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AZ Brings Back 160 Year Old Abortion Ban

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52 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

Red tie folks have gotten over their skiis with this subject. Blue tie folks are thankful for the lifeline. This is a big political for GOP.

I see them adjusting their course, as are the Democrats, both seem to realize they have to stop being crazy for a little while

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40 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

Good luck with this states rights  argument.

Exhibit A.

It's not an argument.  It's a SCOTUS ruling.


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5 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

This argument makes no sense, People should not be allowed to vote about fundamental rights. I don’t care if it’s the federal government, state government or a small village. You don’t get to vote on this. 

If abortion is murder, then it’s murder and a majority of people voting otherwise doesn’t make it OK. If a woman should have the right to choose what she wants with her own body, then she has that right and a majority of people voting otherwise doesn’t make a restriction OK. 

We had this exact same debate over slavery before the Civil War. A bunch of people who were trying to put off the fundamental issue said “let’s let each state decide for itself”. It was called Popular Sovereignty. It doesn’t work because you cant let mob rule decide the fate of individuals. 

No kidding dumbazz!  I've said Day 1, about abortion, that it doesn't belong in the government purview.  It's a medical issue... it's a form of elective surgery.  That's where it belongs.  If a woman wants a boob job, she pays for it.  If Dad is fat and wants lypo, he pays for it.  It's all the same thing.  For some stupid reason, this became a political football.  If the degenerate wants to kill her kid, let her go to the doctor and have him kill it for her... then she can pay the bill.

I'm willing to bet that if a Trump made that an EO, the only people upset would be Democrats.... of course, but overall, the country would be happy.  If it were Biden (God help us if that scumbag piece of trash wins), then it'll be Republican's who are upset.  It's the way our country is these days... thanks to Democrats circa 2007 with their political ideology bull crap.

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38 minutes ago, MDC said:

I didn’t say the mom has to be the winner. I said your complaints about paying for it short sighted because not paying for it will cost more in the long run. HTH

You did when you said the government pays for it.  In that scenario, she no longer has to bare the responsibility of her actions and is free to go around being a on the governments dime.  Make her pay the money and be done with it.  Here's the kicker... in the end, it'll end up being covered by medical insurance (though, government funded insurance should not cover it).

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6 minutes ago, Jose M said:

You're one of those guys that thinks if he says things over and over it makes it true.

IF it turns out to be a huge loser for the GOP it's because there are a bunch of dumb liberal and independent voters that aren't smart enough understand they actually control their own destiny.         

The ONLY reason you're seeing a GOP shift now is BECAUSE it's a big loser.  That's undeniable.

AND, people controlled their own destiny BEFORE Roe was overturned.  They had the decision to have an abortion or not.  Now that it sits with the states, it's up to their state legislatures and the only control they have now is with their own vote IF the question shows up on the ballot, or IF the candidate gets elected AND they have enough votes to affect legislation.  Until ANY of that happens, NO Control.

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2 minutes ago, Ron_Artest said:

The ONLY reason you're seeing a GOP shift now is BECAUSE it's a big loser.  That's undeniable.

I think the shift is because The BOSS sent down the rules.

You may be right though, there are a A LOT of dumb liberal and independent voters out there.

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1 minute ago, Jose M said:

I think the shift is because The BOSS sent down the rules.

You may be right though, there are a A LOT of dumb liberal and independent voters out there.

THE BOSS? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

How old are you?

Why did THE BOSS change the rules?

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2 hours ago, Jose M said:

I'm not arguing anything.  I'm pointing out how dumb the article was that you posted.  

Republicans want it both ways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    🤣

Hookers call that half and half, or so I've heard.

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9 minutes ago, Ron_Artest said:

THE BOSS? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

How old are you?

Why did THE BOSS change the rules?

Look, if you don't think Trump isn't running the Republican party you're as dumb as a box of rocks.

If you think a lady's man like Trump ever was 100% against abortion you're dumber than a box of rocks.

If common sense solutions and letting the states decide what that is threatens your femininity I feel sorry for you.


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2 hours ago, Jose M said:

⬆️  Scream at the sky guy.

It's going to be on the ballot in AZ in November.  The people get to decide.  BFD.  

Just like SCOTUS and Trump said.  


The BFD to you is that this will rally a lot of voters in AZ who otherwise wouldn't have bothered to go vote for Joe Biden, because he is as exciting as a pile of dirt.  But while they are voting for abortion, they'll toss Biden a vote.  And walla, we are officially blue in AZ.

The additional BFD to me is that this will put into our constitution the right to kill your unborn baby until viability, currently 23-24 weeks. ( I'm not sure how they are going to manage that).  It seemed on a trajectory to lose, but now, notsomuch.

AZ Reps (who control our legislature) need to get their heads out of their asses and pass a law allowing abortion up to a reasonable time, say, 15 weeks like the last one that got overturned.  Diffuse this situation, get a better outcome, both for abortion and for POTUS election.  I doubt they will tho. :(


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15 minutes ago, Jose M said:

Look, if you don't think Trump isn't running the Republican party you're as dumb as a box of rocks.

If you think a lady's man like Trump ever was 100% against abortion you're dumber than a box of rocks.

If common sense solutions and letting the states decide what that is threatens your femininity I feel sorry for you.


Of course Trump runs the party, It's just funny to see you call him THE BOSS like a teenage fanboy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Ladies man? 🤣 Maybe rapist but OK.  More teenage fanboy I guess.  Do you have his poster on your wall? 🤣🤣🤣

Of course Trump was pro-abortion.  He was a democrat way back when.  But in order to get power and stay in power he made a deal with the right and evangelicals specifically.  He could get power by delivering tax cuts and SC nominations that would overturn Roe, and that's what he did.

Now that abortion is a big loser for him, he's changing course again, at least publicly, and he's trying to have it both ways.  He's trying to take credit for overturning Roe while saying it's up to the states to decide.

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5 minutes ago, Ron_Artest said:

he's trying to have it both ways. 

Full Circle!

2 hours ago, Jose M said:

I'm not arguing anything.  I'm pointing out how dumb the article was that you posted.  

Republicans want it both ways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    🤣

Those two things aren't mutually exclusive.  Not even close.

Imagine a grown asss man using the term "fanboy".  :lol:

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39 minutes ago, Jose M said:

Look, if you don't think Trump isn't running the Republican party you're as dumb as a box of rocks.

If you think a lady's man like Trump ever was 100% against abortion you're dumber than a box of rocks.

If common sense solutions and letting the states decide what that is threatens your femininity I feel sorry for you.


Letting the states decide is not a “common sense solution”; it’s a disaster, and it’s going to crush “The Boss” in November. 

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I remember when “The Boss” used to refer to Bruce Springsteen. Now it refers to an incompetent cowardly rapist traitor  who is destined for years in prison. What depressing times we live in. 

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5 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Letting the states decide is not a “common sense solution”; it’s a disaster, and it’s going to crush “The Boss” in November. 

Hey limpwrist, it's spelled "The BOSS".  

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1 hour ago, Jose M said:

You're one of those guys that thinks if he says things over and over it makes it true.

IF it turns out to be a huge loser for the GOP it's because there are a bunch of dumb liberal and independent voters that aren't smart enough understand they actually control their own destiny.         

It has already been a loser for them. Why do you think they are in panic mode on the messaging?

Good luck Jose!

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1 hour ago, Jose M said:

Exhibit A.

It's not an argument.  It's a SCOTUS ruling.


This is now a states right thing. You are dumb. 

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1 hour ago, RLLD said:

I see them adjusting their course, as are the Democrats, both seem to realize they have to stop being crazy for a little while

The orange leader who parades them around has gone from a federal ban to states decide in a few weeks. He’s no dummy. He’ll change that up depending on who is in the room but this is the latest. 

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26 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

I remember when “The Boss” used to refer to Bruce Springsteen. Now it refers to an incompetent cowardly rapist traitor  who is destined for years in prison. What depressing times we live in. 

Hey, a little time in prison for Bruce to contemplate "Mary Queen of Arkansas" wouldn't be a bad thing 

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1 hour ago, TBayXXXVII said:

You did when you said the government pays for it.  In that scenario, she no longer has to bare the responsibility of her actions and is free to go around being a on the governments dime.  Make her pay the money and be done with it.  Here's the kicker... in the end, it'll end up being covered by medical insurance (though, government funded insurance should not cover it).

The government subsidizes abortion providers. I don’t know if they’re outright paying for anyone’s abortions. But they probably should, because it would cost less in the long run.

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23 minutes ago, Jose M said:

Hey limpwrist, it's spelled "The BOSS".  

Is that what you call him 😂

So cucked!

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8 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

The orange leader who parades them around has gone from a federal ban to states decide in a few weeks. He’s no dummy. He’ll change that up depending on who is in the room but this is the latest. 

Agree.  He is starting to finally behave like a standard politician....maybe he has learned, or is just listening to political advisors.

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17 minutes ago, RLLD said:

Agree.  He is starting to finally behave like a standard politician....maybe he has learned, or is just listening to political advisors.

He’s always just said whatever he wants to whatever crowd he’s in front of. Much more so than typical politicians.

The flip flopping stuff never stuck to him because he’s like Elvis to his fans 😂

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40 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

The orange leader who parades them around has gone from a federal ban to states decide in a few weeks.


In January 2023 Trump addressed the mid-term issues.


“It was the ‘abortion issue,’ poorly handled by many Republicans, especially those that firmly insisted on No Exceptions, even in the case of Rape, Incest, or Life of the Mother, that lost large numbers of Voters.”

In September 2023 Trump said he would be a voice of consensus on abortion.


“Let me just tell you what I’d do, I’m going to come together with all groups, and we’re going to have something that’s acceptable.”

In February 2024 the Trump campaign responded to reports about a national ban as


"Fake News"

It was the fake news that you, low IQ, probably fell for.  

March 2024 


“The number of weeks now, people are agreeing on 15, and I’m thinking in terms of that, and it’ll come out to something that’s very reasonable,”


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17 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

He’s always just said whatever he wants to whatever crowd he’s in front of. Much more so than typical politicians.

The flip flopping stuff never stuck to him because he’s like Elvis to his fans 😂

That is not accurate. His biggest flaw was that he did not lie when he should have, like a normal politician.  He also did not lie for no good reason, like Biden does.

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Trump’s biggest flaw is his honesty. :lol: 

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10 minutes ago, Ron_Artest said:


Focking crazy people 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I have often said that I would put our legislature, particularly many of the republicans, up against any other in the nation for bat-shiot crazy competition.  :( 

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I for one support a 160-y/o abortion ban. Even after a few months a typical abortion will lose most of its juiciness and flavor. They should be banned after a month or 2 tops. 

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After all that BS about how bad that law is, they had a chance to repeal it today, and they didn't.

tl;dr: Don't believe a republican when they tell you they want common sense abortion laws.

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2 hours ago, MDC said:

I for one support a 160-y/o abortion ban. Even after a few months a typical abortion will lose most of its juiciness and flavor. They should be banned after a month or 2 tops. 

not if you vacuum seal them and throw them in the freezer.  Good for another year or two!

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2 hours ago, MDC said:

They should be banned after a month or 2 tops. 

I've stated my position numerous times as well. I'm not against abortion at all but there certainly needs to be a realistic cutoff barring medical emergency. 

This is where Democrats and Republicans need to meet somewhere in the middle. But that'll never happen, compromise is bad for business. 

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42 minutes ago, Ron_Artest said:

After all that BS about how bad that law is, they had a chance to repeal it today, and they didn't.

tl;dr: Don't believe a republican when they tell you they want common sense abortion laws.

Do you have a link?  I don't doubt you, in fact I wouldn't be surprised.  I just haven't seen it.

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2 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

Do you have a link?  I don't doubt you, in fact I wouldn't be surprised.  I just haven't seen it.

The GOP-controlled Arizona House quickly gaveled out of session after lawmakers attempted to repeal the 1864 near-total abortion ban the state Supreme Court ruled could go into effect.

Democrats, aided by one GOP lawmaker, were stopped by the Republican majority.

Rep. Matt Gress, R-Phoenix, motioned to bring a bill to repeal the 1864 ban but was thwarted by Rep. David Livingston, R-Peoria, who motioned for a recess to avoid a vote on the bill. Although Gress made the motion, he also sided with his GOP colleagues to pause the session, bringing any action to a halt.


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41 minutes ago, iam90sbaby said:

Lots of pissed off cat ladies right now 

Because their Liberal wives have had so many abortions that their uterus falls out when they walk. 

So many that they have to tie a 2x4 around their asss so they don't fall in when making love. 

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14 minutes ago, Ron_Artest said:

The GOP-controlled Arizona House quickly gaveled out of session after lawmakers attempted to repeal the 1864 near-total abortion ban the state Supreme Court ruled could go into effect.

Democrats, aided by one GOP lawmaker, were stopped by the Republican majority.

Rep. Matt Gress, R-Phoenix, motioned to bring a bill to repeal the 1864 ban but was thwarted by Rep. David Livingston, R-Peoria, who motioned for a recess to avoid a vote on the bill. Although Gress made the motion, he also sided with his GOP colleagues to pause the session, bringing any action to a halt.


Thanks.  I'm going to say that I'm not completely against a motion to just repeal a law and leave no law in place, and instead wait and see how it shakes out. 

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Biden was asked how to deal this:

"Elect me, I'm in the 20th century"   


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I'm sure the OP will take a break from defending Hamas soon and come here to admit he was duped by fake news when he ran around saying Trump supported a national ban. 

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