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Filthy Fernadez

FBI opening investigation into Clinton Foundation and reopening email probe...

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Jailing your political opponents is one of those litmus tests.


If youre for it: youre a dangerous idiot who focking sucks.




Glad you self identified. You supporting the investigation into Trump that was initiated by Hillary and political operatives in the DOJ/FBI qualifies you as being the dangerous idiot who focking sucks.



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Glad you self identified. You supporting the investigation into Trump that was initiated by Hillary and political operatives in the DOJ/FBI qualifies you as being the dangerous idiot who focking sucks.




Oof! That's going to leave a mark, FF!

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Jailing your political opponents is one of those litmus tests.


If youre for it: youre a dangerous idiot who focking sucks.




Hey Dipsh*t,


Correct me if I'm wrong. In order for Hitlery to be jailed she'd have to be TRIED in front of a JURY of her PEERS. Ever wonder why I don't believe you're a lawyer? Maybe it's because your posts show a glaring lack of understanding of how the law actually works.

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You're not better than the folks wanting criminals prosecuted for their crimes.


It's laughable you even try to defend those investigations.

Wow, you really have gone full Hannity huh? LOL



Well clearly, Trey Gowdy was a full-on liberal pink hat wearing Hillary lover. LOL


Whatever keeps your blood pressure down.

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Hey Dipsh*t,


Correct me if I'm wrong. In order for Hitlery to be jailed she'd have to be TRIED in front of a JURY of her PEERS. Ever wonder why I don't believe you're a lawyer? Maybe it's because your posts show a glaring lack of understanding of how the law actually works.


Actually he seems like just the kind of person who'd defend the indefensible....................as long as the perp is a Democrat (which is usually the case).

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Wow, the tinfoil hats around here. There was a fire at her house! Do you know where else fire is? Pizza ovens! Is it true she's really running a peedophile pizza parlor out of her home?


Well, I bet that's what's in all those missing emails!

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Wow, you really have gone full Hannity huh? LOL



Well clearly, Trey Gowdy was a full-on liberal pink hat wearing Hillary lover. LOL


Whatever keeps your blood pressure down.


My blood pressure is fine. Your girl Hillary and Barry's crew are finally facing the music.


Weep bitterly after you masturbate tonight. Big boys do cry sometimes.

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Remember when all those missing emails on Huma and weiners computers we're going to be THE very Missing Link that guys like filthy and Hannity were just jerking off to furiously?




And then they weren't..

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Remember when all those missing emails on Huma and weiners computers we're going to be THE very Missing Link that guys like filthy and Hannity were just jerking off to furiously?




And then they weren't..


Guess you're missing out on current events. Those emails are a big part of why the email investigation is being opened back up. Further evidence of their criminal actions although the sloppy cover up attempted by the FBI/DOJ pretty much negated the need for those.


Strike two

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Glad you self identified. You supporting the investigation into Trump that was initiated by Hillary and political operatives in the DOJ/FBI qualifies you as being the dangerous idiot who focking sucks.




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Guess you're missing out on current events. Those emails are a big part of why the email investigation is being opened back up. Further evidence of their criminal actions although the sloppy cover up attempted by the FBI/DOJ pretty much negated the need for those.


Strike two

Wow. Lots of ignorant here.


First off, if it was the FBI trying so hard to protect Hilary, tell me why it was the FBI that seized these computers and also announced that they were opening the investigation prior to the election? It's either one or the other. Either the FBI was the driver of this or they were trying to protect her.


Second, they went through the emails. Remember? Because they brought in a ton of people to do so before the election and everybody was waiting with bated breath.


The worst they found was that emails that were not marked as confidential had information buried within them that could be deemed confidential. Which is why Huma was not charged. They couldn't prove intent because not a single one of those emails was marked confidential as per long-standing government protocols.


Close analogy is you passing $100 bill. Turns out there were elements in that hundred dollar bill that were counterfeit but you had no idea that the thing was. Or at least there is no way to prove that you knew it was counterfeit.


So, bottom line, they've already looked at all the emails. They would have to go back and make a change in judgment about intent. Which would be really difficult to do.


If there was some vast Trove of unread emails just waiting to be read that would be one thing. But there just isn't any more. Just because you don't like the outcome, doesn't mean it's the wrong one.

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Dumb it down. It's like I said before.


They need to find an email from Hillary saying Burn It Down! Which they haven't and they didn't. Which is why Trey Gowdy and Company couldn't go any further.


Or buying that, they need to find a shitload of officially designated confidential documents that are floating around willy-nilly. Again, they couldn't do that. And what confused the Hannity types is that there are many emails around the White House and state department and Treasury and everywhere else that have bits and pieces of what could be confidential information, but are not designated as such for various reasons. Initial investigation from Congress, I think they found a sum total of maybe 6 documents that might have met the requirement? Not exactly a pattern of malfeasance or criminality given the volume involved.


Last, you guys don't see that this is all being brought up as the mueller investigation gets closer and closer? Coincidence?


It's a shiny object for you guys. That's it. They're not going to find any differently than they found when they controlled the investigations the last six times.

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Last, it's disappointing that they couldn't get her while she still held office years ago. Then at least they could have forced her termination, resignation.


Now? What? Was there an arrangement to put emails on an unsecured server just like Colin Powell did? And then to tell the king of Botswana to go find that unsecured server? That seems like a bit of a reach, no?

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"If that bastard wins we'll all hang from nooses".- Crooked Hillary

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"If that bastard wins we'll all hang from nooses".- Crooked Hillary

You realize that's a myth, right? LOL


The internet is your friend. Some hack site named victurus libertas cited a politico article except for the fact that Politico never ever had any description of event like that.


...they're also big on psedopizza. They've been proven so wrong so many times, they make Alex Jones look like Abraham Lincoln. LOL

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Now, if you want actual quotes? Let's go to November 22nd 2016.


Trump said among other things that he didn't want to pursue investigation into Hillary. That the Clinton Foundation had done good work. That the matter had a been investigated Ad nauseam. (I can't believe he actually knew that term.) And that is time to move on.


Now, what's changed since then?


... Mueller???

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Now, if you want actual quotes? Let's go to November 22nd 2016.


Trump said among other things that he didn't want to pursue investigation into Hillary. That the Clinton Foundation had done good work. That the matter had a been investigated Ad nauseam. (I can't believe he actually knew that term.) And that is time to move on.


Now, what's changed since then?


... Mueller???


And Mueller filled his staff with all HRC sycophants and zealous anti-trumpers. Maybe that's what changed because it is clear beyond any doubt that the investigation is biased.

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Wow. Lots of ignorant here.


First off, if it was the FBI trying so hard to protect Hilary, tell me why it was the FBI that seized these computers and also announced that they were opening the investigation prior to the election? It's either one or the other. Either the FBI was the driver of this or they were trying to protect her.


The worst they found was that emails that were not marked as confidential had information buried within them that could be deemed confidential. Which is why Huma was not charged. They couldn't prove intent because not a single one of those emails was marked confidential as per long-standing government protocols.


So, bottom line, they've already looked at all the emails. They would have to go back and make a change in judgment about intent. Which would be really difficult to do.

Speaking of ignorance.....you toss around absolutes like the best of them


The rank and file FBI IS interested in going after criminals i.e. Hillary. The leadership i.e. Comey, McCabe, Strzok are not. The field does the work, finds the evidence and gives it to the leadership who as the evidence clearly shows downplayed it BEFORE interviewing people. We know that by Comey's original draft indicating evidence of criminal activity. That got watered down to clear her.


Then Huma and Mills were given immunity then turned around and lied (which negated immunity). Hillary was interviewed but not under oath and no recording done of it. Strange.


Once Weiners' laptop is found to have classified info on it AND Comey is kept out of loop for two weeks by NY field office he reopens investigation. This is done to give appearance of an investigation then again gets shutdown just days later.


And there is evidence that some were clearly marked classified. However, if you knew what you're talking about, you'd know the person accessing information is resposible for knowing the classification of the material i.e. ignorance is no excuse.


And making a change in intent is simple. Emails exists showing knowledge of it by all. Evidence under supeona/request for retainment was destroyed and equipment smashed. That's obstruction with clear intent indicating crimes were committed yet FBI obstructed justice.


Whole lotta charges could and should be brought.

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Now, if you want actual quotes? Let's go to November 22nd 2016.


Trump said among other things that he didn't want to pursue investigation into Hillary. That the Clinton Foundation had done good work. That the matter had a been investigated Ad nauseam. (I can't believe he actually knew that term.) And that is time to move on.


Now, what's changed since then?


... Mueller???

No, the IG investjgation revealed how corrupt the FBI/DOJ actually was. He only found out November 17th, 2016 that Trump Tower was bugged (NSA Director Mike Rogers visited Trump without telling Clapper) and next day he moves transition team out of Trump Tower.


A lot has come to light from then til now. Now we know Hillary/DNC paid for the Dossier i.e. Strzok's insurance plan know as the Russian Collusion investigation. We also know there's an FBI informant on Uranium One deal that has been silenced by DOJ's Lynch with NDA.


Peeling back the layers is what changed, not Mueller. At the heart of all those corrupt layers, we find it was Hillary that tried her best to rig the election with the FBI/DOJ assidsting to coverup their own crimes of obstruction/illegal surveiellance.


It's over wiff. Slink away with the tattered remains of your integrity.

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You realize that's a myth, right? LOL


The internet is your friend. Some hack site named victurus libertas cited a politico article except for the fact that Politico never ever had any description of event like that.


...they're also big on psedopizza. They've been proven so wrong so many times, they make Alex Jones look like Abraham Lincoln. LOL

Sure it is.


She was p!ssed at Lauer for not sticking to skftball questions and she swore he'd pay for it. Where's he now?

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Jesus, may be a while before Worms climbs out of his hole...



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Jesus, may be a while before Worms climbs out of his hole...



How is that different than any other time he opens his mouth?

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Hey Dipsh*t,


Correct me if I'm wrong. In order for Hitlery to be jailed she'd have to be TRIED in front of a JURY of her PEERS. Ever wonder why I don't believe you're a lawyer? Maybe it's because your posts show a glaring lack of understanding of how the law actually works.


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And Mueller filled his staff with all HRC sycophants and zealous anti-trumpers. Maybe that's what changed because it is clear beyond any doubt that the investigation is biased.

You mean, the one guy and his girlfriend that Mueller immediately fired! Damn you guys are dim. Wouldn't you want the guy that fires people who criticize Trump?


Oh my God everybody everybody hates Trump! WaaaaH!!!


No, actually, there's more people on the Trump staff who publicly insulted Trump then this one guy and his girlfriend.



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Sure it is.


She was p!ssed at Lauer for not sticking to skftball questions and she swore he'd pay for it. Where's he now?

Oh my god. Lol

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Hannity said German squirrels hate Trump. And where do squirrels live? And where was Hillary found?


And Mueller Is a German name!


And weren't squirrels displaced by Trump Tower?


My God, this is huge!

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wiff tries some new alcohol, staggers into this thread trying to minimize the FBI/DOJ's ckveri ng up Hillary's crimes and gets obliterated. He never readdresses points after an a$$beating but a page or two later tries again. Wash rinse repeat.

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