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I think Tony will be out of commission for a while. Silvio or Christopher will fill in for a bit and do a poor job and the business will suffer.


Phil will also grow more balls with Tony out of the picture.


Basically, hell will break loose and Tony will come back and kick some ass. Also, he might incurr some medical bills that might put a strain on their financial situation. I know I heard Carmella mention an "insurance card" but I bet that falls through somehow.



gay Vito has already alluded to the fact that he'd like to be boss of the family.

I bet ya' Phil and Vito team up to take over some of Tony's business while Tony's out of action.


Sil, Chris, and Paully will have to stave off the NY crew until Tony gets back.

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gay Vito has already alluded to the fact that he'd like to be boss of the family.

I bet ya' Phil and Vito team up to take over some of Tony's business while Tony's out of action.


Sil, Chris, and Paully will have to stave off the NY crew until Tony gets back.


Vito will get whacked this season for sure. I can see him being bitchy that he isn't filling in for Tony.


I can't believe they never went any futher with him and Meadow's boyfriend.

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Nobody has mentioned Meadow dancing in underwear in the past 6 posts.

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Vito will get whacked this season for sure. I can see him being bitchy that he isn't filling in for Tony.


I can't believe they never went any futher with him and Meadow's boyfriend.


that ain't done yet.

Vito's already got a bigger role this season that he has in the past... even to the point where he referred to himself as "the top earner" last night.



if Vito starts to make trouble while Tony's away, it will only heighten the Finch situation.




also, watch tempers flair if indeed Chris does buy Johnny's Maserati.

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that ain't done yet.

Vito's already got a bigger role this season that he has in the past... even to the point where he referred to himself as "the top earner" last night.

if Vito starts to make trouble while Tony's away, it will only heighten the Finch situation.

also, watch tempers flair if indeed Chris does buy Johnny's Maserati.


An interesting tidbit, about Vito.....in the episode in the 1st season where Christopher shoots the cashier in the bakery in the foot, the actor thatplays Vito was the customer standing there that Christopher escorts out before he shoots the kid.


I saw a repeat of that episode and laughed.

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So, I re-watched the episode last night (episode 66, "Members Only")


I paid a lot closer attention to the William S. Burroughs intro, "Seven Souls".

The Seven Souls are supposed to be the Seven Souls that leave your body when you die.

Is it a reference to Tony dying?

It appears that Seven Souls is foreshadowing or in some way categorizing each character for us.

Here's how the intro breaks down:

The ancient Egyptians postulated seven souls, Top soul, and the first to leave at the moment of death, is Ren, the Secret Name. This corresponds to my Director, He directs the film of your life from conception to death. The Secret Name is the title of your film. When you die, that's where Ren came in.

during this part, the montage is showing Vito (in a studio with his picture being taken in a Jared/Subway/weightloss type ad). And then Janice (breast feeding her baby with a Stones tatoo on her can).

Are Janice and/or Vito some way connected to Tony's death?

Perhaps Janice is the catalyst for Tony's "death" in his real family and Vito is the catalyst for Tony's "death" in his mob family?


Second soul, and second one off the sinking ship, is Sekem: Energy, Power, Light The Director gives the orders, Sekem presses the right buttons.

here we see Bobby Bacala and then Gene (with his family, opening the inheritence check).

Janice controls Bobby. Vito controls Gene. Does Janice somehow get Bobby to "kill" Tony? Does Vito somehow use the Gene situation to harm Tony?


Number three is Khu, the Guardian Angel. He, she, or it is third man out . . . depicted as flying away across a full moon, a bird with luminous wings and head of light. Sort of thing you might see on a screen in an Indian restaurant in Panama. The Khu is responsible for the subject and can be injured in his defense- but not permanently, since the first three souls are eternal. They go beck to Heaven for another vessel.

we see Meadow doing her panty dance here. Is Meadow the only one in the Sopranos family that can truly escape? Her education, good looks, and eventual marriage to Fin will help her get away from this life with some scars but nothing permanent.


The four remaining souls must take their chances with the subject in the Land of the Dead. Number four is Ba, the heart, often treacherous. This is a hawk's body with your face on it, shrunk down to the size of a fist. Many a hero has been brought down, like Samson, by a perfidious Ba.

Here we see Ray Curto (the FBI informant).

It is interesting that at Ray's funeral, they all talked about what a stand up guy he was.

Tony's heart has let him trust a lot of people he shouldn't.


Number five is Ka, the Double, most closely associated with the subject. The Ka, which usually reaches adolescence at the time of bodily death, is the only reliable guide through the Land of the Dead to the western Lands.

here we see AJ taking a picture of himself with a cell phone; he appears to be in school or class.

This seems like a pretty cut&dry case of AJ becoming the new Tony after Tony dies (or at least following down the same path as Tony).


Number six is Khaibit, the Shadow, Memory, your whole past conditioning from this and other lives.

here, in a dream sequence, we see Carm talking to Adrianna in the spec house. Carm talks about being "worried" and Aid says that "everyone worries". Carm says, "no, I'm worried every moment of my life. All I do is worry".

Adrianna represents how fragile and how wrong EVERYTHING can go on such short notice. The Sopranos have built what appears to be an empire of wealth and power but it is incredibly fragile. That's why Carmella worries. Though she doesn't directly acknowledge how superficial and illegal their lives are, she knows deep down who they are and how they got there.

With all the product placement and the opening HL Mencken quote "nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American Public", there's no doubt that this episode focused on materialism and is setting up Tony/Carm for some financial repurcussions.



Number seven is Sekhu, the Remains.

we see Carmella waking up, alone in her bed (after the Adrianna/spec house dream) and then we go right to tony digging in Uncle June's back yard.

Is Carmella all that remains? Tony's dead. Meadow's married and gone. AJ is now involved with the crime world, following in his father's footsteps?

And Tony digging. "The Remains". Symbolic of Tony digging his own grave?



:sleep: :detective:

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Wow Td, I was just thinking , good show.


I bet your a Lost junkie too.



No. No Lost for me bro.


I kinda' look at it like this:

I'm an extremist.

I play FFball and become immersed in it for the full season. I don't play other fantasy sports because I just can't devote the time/effort to it.

It's the same with The Sopranos (also Deadwood and Rome). I don't watch a lot, but what I do watch I become completely immersed in.

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Everyone that thought Vito had already killed himself. :thumbsup:


He did.



with the hiv



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7 minutes ago, Bier Meister said:

Starting this up again. 

 I might need to as well sometime. It’s been since I graduated high school since I last watched it :thumbsup: 

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I just watch the clips on you tube. Phil Leotardo is the best. 

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6 hours ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

I just watch the clips on you tube. Phil Leotardo is the best. 


  • Haha 1

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1 hour ago, dain11279 said:


Puerto Rican whores are much cuter

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4 hours ago, dain11279 said:


Could never say that today. So funny. 

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1 hour ago, edjr said:


The boss can have a made guy killed, but he can’t hit one. Gineau logic. 

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