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Filthy Fernadez

Woman who protested deportation of migrants raped by Afghan migrant.

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Ok, anybody having such a tragedy, even though it was easily prevented.


It just seems like the conservatives around here love to laugh at peoples misfortune and are generally hateful angry people.


more like we just don't give a damn


people are raped and killed everyday, but I find it funny when people fight for these refugees as good people only to get it literally shoved back down their throat

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more like we just don't give a damn


people are raped and killed everyday, but I find it funny when people fight for these refugees as good people only to get it literally shoved back down their throat


I find karma funny in an ironic kind of way. People get very liberal with their beliefs until it impacts them.


Against the death penalty until one of their loved ones gets molested, raped or murdered.


Believe in open borders til one of the immigrants molests, rapes or kills one of their loved ones (or in this case, themselves).



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I find karma funny in an ironic kind of way. People get very liberal with their beliefs until it impacts them.


Against the death penalty until one of their loved ones gets molested, raped or murdered.


Believe in open borders til one of the immigrants molests, rapes or kills one of their loved ones (or in this case, themselves).



Someone raped himself?

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Someone raped himself?



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I find karma funny in an ironic kind of way. People get very liberal with their beliefs until it impacts them.


Against the death penalty until one of their loved ones gets molested, raped or murdered.


Believe in open borders til one of the immigrants molests, rapes or kills one of their loved ones (or in this case, themselves).







And then, on top that, they then try to play a different angle, rather than say, "ya know...the right was right on this one".

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more like we just don't give a damn


people are raped and killed everyday, but I find it funny when people fight for these refugees as good people only to get it literally shoved back down their throat

I get the usual tone around here, but damn. We have one thread where numerous posters spit on John McCain and wish him death and a fast trip to hell.


Another post in a thread advocates rounding up and executing homeless people.


This one laughs at a woman who was raped.


I mean damn. Yeah, the girl made some real dumb decisions. She paid the price. She has my sympathy. And yeah, I would hope that her case, and many others, would show people that certain polices are not a good idea.


But weve all made mistakes and weve all taken the lumps that came with them. Its the human condition. Glorying and saying I told you so over it is pretty petty and juvenile.


More and more I find myself agreeing with the right. The left has gone completely lunatic crazy. But the right would probably win more concerts if they could be a little more understanding and caring and a little less Fock em, they had it coming about everything.

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put it this way TTB


I feel bad for someone getting raped, but if its going to happen this seems like a fitting suspect


I don't feel bad when someone dies, but I do feel bad if they are in pain


I think something needs to be done about the homeless, but I don't think anyone actually thinks they should be killed

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I get the usual tone around here, but damn. We have one thread where numerous posters spit on John McCain and wish him death and a fast trip to hell.


Another post in a thread advocates rounding up and executing homeless people.


This one laughs at a woman who was raped.


I mean damn. Yeah, the girl made some real dumb decisions. She paid the price. She has my sympathy. And yeah, I would hope that her case, and many others, would show people that certain polices are not a good idea.


But weve all made mistakes and weve all taken the lumps that came with them. Its the human condition. Glorying and saying I told you so over it is pretty petty and juvenile.


More and more I find myself agreeing with the right. The left has gone completely lunatic crazy. But the right would probably win more concerts if they could be a little more understanding and caring and a little less Fock em, they had it coming about everything.

Why would I be caring and understanding towards a person that would gladly subject all of us to these animals in our midst so she could feel morally superior? The jig is up on these frauds. Fock em.

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Ok, anybody having such a tragedy, even though it was easily prevented.


It just seems like the conservatives around here love to laugh at peoples misfortune and are generally hateful angry people.


I humbly submit that you are viewing this through a liberal lens. It isn't unlike the reactions lefties here have when the kid of some gun owner accidentally kills himself. Jeebus man, this is the Geek Club. What do you think the response will be in this case?


I also still maintain that nobody here is actually happy that she got raped. If I'm wrong, anyone who is can go fock themselves, that's inhuman. :cheers:

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A 57-year-old man in Oklahoma is dead after a rattlesnake bit him twice, his wife said.


While driving in Osage County on Sunday, Barry Lester saw a rattlesnake in the middle of the road and decided to stop to move the serpent out of the way, the Tulsa World reported.


But while attempting to move the rattler, he was bitten -- twice.


“It bit his left hand, and then he put it in his right and it bit that hand too,” Lester's wife, Roberta, told the newspaper.



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Did anybody ever answer my question about how she gets anally raped and her boobs molested at the same time?


Were they playing naked twister?

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