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Tarheel Boy

***Official LOST Discussion Thread for 10/25***

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This episode better ROXOR....... :cheers:

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Some nice views of Kate climbing the cage. :lol:


Think the X-Rays are Locke's? It could explain his paralysis, and possibly why he's OK while on the island.

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I've watched the whole series and I still can't get a read on the Others. Are they just nomads? What's with the "good people" and the "bad people?" Dharma project. This show has me addicted like I'm doing crack.

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I don't think so. I think Locke is much older than 40. I think it's Benjamin's.


:mad: :thumbsdown:


The way to win over a con man is to win his respect. :mad: :dunno:

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Awesome episode ;) The thoery of the small island is kinda true, but, i am guessing that the other's surburbia isn't on that island though, so, who knows. Wouldn't Kate, Jack, and Sawyer know if they went on a boat??? They must have sadated them during their trip to the seperate island. I am guessing that is why they wanted to take the boat so bad. Wouldn't the people on the raft have spotted that?? Wouldn't someone eventually spotted it??? I dunno, it's all f-ed up know.


It looks like the next 2 episodes will indroduce some more people to the island, or something, the previews looked weird, but, it will change everything appearently.


So, it looks like Sawyer, Kate and Jack are f-ed basically. Until the other losties get access to a boat or raft, there is no chance of rescue.

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I've watched the whole series and I still can't get a read on the Others.

There's few specific, definitive things the writers have said about them. Except this -


1. They are concerned with control. All of their gimmicks, their experiments, their mindgames - they're all about control. Benjamin wanting to keep Jack with the corpse. Sawyer and Kate's cages. The dress they made Kate were to sex her up for Sawyer, to help make him fall for her. The way Benjamin, as "Henry," played Locke vs. Jack when he was a prisoner.


-- which reminds me of something. This episode introduced a well-worn literary device: duality. Notice how Jack, now as a prisoner, began playing the blond woman vs. Benjamin? And how the blond woman's answers parroted Locke's when Henry played the same game with him? "We make decisions together, nobody's in charge." This was almost exactly what Locke said to "Henry."




2. The Others have contact with the outside world.


3. That contact has been interrupted by the hatch explosion.


If I had to make a wild guess, I think they're the remnants of a now-defunct Dharma project. Some are the heads of different defunct departments. I don't remember all the departments listed in the Hansbo film, but -


- The Zoology department is somehow lost. The cages are empty, the animals are free - the polar bears are on the main island (nice swim...), and the sharks are swimming around the island.


- The Biology department is headed by the blond woman. "I'm a fertility doctor." She's also the one responsible for the abduction of Claire.


- The Psychology department is DEFINITELY headed by Benjamin. He's all about mind games and studying human behavior.


What other departments were there?


4. Lastly, considering that some of the Dharma project hatches are abandoned, including an important monitoring station on the main island, AND the fact that the Dhama Project technology is all from the 1980s, I'd say the Others are the remnants of a failed project. A holdover or leftovers of a project that ran out of funding or something. The only thing that contradicts this hypothesis is the fact that they have contact with the outside world and apparently either ordered the plane drop of food OR the Dharma project is still doing it . However, they aren't exactly doing so well - the freaking defibrillators didn't work.


Anything else?


Perhaps the most ANNOYING thing about this show is how they've completely dropped the mysterious monster that killed the pilot in first few episodes. Though they did return to the mysterious "entity" roaming the island last season, when Eko saw his past inside the mysterious smoke.




LASTLY - Desmond can see the future. That's pretty cool.


One other thing -


Someone mentioned that the people on the raft would've saw the other island. Not necessarily. The shipped out and headed to sea. The main island could block it from view.




Would Desmond have seen it? He sailed all over the freaking place for weeks.




The small island is hidden from view somehow. I think they hired Doug Henning and POOF! gone. Yes.

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I don't believe the Others are on a separate island; I think Ben is lying.


Remember they sent Hurley back after they captured everybody. He walked....does he walk on water?


pretty decent episode....although I'm most interested in the sci-fi aspects of the show, Dharma Project, whether it's all some kind of government mind control thing, aliens, whatever. The entire episodes devoted to character development and zero plot advancement are starting to bug me.

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I don't believe the Others are on a separate island; I think Ben is lying.


Remember they sent Hurley back after they captured everybody. He walked....does he walk on water?


pretty decent episode....although I'm most interested in the sci-fi aspects of the show, Dharma Project, whether it's all some kind of government mind control thing, aliens, whatever. The entire episodes devoted to character development and zero plot advancement are starting to bug me.


That dock...where they were, and where the boat was taken...may not be on the same place where the station they are in is.


There also may be a way to connect the islands under the water...as we know where Jack was being held at first is under water. Also would explain how the others snuck up on the boat without having to cross the beach. Could be an entrance in the dock.

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It sounded to me like the others have a sub. At the very beginning when the blonde is talking with Jack and Ben comes in he says, "The sub is back, we have a situation". This is of course referring to the lady who got shot.


I watched that part again this morning on the web-site, and it sure sounds like he said "sub".



Another interesting quote was from the guy talking to Ben just before Sawyer gets a needle in the chest. He said "It's been 2 days since the sky turned purple, we're blind and our coms are down". It sounds like they may not be aware of what happens when the button is not pushed.

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It sounded to me like the others have a sub.




Based on the final scene on the mountain, it seems like they brought Jack, Kate, and Sawyer each for a specific purpose.


Jack to operate on Ben's spine

Sawyer to "escape" then go back and con the Losties into something?

Kate to ?

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Based on the final scene on the mountain, it seems like they brought Jack, Kate, and Sawyer each for a specific purpose.


Jack to operate on Ben's spine

Sawyer to "escape" then go back and con the Losties into something?

Kate to fock

Fixored. :dunno:

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I think they hired Doug Henning and POOF! gone. Yes.

what does being a ###### have to do with this show?


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ABC sets Lost Return Date


On Tuesday October 24, ABC announced the February return date for "Lost" after its hiatus following Season 3's episode 6. "Lost" will return to the ABC schedule on Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2007. The scheduling strategy is an effort to avoid episode repeats, which fans have complained impedes the momentum of the story. Lost will return with 16 weeks of uninterrupted episodes.


A scene from Every Man For Himself in which Ben shows Sawyer a rabbit in a cage is an obvious reference to King's nonfiction book Danse Macabre.


In Stephen King's 'On Writing' he has a writing exercise which involved a rabbit with the number 8 on his back. Stephen suggests not describing the cage, or the color of the rabbit but instead focusing on the mystery of the number 8. This kind of storytelling is a lot like both Lost and Stephen king.

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1. I demand to see the island smoke monster, even if it is in a different form, such as the black horse or the flying bird. How can you almost completely ignore this phenomenon for about 2 seasons now?


2. Looks like the plane crashed mostly because someone needs a spinal operation, and Jack is a spinal surgeon.


3. If Juliet is a fertility doctor, and it seems Ben is a doctor of psychology, these are the leaders of the leftover Dharma people that perform experiments on guinea pigs.


4. Either they are actually on the same island, and Ben is conning Sawyer yet again, or there are hatches on multiple islands. Interesting.


5. Weird preview. A space alien in a hatch?


6. What's the point of speculating at this point? :doh: Two more episodes, and we will be speculating for a couple of months.

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5. Weird preview. A space alien in a hatch?


I don't think it was an alien, after watching it again it was a guy with an eye patch. Strange either way.

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2. Looks like the plane crashed mostly because someone needs a spinal operation, and Jack is a spinal surgeon.


I thought we found out last season that the plane crashed because Desmond didn't push the button in time.

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I thought we found out last season that the plane crashed because Desmond didn't push the button in time.


That is the concrete answer. I am talking about the abstract answer, as in, the island wanted the plane to crash because Jack was on the plane.

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That is the concrete answer. I am talking about the abstract answer, as in, the island wanted the plane to crash because Jack was on the plane.


gotcha. The island is tricky

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1. I demand to see the island smoke monster, even if it is in a different form, such as the black horse or the flying bird. How can you almost completely ignore this phenomenon for about 2 seasons now?


2. Looks like the plane crashed mostly because someone needs a spinal operation, and Jack is a spinal surgeon.


3. If Juliet is a fertility doctor, and it seems Ben is a doctor of psychology, these are the leaders of the leftover Dharma people that perform experiments on guinea pigs.


4. Either they are actually on the same island, and Ben is conning Sawyer yet again, or there are hatches on multiple islands. Interesting.


5. Weird preview. A space alien in a hatch?


6. What's the point of speculating at this point? :wall: Two more episodes, and we will be speculating for a couple of months.



Thanks for summing up most of what I said. :wub:

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Thanks for summing up most of what I said. :wub:


I saw your post had a lot of words, so I skipped it. :wall:


Also, I've been demanding the return of the monster every single week, without success. And I will continue to do so, dammit. :dunno: :mad:

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I don't think it was an alien, after watching it again it was a guy with an eye patch. Strange either way.


Yes. I got the feeling Locke is going to return to the monitoring station to research the Others, possibly tap into a camera watching them. While fiddling with the controls, he switches to the Butt Pirate. Butt Pirate is in another hatch somewhere on the island, has been there forever like the man Desmond was shacked up with, and is quite mad. Arrrrrr....




I saw your post had a lot of words, so I skipped it. :wall:


I know how you feel. I was surprised I even read your post. Usually when I see phillybear I can hum the tune torture this, torture that, blood, filth, I hate my job, I hate life, and skip right past without missing a thing.



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I know how you feel. I was surprised I even read your post. Usually when I see phillybear I can hum the tune torture this, torture that, blood, filth, I hate my job, I hate life, and skip right past without missing a thing.




You are now forbidden from ever reading another one of my posts. Forbidden.

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You are now forbidden from ever reading another one of my posts. Forbidden.



Is there any way I can get on this list, too? TIA! :( :blink: :banana:

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1. I demand to see the island smoke monster, even if it is in a different form, such as the black horse or the flying bird. How can you almost completely ignore this phenomenon for about 2 seasons now?


2. Looks like the plane crashed mostly because someone needs a spinal operation, and Jack is a spinal surgeon.


3. If Juliet is a fertility doctor, and it seems Ben is a doctor of psychology, these are the leaders of the leftover Dharma people that perform experiments on guinea pigs.


4. Either they are actually on the same island, and Ben is conning Sawyer yet again, or there are hatches on multiple islands. Interesting.


5. Weird preview. A space alien in a hatch?


6. What's the point of speculating at this point? :wall: Two more episodes, and we will be speculating for a couple of months.


:thumbsup: Good points....


1. Completely agree, though, i am not as demanding. That monster kicked ass in season one and part of 2.


2. It was explained in the finale of season 2 Desmond crashed it, but, who really knows.


3.Sounds like it, and they are taking the kids for recruits for the next generation, but, they let Walt go because they seen how badly his dad wanted him back, and, to get their leader back by using that against Michael. They are also recruiting Jack, Kate, and Sawyer to become them...maybe. I don't know why else they would do what they're doing.


4. I am guessing the other island is the other's island, where they hold their prisoners and maybe have their little town. I really like the point someone brought up that they are connected, because, that makes a lot of sense.


5. Yep, like i said, any epsiode where Locke is majorly involved is a weird one. It may confirm the "other others" theory.


6. Agreed :wall: Should be an awesome 2 epsiodes...then, 16 STRAIT WEEKS of new episodes...now that is freakin sweet :first:

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1. I demand to see the island smoke monster, even if it is in a different form, such as the black horse or the flying bird. How can you almost completely ignore this phenomenon for about 2 seasons now?


Its not as central of a theme as many fools want it to be...quit whining.

2 seasons...its biggest part IMO since grabbing the pilot was last season with Eko.



2. Looks like the plane crashed mostly because someone needs a spinal operation, and Jack is a spinal surgeon.


I think that is an after effect...I do not think the Others and Ben had a clue they were coming...otherwise Ben would not have asked to have a list of names right away.



3. If Juliet is a fertility doctor, and it seems Ben is a doctor of psychology, these are the leaders of the leftover Dharma people that perform experiments on guinea pigs.


That is the popular theory yes...but seems to easy.


4. Either they are actually on the same island, and Ben is conning Sawyer yet again, or there are hatches on multiple islands. Interesting.


Rosseau's maps showed multiple islands...one a smaller island and the name Alex was written next to it.




Ben also mentioned something about "the sub" has returned in the opening scenes with Juliette and jack...at first I was going with it...thinking if they had a sub...park it under the dock...have a trap door to the dock to get onto the boat without Sayid and Jin seeing them and without getting wet. But how did they return in that...when they took the boat and were driving it away...not a sub?


5. Weird preview. A space alien in a hatch?


Space alien? Were you on drugs?...or do people with eye patches always look like aliens to you?


6. What's the point of speculating at this point? :thumbsup: Two more episodes, and we will be speculating for a couple of months.


Its part of the fun of the show I guess.

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Things I learned from this thread:


1. Funnel all of your observations, no matter how many necessary details, into short enumerated single sentence remarks.


1 a. I said all the same stuff phillybear did before phillybear said it, but everyone answered him.


2. Before you say it: YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT I'M FOCKING JEALOUS!@#$#



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Things I learned from this thread:


1. Funnel all of your observations, no matter how many necessary details, into short enumerated single sentence remarks.


1 a. I said all the same stuff phillybear did before phillybear said it, but everyone answered him.







Go fock yourself, you stupid pr1ck. :D

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Based on the final scene on the mountain, it seems like they brought Jack, Kate, and Sawyer each for a specific purpose.


Jack to operate on Ben's spine

Sawyer to "escape" then go back and con the Losties into something?

Kate to ?



I think Sawyer has to be a donor for something. Kate is probably there for coersion

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who is locke again ? the dude that was pressing the button then put the lightning rod out last night?


I'm trying to catch up.

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who is locke again ? the dude that was pressing the button then put the lightning rod out last night?


I'm trying to catch up.


Yep you got it right.

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Yep you got it right.

No he didn't.


Lock is the bald guy. The guy who put up the lightning rod is Desmond.

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No he didn't.


Lock is the bald guy. The guy who put up the lightning rod is Desmond.


The priest from Africa right?

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The priest from Africa right?


That was Jack's brother...he died in New Zealand I think....Jack was taking him home.

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