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  1. 10 points
    He’s one the top 5 posters in this forum. His political analysis is usually dead on.
  2. 8 points
    Not a look at me, but several of you have reached out and I certainly appreciate it. And not to leave people hanging I may update here or there as things progress because some of you genuinely seem to care. I had a work trip planned this week, which didn't leave my daughter many options but my mom has taken her in and she seems to be responding well. It seems like she understands the consequence of her actions, but she's also dealing with the fact that not many people trust her (really just me and my mom left at this point, and even we don't see eye to eye on everything). My wife has been listening and understanding and trying to see where I'm coming from on this. Because I think she knows that my daughter needs her dad, and she doesn't always react well to triggers, that she has a go bag to stay at her mom's for a night if my daughter needs a place to sleep at our house. I realize that's not ideal, but we also don't think leaving my daughter without options is a good idea right now either. I think I've got my daughter to agree to see a counselor. And I'm trying to explain to her that building back trust of others is a process, won't be quick, will be hard and any setbacks mean your start back at ground zero. In terms of figuring out how to settle out the totaled car, identifying an attorney, and working on her next car (I know, short term goals) she's very independent and handling much of that without any of my assistance. I say that cognizant of the opportunity that exists for me to be enabling to her, which I'm trying to avoid. But she is independent, head strong and doesn't always need help from others. At least I think she likes to think that's the case and seems to appreciate the attention of making others think she's completely on her own on everything. Still need to with through long term plans like housing and career goals and whatnot, but I feel better than I did Sunday. I appreciate those of you who have offered me support and encouragement. It means a lot.
  3. 8 points
    It wasn't anywhere close to a draw. Vance clearly won, and Walz was a supplicant beta, nodding along with Vance in hope that he didn't have to match with with him. Vance passed the test as VP and heir to Trump should he not last the entire term. He also came off as somebody who will soften Trump's rhetoric in actual implementation. It's hard to imagine that any undecided watched that and decided to vote for Harris/Walz.
  4. 7 points
  5. 6 points
    OP title is incorrect. No, Obama Didn't say that blacks are not excited about Kamala. He said (essentially) that there is not the same degree of enthusiam that there was for his first campaign. His exact words: ‘We have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all quarters of our neighborhoods and communities as we saw when I was running.”
  6. 6 points
    Indycoltsgan is so embarrassed by his presidential candidate that he has to hijack a thread that shows what a train wreck she really is. sad.
  7. 6 points
    If you vote Democrat, you don't give a shlt about this country. It's really that simple.
  8. 5 points
    https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/trump-secretly-sent-covid-tests-to-putin-during-2020-shortage-new-book-says/ar-AA1rTpf7 As the coronavirus tore through the world in 2020, and the United States and other countries confronted a shortage of tests designed to detect the illness, then-President Donald Trump secretly sent coveted tests to Russian President Vladimir Putin for his personal use. Putin, petrified of the virus, accepted the supplies but took pains to prevent political fallout — not for him, but for his American counterpart. He cautioned Trump not to reveal that he had dispatched the scarce medical equipment to Moscow, according to a new book by Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward. Four years later, the personal relationship between the two men appears to have persisted, Woodward reports, as Trump campaigns to return to the White House and Putin orchestrates his bloody assault on Ukraine. In early 2024, the former president ordered an aide away from his office at Mar-a-Lago, his private club and residence in Florida, so he could conduct a private phone call with the Russian leader, according to Woodward’s account. These interactions between Trump and the authoritarian leader of a country at war with an American ally form the basis of Woodward’s conclusion that Trump is worse than Richard M. Nixon, whose presidency was undone by the Watergate scandal exposed a half-century ago by Woodward and his Washington Post colleague Carl Bernstein.
  9. 5 points
    The 60 minutes interview featured many tough questions but Kamala seemed to handle them well, I think the public, excluding those that already strongly oppose her, will be impressed.
  10. 5 points
    Fock off retard. I don’t respect you. I don’t believe you. If you were in front of me I’d knock you fock out. You’re a piece of Sh1t. Youre human garbage. And this has all shown me just how pathetic your sorry ass is
  11. 5 points
    For calling someone a dummy? If it was for calling someone a dummy, lol at saying “relatively” mild. You and pretty much everyone here have posted stuff 10x worse. It is odd that Mike seems to rarely visit here, yet Gutter gets banned or suspended more than anyone else despite not really posting anything worse than anyone else. Would certainly suggest some thin skinned life loser is repeatedly reporting him. My bet is on one of a couple other people with multiple aliases - @F1erce / @Djgb13 / @Vyse / @Stryker Ryker / @WhiskeyCash or @Horseman / @Jose M / @RogerDodger / think he’s got one more that I’m forgetting, both of which who consistently post far worse stuff than Gutter.
  12. 5 points
    MSNBC has opinion shows and it has news shows. I enjoy watching both. The news reported can be trusted. The opinion offered is just that.
  13. 5 points
    Why do you care? It’s his guitar. He can do what he wants.
  14. 5 points
    "I thought I carved you up and buried you in my basement with the others."
  15. 5 points
    Let's find out what Joe Biden thinks of the strike:
  16. 5 points
    4 years and 2 months tomorrow. Don't know how to go any dryer. Enjoy though.
  17. 5 points
    You are the worst poster here and it isn't close. Please delete your account. I expect you to copy and paste this into your response to me, as your <78 IQ is wont to do.
  18. 5 points
    I’m very sorry for you. Having a kid is a crapshoot. All I know is that you won’t regret doing everything you can for her. You will regret not doing so. Even if that causes stress in your other relationships. She’s your little girl forever. You’re her dad forever. I wish you the best. Could be anyone of us.
  19. 5 points
    I don't think Squissy is a girl but I am pretty sure he wishes he was
  20. 4 points
  21. 4 points
    https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/29/trump-russia-asset-claims-former-kgb-spy-new-book Donald Trump was cultivated as a Russian asset over 40 years and proved so willing to parrot anti-western propaganda that there were celebrations in Moscow, a former KGB spy has told the Guardian. Yuri Shvets, posted to Washington by the Soviet Union in the 1980s, compares the former US president to “the Cambridge five”, the British spy ring that passed secrets to Moscow during the second world war and early cold war. Now 67, Shvets is a key source for American Kompromat, a new book by journalist Craig Unger, whose previous works include House of Trump, House of Putin. The book also explores the former president’s relationship with the disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein. “This is an example where people were recruited when they were just students and then they rose to important positions; something like that was happening with Trump,” Shvets said by phone on Monday from his home in Virginia.
  22. 4 points
    This is ridiculous, and why YOU are such a focking HACK/TROLL. I looked at the actual DATA The Hill is using. Or I should say I looked at ONE state - Pennsylvania because it is widely considered the state that will decide this election. Their "data" is based on 63 polls that go back a FULL YEAR. You were the one saying "538 will catch up" at one point when their list of polls was much more recent and we were just looking at trends. If you look at the trends of the RECENT polls The Hill is basing their .8% lead on for Kamalatoe, the RECENT polls show a tie or Trump ahead. You just look at the headlines and/or just shoehorn the data in to your worldview, instead of looking at the data and using that data to make an intelligent, critically thought out statement. Here is the data so you or anyone else reading this can see what I'm talking about: https://elections2024.thehill.com/pennsylvania/harris-trump-pennsylvania/
  23. 4 points
  24. 4 points
    Are righties going to gloss over the fact that republicans biggest means of energizing the base is by promoting lies and misinformation? It seems the explanation is that they have no real ideas or issues to run on except ones they make up, like immigrants are going to eat your pets...or that a list of 40 years of immigrants who have committed crimes are being laid at the feet of the last administration.
  25. 4 points
    Found squish... https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F65mpif94ibrd1.png
