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About jerryskids

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    FF Geek
  • Birthday 07/26/1967

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    Phoenix, AZ

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  1. He said no harm, no foul, and let it go, because she was political royalty, and they never prosecute politicians for this stuff. Until now. It's funny how you just don't realize that you prove our point with every post.
  2. She ordered her people to delete emails. It's in the Comey report, I just pasted it.
  3. Non-responsive, Venn Diagram answer. Here, I'll copy and paste it for you, with a modification for your words: I didn't bother to copy the part where, when confronted, she deleted tens of thousands of emails and physically destroyed her Blackberry (FactCheck left that part out). https://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/best-of-clinton-fbi-report-227692 Does this behavior meet your definition of "obstruction"? Put another way: If Trump had responded by destroying documents, thus behaving similarly to Hillary, would you define that as Trump being obstructive?
  4. jerryskids


    KC is so bad, it named itself after a different state.
  5. I didn't bother to copy the part where, when confronted, she deleted tens of thousands of emails and physically destroyed her Blackberry (FactCheck left that part out). https://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/best-of-clinton-fbi-report-227692 Does this behavior meet your definition of "cooperation"? Put another way: If Trump had responded by destroying documents, thus behaving similarly to Hillary, would you define that as Trump being cooperative?
  6. https://www.factcheck.org/2016/07/a-guide-to-clintons-emails/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwi_exBhA8EiwA_kU1MtksPJ7uTsv9wjCZqXcMF1ZZHKUvqVxjYMVGMUTe4ub4TjOxE636txoCToAQAvD_BwE There is a lot more in that link if you want to poke around.
  7. It's obvious why Hillary was not? This should be good...
  8. jerryskids

    Doe This Apple Ad Offend You ?

    No. Why would it? It seems to imply that you can replace those instruments with the new iPad; that's marketing.
  9. jerryskids

    Ann Coulter goes full white supremacist

    No, I haven't been to Istanbul. You "just spent the summer there?" Like, when is "just?" Last summer? Please tell us more. What took you to Istanbul for the summer? I also presume that your posts here from last summer were all during the evening, since it is literally on the other side of the planet. Looking forward to learning more about this.
  10. jerryskids

    Ann Coulter goes full white supremacist

    Theoretically, yes. But practically, no. For instance, people from Islamic states are not raised to value capitalism, freedom of the individual, or liberalism in the broadest sense.
  11. jerryskids

    When does Biden get impeached for withholding aid to Isreal?

    So, life loser. Noted.
  12. Yep and yep. It's more important to the MSM to show some hayseed from MS making monkey noises than to highlight the soft bigotry of low expectations from the governor of NY. Lefties won't comment, other than to say "durr... Magatard raciss$#!"
  13. jerryskids

    When does Biden get impeached for withholding aid to Isreal?

    Just wondering, what do you do for a living, pseud?
  14. jerryskids

    Ann Coulter goes full white supremacist

    She was recently on a Free Press debate about immigration; she argued on the pro side of closing the border. She was actually less whackadoodle than I expected. But she did mention the culture, and I think there is some validity. Where I differ from her is that I think some non-WASP cultures, like Jewish and Catholic, India, Nigerian, and parts of Asia, have shown to be more than up to the American ideal.