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What a way to die. 

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Talk about poor timing 

“In 1981, Purex sold the rights to the Ayds name to Jeffrey Martin Inc. In 1987, Jeffrey Martin, Inc. and its product line (including Ayds Appetite Suppressant and Compoz Sleep Aid) were acquired by the Dep Corporation (sometimes written DEP).[8


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Was supposed to kill half the planet.


Really disappointing. 

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Got into an argument not too long ago with a liberal insisting that AIDS wasn't primarily spread by and killing gay men.  Insisted it was killing everyone hetero and homo sexual alike equally.

Even Disney couldn't write a story this absurd, right?

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4 minutes ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

Got into an argument not too long ago with a liberal insisting that AIDS wasn't primarily spread by and killing gay men.  Insisted it was killing everyone hetero and homo sexual alike equally.

Even Disney couldn't write a story this absurd, right?

Same thing with Monkeypox.

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6 minutes ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

Got into an argument not too long ago with a liberal insisting that AIDS wasn't primarily spread by and killing gay men.  Insisted it was killing everyone hetero and homo sexual alike equally.

Even Disney couldn't write a story this absurd, right?


Eddie knew the truth in 1983

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10 hours ago, MDC said:


I saw them on this tour :banana:

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7 hours ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

Got into an argument not too long ago with a liberal insisting that AIDS wasn't primarily spread by and killing gay men.  Insisted it was killing everyone hetero and homo sexual alike equally.

Even Disney couldn't write a story this absurd, right?

I remember the media trying to sell that BS as well. Remember this ? 

She made the cover of people magazine.

Smearing the Smearers
David Cole

April 24, 2018

Kimberly Bergalis was only 19 years old when she was infected with HIV by her dentist, a gay petri-dish-in-scrubs named Dr. David Acer. It was the late 1980s, and Acer was dying of AIDS. Somehow (and there’s still no consensus on exactly how it happened) Acer managed to infect six of his patients with the disease (he was either the world’s most sloppy and incompetent dentist, or, as some have speculated, he was a serial killer). His victims ranged from an 11-year-old girl to a 65-year-old retired schoolteacher. When Kim Bergalis realized she was dying, she did the unthinkable. Rather than forgive her gay murderer and join the fight against antigay “bigotry,” she became a leader in the movement to protect people from HIV-positive health-care workers who might, even inadvertently, spread the disease to their patients.

Bad show, Kimberly. Totally the way not to have Elton John dedicate a song to you.

Bergalis already had two strikes against her in the eyes of gay activists: She was white and Christian. When, prior to her death in December 1991, she was able to shepherd a bunch of commonsense patient-protection reforms through Congress, she became, to LGBT groups, the worst Hitler in the history of Hitlers. Punishment had to be meted out.

Of course, you can’t AIDS-kill someone twice. But you can piss on their memory once they’re six feet under. And that’s where Josh Howard (who, for the record, is gay) came in. In 1994 he produced a now-discredited segment of 60 Minutes that falsely painted Bergalis as a lying . Howard, along with anchor Mike Wallace (full disclosure: I am far from neutral regarding Mike Wallace. His treatment of me on 60 Minutes in January 1994 was such that to this day I still travel to Tisbury, Mass., once a year to piss on his grave), slut-shamed not only young Ms. Bergalis, but the 65-year-old retired schoolmarm as well. They claimed, falsely, that Ms. Bergalis was an oversexed tramp (in fact, she was still a virgin at the time of her infection), and they claimed that the old lady must have gotten AIDS from an affair she had (Howard didn’t mention that the affair had occurred fifteen years earlier, in the 1970s). When The Washington Post reminded Howard that Bergalis’ boyfriend had tested negative for HIV and thus could not have been the source of infection even if they had been sexually active, Howard snidely replied, “Who knows how many boyfriends she had?”



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15 minutes ago, easilyscan said:

I remember the media trying to sell that BS as well. Remember this ? 

She made the cover of people magazine.

Smearing the Smearers
David Cole

April 24, 2018

Kimberly Bergalis was only 19 years old when she was infected with HIV by her dentist, a gay petri-dish-in-scrubs named Dr. David Acer. It was the late 1980s, and Acer was dying of AIDS. Somehow (and there’s still no consensus on exactly how it happened) Acer managed to infect six of his patients with the disease (he was either the world’s most sloppy and incompetent dentist, or, as some have speculated, he was a serial killer). His victims ranged from an 11-year-old girl to a 65-year-old retired schoolteacher. When Kim Bergalis realized she was dying, she did the unthinkable. Rather than forgive her gay murderer and join the fight against antigay “bigotry,” she became a leader in the movement to protect people from HIV-positive health-care workers who might, even inadvertently, spread the disease to their patients.

Bad show, Kimberly. Totally the way not to have Elton John dedicate a song to you.

Bergalis already had two strikes against her in the eyes of gay activists: She was white and Christian. When, prior to her death in December 1991, she was able to shepherd a bunch of commonsense patient-protection reforms through Congress, she became, to LGBT groups, the worst Hitler in the history of Hitlers. Punishment had to be meted out.

Of course, you can’t AIDS-kill someone twice. But you can piss on their memory once they’re six feet under. And that’s where Josh Howard (who, for the record, is gay) came in. In 1994 he produced a now-discredited segment of 60 Minutes that falsely painted Bergalis as a lying . Howard, along with anchor Mike Wallace (full disclosure: I am far from neutral regarding Mike Wallace. His treatment of me on 60 Minutes in January 1994 was such that to this day I still travel to Tisbury, Mass., once a year to piss on his grave), slut-shamed not only young Ms. Bergalis, but the 65-year-old retired schoolmarm as well. They claimed, falsely, that Ms. Bergalis was an oversexed tramp (in fact, she was still a virgin at the time of her infection), and they claimed that the old lady must have gotten AIDS from an affair she had (Howard didn’t mention that the affair had occurred fifteen years earlier, in the 1970s). When The Washington Post reminded Howard that Bergalis’ boyfriend had tested negative for HIV and thus could not have been the source of infection even if they had been sexually active, Howard snidely replied, “Who knows how many boyfriends she had?”

F@cking disgusting. 60 minutes, Wallace and the rainbow mob are absolutely disgraceful.

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8 hours ago, wiffleball said:

Was supposed to kill half the planet.


Really disappointing. 

No it wasn't, but carry on. 

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Kinda wild how after all these years and all this "fighting of stigma" and "debunking myths" that this is basically after all a gay and african disease.


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9 minutes ago, squistion said:

No it wasn't, but carry on. 

Going to need a link from you 

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25 minutes ago, HellToupee said:

Going to need a link from you 

How about a link from you that it was supposed to kill half the planet? No one ever claimed that.

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12 hours ago, squistion said:

No it wasn't, but carry on. 

In the 80's we were told half our graduating class would contract AIDS.  I'm guessing you weren't even a tingle in you moms loins in that era.

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5 minutes ago, Alias Detective said:

In the 80's we were told half our graduating class would contract AIDS.  I'm guessing you weren't even a tingle in you moms loins in that era.

Squistion is like 70 years old, believe it or not.  He was old back in the 80's.

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