

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I say let the politicians decide what polls they want to listen to and leave us out of it and quit publishing them. Who focking cares what a possible biased poll says? It's all used as propaganda to sway people's thinking and voting. It's comical to call it "science". :thumbsdown:

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What I'm seeing now is dangerous. A certain segment of society has decided:

- We can't trust polls because they messed up the election.

- If the media says it, it's a lie.

- We can't trust Science anymore.

- We can't trust our intelligence agencies because they messed up WMDs in Iraq.


We all have an aversion to information that makes us uncomfortable. I get it. And by no means should we trust blindly. But anyone that points to an uncommon result as an excuse to simply dismiss historically accurate sources of information is really just being lazy.


- They didn't mess up an election. They tried to rig it. If you know anything about polls you could see how they over sampled certain demographics, and left out others. Some MSM (CNN) openly worked with one candidate and slandered the other. To say the media messed up is an understatement


- See above.For too long the media could say whatever they wanted and hide behind "it's an opinion piece" or offer a small retraction days or weeks later.


- Science is not fact. Peer review is an extremely flawed system.


- If you think WMD are the only time they messed up I don't know what to tell you.


The only historically 100% accurate sources of information is wikilinks.

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- They didn't mess up an election. They tried to rig it. If you know anything about polls you could see how they over sampled certain demographics, and left out others. Some MSM (CNN) openly worked with one candidate and slandered the other. To say the media messed up is an understatement


- See above.For too long the media could say whatever they wanted and hide behind "it's an opinion piece" or offer a small retraction days or weeks later.


- Science is not fact. Peer review is an extremely flawed system.


- If you think WMD are the only time they messed up I don't know what to tell you.


The only historically 100% accurate sources of information is wikilinks.

This past week, Wikileaks says Chelsea Manning was not a traitor and Trump was wrong to label her so..... and they also labeled Trumps refusal to release tax returns an issue important enough to ask the public for help getting them.


Shocked you consider this 100% accurate.

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This past week, Wikileaks says Chelsea Manning was not a traitor and Trump was wrong to label her so..... and they also labeled Trumps refusal to release tax returns an issue important enough to ask the public for help getting them.


Shocked you consider this 100% accurate.


Wikileak actually said, Trump is wrong. Manning was found innocent of "aiding the enemy" & Pentagon admitted under oath no-one harmed


And his taxes are an important issue to some (not me). It was brought up multiple times during the debate and campaign. So wiki is correct to say so. It's just some people like me don't care if he paid zero taxes.


In conclusion wikileaks still 100% accurate and trust worthy.

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Wikileak actually said, Trump is wrong. Manning was found innocent of "aiding the enemy" & Pentagon admitted under oath no-one harmed


And his taxes are an important issue to some (not me). It was brought up multiple times during the debate and campaign. So wiki is correct to say so. It's just some people like me don't care if he paid zero taxes.


In conclusion wikileaks still 100% accurate and trust worthy.

Keeping in mind you are against news orginizations hiding behind "it's an opinion piece.", and you claim Wikileaks is 100% accurate...


When Manning's sentence was commuted, wikileaks announced it as "VICTORY: Obama commutes Chelsea Manning sentence from 35 years to 7. Release date now May 17."......Victory?


They've said "Commuting Manning's sentence is not enough."...so that's 100% accurate?


"Trump's breach of promise over the release of his tax returns is even more gratuitous than Clinton concealing her Goldman Sachs transcripts.".....agreed.


It's a hint that Wikileaks doesn't work unless they are fighting the power. Now the conservatives have the power and they will be the target. So it was dumb to go on record saying they are 100% accurate and trustworthy.

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Keeping in mind you are against news orginizations hiding behind "it's an opinion piece.", and you claim Wikileaks is 100% accurate...


When Manning's sentence was commuted, wikileaks announced it as "VICTORY: Obama commutes Chelsea Manning sentence from 35 years to 7. Release date now May 17."......Victory?


They've said "Commuting Manning's sentence is not enough."...so that's 100% accurate?


"Trump's breach of promise over the release of his tax returns is even more gratuitous than Clinton concealing her Goldman Sachs transcripts.".....agreed.


It's a hint that Wikileaks doesn't work unless they are fighting the power. Now the conservatives have the power and they will be the target. So it was dumb to go on record saying they are 100% accurate and trustworthy.


Why? Oh I get it, you believe I think republicans are infallible and don't do anything wrong. When Trump said drain the swamp he was talking about both parties. If wikileaks find something on Trump at best I'll be disappointed and at worst I'll be mad. WHEN they find something on republicans I will be glad, because ALL corruption should be brought to light and stomped out.


That's where I stand. Sorry to burst your bubble.

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Bush White House e-mail controversy – During the Lawyergate investigation it was discovered that the Bush administration used Republican National Committee (RNC) web servers for millions of emails which were then destroyed, lost or deleted in possible violation of the Presidential Records Act and the Hatch Act. George W. Bush, Cheney, Karl Rove, Andrew Card, Sara Taylor and Scott Jennings all used RNC webservers for the majority of their emails. Of 88 officials investigated, 51 showed no emails at all.[106] As many as 5 million e-mails requested by Congressional investigators were therefore unavailable, lost, or deleted.[107]

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If you think that's interesting, you should read up on the Awan brothers. Now that's a tangled web.

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It is obvious that everything the Trump Administration does is way over the heads of the Lefties. It is remarkable how clueless they are.


This may be a reason

Indroctrination the process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically

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It is obvious that everything the Trump Administration does is way over the heads of the Lefties. It is remarkable how clueless they are.


This may be a reason

Indroctrination the process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically

That you claim to be a libertarian yet blow Trump every chance you get is hilarious.

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Governor Pence used personal email for state business -





Sho - You might want to append the thread title.

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I hope there is exactly 6000 gay porn subscriptions in that email of that self righteous loser

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Sigh... jesus you guys just don't get it do you? It's okay to have a private email. It's not okay to use that private email to send classified government information to your house keeper and have her print it.

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Sigh... jesus you guys just don't get it do you? It's okay to have a private email. It's not okay to use that private email to send classified government information to your house keeper and have her print it.

But it makes running a Pay for Play operation a whole lot easier. No oversight.

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