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The NBA is unwatchable.

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Knicks/Memphis take 3 overtimes to score 118 / 117?


When the NBA was at it's best the score was 118 to 117 without overtime.

Philly 88 Atlanta 75. Pathetic.


No one in the NBA can shoot a free throw worth a fùck anymore.

Celtics Hornets a combined 42 for 72 58% last night


The league just sucks and there is a lot more wrong with it than who carries a gun Mr. Stern you oaf.



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The lack of fundamentals is sickening. Even worse is the popularity of the garbage "and1" shiot that is all over the place now, further ruining basketball and turning it into a BS hip-hop video game.

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We all know the NBA has been going downhill for a long time, I'm just reiterating the fact that it's hit a crescendo of suckness.

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Here's an idea. Don't watch it. When it comes to hockey it works great for me.

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Here's an idea. Don't watch it. When it comes to hockey it works great for me.


I don't, but thanks for caring. :huh:

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I don't, but thanks for caring. :banana:


It's obvious you do. If you don't like it don't watch it. It really is that simple

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It's obvious you do. If you don't like it don't watch it. It really is that simple



It's obvious I don't. Box scores and highlights tell me all I need to know. Thanks again for caring. :banana:

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focking idiot thug borefest.


i haven't watched an NBA game in years.


I was going to unleash a torrent of expletives, coupled with scathing social commentary .... but porkbutt SAID IT BEST :P :clap:


Best. Post. Ever. regarding that cesspool of a "league".

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I was going to unleash a torrent of expletives, coupled with scathing social commentary .... but porkbutt SAID IT BEST :banana: :banana:


Best. Post. Ever. regarding that cesspool of a "league".

i find it more entertaining to watch most of them trying to form a sentence in the post-game interviews.

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I actually enjoy watchin the Knicks, but that's only because I'm rooting for them. If the Knicks aren't playing, I don't care.


Needless to say, I haven't seen a playoff game in years. :banana:

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The Mavericks used to be fun to watch when they played Nelly ball........no defense what so ever.....yeah yeah they could not win a championship with it.....but it sure was a blast to watch.....they are getting boring now that they are emphasizing defense........

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i find it more entertaining to watch most of them trying to form a sentence in the post-game interviews.



Paul Pierce said a few "words" about red auerbach before the game last night. :blink:


I wanted to see the tribute to red, so i watched it and changed the channel before the game started.

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It's obvious I don't. Box scores and highlights tell me all I need to know. Thanks again for caring. :blink:


So you base the entertainment value of an event based on box scores and 10 second clips?


Yup...you are a mental midget.



PS. I do not care for the NBA all that much...it has been getting better...great move to call technical fouls for whining about a foul call. The NFL should do something similar for WRs begging for flags after every focking incomplete pass.

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Paul Pierce said a few "words" about red auerbach before the game last night. :dunno:


I wanted to see the tribute to red, so i watched it and changed the channel before the game started.

didn't hear it...but i can just imagine how eloquent it must've been :wacko:

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' date='Nov 2 2006, 03:26 PM' post='2830326']

this is why i consider college basketball "playing at the highest level".


nba is fockfastic.


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the nba has the free hoops package for a week..


so i checked out some games..bits and pieces..


i see the bucks are going to start hot again...we'll see if they can avoid fading before new years....


Q richardson took 3 monster steps before getting a foul call in the knicks game..


im open minded about getting back into hoops..but calls like these at critical times makes it difficult to take seriously..


the games arent fixed..the guys still need to shoot and score..but a lot of situations are..

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Paul Pierce said a few "words" about red auerbach before the game last night. :banana:


I wanted to see the tribute to red, so i watched it and changed the channel before the game started.


Trust me, you didn't miss much. (The game, not the tribute, which was well done)

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The lack of fundamentals is sickening. Even worse is the popularity of the garbage "and1" shiot that is all over the place now, further ruining basketball and turning it into a BS hip-hop video game.


To make it even sicker.... just picture the mountains of money they get paid.

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Here's an idea. Don't watch it. When it comes to hockey it works great for me.



One must admit, though, that it was pretty entertaining when the Indiana Pacers squad beat the pizz outta the entire faagiddy Pistons fanbase that one time...

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One must admit, though, that it was pretty entertaining when the Indiana Pacers squad beat the pizz outta the entire faagiddy Pistons fanbase that one time...



Really? Did you ever catch the end of that melee, where BIG BAD NASTY (dumb azz) Artest takes a running start, winds up, cold ###### sucker punches that dude in the Piston jersey ... AND DOESN'T EVEN KNOCK HIM DOWN!!!??!?? Artest is a poosay, and wouldn't last 10 seconds in a fair fight. From the looks of that "punch" he suckered that guy with, he couldn't even knock out Estelle Getty. Fockin' jacka$$.


If you think that's "beating the pizz outta", then you need to move the fock out of mommy's basement.

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Really? Did you ever catch the end of that melee, where BIG BAD NASTY (dumb azz) Artest takes a running start, winds up, cold ###### sucker punches that dude in the Piston jersey ... AND DOESN'T EVEN KNOCK HIM DOWN!!!??!?? Artest is a poosay, and wouldn't last 10 seconds in a fair fight. From the looks of that "punch" he suckered that guy with, he couldn't even knock out Estelle Getty. Fockin' jacka$$.


If you think that's "beating the pizz outta", then you need to move the fock out of mommy's basement.



Hmm, theres a bunch of people fighting on the court so a guy walks on the court and i would say he was acting hostile and walks up to ron artest. Real sucker punch. The guy was just minding his business avoiding the situatoin. Right.


Anyways people like you guys are laughable. There were peroids of time when teams would avg 70 points a game. You call todays players thugs? What were your precious bad boys. That was thuggery on the court. You say players today have no respect for the game. How many fights do you see now compared to the days people use to try to fight bird every night. The game changes constantly. There is still team basketball. Suns. Spurs. Mavericks. Nets. Those teams play good team basketball. Then there are selfish teams that play these days taht rely on one guy to do it all. Bucks. Heat. Lakers. But back then what were the hawks with nique. What were the spurs with the iceman. Same ###### different year.


And if you wanna talk about money talk about your precious game of baseball. Each NBA team can oly have 12 active players and 15 players together. If the league earns a comparable amount as the mlb, nfl, but they have half or even a quarter of the players they are obvoiusly going to get paid more. But, MLB stars get paid more tahn NBA stars.


Don't worry, i'll be just as lame as you guys when i'm 40 years old criticizing the game and some young kid tells me the same thing i told you guys.

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Really? Did you ever catch the end of that melee, where BIG BAD NASTY (dumb azz) Artest takes a running start, winds up, cold ###### sucker punches that dude in the Piston jersey ... AND DOESN'T EVEN KNOCK HIM DOWN!!!??!?? Artest is a poosay, and wouldn't last 10 seconds in a fair fight. From the looks of that "punch" he suckered that guy with, he couldn't even knock out Estelle Getty. Fockin' jacka$$.


If you think that's "beating the pizz outta", then you need to move the fock out of mommy's basement.



Wow, you really took the bait!

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Hmm, theres a bunch of people fighting on the court so a guy walks on the court and i would say he was acting hostile and walks up to ron artest. Real sucker punch. The guy was just minding his business avoiding the situatoin. Right.


Yo, K-Fed, I couldn't give one shaved rat's nutsack if dude spit in your homey Artest's face ... fact is, the BIOTCH DID NOT KNOCK HIM DOWN. :D Fo shizzle, my nizzle.

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Knicks/Memphis take 3 overtimes to score 118 / 117?


When the NBA was at it's best the score was 118 to 117 without overtime.

Philly 88 Atlanta 75. Pathetic.


No one in the NBA can shoot a free throw worth a fùck anymore.

Celtics Hornets a combined 42 for 72 58% last night


The league just sucks and there is a lot more wrong with it than who carries a gun Mr. Stern you oaf.





I havent watched the NBA since Larry Bird retired.

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Don't worry, i'll be just as lame as you guys when i'm 40 years old criticizing the game and some young kid tells me the same thing i told you guys.


I don't think you'll be doing it on the internet, though ... no computer access when you're manning the deep fryer at Sonic :thumbsdown:

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There is still team basketball. Suns. Spurs. Mavericks. Nets. Those teams play good team basketball.


Swap out New Jersey with Chicago and I agree with you there. I liked the Nets better a few years ago when the team revolved around Jason Kidd and how he created opportunities for role players like Keith Van Horn and Lucious Harris. (I mean, I naturally hate the Nets, but admired how they played the game when they were the East's premiere team for that stretch) Now the team revolves around Vince Carter, who is basically a Dominique Wilkins clone. The Bulls are young and loaded with talent, and don't depend on just one guy to carry them.

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I havent watched the NBA since Larry Bird retired.



WHAT?? larry bird retired???? :(


at least we still have magic and jordan :pointstosky:

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