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Con~sticktutional Carry....the unlicensed carry of handguns

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He thinks there is a real need for it.


There may be a new gun fight at the Texas Capitol next year.


State Rep. Jonathan Stickland has filed a bill to allow Constitutional Carry to let any Texan who legally owns a handgun carry it openly or concealed without first getting a permit across the state.


It is a major legislative priority for the Republican Party and very popular with my constituents, said Stickland, R-Bedford. I think theres a real need for it.


Texans have long been able to openly carry rifles and shotguns without a license except in places where carrying long guns is specifically outlawed.


As for handguns, laws have evolved to let gun owners carry handguns openly or concealed, in most areas of the state, including some college campuses.


But they need a License to Carry, which requires Texans to undergo training and pay a fee to have the license.


This bill will make License to Carry optional, Stickland said. We would no longer require a license to carry a gun in Texas.


This proposal, which comes in the wake of deadly school shootings and proposed school safety plans, could be part of a bigger safety discussion in the legislative session that begins Jan. 8.


Opponents say a majority of Texans are not calling for this change.


Unlicensed carry is out of the mainstream, said Marsha McCartney, a spokeswoman for the Texas chapter of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. It is not what Texans want.


Maybe (Stickland) should pay a little attention to what they do want.


Stickland filed bills to allow constitutional carry in Texas in both 2015 and 2017, but they were overshadowed by other gun proposals.


The measure last year made it farther than in the past, being heard in a committee hearing, although it never reached the Texas House floor.


After the proposal died, we made a decision, as much as we can, to help Texas pass constitutional carry next year, Tim Macy, chairman of Gun Owners of America, said during the Republican Party of Texas state convention in June. We will use resources ... to push the Legislature and governor (to make law) constitutional carry.


Republicans long have had the call for constitutional carry in their partys platform, an outline of party beliefs that candidates do not always follow and are not bound by.


He said he believes it will gain support from more Republicans and a growing number of Democrats.



They understand that when you have to pay a fee and take a test for your rights, thats hurting minorities more than anything else.


But that doesnt mean such a proposal will pass the Texas Legislature this year, McCartney said.


I would suggest to Mr. Stickland that he try really hard to get in with the mainstream, McCartney said. He didnt get even 50 percent during this election.


That means there are a whole lot of people who dont agree with him.


Stickland won his re-election bid with 49.83 percent, to Democratic challenger Steve Riddells 47.40 percent and Libertarian Eric P. Espinozas 2.75 percent.


Stickland, who noted that he didnt really even campaign in his re-election bid, believes this bill will go farther in 2019 than it did last year.


I think its the year it can pass the House, Stickland said. And I highly doubt (Lt. Gov.) Dan Patrick will want it dying in the Senate.



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"He said he believes it will gain support from more Republicans and a growing number of Democrats.



They understand that when you have to pay a fee and take a test for your rights, thats hurting minorities more than anything else."


Solid troll.

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"He said he believes it will gain support from more Republicans and a growing number of Democrats.

They understand that when you have to pay a fee and take a test for your rights, thats hurting minorities more than anything else."

Solid troll.

If ID for voting is above their paygrade, then how is ID for a gun a fair practice. Just saying. :dunno:

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In all seriousness, that tub of blub couldnt protect himself from a buffet, let alone have the dexterity to protect him or his family from an armed assailant. Would be harder to miss the broad side of a bus, than his fat ass.

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In all seriousness, that tub of blub couldnt protect himself from a buffet, let alone have the dexterity to protect him or his family from an armed assailant. Would be harder to miss the broad side of a bus, than his fat ass.

And yet he accomplishes more than you will ever hope to.

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And yet he accomplishes more than you will ever hope to.

And somehow Im still looking at you in the rear view mirror. :dunno:

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Please. He's a legislator. It's a parasite that doesn't when have it's dignity.

And what position do you hold in Chiner?

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And what position do you hold in Chiner?

Not claiming I've accomplished sh!t. I just don't personally have much reverence for legislators. I'm sure stick is a nice fellow, even though I find his politics loathesome.

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Not claiming I've accomplished sh!t. I just don't personally have much reverence for legislators. I'm sure stick is a nice fellow, even though I find his politics loathesome.

Understood. But, not everyone can go from community organizer to Senator to President in a few short years. Most have to earn it. ;)

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Is this the guy that Volty told me about that use to post here?

Yep. :doublethumbsup:

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Pretty cool. Now the animosity towards him makes sense. Jealous people. :wacko:

Don't get it wrong. ~stick was an idiot.


Tried to take hidden pics of his fat wife and pass them off as someone from work that he was thinking of focking.


The best was when he came back and deletored every single post he ever made because someone from the person he was running against found this shithole. Good times, good times. :overhead:

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Don't get it wrong. ~stick was an idiot.


Tried to take hidden pics of his fat wife and pass them off as someone from work that he was thinking of focking.


The best was when he came back and deletored every single post he ever made because someone from the person he was running against found this shithole. Good times, good times. :overhead:


I thought he got completely busted on that. He is still in office?

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I thought he got completely busted on that. He is still in office?

Did you completely skip the op? :doh:

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