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swamp dog

terrorists target michigan's mackinac bridge

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i have to cross that focker all the time. goddam terrorists!!! :blink: :cheers:


"Three Texas men were arraigned Saturday on terrorism-related charges after police found about 1,000 cell phones in their minivan, and prosecutors say they believe the men were targeting a bridge connecting Michigan's Upper and Lower peninsulas."




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Like Michigan needs this... go target sh*t on the east or west coast.

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Like Michigan needs this... go target sh*t on the east or west coast.


really. there's focking nothing at the tip of michigan except a replica fort circa 1760 and a couple of fudge shops. brilliant, terrorists! focking brilliant! this will really make the world tremble.


oh, and if you fock the bridge up and make me have to drive the loooonnggggg way around i will hunt you down like rabid dogs.

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really. there's focking nothing at the tip of michigan except a replica fort circa 1760 and a couple of fudge shops. brilliant, terrorists! focking brilliant! this will really make the world tremble.


oh, and if you fock the bridge up and make me have to drive the loooonnggggg way around i will hunt you down like rabid dogs.


Eh... they'd probably relocate a few of those ferrys that take you from Western Michigan to Wisconsin.

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targeting A bridge?


how many bridges do they have running from yooperville to the southern part?...


i was on the bridge once as a kid..but if i go to lo-mich now, i always go through chicago..


people in gb and the rest of wisc scoff at the idea of being a target...why us?..whats here?...


we are like ny long ago..not thinking it could happen...


theres always a possibility of lambeau..or the big house in ann arbor..or a nascar race...plus its the gateway to the waterway..people can shrug their shoulders, but it would hurt us if it was hit..


we wanted to sell cell phones.. :P fock u..i hope they are put to death...

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I am NOT taking the long way around to Paradise :P


I wouldn't mind if they blew up the Zilwaukee bridge though...if you've never seen it, the Zilwaukee bridge is ridiculous. It is this enormous bridge

that goes over basically a stream. After it was built I think they moved the entire town underneath it to avoid rain and snow.

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I am NOT taking the long way around to Paradise :wall:


I wouldn't mind if they blew up the Zilwaukee bridge though...if you've never seen it, the Zilwaukee bridge is ridiculous. It is this enormous bridge

that goes over basically a stream. After it was built I think they moved the entire town underneath it to avoid rain and snow.


been over that bridge many times as well. i remember they had a lot of construction problems with it when it was going up. the only thing i can think of when i cross it is that someone in the cement industry paid off some politicians to get that baby built.


Eh... they'd probably relocate a few of those ferrys that take you from Western Michigan to Wisconsin.



ferries can't handle the traffic load. that's why the bridge was built in the first place.


if they had massive traffic jams at the straits 60 years ago that caused them to plan and build the bridge...can you imagine what it'd be like today?


but a tip to terrorists: avoid trying this november 15-30. the entire state is armed to the teeth for deer season. right down to 12-year-olds. and there's a small army of them that congregate at the straits going to and fro and most are drunk and trigger happy. again, including the 12-year-olds.


deer, terrorist, terrorist, deer. it all makes good steak and sausage.

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LOL, the Saginaw river is more than a stream, but, the Zilwaukee bridge can probably cross Lake Michigan, that thing is so huge, it is almost as big as the big Mac, at least it seems. But, the Big Mac crosses a 5 mile strait, the Zil crosses a 300 yard wide river.


Yeah, what would that do really??? It's a tourist attration. But, you would kill like 100 people maybe, and make like tough for people like in the Yoop....and you don't want to piss off people living in the yoop, i don't know a person living in the yoop that don't have an aresonal of weapons.

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if they really wanted to cause some damage, they would target the american legion and woodrow wilson bridges around DC. permanent gridlock and panic ensues.


if they did this a couple years ago, they could have probably just blown really hard on the wilson bridge and it may have fallen over. :cheers:

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Google ... PATH Train 9/11. I was on it that morning. After the second plane hit. After I realized it was a terrorist attack.


So ... go fock yerself.


Taken it a few times since ... and it's like a 9/11 flashback ... every time. Had to move. Just recently they admitted those trains were a target that morning. DUH! I knew that ... before I got on the train.


Pretty stupid, huh? I was honestly thinking, "I'm late for work!" and then I looked around at all the Wall Street types ... guys I used to hate ... and I saw the concern on their faces ... it wasn't fear ... it was sadness and I don't think any of us knew what we were gonna do ... but one thing was for sure, we weren't gonna stand across the river and watch those towers fall.


Of course ... I've said this before but ... either people lived, or they didn't for the most part. So, efforts like going to the hospital to donate blood were futile. After all that, they told me, the best thing I could do ... was go back home.


So, that's what I did. I remember the cop outside Saint Vincent's ... "Go home everybody! Get out of the streets! The best thing you can do ... is go home!"


And before I left, I yelled out, "You heard the man ... GO HOME!" or something to that effect. Sadly ... my efforts didn't help. But I did make it to work! A little late ... think it was about 9:35 AM when I got to my desk.


"Sorry boss ... it's like the end of the world out there this morning!". That's what I woulda said ... if she was there! She stayed home. Watched the TV all day.



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LOL, the Saginaw river is more than a stream, but, the Zilwaukee bridge can probably cross Lake Michigan, that thing is so huge, it is almost as big as the big Mac, at least it seems. But, the Big Mac crosses a 5 mile strait, the Zil crosses a 300 yard wide river.


Yeah, what would that do really??? It's a tourist attration. But, you would kill like 100 people maybe, and make like tough for people like in the Yoop....and you don't want to piss off people living in the yoop, i don't know a person living in the yoop that don't have an aresonal of weapons.


unless they did it during the labor day bridgewalk.... :unsure:

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i have to cross that focker all the time. goddam terrorists!!! :mad: :mad:


"Three Texas men were arraigned Saturday on terrorism-related charges after police found about 1,000 cell phones in their minivan, and prosecutors say they believe the men were targeting a bridge connecting Michigan's Upper and Lower peninsulas."




This story is going to turn out to be a bunch of nothing...

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This story is going to turn out to be a bunch of nothing...


probably--but look how easy it is for terrorists to plant fear in the minds of people. they don't even have to carry through with plans now--just hint at something, suggest something, and it's front page news.


mission accomplished.

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probably--but look how easy it is for terrorists to plant fear in the minds of people. they don't even have to carry through with plans now--just hint at something, suggest something, and it's front page news.


mission accomplished.



At this point we don't even know if they are terrorists. This is all just alledged. Serioulsly, 1000 cell phones. That's a whole lot of detonators, buying them in units of 80 at a time....cmon.




What you say though, that is the main point of terrorism. The whole idea is to plant fear in the minds of people, that's why they call it 'terrorism'. There goal is to get to the terrorized people to bristle and revolt against the goverment, to change there ways to better protect them. Garner attention to their "plight" and get those they are against to have to change there ways, generally at the demand of the people.

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At this point we don't even know if they are terrorists. This is all just alledged. Serioulsly, 1000 cell phones. That's a whole lot of detonators, buying them in units of 80 at a time....cmon.

What you say though, that is the main point of terrorism. The whole idea is to plant fear in the minds of people, that's why they call it 'terrorism'. There goal is to get to the terrorized people to bristle and revolt against the goverment, to change there ways to better protect them. Garner attention to their "plight" and get those they are against to have to change there ways, generally at the demand of the people.


hey, walmart really does have low, low prices!! :dunno:

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"Three Texas men were arraigned Saturday on terrorism-related charges

Nothing but crap comes from that state :banana:

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Let me know when they're planning on attacking anything important.

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Sounds like this story is a load of crap. I believe this story much more. Link


It sounded stupid when I first heard it. I mean, why would you need 1,000 detonators? What are you going to do, put a 1,000 number on speed dial?


I'd find it far more likely (if there is any nefarious intent) that these phone could be sent to Iraq to trigger IED's, but I think the idea that these guys were just buying to resell is prolly far more likely.

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why would you need 1,000 detonators?

For a thousand tiny hand held bombs.


Focking Texans :dunno:

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I remember back in April of '87 a lady died on the Mackinac when a gust of wind lifted her econobox car right off the roadway and dumped her into the Straits. I went over it a week or 2 later to pick my brother up at Northern Michigan Univ and we had to have a police escort to get over. Those winds up there are CRAZY bad. :dunno:

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I remember back in April of '87 a lady died on the Mackinac when a gust of wind lifted her econobox car right off the roadway and dumped her into the Straits. I went over it a week or 2 later to pick my brother up at Northern Michigan Univ and we had to have a police escort to get over. Those winds up there are CRAZY bad. :dunno:



WTF would the police escort do? - Arrest the wind?

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WTF would the police escort do? - Arrest the wind?



They put everyone in a convoy and go over it slowly that way they can control it and keep count of all the vehicles. Sometimes the big rigs aren't allowed over till the windage dies down.

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sure the wind sucks an all but you left out the best part, that the bridge moves so much. never bothered me

going across but it's certainly a weird feeling

having the road move around on you


Mackinac Bridge

Mackinaw City, Mich.

Completed in 1957, the green-and-ivory span was for decades the longest suspension bridge in the world - "so long that people are afraid to cross it" - and sways as much as 20 feet on a windy day. Those wary of crossing the 5-mile "Mighty Mack" can sign up for the Timid Driver program: "They throw you in the back seat, put a towel on your head and drive." The bridge spans the Straits of Mackinac, connecting mainland Michigan with the Upper Peninsula.

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Wish TexASS could keep their terrorist and Mexicans under control. What a worthless POS state TexASS is. Should of stayed Mexico

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sure the wind sucks an all but you left out the best part, that the bridge moves so much. never bothered me

going across but it's certainly a weird feeling

having the road move around on you


Mackinac Bridge

Mackinaw City, Mich.

Completed in 1957, the green-and-ivory span was for decades the longest suspension bridge in the world - "so long that people are afraid to cross it" - and sways as much as 20 feet on a windy day. Those wary of crossing the 5-mile "Mighty Mack" can sign up for the Timid Driver program: "They throw you in the back seat, put a towel on your head and drive." The bridge spans the Straits of Mackinac, connecting mainland Michigan with the Upper Peninsula.



5 miles? Are you serious? This bridge is 5 miles long?

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really. there's focking nothing at the tip of michigan except a replica fort circa 1760 and a couple of fudge shops. brilliant, terrorists! focking brilliant! this will really make the world tremble.


oh, and if you fock the bridge up and make me have to drive the loooonnggggg way around i will hunt you down like rabid dogs.



Exactly, and that's why it makes no sense. If the average American won't be caught dead anywhere near the mid-west why would a terrorist attack there. That's like doing the rest of America a favor.


oh Mr Tewwowwist please don't bomb the bridges of the states that are absolutely no contribution to our economy!

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if they really wanted to cause some damage, they would target the american legion and woodrow wilson bridges around DC. permanent gridlock and panic ensues.


if they did this a couple years ago, they could have probably just blown really hard on the wilson bridge and it may have fallen over. :banana:




And if they hit the northern beltway bridge, its done..... :lol: :wub: ;)

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...to blow up a bridge?

A 5-mile long bridge. Apparently so. Thousand tiny explosions would really fock it up.

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5 miles? Are you serious? This bridge is 5 miles long?


It is 5 miles and 200 feet long if i am not mistaken. Up until the bridge that Japan built in 98, it was the biggest bridge in the world. It still has the most cable out of any bridge in the world. I have crossed it about 15 times, it is an awesomely build bridge, i saw a special on the history channel on i think it's called "mega structures" or something like that on the building of the bridge, pretty amazing stuff. Espessially considering it's location, with all the exteme weather it experiences.


Trust me, the UP's economy is as bad as can be, this would be an ultimate blow to their economy. Only like MAYBE 500,000 people live in the UP, so, it wouldn't have much of a national affect. It would have a bad affect on the Michigan and GL state's economy, and the economy is bad enough. On the other hand, it is kinda smart, because if you target say the Sears Tower, you will get caught, if you target something lower profiled like the Big Mac, you may be able to accomplish it. The big Mac is one of the possible terrist targets though, one of the few in Michigan. So, it's a good thing that cashier called in, espessially since i may be going to college at NMU.


Hey swamp, what city do you live by???

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And if they hit the northern beltway bridge, its done..... :first: :lol: :banana:


the fact they didn't do this makes me question how smart the terrorists really are. <_<

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And they're from freaking DallASS of all places.


TexASS terrorists are bad


DallASS TexASS terrorists are even worse :first:


the fact they didn't do this makes me question how smart the terrorists really are. :lol:

They're from TexASS after all. Whadya expect?

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Um, is there a REASON why Michigonians don't pronounce the letter "c"?


It's bad enuf the Bostonians ADD an R to the end of their words, you just drop off the last letter?



McDonald's ought to be a hoot:


"I'll have 2 Big Maws and a large fry please." :doublethumbsup:

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Um, is there a REASON why Michigonians don't pronounce the letter "c"?


:wacko: We are in the midwest, we don't have an accent in the LP. The yoopers have a yooper accent "Say ya to da UP, ah?" Other than that, haven't heard of anyone not pronouncing their "c"'s . Also, we call soda/coke(which is really retarded, IMO)/soda-pop, what you call the flavored carbonated water with a lot of sugar in caffine in it,pop. I seriously have not heard one native michigander call pop anything else...that is how you can always spot the non-natives.

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Um, is there a REASON why Michigonians don't pronounce the letter "c"?


It's bad enuf the Bostonians ADD an R to the end of their words, you just drop off the last letter?

McDonald's ought to be a hoot:


"I'll have 2 Big Maws and a large fry please." :pointstosky:


I don't know wtf you're talking about... the last 'c' in Mackinac may be the one exception. It's the urban midwestern (Michigan and others) dialect/accent that defines standard neutral American English for most broadcasting purposes.

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