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  1. 6 points
    One thing I loved about that convention is that it was so patriotic. For years the Republicans have tried to pretend that they’re the patriots, yet they support a guy who tried to overthrow our system of government and who constantly demeans the military. The Democrats are the party of real patriots these days.
  2. 5 points
  3. 5 points
  4. 4 points
    From the link: The New York Civil Liberties Union, which has criticized the new law, repeated its warning that the mask ban is “ripe for selective enforcement by a police department with a history of aggression and discrimination.” Disability Rights of New York, a group that advocates for people with disabilities, filed a legal challenge last week arguing that the mask law is unconstitutional and discriminates against people with disabilities.
  5. 4 points
    Here’s a clue: you can’t write something like this and at the same time be skeptical of the centrism of others. Your assertion. Is so extreme, and also so false, that it removes your ability to judge anybody else.
  6. 4 points
    This is a sleep disorder, not an eating disorder. Get one of those invisible fences they have for dogs. Place it at your bedroom door. Wear the collar to bed.
  7. 3 points
    We’ve already seen them multiple times already try to stop him from taking office last time. By trying to illegally influence the delegates to vote against his their states voted in the election. Now, they’re trying to throw him in jail before the election. They’ve said if he wins then they will block his nomination in congress. Do you really think when they lose in November they’re going to give up power peacefully? Because EVERYTHING they’re saying leads me to believe they’d rather commit treason against this country and go full dictatorship than let him take power again
  8. 3 points
    People are not communists and fascists....that is a dumb scare tactic people use when they aren't serious about having a real conversation.
  9. 3 points
    He’s right, you’re wrong, but thanks for the compliment. @MDC is one of the smartest guys around here and I’m honored by the comparison.
  10. 3 points
    Someone might need to text Clocaine. He has forgotten about drafts before.
  11. 3 points
    @Alias Detective @bostonlager @edjr @Bier Meister @Twinsdad @Gladiators @IndyColtsFan @jerryskids @Cloaca du jour @shorepatrol @Herbivore reminder that the draft is tonight
  12. 3 points
    The government of the U.S, already controls the courts, air travel, and mail. They regulate Education, Money, Food, Pharmaceuticals, and Vaccines. Don't think other businesses can't be or won't be controlled by the US Govt.
  13. 3 points
    Did he though? On Trump’s watch, unemployment slightly declined and the stock marked slightly increased. These are the exact same metrics MAGAs say are meaningless today. When I ask what Trump did to enjoy such success, no one can tell me, because tax cuts and deregulation aren’t original ideas. I’m just supposed to credit him with no wrecking the booming economy he inherited while letting him off the hook for the worse economy he left behind. The line used to be that we need to tolerate the Mean Tweets in order to enjoy Trump’s booming economy! But the only difference between Trump and any other politician is that he’s an even bigger ass hole. I think folks have caught on and that’s why a nothing nobody like Kamala might actually win. The emperor has no clothes.
  14. 3 points
    Kamala catching up to Trump on thr economy and crime: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trumps-edge-over-harris-economy-crime-slips-reutersipsos-poll-finds-2024-08-27/ As she should. All his ideas are completely awful.
  15. 3 points
    Kamala isn’t close to a Marxist, and this attempted portrayal of her is hilarious and doomed to fail.
  16. 3 points
    Based on your posts I doubt you could explain what being a Communist, or Marxist, or socialist even means, much less describe any differences between them. And your use of the word “liberal” as a synonym for any of these displays a total ignorance on the subject on your part. If I were you I would put away your paranoid fears of the Democratic Party and worry more about the cultist sh!tshow that the Republicans have become. Because until you guys are willing to walk away from isolationism and xenophobia in general, and Donald Trump specifically, you’re going to have to deal with Democratic majorities for years or decades to come. Which really sucks because we need a viable conservative political party pushing for the free market and strength abroad. But you people have walked away from that and now you have to reap the consequences.
  17. 3 points
    The Heart and Soul of the Democrat Party is communism, marxism and socialism. The exact opposite of American values.
  18. 3 points
    Well said, Sir. One convention was love of country....the other was love of a single man.
  19. 3 points
    This bit is so spot on: https://youtube.com/shorts/tjZNRp4jF0Y?feature=shared
  20. 3 points
    No....we worry about what yo DON'T care about.......and that's hard working, tax paying citizens & the well being of our country.
  21. 3 points
    I freaking cooked some chicken that I was going to have the next day for a meal and it looked like I tried to do some rice too but I spilled it and just left it like that. I woke up and the kitchen was a mess. the chicken was cooked but it had like 5 bites out of it. The oven was on still and a I had eaten half a banana
  22. 3 points
    It’s hard to find a more kind hearted, , bounteous person than Donald. He truly cares
  23. 3 points
    Imagine offering Crackhead Rob a cabinet position in exchange for his endorsement. Don proves once again that the only qualification for working for him is your loyalty.
  24. 3 points
    I love that Trump thanks the guy who said that his crowning the achievement, the Covid-19 vaccine was "the deadliest vaccine ever made". The swampiest swamp that's ever swamped.
  25. 3 points
