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What draft position won your league last year?

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I am just wondering if anyone has even noticed a trend in draft position as it relates to where they end up at the end of the year. I know that the 4th pick over all (SA) won in our league last year. I really don't think a #1 pick has ever won it in our league.





***To clarify, we are in a 12 team redraft league.

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For the 1st time in the history of our league, the guy with the #1 pick won the whole thing last year (LT2)

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I think draft position is overrated. Th e guy who won in my league had the #6 pick and took deuce, but drafted LJ in the 5th. I think last year a lot of teams who drafted LJ probably won and their draft position could have been anywhere.

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#3 spot won it in our league last year w/ S. Alexander...he was ahead the whole year and won in the playoffs...


But it was close with LT2 and LJ hot on his heels...I remember it was close and pretty intense...

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I won my league in the 9th position. I believe my draft went something like this: Portis, DD, Andre Johnson, Gates (the last two may have been switched). I got Hasselbeck in the 7th or 6th I believe and I also got Santana Moss in the 9th or later. I was able to draft a lot of my depth early in the season to get Fitz and CJ. It was a very risky maneuver because I had no depth at all for the rest of the season. Bye weeks were killer and if anyone were to get hurt then I was going to get screwed.

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10 team league, 3 keepers per team and the guy that drafted 2nd overall won the league last year. He had finished 9th the previous season. Palmer, Steven Jackson, and Ahman Green were his keepers last year and he selected Hines Ward #2 overall. This was year seven of our league and his 2nd overall championship. He won our first season championship in 1999 when he rode Marshall Faulk all the way to the championship, then finished in 9th or 10th place every year until last year when he rode Palmer all the way. My guess is that his keepers this year will be Palmer, Jackson, and Ward.



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kid that drafted 11th won mine... and he didn't have a draft pick until the 3rd round and he took Chris Henry but that's a Dynasty League.... you know how that goes :banana:

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The guy who won last year drafted in the 11th spot (out of 12), and his first pick was a bust (Kevin Jones). How did he win? Well, he followed with Portis, Cadillac, STEVE SMITH, Boldin, and Hasselbeck. Just a solid, consistent team.

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I won our SB last year with the 2nd pick (10-team redraft). My first 10 picks were:


1. Shaun Alexander :wub:

2. Chad Johnson

3. Julius Jones

4. Darrell Jackson

5. Mike Anderson

6. Brett Fav-ruh

7. Michael Bennett :cry:

8. Tom Brady

9. Larry Johnson :first:

10. Reuben Droughns



I also won this league in 2004 with the #7 pick (beat the #10 guy in the SB), so I also believe that it doesn't matter which pick you get. They're all pretty damn good.

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The guy who won my league picked out of the #8 spot.


He grabbed Corey Dillon.........


But then picked Tiki Barber in the 2nd and Larry Johnson in the 5th. The rest is history.

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In two of my leagues the guy who screwed the Priest Holmes owner by drafting LJ in the 4th won the league. I don't know where they drafted.

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I'm seeing a theme here...Let me add to it:


Drafted 10th in a 10-team league. Three of my top ~five picks were Julius Jones, Terrell Owens, and Marc Bulger. But...I picked up Larry Johnson late.


In another league, I drafted third (Shaun Alexander) AND got LJ late. I traded LJ for Carson Palmer in about week five which catapulted my team into the #1 seed going into the playoffs, where I lost in the second round to the girl to whom I had traded LJ. She won the league.


Forgot to add: I won the 10-team league.

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My 2 leagues are both 10 teamers. The winners drafted 3rd and 5th. Neither team had LJ.

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The guy with the #1 pick won last year. His later round picks and some good WW pickups and trades made a huge difference. However, he almost certainly would have been derailed in his title match had another owner not made a bone-headed move the previous week costing him his shot at the championship. I will not, however, elaborate on the bone-headed move as that owner was me.


However, I would say that over the past 10 years, the league winner has, more often than not, drafted in the top 5. This is a 12-team league, by the way.

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I won the SB drafting 5th (Priest) - I crushed the #1 pick overall (Peyton). Now you're probably thinking I backed up Holmes with LJ, but somebody nabbed him a few picks before I was set to grab him in the 6th. I was loaded at WR (SSmith, CJ, Boldin & DJax) and I traded DJ for LJ a week prior to his injury. :lol:

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I think draft position is overrated. Th e guy who won in my league had the #6 pick and took deuce, but drafted LJ in the 5th. I think last year a lot of teams who drafted LJ probably won and their draft position could have been anywhere.


agreed...won a league drafting 1st (lt) and in my other leauge a guy drafting 12th won it (ddavis)...


we both picked lj in a later round to win championships...

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I drafted 9th out of 12 and won it all in my league. Picked up LJ in the 5th round and ended up working a trade with the guy who had the #2 pick to obtain SA. Funny thing is I went 6-6 in the regular season and then when LJ and SA turned it on in the later half of the year, I exploded in the playoffs.

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I won my league last year drafting 1st (LT) and picking up LJ sometime later.

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Pick 5...Larry Johnson in a later round sealed it.



pick 5 won it in our league too. I somehow landed SA with the #5 pick. The crazy part is I threw a hissy fit because I didn't get Culpepper at #5.



Just for the record Dude traded Culpepper to me after week 1. I already had McNabb so I traded Pep for Holt. Picked up LJ half way through the year off waiver wire. I had the best team ever assembled with being in collusion or cheating.



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I won the SB with the #2 overall pick, then drafted LJ in the 9th. I always do very well with the WW over the corse of the season, because I will show you my draft. 4 of my first 6 picks were not used or traded or dropped. I had the #2 pick So starting with the first round it went like this #1. Manning#2.Kevin Jones#3.Westbrook#4.Michael Clayton#5.Drew Bennett#6 Eric Mould(this was a bad pick I was pissed about it almost right alway)#7 Warrick Dunn#8.L.J Smith#9.Larry Johnson( when I made this pick I told the priest owner he was an F-ing moron and how could he let him hang around this long!)#10.Antonio Bryant#11.Falcons D#12.Bronco's D#13.M.Jenkins#14.Mcnair#15.Cooley#16.Karsay


In the end I traded Kevin Jones for T.J Housh, dropped Mcnair for E. Manning, Dropped Clayton for Joe Jurevicius,then dropped Moulds for Koren Robinson!


Still the reason I made the SuperBowl was Picking up and starting Kelly Holcomb vs. The Bungles in the Div champ.


What do you think about that?

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In my main money league, I won out of the 8th spot.


Early busts: Dominic Davis, Javon Walker, Brett Farve, Buffalo D/St


Solid perfomers: Rudi Johnson, Steve Smith, Carnell Williams, Donald Driver, Jeremy Shockey, Santana Moss, Reuben Droughs, Willie Parker, Chicago D/St, Neil Rackers.


We don't do waivers. 22 rounds and 3 supplemental drafts, so draft is huge. Lost my third round pick in Walker right away. Having injuries at RB didn't hurt me, when you have Dom Davis, Rudi Johnson, Carnell Williams, Reuben Droughs and Willie Parker to choose from. Chicago in the 17th round. Neil Rackers in the 22nd. It was a fun year.

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Number one pick in a 12 team keeper league.

Keeper was L Jordan and Barlow.

First pick was Manning.

Also had: E. Manning, M Anderson, T Jones, Fitzgerald, Chambers, Houshamanzadeh, Witten, Feely and Steelers.

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I think draft position is overrated. Th e guy who won in my league had the #6 pick and took deuce, but drafted LJ in the 5th. I think last year a lot of teams who drafted LJ probably won and their draft position could have been anywhere.




I won as #8 in an eight man re-draft. I picked LJ to back up Holmes. I also had Portis, and a few other players who got hot down the road.

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Last year the guy with, I believe, the 5th pick (Edge) won our league. He also took LJ in the 5th or 6th though which didn't hurt.

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I drafted 4th and remember being pissed because I had no choice but to take Priest. However, it worked out because it forced me to handcuff LJ early in the 6th round. I also got C.Palmer and S. Moss in rounds 9 and 10 and Rudi in round 2. Yeah, i had a good team. I got luck but it was fun.

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The guy that draft Larry Johnson. Can't remember, but he took Larry in the 5th.

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#1 pick won it(LT). i picked the team, but it was for somebody else. player came late. he said he would have pick manning if he was there.

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#3 spot won it in our league last year w/ S. Alexander...he was ahead the whole year and won in the playoffs...


But it was close with LT2 and LJ hot on his heels...I remember it was close and pretty intense...

same here exactly....hahaha were you in my league?

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Think it was #8. Like most LJ in round 6 or 7. I was the genius that took McGahee at with the fourth pick. I won a league at #1, but mostly a bunch of first-timers

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Won it from the #2 spot last year (10-team, redraft). Yep, drafting L.J. in Round 7 is what put me over the top. Drafted LT2 at the #2 slot but otherwise had quite the horrible draft.


1. LT2

2. Julius Jones

3. Kevin Jones

4. Joe Horn

5. Marc Bulger

6. Nate Burleson

7. Larry Johnson


Of course, coming out of the draft I felt I had totally kicked butt (based on mocks & projections). Of course, picks 2-6 turned out to be TOTAL busts. Luckily, LT2 and L.J. carried me to the title with David Garrard at QB. :sleep:

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The 12th position won in a 12 person keeper league.


And that was me!! :sleep:






p.s. Yes the L.J. train worked for this Chiefs fan. I kept him and started him every game.

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I've always felt the top picks had a huge advantage, for the simple reason that the best couple running backs score so much more than anyone else, that it's almost impossible to make up for that. But also, every league I played in last year, the team with Larry Johnson won, so that was obviously a big factor. But unless you get "lucky" with somebody who blows up unexpectedly, the top picks always have an advantage (just add up the projected ADP if everyone drafted "smart", and it's pretty obvious).

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I am just wondering if anyone has even noticed a trend in draft position as it relates to where they end up at the end of the year. I know that the 4th pick over all (SA) won in our league last year.


***To clarify, we are in a 12 team redraft league.


just curious....who was the third guy picked before alexander in your league last season, peyton, LT, & who else? the #2 pick (LT) won my league last season, but he had a great draft.

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I won last year from the 4 spot.


1. Alexander

2. J Jones

3. C Johnson

4. Antonio Gates

5. Cadillac

6. S Moss

7. C Palmer

8-16 (in no order) D Carr, D Foster, J Galloway (who I dropped right after for S Davis), M Anderson, C Houston, a couple dud WRs (one of which I dropped for Willie Parker), Pit D, and J Elam.


I ended up trading D Foster, S Davis, M Anderson, and W Parker for LaMont Jordan and Chris Chambers around week 5, and I ran with it from there. Ended up with only 2 losses, one of which was a "never bench your studs" error in week 1, and the other I lost by .08 points!


I got revenge on that owner in the first round of the playoffs. Then went on to win the Semi-Final by over 50 points, and the Championship by over 60!



I've got the 4th pick again this year...looking to go for my 3rd straight championship!


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