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torridjoe last won the day on June 2

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48 Excellent

About torridjoe

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    FF Geek

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  1. lol it’s pretty easily arguable. You’re not too bright.
  2. Ok but Christianity sure isn’t it and wow you’re super afraid you like aren’t you?
  3. Who lied to you about that one, gullible Greg?
  4. More egregiously illegal sure.
  5. Not according to the constitution. Transgender good, religious governance bad.
  6. torridjoe

    Bang up job by the cops here

    This is standard MO. Nothing unusual here.
  7. Who commit crimes over and over? Where? Who says they’re poor?
  8. You mean facts and data? So sorry, you piece of shits.
  9. None of what you claim here is remotely accurate. You’re really not qualified to comment. This is plain afactual.
  10. Don’t you feel weird quoting sex perverts and white supremacists?
  11. You seem like the one who needs help with your fears and insecurities. Not really fit for society.
  12. torridjoe

    Signs of Hope : Jamaal Bowman might be gone

    Yeah people with morals really grind your gears I guess
  13. torridjoe

    What Is The Best Newer Movie You Watched ?
