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WOW. What a show

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I've been wanting to see TSO for 2 decades now. Something always comes up for the couple shows they're in my area. No money, other plans, work, ect.

Finally saw them last night with the Mrs. 

What a show. Played for about 3 hours. It was amazing. All the hype in my head. It definitely lived up to it. The wifey wants to go again next year (She didn't even know what/who it was). Ahhhh hell ya. We're going back.

If you've never seen them. Go! Have a nice dinner, see the show. You'll have a blast. Definitely worth a nice night out.


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I saw them 10-15 years ago, agreed it was awesome.  Great music and light show (unless you are sensitive to strobes, in which case you'll have a massive seizure :D ).

I play Christmas Eve and Other Stories (their first album) a million times every year.  Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24 is the song everyone knows, but I love the beginning (An Angel Came Down) and the end (An Angel Returned) of the story.  My favorite song is An Old City Bar, it brings a tear to my eye whenever I hear it.  I sometimes think of @wiffleballlistening to it, I hope he doesn't mind.  :cheers: 

Typing this, I think I'll branch out and play more of their other stuff this Christmas season.  :thumbsup:


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1 hour ago, posty said:

I have always wanted to see them as well...  Them and 2Cellos...

There's always room for Cello !

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Meh..>saw them once.  They were Ok, but no need to see them again.  I thought they were kinda...meh

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