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  1. 20 points
    ... ALL of you tone down the temperature and stop with the personal attacks or you won't be posting here much longer.
  2. 12 points
  3. 12 points
    I'm sure this is a waste of time since you'll dismiss all of it, but if you're being honest, here goes... no one knows what he WILL do. Likely or possible, yeah, he's told us. Economy: tariffs, tax cuts for wealthy, exploding debt... Foreign relations: Give Ukraine and other European countries to Putin, abandon NATO, partner with dictators he has professed love for. Threats of war with Iran, love of nuclear war and threats to be the first to launch. Project 2025: there is a whole thread on this, but getting rid of govt employees that voted Democrat and replacing with Trumpers, removal of women's rights, abortion, IVF, contraception, Christian nationalism... Revenge: he wants to use his power to jail anyone who disagrees with him. Illegals: round up and deport 11 million people. Corruption: history of bribes with foreign nationals. Lunacy: hes an unhinged malignant narcissist and we don't know truly what he might do. Just off the top of my head.
  4. 12 points
    January 6th was a horrific travesty. There were dozens of disgusting things which lead up and happened that day. - numerous anti-authiritarian groups were infiltrated by FBI operatives and who planted ideas for radical action on Jan 6th. - two fake FBI prop bombs were planted outside DNC and RNC DC headquarters. - Capitol Police intentionally lowered the number of police present that day despite knowledge that a large potentially dangerous protest was to occur. - Mayor of DC denied Trump's offer of 10,000 national gaurd troops. - Crowd control barriers were not in place, instead just normal bicycle rack barriers were up. - over 100 of government operatives were present in the crowd, several were key instigators of the insurrection. - Capitol Police prematurely escalated the use of tear gas and rubber pellets to make the crowd angry. - inside the Capitol, government operatives lead protestors around including guiding them to the Pelosi's office as well as the main chambers. Yes, January 6th was a disgusting day in our history, where we had coordinated government actions entrap ordinary citizens.
  5. 11 points
    Following up my LOOK AT ME post with a little LOOK AT MEEEEEEEE… Wifey’s doing pretty well. First line med has improved her bloodwork results considerably. Follow-up labs tomorrow to check numbers again. The improvement was expected. The real test will be in the following 1-2 weeks to see if they maintain or drop right back down. The nice thing here is that the hematologist has told us that if she doesn’t improve and maintain, he’s going right to the miracle drug. No fkking around. Just wants to try this first-line so that the miracle drug can be reserved for the future in case sh*t ever gets completely sideways. Apparently, with her disorder, there’s data that some patients only respond to a treatment once and then it’s never effective for them again.
  6. 10 points
    And there it is.....3 words, that's all it took. If someone doesn't agree with your politics....they're a baby. If someone doesn't want to run their business out of a state that gives no sanctity to parents....they're a baby. Your outlook on how things should be is exactly why this country is in the mess it is today & why people are so alarmed. I can't wait for the day they take away something you care about & watch you cry......like a baby.
  7. 10 points
    This one is really simple, the Biden administration attempted to turn the US into a Banana Republic. The grown-ups had to step in and remedy the situation. Democrats only have themselves to blame and have proven time and time again that they simply can't be trusted with power. If you support the current day version of the Democrat party, you are absolutely part of the problem. You don't care about America or what it stands for. The sooner we realize this, the better.
  8. 10 points
    People don't seem to understand that this election is a battle between Elitism and Populism and so they really don't understand what is at stake in the next election and why this election is the most important election in American history. First of all, let's clear up with the two terms mean. Elitism is not about wealth. Wealth is a secondary issue and a lot of ordinary people are Eltisits. Elitism is the ruling of people through unelected and unchecked institutions. They have power because of their title, and we must trust and obey their authority. Elitist organizations can be non-government organizations (American Bar Associate, American Medical Association), quasi-government organizations (Federal Reserve), government organization (three-letter Executive Branch organizations), corporations (big tech, media, big Pharma), and international organizations (UN, WTO, World Bank, IPCC). Populism is about representing the interests of ordinary people. Generally this means protecting their rights such as free speech, worship, right to petition, self-defense, privacy, unreasonable searches, self-incrimination, jury trial of their peers, property seizures, equal treatment, equal opportunity. The United States foundation was to break away from the Elitism which dominated Europe and the rest of the world. America was not made great because of diversity or even democracy, it was made great because we empowered the individual to succeed and do great at whatever they choose to do and enjoy the rewards of their accomplishments. Trump's popularity has absolutely zero to do with fascism or racism or whatever -ism the Elitists try to label it. Trump's popularity has to do with the ordinary people seeing their rights being squeezed away. Whether it be the Elitist's war of drugs, war on terror, the Red Scare, war on poverty....every single one of our individual rights is under constant assault from the Elitists and most of our rights are hanging on by a thread. The 'undesirables' of America are made largely of the rural conservative American families who 'cling to their guns and bible'. Their trust in every one of those Elitists institutions has gone to zero, and rightfully so. Free Speech is history as big tech through AI is cleansing the internet of speech which does not conform to what the institutions deem to be 'the truth'. January 6th served to criminalize populist-themed protests as 'insurrection' and a 'war on Democracray.' Elitist's approved protests can burn down cities, but even the slightest violence by populist protesters is met with iron-fist prosecutions. The DC court system has become a rubber stamp for all kinds of questionable search warrants for the NSA or FBI. All financial transactions are freely given by the financial institutions whenever asked for by the government. Federal criminal trials are often held in DC, which have jury pools almost exclusively made up of government employees or those supportive or dependant upon the elites. The whole idea that this is a jury of their peers is a cruel joke which gaurentee the conviction of any populist. What is happening to self-defense is sickening. A populist is always prosecuted while anyone that is associated with an elitist cause is always the victim. It never matters that the elitist side started and escalated the fight, it is always the populist who stands trial. Thankfully, the Elitists war on guns has seen many defeats, but they are getting more creative and will eventually find success in destroying gun manufacturers asd suppliers as the corruption of the court system gets worse. This war by the Elitists on individuals has been going on for decades, largely undetected by the masses. Even in 2016, it just seemed like Trump's talking about the swamp and deep state just seemed like political rhetoric to most, and there was still basic trust in our institutions. In fact, I believe Trump grossly underestimated the level of corruption that existed. The last 4 years has opened up a lot of people's eyes as to what is really going on. What is in the ballot this next election is not Republican vs. Democrat, fascism vs. democracy, conservstive vs. liberal. It is not about abortion, education, taxes, economy, racism, or any other single issue. What is on the ballot is if we are going to restore the government to one which respects the basic rights of individuals or cede our rights to the unelected unchecked authoritarian Elitists.
  9. 10 points
    Slowly but surely Biden is cleaning up all of Trumps failures
  10. 9 points
    On Earth 1 (the real world which exists outside of the right wing echo chamber) CNN is non-partisan and the moderators are excellent neutral journalists. Which is why the Trumpers think it’s unfair.
  11. 9 points
    We already have The Cowboys and Giants, how much gayer can it get?
  12. 9 points
    It’s actually a fair question. First off let’s be clear: if Trump wins the election I will wish him well, congratulate his supporters and hope for the best. As before he will be my President and I don’t take that lightly. I want him to succeed in the goal of increasing American safety and prosperity, and if he can accomplish that I will cheer him and be content. I will only oppose Trump if he does bad things. Based on his history I expect him to do so. 1. I believe Trump will weaponize the Department of Justice to go after his political enemies. That is not being done now, has never been done before (though both Nixon and Trump tried). I expect this time Trump will succeed. 2. Trump will attempt to forcibly deport millions of undocumented Americans. This attempt will fail but even the attempt will create untold misery and a great stain on this nations history as well as being an economic disaster. 3. Trump’s tariffs will bring this economy to a screeching halt. 4. Trump will cut off aid to Ukraine, leading to a quick Russian victory and almost guaranteeing a future war in Central Europe which we will be unable to stay out of, 5, Trump’s Project 2025 will strip away consumer protections and generally be a disaster, especially to FEMA and the CDC. The next emergency we face, whatever it is, we will be totally unprepared for. 6. Finally Trump would like to dismantle our Constitution and be a dictator- not just on day one but for the rest of his life. He will not succeed at this but the attempt will be highly damaging and painful . We will survive another Trump term. It won’t be the end of the USA. But it will be highly unpleasant, Id prefer to avoid it.
  13. 9 points
    It’s good news but it shouldn’t be necessary. The fact that these poor people have to fear being harassed, abused, beaten up anywhere in this country should be unacceptable to all Americans.
  14. 9 points
  15. 9 points
    Fūck all of you that didn't stand up to your masters to prevent these draconian lock downs and mandates. Yeah, your team probably gave a half hearted statement against the overreactions buried in a sea of qualifications or silent compliance. Nah, your team was given correct feedback in real time that shìt was sideways and the answer after fighting it for two years was, "oh well. We tried our best." Nah mfer, your "best" fūcked everyone over real good. We ain't forgetting shìt. If that's the best your team has to offer, then your team needs to sit the fūck down and shut the fūck up and let the people who had common sense make decisions.
  16. 9 points
    Jokes on them. They are voting whether they know it or not.
  17. 9 points
    It touched me in the wallet and robbed me, but it lobotomized your brain.
  18. 8 points
    If you frequently use the term "Boyo" in your posts as your signature, then that means you love cruising ghey bodybuilder forums looking for juiced-up steroid boys, or "power twinks", to hook up with. Hence the word "boy" in "boyo". Often synonymous with "bisexual", that is a misnomer. A "boyosexual" is exclusively a biological male and only interested in other biological males (the aforementioned power twinks). They also tend to hook up with trannies, but only if that tranny was born a biological male (trans woman).
  19. 8 points
    We will probably physically survive but our Democracy or Democratic Republic won't. Or to put it another way, the USA will survive just as Russia did under Stalin and China did under Mao for decades after they took power.
  20. 8 points
    Last 2 rounds of bloodwork have been really promising. Numbers are very good. Only took 1 dose of the wonder drug to get things started. The real question is if these levels maintain or not, but we’re feeling super optimistic right now!
  21. 8 points
    https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/frank-tyson-toledo-police-body-cam-video-handcuffed-facedown-bar-floor/ How long are we a society going to allow this sort of thing to continue? How long are conservatives going to pretend that this isn’t an issue, while claiming the real issue is black on black violence? Democrats tried to pass the George Floyd act which might have helped prevent this sort of thing, but Republicans stopped it. Donald Trump is campaigning on giving police unfettered power and immunity against being charged for this sort of activity. Which side are you on?
  22. 8 points
    They're sick and tired of hearing about him because that's all your side of the aisle does is talk about Trump and try to get him at every turn. Your side has been in a constant state of trump derangement syndrome for better part of a decade. Can't leave well enough alone. You had to go after him so this is what you get. This is all your fault.
  23. 8 points
    https://nypost.com/2024/01/30/news/sotomayor-tired-from-demanding-scotus-workload-i-live-in-frustration/ “I live in frustration. Every loss truly traumatizes me in my stomach and in my heart,” Sotomayor admitted, per the report. “But I have to get up the next morning and keep on fighting.” ******************** This is absolutely ridiculous. She's not supposed to be fighting for anything nor winning or losing. She's supposed to be passing judgment using the Constitution as her guide. Just another activist diversity hire judge.
  24. 8 points
    And the flashing lights glare, while the sirens did blare, gave proof through the night, that our bridge was not there.
  25. 7 points
    https://x.com/AshaRangappa_/status/1807788604833308949 The Court has handed Trump, if he wins this November, carte blanche to be a "dictator on day one," and the ability to use every lever of official power at his disposal for his personal ends without any recourse. This election is now a clear-cut decision between democracy and autocracy. Vote accordingly.
