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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2022 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
    Quitting drinking will me mine. I just had a beer and three fingers Jacks so tomorrow will be day 1 …. Again.
  4. 1 point
    Seems like a good gambling strategy is to ask Phil who he likes then go the other way.
  5. 1 point
    I have a similar response to yours, but I don’t have many of exes. Wife and I have been married for 12 years and have 2 boys. I’ve come to realize the last few years how awesome a woman she is. When we got married, I was more interested in how attractive she was. She’s still attractive, but that’s not what intrigues me as much anymore.
  6. 1 point
    That's fantastic! I dream every day of retirement - and I work in the retirement industry. I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, though. I could prolly retire and live off what I have in a couple of years, but the job is rewarding and something I can do anywhere on my own time without all the BS.
  7. 1 point
    Actually, after federal and the high Cali state taxes, Phil was probably pulling in low 20 million per year during the years in question (the 40 million in gambling losses audited). Remember he has to pay his caddie, agent, any swing coaches, house keepers, chefs etc. the usual for someone living that lifestyle. I read a separate article from shipnuck recently estimating that what he paid out to employees probably left him with roughly 10 million / year. And he was losing that much per year gambling so it’s not hard to think he was breaking even or in the red. Plus, that $40 million number on his gambling losses is probably more. I would guess that’s casino/sports gambling. I find it hard to believe all of his golf course cash games (win or lose) would be accounted for.
  8. 1 point
    Any of you guys use FanDuel? I recently deposited $100 because they were offering 25% deposit match for cinco de mayo. I just wanted to play the 25 through the casino and see what I could win. I’ve always been aware that bonuses need to be played through once before they can be eligible for withdrawal. Cool. No problem. so I initiate a withdrawal and it gets rejected. The app literally says my balance available for withdrawal is $126. I had a chat with customer service and the girl keeps telling me that all deposits have to be played through before being withdrawn. Something about anti-money laundering. . The deposit was directly from my bank account. Seems like they just want to force me to potentially lose money. Also, I have taken advantage of similar deposit bonuses in the past and had no issues doing a withdrawal once my bonus funds had been played through. if I deposit money to draft kings and decide I don’t want to use it, I can withdraw it immediately with no issues… is this a legit FanDuel rule? If so when did it change? Had to be recently as I deposited with them around super bowl time… I could just as easily leave the funds there and use them. It’s $126…. But it’s more the principal. I don’t want to use a service that’s going to take me over the coals like that.
  9. 1 point
    My thoughts on this topic. Pretend you are interested... The primary purpose of a living organism, animal or plant, is arguably to perpetuate the species; to have baby [insert organisms] which evolve ever so slightly better than yourself. So morally, it is difficult to see why you would allow this process except in extreme circumstances, as in some ways this is worse than murder. And scientifically as an engineer, I scratch my head that any species could evolve to a point where a significant portion of them want to not fulfill this most basic of functions. Perhaps this is why we haven't been visited by aliens (allegedly) -- Nature has a cruel way of having organisms kill themselves off if they get too intrusive into the world it lives in. Anyway, I see the need for it in a similar way as @Massholeposted earlier. Entitlements only work if people don't default to wanting them. And in many ways, abortion had become an entitlement. For example, welfare works if people generally want to avoid it, using it only as a last result. Or if you prefer, many rights only work if you accept associated responsibilities. You have free speech but you can't yell fire in a crowded theater. You can vote but you are expected to educate yourself on the topics. Abortion only works if it is a last resort. As such I think there should be a blanket (federal) "last resort" statute. We can argue the specifics: mother's life in danger is obvious (although it wasn't that long ago that it wasn't), rape, incest, unviable... This should be legislative (congress), not judicial. The states can then decide where they go up from there. I believe that most people would agree with this.
  10. 1 point
    The doctor fingered my balloon knot, told me to cough, and hit me in the d!ck with a hammer. Failed.
  11. 1 point
    Statistically its not even close, see for yourself: https://stathead.com/tiny/O2hSe
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Who'd have predicted a bunch of losers get rich by doing stupid dangerous chit, then ruin their lives and start dying? Almost as surprising as giving a 21 year old kid from the ghetto 20 million bucks to play a sport. Why do bad things keep happening to good, well adjusted, smart people?
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    What a shitty spring for fishing. We started out with high water conditions, and since then temps have been really cold. Usually, by this time, we are well into dry fly season, but I've seen very few trout rising where I have fished, and have caught only 1 on the dry flies thus far. This weekend is going to be cold and rainy again. Next weekend I'll be away. By this time last year, I had caught over 100 trout. I'm probably around 40 thus far this year, all on nymphs and scuds.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Tell us about the moment you feared that Hagar the Horrible was going to take over the United States of America.
  18. 1 point
    The French stormed Versailles, kidnapped the king and queen, then executed them. In Italy, Mussolini and his mistress were also kidnapped and executed by firing squad.
  19. 1 point
    It is kind of funny, everything Biden touches has gone to complete shlt. Inflation, the markets, foreign affairs, educators grooming children, overreaching medical mandates, law enforcement respect levels destroyed, FBI & CIA weaponized, on and on and on, it's endless... It's all on fire, everything. Yet, the country is distracted arguing wether states should be allowed to govern themselves when it comes to murdering unborn children. All I can do is sit back and laugh. Most of us knew it was going to be bad but, nobody could imagine what a failure Biden has been. 1.5 years in and he's clearly the worst president in history. An absolute failure on every conceivable level. Fock it, let it burn. We brought this on ourselves.
  20. 1 point
    You're the new supreme court justice!! Congrats!!!
  21. 1 point
    Never heard of this song 1983: Quiet Riot - " On Feel the Noize"
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    theres lots of stuff worse than losing a pet. namely a real human dying. that being said, sorry for your loss
  25. 1 point
    Without the words “reel” and “fish”, I would have no idea what any of this meant. I thought it was a joke at first.
