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mmmmm...beer last won the day on August 28 2020

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757 Excellent

About mmmmm...beer

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    FF Geek

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  1. mmmmm...beer

    Downfall of mainstream media

    Fock you are a child aren't you?
  2. mmmmm...beer

    Downfall of mainstream media

    Yep... maybe I would die for what I believe in... maybe I won't. You though... And I'm not Maga anything b!tch...
  3. mmmmm...beer

    Downfall of mainstream media

    It's a video of our troops in a tent eating watching rhe debate in Iraq I believe and when she said that they all laughed and said well what the fock are we doing here then!
  4. mmmmm...beer

    Downfall of mainstream media

    Nobody is inflicting their far left will on anyone eh? In Washington State the libs have passed laws... if your CHILD decides they are trans and you as their parent do not immediatly support their transition with "gender affirming care" the State can TAKE YOUR CHILD, and not tell you where they are in order to start that focking "gender affirming care". https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/transgender-minors-protected-from-estranged-parents-under-washington-law Oh... and to push their will further upon ALL children in WA State: "All Washington state school districts will be required to adopt inclusive curriculum and materials that document “the histories, contributions, and perspectives of historically marginalized groups” including LGBTQ+ people under a newly enacted law." Mar 27, 2024 https://www.k12dive.com/news/washington-7th-state-lgbtq-school-requirements/711427/#:~:text=All Washington state school districts,under a newly enacted law. You focking tell me how that's not pushing their will upon everyone, including half of us that do NOT want that sh!t thought to my child at focking school.
  5. mmmmm...beer

    Downfall of mainstream media

    Oh yes we're at peace with no troops anywhere.... https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_5U1xwPeYP/?igsh=MTRtMW50MWFveHluMw==
  6. We should all do a Geek meet and fight. It would be a fun time I think. So much sh!t talking to the computer screen. I wanna see you tough guys throw down with each other face to face.
  7. mmmmm...beer

    Just appraised my house

    Oh... so they gon tax you on that shiz now right? Like some money you ain't got? Hahaha...
  8. mmmmm...beer


    We use Express VPN in Japan. We were getting blocked from our Hulu, Netflix etc, as being out of the country, or getting the Japanese version of our streaming services. So we use it, it works fine. But it's pretty easy to use. We can set it for whatever city in the US we want. Haven't used it for regular TV.... dunno.
  9. mmmmm...beer

    Non-conventional gals you find hot

    Annie Thorisdottir https://youtu.be/cKH-ha38PUw?feature=shared
  10. mmmmm...beer

    Non-conventional gals you find hot

    Wrong! (Price is Right Loser Music). WRONG SIR!
  11. That'd the one that's scary. Who determines that? Seems pretty socialists and it's just asking to be ripe with corruption. Sooooo many ways that could be abused. And well... ya... it's pretty commie.
  12. mmmmm...beer

    Turned in my Paperwork on Monday...

    Oh dude... so much this.
  13. mmmmm...beer

    Non-conventional gals you find hot

    Ohhhh that Shield Maiden would throw a guy some strong sons. Looovely.... Walking around with them skull crushers.