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Alias Detective

Who has been hypnotized?

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I have never been but my half sister said she was at a county fair or someplace like that. She had a video of it. I wasn't buying it though. 

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I still think its a farce.  Even when friends and family "appear" to be hypnotized, I think its some sort of conspiracy joke being played on me. 


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Johnny Carson tricked a voodoo-magician.  

From WIKI: 

In 1973, magician, television personality, and self-proclaimed psychic Uri Geller appeared on The Tonight Show. In the NOVA documentary, James Randi - Secrets of the Psychics, magician and skeptical activist James Randi says that Carson "had been a magician himself and was skeptical" of Geller's claimed paranormal powers, so prior to the date of taping, Randi was asked "to help prevent any trickery." Per Randi's advice, the show prepared their own props without informing Geller, and did not let Geller or his staff "anywhere near them." When Geller joined Carson on stage, he appeared surprised that he was not going to be interviewed, but instead was expected to display his abilities using the provided articles. Geller said "This scares me." and "I'm surprised because before this program your producer came and he read me at least 40 questions you were going to ask me." Geller was unable to display any paranormal abilities, saying "I don't feel strong" and he expressed his displeasure at feeling like he was being "pressed" to perform by Carson.[21]:8:10 According to Adam Higginbotham's November 7, 2014 article in the New York Times:

The result was a legendary immolation, in which Geller offered up flustered excuses to his host as his abilities failed him again and again. "I sat there for 22 minutes, humiliated," Geller told me, when I spoke to him in September. "I went back to my hotel, devastated. I was about to pack up the next day and go back to Tel Aviv. I thought, That's it — I'm destroyed."[22]


Here is the video from the Tonight Show with Carson:


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52 minutes ago, KayJay1971 said:

I have never been but my half sister said she was at a county fair or someplace like that. She had a video of it. I wasn't buying it though. 

Why buy it? The vid is free on PornHub. :banana: 

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Lol there are people who still think hypnotism is real? Like people over 12? No friggin way. You think a guy can just snap his fingers and make you bark like a dog and hop on one foot etc because he waved a watch in front of your foot or tapped your neck the right way? Its parlor tricks people, it’s theater. No one has magical powers lol. 

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complete and utter farce, totally bullchit.


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