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Big Ben hurt

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For all the booger eatin' morons that need to compare this accident to Kellen Winslow's:


1. Kellen was breaking the law when he crashed, Ben was not.

2. Ben is an established NFL player and superbowl winner with class. Kellen is a cocky punk that hasnt done anything in the NFL.

3. Kellen's accident was 100% his fault, he was screwing around and crashed in a parking lot. Ben had an old lady cut him off, nothing he could do


FYI Im a Packer fan.

Packers Fan = Take everything I say with a grain of salt because obviously I am an idiot


Many athletes think they are invincible and do stupid things. Not wearing a helmet was idiotic. It does not matter how great of an athlete you are or how good of a rider because there are many idiots on the road.

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Bingo. 7 hours of surgery tells me there were some pressing things that needed to get taken care of immediately. Once he wakes up and starts checking out his body, I can see some other injuries popping up. And I disagree with doing the other surgeries right after the 7 hour one for two reasons. One, 7 hours is a long time. No need to stress out his body any longer for something 'minor'. Two, I've seen multiple injuries where surgery had to wait for swelling to go down.


Either way, looks like he dodged the big one.


Serious but stable is what I just heard in another clip from the presser.


The doctor's spoke and didn't say anything about his legs or arms.


Apparently he sailed over the handlebars and caught the car winshield with his face. Lucky thing, too. The glass of a car is probably the softest thing he could have plowed into if you think about the alternatives.


He bounced off the windshield and rolled over the car and landed on the pavement, where presumably he scraped his knees. They said that there's nothing broken there, but who knows how they twisted when he landed. :ninja:


I know a several people who've gone through this sort of thing...you're right that he could come out of anesthesia and try to move his leg and oops - then they do an MRI and find something else.


I don't hope so, and I am sure they'll do a catscan or something. But you know he was messed up bad, because he had 4 surgeons. Four. That's a lot of doctors on one dude. He broke his jaw and lost a lot of teeth - he probably lost a lot of face too. (yikes)


Not to sound pessimistic, but serious but stable is not out of the woods. I'm praying for him. He'll be none too pretty if he makes it, but it sounds like he not only dodged "THE big one", but that he may have dodged the little ones too, like career threatening things.


Man, I broke my arm and thought that hurt - I couldn't imagine breaking my jaw, or sinuses. Ow. That has got to hurt. :D






Many athletes think they are invincible and do stupid things. Not wearing a helmet was idiotic. It does not matter how great of an athlete you are or how good of a rider because there are many idiots on the road.


It was idiotic. Right.


I'm sure his parents and sister are standing bedside thinking anything but that so that's the approach I'm taking here - I've done plenty of stupid things in my life. I'm glad only a few of them are discussed on the intenet. (lol)


Just hope for the best for the man - there'll be plenty of time to harp on the foolishness of his actions later when he's healthy.


I am sure this will be a learning/growing experience for him. I sure hope so, because it is totally dumb to ride without a blood bucket.

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the 7 hrs timeline is no barometer of injury. they mentioned in the media that he had suffered facial fractures---if so, it takes minimum 4-6hrs to enter and insert the plates required to reduce and fixate a moderate facial fracture (ie le fort type I,II, or III).


bottomline is that motorcycles are dangerous, and they advocate safety equipment for a reason---helmets, leather, pads, they all prevent and/or attempt to prevent severe abrasions, breaks, or worse.


contemplating whether he, winslow, or any other person inujred while riding without safety equipment is more or less foolish is moot: anyone who rides without doing so is increasing their risk by many fold, and the consequences are more than recorded and evident.

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Packers Fan = Take everything I say with a grain of salt because obviously I am an idiot


Many athletes think they are invincible and do stupid things. Not wearing a helmet was idiotic. It does not matter how great of an athlete you are or how good of a rider because there are many idiots on the road.


Thank you for identifying yourself as a "booger eatin' moron". If you didnt live in your momma's basement, maybe you would get out in the world and see that a lot of motorcyclists do not wear helmets, especially if they have a face shield. This has something to do with gettingthe fresh air, feeling the wind in your hair, etc. It would be pretty uneducated to qualify every person that enjoys riding in this manner "stupid" or "idiotic". Furthermore your bashing on me merely because I'm a Packer fan really says a lot about your character. I respect a lot of opponents fans as you can get a lot of information especially from a fantasy football point of view. Now go do me a favor..................get a glass belly button put in.






...........so the next time your head is that far up your arse -----you can see where you are going. :ninja:

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Now go do me a favor..................get a glass belly button put in.






...........so the next time your head is that far up your arse -----you can see where you are going. :banana:





:lol: :lol:


I was sitting there thinking, "uh, a what?"


then ya got me. l-o-l

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What if it were Tom Brady? Would you still be asking why it should get headlines?


If he were dumb enough to be riding a bike with no helmet on, yes.

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Thank you for identifying yourself as a "booger eatin' moron". If you didnt live in your momma's basement, maybe you would get out in the world and see that a lot of motorcyclists do not wear helmets, especially if they have a face shield. This has something to do with gettingthe fresh air, feeling the wind in your hair, etc. It would be pretty uneducated to qualify every person that enjoys riding in this manner "stupid" or "idiotic". Furthermore your bashing on me merely because I'm a Packer fan really says a lot about your character. I respect a lot of opponents fans as you can get a lot of information especially from a fantasy football point of view. Now go do me a favor..................get a glass belly button put in.

...........so the next time your head is that far up your arse -----you can see where you are going. :huh:

What's wrong with eating boogers while living at home? It's better than being a fromunda cheese eating Packers fan. Are all Packers fans thin skinned? Bashing your affinity for the Packers was supposed to be a joke but I guess the ineptness of your team has taken away your sense of humor (although the glass belly button thing was kind fo funny).


FYI My reason for hating people who ride without a helmet extends well beyond this incident which I do not want to get into right now.

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-- More on Big Ben's Outlook --

Tue Jun 13, 2006 --from FFMastermind.com


The Post Gazette reports the Steelers' reaction to QB Ben Roethlisberger's accident went from shock and concern yesterday morning to cautious relief by mid-afternoon when it was learned not only were his injuries not life threatening but that it might be possible for him to start the first game of the season Sept. 7. "First, it's good to see he's not in bad shape, as a friend, and to make sure he's OK," RB Jerome Bettis said. "Another good thing is it is minor enough that it shouldn't affect him on the field this fall." The Steelers issued a statement by club president Art Rooney that expressed concern for the quarterback but "we have been encouraged by the early reports from the medical team at Mercy Hospital." The Steelers had no other official word on the matter. Doctors should soon know whether Steelers Roethlisberger can recover from his motorcycle crash and return to football. That's the perspective of Dr. Jack Wilberger, chairman of neurosurgery at Allegheny General Hospital. The best-case scenario is for Mr. Roethlisberger to leave the hospital in several days, continue his recovery at home, and be able to play football this fall, Dr. Wilberger said. But the progress he makes in the first 24 hours will determine if other injuries, initially undetected, could cause more significant health problems for the Steelers quarterback, he said. "Assuming there's not more to it than what we know, his recovery shouldn't be that long," Dr. Wilberger said, basing his comments on information available to the public six to eight hours after the accident. "It looks reasonably good, given what could have happened. "His brain is working and even with a concussion, he had most of his faculties." Dr. Wilberger said doctors will watch for injuries not initially detected, including bone fractures. Doctors also will watch his blood pressure, which could drop if any undetected injuries to internal organs occurred. Another problem to watch out for is the possibility of bruised lungs, which could reduce the amount of oxygen in his system, Dr. Wilberger said. People with head injuries often are put through a test known as the Glasgow Coma Scale to determine the level of injury, he said. A deep coma would score only a three, with normal or near-normal brain function scoring a 15. Dr. Wilberger said he had learned that Mr. Roethlisberger scored a 13 or 14 on the test. "That would be considered minor head injury or a concussion. With that level, most people have a good outcome."

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Now they're saying Ben didn't even have a motorcycle license for PA. Just a permit that expired at the end of March.





edited to add link

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Now they're saying Ben didn't even have a motorcycle license for PA. Just a permit that expired at the end of March.



edited to add link



At least K. Winslow was street legal. :huh:

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At least K. Winslow was street legal. :thumbsup:


Do they have special permits for parking lots?

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At least K. Winslow was street legal. :thumbsup:


the Soldja didn't even have a permit - he had just come from some street bike demo where they do all the tricks, and he thought he could do one himself cause he is a Soldja... (at least from what i remember that's what happened...)

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Oh, and this is long overdue.


:rolleyes: to my first pinned thread. :)

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Now it appears, at the moment, maybe Big Ben was breaking the law. It appears that Big Ben only had a motorcycle rider's learner permit which had expired 3/29/06.


I ride a motorcycle in De and when given a learners permit, you are required by law to wear a helmet until you get a "full" license. Not sure if it works the same way in Pa, but either way, Big Ben may have been riding w/o a proper motorcycle license/training.






For all the booger eatin' morons that need to compare this accident to Kellen Winslow's:


1. Kellen was breaking the law when he crashed, Ben was not.

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Oh, and this is long overdue.


:unsure: to my first pinned thread. :wub:



congratulations! :banana:



ps. love the sig...

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Dr. Wilberger said he had learned that Mr. Roethlisberger scored a 13 or 14 on the test. "That would be considered minor head injury or a concussion. With that level, most people have a good outcome."

Hell, that's probably more than Aaron Brooks and Vince Young would score on a day to day basis....combined


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If he were dumb enough to be riding a bike with no helmet on, yes.


I'm not trying to bust your chops on this, TS.....I just think asking the question "why is this newsworthy" is pretty silly. It's newsworthy because it was the QB of the NFL's current champion.......one of the better known athletes in the country. Of course it's "news worthy" as such and tons of people care about it the same as they would if Brady or Manning or any other sports hero were injured in a traffic accident.

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I'm not trying to bust your chops on this, TS.....I just think asking the question "why is this newsworthy" is pretty silly. It's newsworthy because it was the QB of the NFL's current champion.......one of the better known athletes in the country. Of course it's "news worthy" as such and tons of people care about it the same as they would if Brady or Manning or any other sports hero were injured in a traffic accident.


I'm not centering out Big Ben at all, it's celebrities in general...the society we live in is pathetic. Yes, he is a famous person and a defending Super Bowl champion, and yes it is a tragedy...but why should I feel anymore sorry or care anymore for him than some blue-collar father of three who gets killed in a car accident?!


He was driving without a helmet, so half of this he has no one to blame but himself, I'm not gonna overly feel sorry for him...just the way it is.

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I'm not centering out Big Ben at all, it's celebrities in general...the society we live in is pathetic. Yes, he is a famous person and a defending Super Bowl champion, and yes it is a tragedy...but why should I feel anymore sorry or care anymore for him than some blue-collar father of three who gets killed in a car accident?!


He was driving without a helmet, so half of this he has no one to blame but himself, I'm not gonna overly feel sorry for him...just the way it is.


I don't know....I would hope you would feel sorry for any and all of the above......


I agree that everything celebrities do gets publicized to the point of nausea, but this is a football board with guys who enjoy the world of professional football.....and in that world, this is big news. We "get to know" our football heros via interviews and such and even if we aren't personally acquainted with them, it's certainly o.k. to feel some level of comradarie based upon our status as fans. I don't think there's anything wrong with that..........

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How it's legal to not wear a helmet on a bike, yet you can get pulled over for not wearing a seat belt in a car, is beyond me.



It *WAS* a law that people *HAD* to wear a helmet while riding motorcycles in Pennsylvania. Motorcyclists fought this law saying it should be a choice, not a requirement. They eventually won. My question is, why fight for this? Do they really believe anyone gained anything by reversing this law? I'm soooo sick of these groups of idiots fighting things like this. Unconstitutional? Maybe, but the freaking laws make sense! Next people will fight for their right to not wear seatbelts! In fact, why do we have speed limits? It is my "constitutional right" to drive 200 MPH if I want! America, Land of the Free, Land of the Idiots!

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It *WAS* a law that people *HAD* to wear a helmet while riding motorcycles in Pennsylvania. Motorcyclists fought this law saying it should be a choice, not a requirement. They eventually won. My question is, why fight for this? Do they really believe anyone gained anything by reversing this law? I'm soooo sick of these groups of idiots fighting things like this. Unconstitutional? Maybe, but the freaking laws make sense! Next people will fight for their right to not wear seatbelts! In fact, why do we have speed limits? It is my "constitutional right" to drive 200 MPH if I want! America, Land of the Free, Land of the Idiots!


speed limits are designed to prevent you from hurting others, wearing (or not wearing) a helmet will have no consequence on whether you hurt someone else or not. Motorcyclists are required to wear eye protection in order to prevent them from getting hit w/ debris in the eye and then crashing into someone else - therefore it is a law to preven them from hurting others. They fought the law because the government shouldn't have the power to tell you what choices you can and cannot make. The seatbelt law won't be repealed because there is not a large enough group of advocates that really care about it to take the stance...

Constitunionally you are not given the right to drive a car...

any more uneducated thoughts?


Roe v. Wade was a legal battle over a right to choose, as was the fight for the right to choose to wear (or not wear) a helmet. Our country was based on a "free" society where people were given the right to choose how they wanted to live, as long as it did not infringe on someone else's rights. Big Ben choosing not to wear a helmet didn't hurt you, did it?


now, back to football, since this is what the forum is about.

Honestly, as far as i'm aware, most bones take about 6-8 weeks to heal properly (some longer, some less). Which would put Ben right at the mid-August point for his faced to be "healed".

What i don't know is how his surgically repaired chin will hold up the first time Ray Lewis comes up and smacks him in it during a game... But i bet the PIT trainers are already trying to come up w/ a "chin strap" that will give him enough mobility to move his jaw, but enough padding and support to protect it. Either that, or he's going to be wearing one of the LONG facemasks that having about 4 rows of bars on them...

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Big Ben choosing not to wear a helmet didn't hurt you, did it?


It didn't. But, it didn't help the cost of medical insurance, either.

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It didn't. But, it didn't help the cost of medical insurance, either.


i'm 100% certain you are not on the same group plan as him, so you shouldn't have to worry about that either...

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If it's a broken jaw as reported, he could lose 20-30 pounds eating through a straw. He could benefit from the weight loss, but will he have the strength to start and finish the season


Reminds me of that FX show Starved

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i'm 100% certain you are not on the same group plan as him, so you shouldn't have to worry about that either...


It doesn't affect me, but that doesn't mean it doesn't affect other people besides Ben.

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Thin Spirit, If it were Tom Brady would you have more sympathy as opposed to the average Joe? I know I would. For better or worse alot of us are attached to athletes, musicians,actors etc. and when they get hurt it is like we know them on a personal level. You're right it shouldn't be any more significant than seeing the average Joe suffering bad circumstances. The problem is the average Joe doesn't impact our lives in any way.

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To those of you who say not wearing a football helmet doesn't hurt others. The person driving the car that injures or kills said motorcyclist will feel pretty awful and not forget what happened to the person they hit and what the result was irregardless of who's at fault. I highly doubt they would just think he/she was stupid for not wearing a helmet.

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speed limits are designed to prevent you from hurting others, wearing (or not wearing) a helmet will have no consequence on whether you hurt someone else or not. Motorcyclists are required to wear eye protection in order to prevent them from getting hit w/ debris in the eye and then crashing into someone else - therefore it is a law to preven them from hurting others. They fought the law because the government shouldn't have the power to tell you what choices you can and cannot make. The seatbelt law won't be repealed because there is not a large enough group of advocates that really care about it to take the stance...

Constitunionally you are not given the right to drive a car...

any more uneducated thoughts?


Roe v. Wade was a legal battle over a right to choose, as was the fight for the right to choose to wear (or not wear) a helmet. Our country was based on a "free" society where people were given the right to choose how they wanted to live, as long as it did not infringe on someone else's rights. Big Ben choosing not to wear a helmet didn't hurt you, did it?



Actually Big Ben along with the other idiots that don't wear helmets are the reason motorcycle insurance skyrocketed after they got the law reversed, so yes Mr. Know-Everything, it does hurt me. Anymore uneducated questions?

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If it's a broken jaw as reported, he could lose 20-30 pounds eating through a straw. He could benefit from the weight loss, but will he have the strength to start and finish the season


Reminds me of that FX show Starved


This is a report from someone who posted on a Pitt website about radio guy Stan Savran's guest.......


Stan had a dental DR from the Univerisity Of Pittsburgh on, who said that Ben won't have to have his mouth wired shut long or at all due to advancements in that those type of procedures and doesn't think he'll lose much weight at all.


Most speculation is that the jaws are wired shut but we haven't hear that for a fact.


I keep hearing so much speculation, but we can only go on what we have heard from the doctors' mouth. Note, this doctor above is NOT a doctor that knows the particulars of Ben, so this is speculation too.

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Actually Big Ben along with the other idiots that don't wear helmets are the reason motorcycle insurance skyrocketed after they got the law reversed, so yes Mr. Know-Everything, it does hurt me. Anymore uneducated questions?


my cycle insurance didn't go up, neither did my father's - and both of our licenses are from PA... So you must just be a bad driver who deserves to have his insurance go up because he is an uneducated idiot who thinks the constitution should limit us in our freedoms as individuals.

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This is a report from someone who posted on a Pitt website about radio guy Stan Savran's guest.......


Stan had a dental DR from the Univerisity Of Pittsburgh on, who said that Ben won't have to have his mouth wired shut long or at all due to advancements in that those type of procedures and doesn't think he'll lose much weight at all.


Most speculation is that the jaws are wired shut but we haven't hear that for a fact.


I keep hearing so much speculation, but we can only go on what we have heard from the doctors' mouth. Note, this doctor above is NOT a doctor that knows the particulars of Ben, so this is speculation too.



I saw the broken upper and lower jaw report on NFL Total Access this evening. Came out of the Mercy doctor's mouth, "fractures to upper and lower jaw"... it was a part of the laundry list. Is Ben as tough as Jason Witten(who played with a broken jaw)? We will find out.


More on Witten:


He proved his toughness inhis rookie season by missing only one game after breaking his jaw and having three plates implanted. He remained productive even during the weeks when his diet consisted only of things he could suck through a straw. HE DID NOT HAVE HIS JAWED WIRED SHUT. Only an upper jaw fracture, and he stated it hurt to chew food.


I appreciate your denial, homers have to have hope.

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i'm 100% certain you are not on the same group plan as him, so you shouldn't have to worry about that either...


I wonder what his deductable was? :lol:


irregardless of who's at fault.


woo woow woo woo woo woo grammar police, woo woo woo woo woo woo


This is not a word.






Pick one.



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I wonder what his deductable was? :angry:

woo woow woo woo woo woo grammar police, woo woo woo woo woo woo


This is not a word.






Pick one.





Hey Scooter,


Irregardless is a word that can be used in casual writing which is why I chose to use it here. link The word irregardless was actually discussed in a previous thread in this forum. Get your facts straight. Try looking it up. I'm not suprised you're just throwing out opinions with no supporting evidence.


One more thing, you said: "I wonder what his deductable was?" You spelled deductible wrong. You put a question mark at the end of a sentence that isn't asking a question; and you ended the sentence with a preposition which is also incorrect grammar. You should police your use of grammar.


Get your facts straight or just go back to 7th-grade grammar class. And support your arguments or opinions with facts. The only alternative and I think that many members would agree with me on this: just shut up!

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First pic of Ben post-accident has been released.




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