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  1. 8 points
  2. 8 points
    This is why you're such a terrible person. I don't and I know lots of people that don't. I wake up everyday thinking what I can do for others. That's what good people do.
  3. 7 points
    I’ve been in discussion forms for over 20 years and I’ve never once advocated banning anyone. Until now. It’s obvious to anyone who reads these threads that @squistion is a cancer to this discussion forum. He brings nothing to the place. He doesn’t argue positions. He doesn’t post any links or information of value. Just random tweets from unknowns. Dude is nothing but a troll. He was single-handedly responsible for getting the Politics Forum at FBGs shut down. Even Liberals can’t stand him. Time to snuff out his torch and send him packing. Let’s make this forum great again.
  4. 7 points
    White liberal women. Its not even close
  5. 7 points
    Gutter wakes up everyday and thinking what can he do to help others, and for the 5000th day in a row, he came up with argue with people on the internet.
  6. 6 points
  7. 6 points
    You really need to stop asserting that YOU know what it means to be an American. Everything you stand for is in direct opposition to American values.
  8. 5 points
    Or is it still up so your neighbors can have a relative idea of your low IQ and hatred for democracy?
  9. 5 points
    *I’m reposting this from the Sanctuary* I meant to post this yesterday, so no one would worry. I was taking a break because I overused the hand I had surgery on and needed to give it a rest to bring down the swelling. I also ended up needing a course of steroids as well. And then, as you know, all hell broke loose. We are currently not in the path of any of the fires, but with the Santa Ana winds, that could change at any moment. When we went to bed last night, Studio City was on fire and that puts one on the other end of the valley where we live. I haven’t turned on the news yet, and frankly I’m a little scared to. To say this is an unprecedented fire event would be an understatement. We are currently surrounded by fires. It feels like the whole city is burning-it’s not, but it feels like Armageddon out there. We’ve had several friends loose their houses. 2 in Altadena and one in the Pacific Palisades. We currently have another in the Hollywood Hills, whose house is possibly under threat. Several others have had to evacuate. My heart is absolutely broken for them and I’m emotionally exhausted. We are thankful to be safe and will try to keep you guys updated if anything changes. Hopefully today is a better day, but the winds are expected to pick back up. Thank you all for your concern.
  10. 5 points
    People wrongfully arrested under laws which did not even apply to obtain insane prison sentence by a politically motivated prosecutors going after people who voted for the opposition candidate. Thousands of people had their lifes ruined because our highly-paid elitist bastard representatives were inconvenienced for three hours. Each and every one of them deserves $5 millionm. Good lord, you fuking idiots are OK with Trumo paying over $540 million because of how he valued his property. You seriously can't be this foking stupid.
  11. 5 points
    I’m not surprised that Trump immediately attacked Newsom and Newsom responded by immediately attacking Trump. But I find it unfortunate and depressing. I don’t like either of these two politicians. Say what you will about Joe Biden, but all he does in these situations is offer to help. So sick and tired of the blame game.
  12. 5 points
    The Green Eggs and Hamas party.
  13. 5 points
    don't forget finance minor. with a double major in being a cuck
  14. 5 points
  15. 5 points
    Yeah. You seem to have forgotten that America is made up of people, citizens of this country. Your first concern would be them if you were any sort of an American man. You’re not. You’re a soft brained squishy globalist with an inferiority and guilt complex, yet at the same time a selfish and greedy hog. Somehow you have pulled that off.
  16. 5 points
  17. 5 points
    My wife and I don't get the flu shots, and we haven't had the flu in a long time. Her brother's family got all their injections, and they've been sick in bed all week. Get your flu shots if you want. Be the boss of your own health and mind your business.
  18. 5 points
    Which might be relevant had I suggested murders only and not criminal incidents generally. Still, if it makes you feel good to ignore the sum and substance of the argument and to focus on the exception to the rule go right ahead, that is on a par with your general, incredibly stupid, approach.
  19. 4 points
  20. 4 points
    You are truly dumber than I thought. The media you adore is nothing but a voice for the big government elitist deep state. They have been spreading propaganda for decades convincing us to go into useless wars, illegally assassinating foreign leaders (and most certainly JFK/RFK/MLK), convincing us we need shutdowns, and constantly pushing expansion of government power. Your stupid list shows how brainwashed you are. What made America the greatest country on earth was it put the people's rights above the right of the elites. We eliminated any concept of a king, emperor, dictator, or any elitist ruling body. To answer your question, the only real threat to the American values this country was founded on is the deep state. The same bastards you bootlick for 24/7.
  21. 4 points
    He couldn't wait for the clock to strike midnight to post this.... and he still butchered it focking clown
  22. 4 points
    Socialism is amazing I was told.
  23. 4 points
    As for the OP question: I honestly believe that the biggest threat to this country is that roughly half the nation now distrusts the mainstream media. This is about 20% the fault of the MSM, which has made mistakes, reported false news at times (rarely) and has tended to ignore reasonable conservative concerns. But it is 80% the fault of conservatives themselves who, especially in the Trump era, have used legitimate concerns with the MSM as an excuse to believe falsehoods and accept lies whenever it suits them.
  24. 4 points
  25. 4 points
