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tiernan tdr6

How much coin

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He's not contending that there is no difference, he's saying that if you make 100K there isn't a state you should have trouble affording to live in...

Exactly, thanks for clarifying that DrJ...


p.s.- I said earlier I make 36k as a teacher, I forgot to mention that I drive 70 miles round trip a day to get there and back...and current gas prices and that mileage = $$$$$$$ ...and we still get by just fine, no complaints! so seriously, those of you complaining about your measley 100k+ single/combined incomes need to learn some contentment

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Exactly, thanks for clarifying that DrJ...


p.s.- I said earlier I make 36k as a teacher, I forgot to mention that I drive 70 miles round trip a day to get there and back...and current gas prices and that mileage = $$$$$$$ ...and we still get by just fine, no complaints! so seriously, those of you complaining about your measley 100k+ single/combined incomes need to learn some contentment



I'm not complaining. I'm just saying that the money gets spent by wife. I'm stressed I guess I'll shop. I'm mad, I guess I'll shop. It's on sale, I'll buy it but don't need it. :banana: I have to hide some of it from her so that it's not all blown. It's our personal issue, but it's something that happens regardless of how much you make. Happens to men too...I'm a tight arse because I have to be and shouldn't have to be! More money does not = happiness. I was raised in a trailer court so I've seen both sides.


WOW, I'm :bench: It's the only thing that could cause us to get divorced.

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I'm not complaining. I'm just saying that the money gets spent by wife. I'm stressed I guess I'll shop. I'm mad, I guess I'll shop. It's on sale, I'll buy it but don't need it. :bench: I have to hide some of it from her so that it's not all blown.

30FBT? :banana:

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Depends on how good of a year profit wise "my" company does.

That affects quarter and year end bonus. My bonus is equal to about 1/3 of my salary usually.


Last year, my taxes said I made roughly $ 60k


(Wife and I together = about $ 120k)


I love taxes. Last year, my taxes said I lost $10K.

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i sell dog collars online...seriously.


and it doesnt matter how much i make, cause its enough for me to hire someone to do all the work while i play FF and golf all day :o


BTW, dont even ask me how i got into selling dog collars online...its a long strange trip

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Maybe grad school isn't the place for you, first you should hit up some basic math classes. Get that part down first.



yes!!! that's 2k more in the bank!!! yeah, pretty embarrassing on my part. too busy programming, arguing fantasy with my officemate, bashing my head into the brick wall, and posting at the same time. good thing not knowing math doesnt matter once u have a stanford degree (stanford does suck by the way, don't ever go there).

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i make 1 billion dollars per anum.


with a harem and 87 kids, 345 grandkids, its never enough.


I buy and sell souls, moving them from the purgatory to either hell or heaven. Sometimes i just put them in space.


I have Furian Blood.

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more than 200k...less than 500k :wub:




a friend of mine is a code monkey and makes that a month...also he posts here :lol:

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It's funny, I'm single make 65-70k+ give or take OT etc, I don't live a lavish lifestyle, own a cheap car, pay next to nothing in rent, I put alot into savings, etc, but how in gods name am I suppsed to buy a fricken condo let alone a house in this market and not be out in the boondocks or the ghetto? I see people making 40k and they have kids/houses/cars, etc...how the frick do you people do it?!??!?!? :wub:

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It's funny, I'm single make 65-70k+ give or take OT etc, I don't live a lavish lifestyle, own a cheap car, pay next to nothing in rent, I put alot into savings, etc, but how in gods name am I suppsed to buy a fricken condo let alone a house in this market and not be out in the boondocks or the ghetto? I see people making 40k and they have kids/houses/cars, etc...how the frick do you people do it?!??!?!? :lol:


No kidding...somebody stated that they make 36K with a wife and kid and makes out OK...I made that in my early 20's and have trouble getting ahead with my current salary of 60K....


Does 36K come with food stamps :wacko:

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"All right! How ya doin? good good good. Now as your father probably told you, my name is Matt Foley and I am a motivational speaker!Now let's start off by letting me give you a little scenario of what MY life is all about.First off, I am 35 years old, I am divorced and I live in a van down by the river. Now you're probably thinking "I'M GONNA GRAB THE WORLD AND WRAP IT AROUND AND PULL IT DOWN AND PUT IT IN MY POCKET!" Well, I'm here to tell you that you're probably going to find out as you get older that you're not going to amount to JACK SQUAT! You're going to end up eating a steady diet of government cheese and livin in a van down by the river. Now then, young man. What do you want to do with your life?"


"Actually, I uh, kinda wanna be a writer."


"Well LA DEE FREAKIN DAW! We got ourselves a writer over here! Tell me dad, I can't see real good. Does that look like Bill Shakespeare over there?"


"Actually, we've been encouraging him to write."


"Dad, I wish you'd just SHUT YOUR BIG FAT YAPPER! Now, young man, from what I hear, you've been using your papers not for writing, but for rollin doobies. You'll do plenty of Doobie-rolling when you're livin in a VAN BACK DOWN BY THE RIVER! Now, then young lady, what do you wanna do with your life?"


"I wanna live in a van back down by the river."


"You'll have plenty of time to live in a van back down by the river when... you're LIVIN IN A VAN BACK DOWN BY THE RIVER! Now, you're probably askin yourselves "Hey Matt, how do we get back on track? Well as I see it, there is only one solution. And that is I get my gear, and come here and bunk with you. We're gonna be BUDDIES, we're gonna be PALS we're gonna... RASSLE AROUND! (Strangles David Spade) Old Matt's gonna be your shadow! Here's you, here's Matt. There's you, there's- (CRASH) We're gonna have to fix that later. Me and BUDDIES! My PALS, My AMIGOS! Now I'm gonna get my gear up here."


"No, Matt, you don't have to do that."


"I don't care. I'm sick and tired of living in a VAN BACK DOWN BY THE RIVER!"


Sorry--something bout this thread reminded me of that skit. :lol:


Anyways--I don't make nearly enough. I might be headed for that van down by the river. :wacko:

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Dean of Instruction at a middle school. Making over 55K, just enough to pay for my weekly adds and drops.

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I get to spend $400.00 a month for me, myself, and I. Wife doesn't work, 2 kids, I pay all the bills, have 1/2 million dollar life insurance(whole), average/above average mutual funds savings for the age of 34, lexus, suburban, 2,000sq/ft 4bdr house with a huge yard and a creek where I get to catch bass, live 10 minutes from work, get 2 good vacations a year and I AM the BOSS! I am flat out in the middle of middle class.


I run a 24 claycourt tennis facility

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How about that stanford education fellas.


16-60 = -44.


Stanford SUCKS!


GO BRUINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I think that kid meant Stafford loans; the federally managed student loan system. If he really went to Stanford, I don't think he would call them Stanford loans because it's unlikely that Stanford is in the student loan business.


But, if he did, he should get his money back.


From what I read, that kid did go to Stanford, but when 1956? Since when does a kid leave Stanford with only 60K in loan debt? He must be Asian (scholarship???).


It's funny, I'm single make 65-70k+ give or take OT etc, I don't live a lavish lifestyle, own a cheap car, pay next to nothing in rent, I put alot into savings, etc, but how in gods name am I suppsed to buy a fricken condo let alone a house in this market and not be out in the boondocks or the ghetto? I see people making 40k and they have kids/houses/cars, etc...how the frick do you people do it?!??!?!? :wall:



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I've come to the conclusion that many areas have NO IDEA how much it costs to live decently in high cost areas like So Cal, NYC, etc. They think they do, but they don't. Also, please understand the lovely affect that the AMT has had on those in higher tax brackets, plus high state income tax states like CA. It's the price I pay to live where I do.

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I could care less how much people make.


I am however interested in WHAT people do for a living.

Like the repo man down in So Cal. I use to repo cars in MS, AL, & LA.

You wanna talk about interesting? I've seen sh!t you would not believe!


I currently work as a systems engineer for a Wireless carrier in Charlotte, NC.

I love my job! Better than repoing cars every night!


Good point.


I run a 1 million square foot distribution center in Washington

My wife is a registered nurse.

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No kidding...somebody stated that they make 36K with a wife and kid and makes out OK...I made that in my early 20's and have trouble getting ahead with my current salary of 60K....


Does 36K come with food stamps :dunno:


I'm the one that posted that earlier...I've got a mortgage, college loans to pay off, car payments, etc, etc, etc...but we always have enough to live a happy life. We're just doing without a lot of the "toys" that other people might have(boats, jet skis,vacation homes, big screen TV's, etc). It's possible :o and it's an average life that most of the hundreds of thousands of teachers in this country are living...remember that the next time you go to your kid's parent/teacher conference :dunno:

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Repo man = Cockroach



Alright genius, let's hear why you would think a repo man is a cockroach. If you had an inkling of how the economy worked in the United States, you would understand that the auto industry has always, historically been the first to depress, before real estate, manufacturing,etc.

So, what am I saying? My industry is the first line of defense in the economic market when the crap hits the fan. Would you pay your car payment or your mortage first? 99% of the general public needs to keep a roof over their collective heads. (Does your cardboard box have a roof)


I could care less how much I make a year. As long as my family is well taken care of, and I can afford to do whatever I want, whenever I want. A question was asked and I simply responded. I was a cop for several years as well, does that still make me a cockroach or worse?


The bottom line here is that you are probably some careless, irresponsible putz that is still hot about getting your car repossessed and wanted to take a poke at me. You lose.


I look forward to reading some more of your useless drivel, if you have the brains to respond. Better yet, you may not want to, because I will be all over you like stink on............ ( I get off on verbal judo with numbskulls like youself)


Bring it.

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Guest Davaco

with 401k and health benefits, i make about 50k, and thats above average for upstate ny.


it helps than iam single, but i got a nice apt, the car i wiant to drive, I can do what ever i want within reason, and still bank a nice amount.

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The bottom line here is that you are probably some careless, irresponsible putz that is still hot about getting your car repossessed and wanted to take a poke at me. You lose.


This was also my first thought.

I used to enjoy repoing cars from guys like this. The ones that had it all figured out and just knew they learned how to work the system. These are also the first ones in the office whining and complaining the morning after I janked there car.

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$1 more than Gutterboy

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I will make either about $150K or $400-500K depending on if our deal closes and the final size of it.

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Not much, but I have about 1.75 years gross salary in the bank.

I figured out that I could live for 5 years on that with my current expenses.



I really need to buy a house.

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I will make either about $150K or $400-500K depending on if our deal closes and the final size of it.



Translation...."I already lost my house and wife...If Sux is listening, please let me carry the loan just 1 more month..I promise I will pay" :cry:















Also, Good luck with the 400-500k deal :cry:

It would be nice to see a geek get ahead in life :(

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I can't imagine sharing what I actually make on this bored. :cry:


Don't share..You might need it for retirement :dunno:


Also, I would really like to get a link for your youtube vid.


I heard that it was pretty good. :cry:


gutterboy blows goats :(

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Also, I would really like to get a link for your youtube vid.


I heard that it was pretty good. :cry:



Even if you don't laugh, leave a high rating. I can use any good words I can get.

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I did laugh, and I laughed out loud :(

Good stage presence, and good timing :wub:

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