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jerryskids last won the day on April 25

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About jerryskids

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    FF Geek
  • Birthday 07/26/1967

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    Phoenix, AZ

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  1. I said data, not facts. A link showing the opinion of political analysts is a piece of data; it supports my argument. You bring nothing to support yours except an inability to read the English language.
  2. Thanks. I predicted that BeachGirl would come in with inane drivel, I just need to be better about ignoring him.
  3. Dear God are you stupid. You called me a troll for thinking the protests are impacting his decisions. Some political analysts agree; are they trolls as well? And we can't know, because nobody is inside his vacuous, dementia-riddled brain. Now go run a creative ERP report. Those plastic spoons aren't going to make themselves!
  4. jerryskids

    ***EdEx PGA Championship 2024*** patweiser OTC

    I like the Fleetwood pick. Mostly I'm just trying to jinx you, though.
  5. Oh good, Worms is here for some invigorating discussion. If you bothered to read or try to digest anything I said, you would understand... well, any of this better than you do now.
  6. https://www.newsweek.com/college-protesters-joe-biden-1898868#:~:text="Biden has been emphatic that,University College London%2C told Newsweek. Once again, to no one's surprise, I bring data, and you bring feelz. Honest question: have you ever posted a link here to support your feelz posts?
  7. Your ability to, in the same post, both argue that Leftie support for something is just at the fringe extreme, then generalize 1/2 of the country into moron cultist, is quite impressive. Biden's support of Israel is waning, if you haven't been living under a rock. And it is driven by his perception that young voters and Islamic Dearborn want it.
  8. The trans people are absolutely the oppressed. They are the very definition of oppressed. The oppressors is a little more nuanced -- it is those who oppose anything but 100% treatment of biological men as women. And it is absolutely moral relativism to say that the rest of us should adopt to their desires; specifically in my example, their desire to be in girls' sports and safe spaces. If you look up moral relativism in the dictionary, you very well may find the Palestinian situation. I don't know if there ever has been a more clear moral absolute. And it is clearly an oppressed/oppressor situation. In fact, support from the Left of the cultures in many Islamic-ruled countries requires a heaping dose of moral relativism. Women in these cultures are property. They don't walk outside alone for fear of being raped. If they are raped, it is the woman's fault and her family will shun her. They aren't allowed to get educated. And of course we know how LGBTQ folks are treated there. And the Left is like, oh well, that's just how they roll. It's disgusting and makes no sense other than moral relativism.
  9. Nothing really, at least all of the details about the sex. This judge doesn't seem to care if the verdict falls on appeal, instead he seems to be maximizing the chances for conviction.
  10. I was challenged to defend my claim of cultural existential issues, hence this thread. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be concerned about issues like the opioid epidemic. If you can think of a differentiated approach by one of the candidates to support why they should be elected on one of these issues you listed, by all means start a thread and we can discuss.
  11. What, are you butt sore because I pointed out that China has 10X the abortions vs. the US? You came at me with the abortion claim out of nowhere; I merely pointed out you were wrong. You are like your buddy BeachGuy, who also tried to come at me with something stupid, and cried to mommy when I corrected him.
  12. jerryskids

    What concerts do you have coming up?

    Looks like it was here in mid-April, so I missed it. I did see Tool earlier in the year tho. I haven't listened to Keenan's non-Tool work, I should get around to trying that. He is practically royalty in our northern wine country (he has wineries and a fancy new restaurant in Cottonwood and Jerome). There is a shop in Jerome with a lot of Keenan gear, but none of it is Tool, most if not all was Puscifer.
  13. This is the first of what may be several threads on my thoughts about cultural existential threats facing our nation, depending on how it goes and how much stuff gets swept under this topic. Marxism and Moral Relativism: Definitions of Marxism abound; for our purposes, I'll call it the support of the worker class over the ownership class, or the oppressed over the oppressors from an economic standpoint. Marxism also supports moral relativism: https://www.google.com/search?q=marxist+moral+relativism&sca_esv=4771c1dce5b9df5f&sxsrf=ADLYWIKmN0GtIzO1s5LmuDWRPAuBlaa9Uw%3A1715614907871&ei=uzRCZqHzNMT1kPIPr5iD8AY&oq=marxism+and+moral+rela&gs_lp=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&sclient=gws-wiz-serp For most of its existence, Marxism and economics were closely intertwined. But in recent history, we have seen the tenets of Marxism extended to other areas. - BLM and anti-racism are racial Marxism, where the oppressed are black people. We are led to believe that white people (the oppressors) are inherently racist, as are all systems developed by the oppressors. Biden's administration has enacted many policies supporting this. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/10/19/fact-sheet-the-biden-harris-administration-advances-equity-and-opportunity-for-black-people-and-communities-across-the-country/ - The allowance of biological men into women's safe spaces and sports is sexual Marxism. It places the needs of the oppressed (the men) over the needs of the oppressors (cis women). Biden's recent Title 9 changes show clear support of this. - The support of Palestinians over Israel is... terrorist Marxism? religious Marxism? Obviously the Palestinians are the oppressed in this model. We see Biden's support for Israel waning in deference to the Islamic State of Dearborn. I do not believe in moral relativism; I believe there are some moral absolutes. But you need moral relativism to defend men in women's prisons, or woman-raping child-burning terrorists. Existential Threat: I do not believe that a nation can survive in the long term on a backbone of moral relativism. While the above specific issues are not likely to cause the demise of our nation, they are part of a clear pattern and trajectory towards increasing relativism. What is the American Way? Is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness good? How about the American Dream, that any person through hard work can achieve his/her goals? Is that good? We seem to be increasingly celebrating people for being on an intersectional scale more than people who achieve great things. Anyway, I've typed enough for now. I look forward to @BeachGuy23responding with a grammatically challenged one-liner, but hopefully this can generate some discussion among intelligent folks.
  14. jerryskids

    The state of the Presidential race

    Yes, because salespeople are very rigid and bean counting number crunchers are nuanced and flexible. I don't know why, but your lack of self awareness continues to amaze me. You would think I'd be used to it by now.
  15. jerryskids

    ***EdEx PGA Championship 2024*** patweiser OTC

    Dayum, that's good.