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TimHauck last won the day on March 2

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About TimHauck

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  1. Looks like Ye is actually female. Sorry guys if I like to see actual evidence first and donā€™t believe everything that ā€œLibs of Tik Tokā€ says
  2. TimHauck

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    South Carolina I believe, the same state he says he doesnā€™t see Confederate flags except at the Civil War museum
  3. TimHauck

    From the Heart of Trump Country

    Lol, see what I mean @TheNewGirl? GC righties denying the obvious, even Confederate flags at all. Iā€™m not saying that combo is everywhere, but you should see at least one on a 15 minute drive around most rural areas.
  4. TimHauck

    From the Heart of Trump Country

    I see a couple people have already called you out on this, will you admit this is a strawman?
  5. TimHauck

    From the Heart of Trump Country

    Agree, my main issue is people like @Baker Boy denying theyā€™ve ever seen a house with both a Confederate flag and a Trump flag despite claiming to live in a red state. Itā€™s weird to deny something so blatantly obvious, reminds me of how @RLLD keeps saying the current economy is ā€œthe worst economy the lower classes have seen in their lifetimeā€ which is so wrong itā€™s laughable.
  6. TimHauck

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Why did Jesus let Covid happen? Did he think we needed to trim down the number of old people around?
  7. TimHauck

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Yeah we were basically just talking about that dummy, as anyone saying ā€œyou couldnā€™t spread itā€ was likely based on the incorrect belief that you couldnā€™t get it in the first place. But anyone saying those things was wrong as Iā€™ve called out in the past, the trials showed it was 95% effective against infection so it was always possible to get (and spread) it. Before Delta, that number was pretty accurate, and really only went down slightly with Delta. Oh, they banned people from working or even working? I was always against the mandates anyway, but there has been data show that the workplace mandates saved the most lives of any measure that was taken. Also, being ā€œbanned from going anywhereā€ is an extreme exaggeration, but I know you know that.
  8. Yeah because youā€™re never a snarky doosh. Lol.
  9. Your link is exactly why you canā€™t trust the MSM. It cited a tweet as a source which didnā€™t even say what it claimed it did. Kinda like the MSM article you cited about the North Dakota teen that was proven to be false which you never admitted to being wrong about.
  10. People still think the Colorado shooter was trans lololololol
  11. This is evidence, thanks for not providing a link though (I found it). @Strikeā€™s link is not.
  12. This is probably the best evidence Iā€™ve seen of Ye being female
  13. Quote from the manifesto: ā€œItā€™d be hard to tell me apart from the hundreds of other Asian guys at my schoolā€ Iā€™m guessing heā€™s male
  14. The tweet this article cites does not say Ye is biologically female. Try again
  15. TimHauck

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Thanks to vaccine and natural immunity, stupid