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Jarvis Basnight

For those who watched GB vs. Dallas

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Are you talking about the first drive of the game where the Dallas defender was clearly beat, not looking back at the ball and grabbing Driver's arm preventing him from getting that touchdown pass???


I forgot about that one... :thumbsup:

mmm..I think you're referring to the play where Newman was stride for stride and denied the ball from Driver with his hand. I wish Favre would have stayed in the game because the margin of victory would have been bigger. ;)

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It was a bad call. It happens. They stated that it wasn't a change of possession because the ref "supposedly" blew the whistle which stops the play dead and anything that happens after that is null and void. What don't you understand? :thumbsup:


Well then. I guess there's no reason to discuss. 100% agree that it was a bad call. My mistake, I thought someone would maybe have a different opinion but according to you it's cut and dried.

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It was a bad call. It happens. They stated that it wasn't a change of possession because the ref "supposedly" blew the whistle which stops the play dead and anything that happens after that is null and void. What don't you understand? :thumbsup:


They did not state that he blew the whistle.

They stated that he ruled forward progress had been stopped.

But the whistle never blew until they were out of bounds.

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mmm..I think you're referring to the play where Newman was stride for stride and denied the ball from Driver with his hand. I wish Favre would have stayed in the game because the margin of victory would have been bigger. ;)


Newman denied nothing.

He was in great coverage but that throw was perfect. People don't see Driver drop many like that...but it went right through his hands.

Oh...and I would not have called a penalty on Newman there anyway.


If Favre had stayed in, none of us know what would have happened...anyone claiming it would have been more of a blowout is idiotic.

He has been off before and settled in to play a great game... :thumbsup:

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I always love it when fans of one of the teams that got ALL of the calls in a given game cry that others are crying.


As a fan of neither team - I assure you that the officiating last night was borderline criminal. I cannot remember a single questionable call that favored the Packers and at LEAST a half-dozen MAJOR ones that significantly benefitted the Cowboys.


The referee absolutely DID NOT blow the whistle on the Harris/TO strip. For the guy who had no actual view of the ball/strip to overrule the guy who had a clear view - is criminal.


On the downfield pass-interference call - same thing. I had the game on DVR and the reality is that the Cowboys receiver, yes - while ahead of him, gave the defender a little jersey tug that ultimately cause the foot-tangle up. There should have been absolutely NO flag there.


It was another example of highly questionable officiating. Blatant bulldung that is the reason people question the legitimacy of games across all the sports.

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This is a link to one view of the game:




I stopped after the first paragraph because the moron is another one who doesn't realize that there is no such illegal infraction called "face-guarding" and hasn't been for many years. :thumbsup:


He's no better than any poster here - it's not like a legitimate article from an allegedly reputable sports outlet.

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I stopped after the first paragraph because the moron is another one who doesn't realize that there is no such illegal infraction called "face-guarding" and hasn't been for many years. :thumbsup:


He's no better than any poster here - it's not like a legitimate article from an allegedly reputable sports outlet.



You are wrong my friend, I've seen face guarding called at least three times this year. It may not be called face guarding but you cannot put your hand in the receivers face without turning around.

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I stopped after the first paragraph because the moron is another one who doesn't realize that there is no such illegal infraction called "face-guarding" and hasn't been for many years. :thumbsup:


He's no better than any poster here - it's not like a legitimate article from an allegedly reputable sports outlet.


Damn! Beat me to it! Phil Sims does'nt know the rule was changed a few years ago either.

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You are wrong my friend, I've seen face guarding called at least three times this year. It may not be called face guarding but you cannot put your hand in the defenders face without turning around.


No you haven't. So shut up. You are absolutely allowed to do anything short of making contact with the receiver to defend against the pass.


Learn the game.

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huge cowboy fan here, TO did get stripped. bad call, it happens. what was worse was mccarthy challenging the reception. even if he wins the challenge it's 2nd or 3rd down early in the FIRST quarter. they could have used that challenge on the 4th down spot late in the 4th quarter. that was almost as boneheaded as the missed strip call, imo.

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You are wrong my friend, I've seen face guarding called at least three times this year. It may not be called face guarding but you cannot put your hand in the receivers face without turning around.


You probably heard a dumb announcer call it face guarding but you never heard a ref call it. There is no penalty for it. It is legal.




Can you call pass interference on a defender if he is turned toward the wide receiver, not looking at the ball, waves his arms, but doesn't touch the wide receiver at all? Say the ball is in the air and hits the defender in the arm because he deflects the pass. Again, he doesn't touch the WR, but isn't looking at the ball either. --Dawn Polomsky, Phoenix, Ariz.


Many years ago, there was a penalty on pass plays for "face guarding." What you describe is face guarding. There is no penalty under current NFL rules for this act, unless there is physical contact. If the ball hits the defender, as you describe, the play would be legal. It is dangerous for a defender to turn his back on the direction that the ball is coming from. If he contacts the intended receiver, it would be pass interference because the defender is not playing the ball. You seldom see what you describe, but it would not be a foul.

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huge cowboy fan here, TO did get stripped. bad call, it happens. what was worse was mccarthy challenging the reception. even if he wins the challenge it's 2nd or 3rd down early in the FIRST quarter. they could have used that challenge on the 4th down spot late in the 4th quarter. that was almost as boneheaded as the missed strip call, imo.


I completely forgot about that bogus spot on the Grant run. That was crucial.. Packers had to kick a field goal.


The Packers probably should have went for it but didn't trust the refs on 4th down to spot the ball correctly either.

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I always love it when fans of one of the teams that got ALL of the calls in a given game cry that others are crying.


As a fan of neither team - I assure you that the officiating last night was borderline criminal. I cannot remember a single questionable call that favored the Packers and at LEAST a half-dozen MAJOR ones that significantly benefitted the Cowboys.


The referee absolutely DID NOT blow the whistle on the Harris/TO strip. For the guy who had no actual view of the ball/strip to overrule the guy who had a clear view - is criminal.


On the downfield pass-interference call - same thing. I had the game on DVR and the reality is that the Cowboys receiver, yes - while ahead of him, gave the defender a little jersey tug that ultimately cause the foot-tangle up. There should have been absolutely NO flag there.


It was another example of highly questionable officiating. Blatant bulldung that is the reason people question the legitimacy of games across all the sports.

You can operate a DVR? Impressive.

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You are wrong my friend, I've seen face guarding called at least three times this year. It may not be called face guarding but you cannot put your hand in the receivers face without turning around.


Sorry Phurfur, but I think Meph's right. The rule was changed a few years ago in the NFL (not the NCAA).


Edit: removed Jerry Markbreit link as mighty_thor beat me to it.

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As a cowboys fan, i'll say i think it should have been a turn over. But, one of the refs blew the whistle early. It was just a bad call. Theres no "reason" why it wasn't a turnover. In a perfect officiating world, it would've been a turnover. But, it was just an early whistle.


That PI was legit though. Whats the difference between "legs got tangled up" and "bodies getting tangled up?" If that wasn't called PI, then every DB would do what the packers DB did. "Oh snap, i'm beat deep, let me just run full speed ahead and let our feet get tangled up." I guess i would think some doubt would be ok if his head was turned, but he turned his head only for a second and for the last 5-7 yards he was looking straight ahead.

I actually watched the game too. Only reason for that strip to NOT be challenged is that the play was blown dead (plays don't end arbitrarily. It takes a whistle, whether from 6 ft in front of the play or from the other side of the field :doublethumbsup:). It was blown dead due to forward progress stopped and before he went out of bounds and, thus, before the strip. However, I will concede that the play was called dead too early and that should have been a strip. I'm sure Mike McCarthy is filing a complaint with the league as we speak.


As for the pass interference, the DB initially turned back to look for the ball and I thought the PI was unintentional. Maybe a 5 yard penalty and 1st down (if anything) but not at the spot of the ball. Holy cow, you can only do so much before you start to take the gamemanship out of a contact sport. I thought it should have been a no-call.

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here we go. :doublethumbsup:


ref blew the whistle. play is dead. it's a tough one, but how can you overturn the call on the field there?

honestly, packer fans, if the tables were turned, would you feel the same way? be honest.


i suppose the PI call at the goal was total BS too. :thumbsdown: another tough call, but it's one that's called all the time.


the bottomline on this game is the Dallas O-Line gets the game ball! they dominated. Dallas executed a better game plan. i don't wanna hear about the injuries and bad calls. Dallas outplayed GB last night, end of story.


packer fans should be happy that Rodgers looked very good replacing Favre last nite. although i gotta admit i hate to see Favre knocked out of a game. he is a true warrior, and a good guy.

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You can operate a DVR? Impressive.


OWNED!!! :doublethumbsup: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :pointstosky:


There is simply no comeback to this :overhead:

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I always love it when fans of one of the teams that got ALL of the calls in a given game cry that others are crying.


As a fan of neither team - I assure you that the officiating last night was borderline criminal. I cannot remember a single questionable call that favored the Packers and at LEAST a half-dozen MAJOR ones that significantly benefitted the Cowboys.


The referee absolutely DID NOT blow the whistle on the Harris/TO strip. For the guy who had no actual view of the ball/strip to overrule the guy who had a clear view - is criminal.


On the downfield pass-interference call - same thing. I had the game on DVR and the reality is that the Cowboys receiver, yes - while ahead of him, gave the defender a little jersey tug that ultimately cause the foot-tangle up. There should have been absolutely NO flag there.


It was another example of highly questionable officiating. Blatant bulldung that is the reason people question the legitimacy of games across all the sports.


I'm not a fan of either team either. I felt the TO call was bad. The pass interference call was borderline. Other than that I still thought the Cowboys played better than the Packers and deserved the game.

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I completely forgot about that bogus spot on the Grant run. That was crucial.. Packers had to kick a field goal.


The Packers probably should have went for it but didn't trust the refs on 4th down to spot the ball correctly either.

That spot was atrocious. But if McCarthy hadn't used his second challenge on a 1&10 completion in the second half (which WAS overturned but to no avail) he could have challenged and would have won a 1st down.

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Can someone explain to me why Harris pulling the ball out of TO's hands less than a second after the catch was not an INT? He pulled it out and had control before going out of bounds.


They said he'd stopped forward progress but he'd JUST caught the ball. I've seen RB's held up get much more time to possibly break the tackle before forward progress whistles were blown.


I understand it was a very difficult call to make but why can't something like that be reviewed?


I have no explaination. It was just a bad call. I hate the stoppage of forward progress and hate when teh refs blow the whistle before the play is over.


That play just went to a whole new level of premature blowing of the whistle.

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You are wrong my friend, I've seen face guarding called at least three times this year. It may not be called face guarding but you cannot put your hand in the receivers face without turning around.


You can unless you make contact.

There is no faceguarding...only calls when contact is made.

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You cry quite a bit, don't you? Why is that? Seriously. Who taught you that crying will fix things? Hey...here's an idea: cry some more. Maybe you'll accomplish something if you cry enough.





Owned? LOL. My team won. Your team lost. I don't have anything to cry about. And...hey...next time, try to be original.



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I actually watched the game too. Only reason for that strip to NOT be challenged is that the play was blown dead (plays don't end arbitrarily. It takes a whistle, whether from 6 ft in front of the play or from the other side of the field :doublethumbsup:). It was blown dead due to forward progress stopped and before he went out of bounds and, thus, before the strip. However, I will concede that the play was called dead too early and that should have been a strip. I'm sure Mike McCarthy is filing a complaint with the league as we speak.


And again I disagree. The play was blown dead b/c it went out of bounds. The whistle blew b/c both TO and Harris were standing OB.

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OWNED!!! :pointstopackers:



Yes....yes they were. For once you're making sense.

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That spot was atrocious. But if McCarthy hadn't used his second challenge on a 1&10 completion in the second half (which WAS overturned but to no avail) he could have challenged and would have won a 1st down.


The point being he shouldn't have to challenge so many times in a game. I had no problem with how he used his challenges, he can't see the future so I can't blame McCarthy. That spot was bad though, you could see him actually falling over the first down line...and the refs move it like a yard back. By that point I just couldn't believe how out of hand the officiating was. It's going to be interesting to see the head ref guy on NFL Network explain this game.

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here we go. :doublethumbsup:


ref blew the whistle. play is dead. it's a tough one, but how can you overturn the call on the field there?

honestly, packer fans, if the tables were turned, would you feel the same way? be honest.


i suppose the PI call at the goal was total BS too. :thumbsdown: another tough call, but it's one that's called all the time.


the bottomline on this game is the Dallas O-Line gets the game ball! they dominated. Dallas executed a better game plan. i don't wanna hear about the injuries and bad calls. Dallas outplayed GB last night, end of story.


packer fans should be happy that Rodgers looked very good replacing Favre last nite. although i gotta admit i hate to see Favre knocked out of a game. he is a true warrior, and a good guy.



Can some of you quit spreading the lie that the whistle was blown. It most certainly was not blown until the players were out of bounds.

The ref ruled forward progress was stopped...that is one of those judgements that I don't think they can review...which is what McCarthy was asking about and then last ditch tried to review it as incomplete as quick of a play it was.


The call on the field should have been made from the ref who could actually see the ball...instead, the one who ruled forward progress was stopped, could not see the ball.

If the tables were turned, Id call it a BS call that was missed (as several realistic Dallas fans have done).


The one PI call was ticky tack...the other was right on.


I agree that the Oline was a big key and Dallas won. The injuries are a part of the game...I hope Woodson and KGB are good to go if they get to rematch.

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As a cowboys fan, i'll say i think it should have been a turn over. But, one of the refs blew the whistle early. It was just a bad call. Theres no "reason" why it wasn't a turnover. In a perfect officiating world, it would've been a turnover. But, it was just an early whistle.


That PI was legit though. Whats the difference between "legs got tangled up" and "bodies getting tangled up?" If that wasn't called PI, then every DB would do what the packers DB did. "Oh snap, i'm beat deep, let me just run full speed ahead and let our feet get tangled up." I guess i would think some doubt would be ok if his head was turned, but he turned his head only for a second and for the last 5-7 yards he was looking straight ahead.

well said, dead on. and even more to the point on the PI, it was his initial right arm reach around/touch that started it. the rules clearly state, no touching - and he did. everybody wants to say it didn't disturb his stride, BS - how do we know? i say it did, cuz it allowed williams to catch up close enough to get their legs twisted up - he was clearly beat, again.


strange to see no mention of fasano's td that was called off. that was a catch and the ground can't cause a fumble. luckily we scored then next play - but that was a bad call.

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The defender was beaten on the play and had to grab the receiver's shoulders to keep pace with him. If the defender hadn't grabbed him then their feet wouldn't have been tangled in the first place. It was definitely pass interference.


Williams didn't "grab" the WR at all.


Yes he put 2 hands on him but it in no way messed up the WRs ability to catch the ball.


Then teh tangling of teh legs occured.


Pass int boggles me. As a Defender you cant even touch a guy after 5 yards. As a defender you have to follow a player all over the field, look back for the ball, not use your hand as a guide to know where the WR is and then try to make a play on teh ball, and if teh WR catches it they have to tackle him. But On the other hand WRs can push off and get away with it left and right.


There were some bad calls in the game. But I wont use it as an excuse to teh game. Dallas right now is a better team and played a better overall game.

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The point being he shouldn't have to challenge so many times in a game. I had no problem with how he used his challenges, he can't see the future so I can't blame McCarthy. That spot was bad though, you could see him actually falling over the first down line...and the refs move it like a yard back. By that point I just couldn't believe how out of hand the officiating was. It's going to be interesting to see the head ref guy on NFL Network explain this game.


Especially the 15 yd and a 1st down play that GB got WHEN GB's OWN PLAYER facemasked Rodgers, and called it on Dallas. That first down allowed the drive to continue....and gave them a TD they wouldn't have had.


Some calls a are "judgement", but man...giving GB a first down because GB's o-lineman facemasked their QB?



LOL....No matter. GB lost anyway.

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here we go. :rolleyes:


ref blew the whistle. play is dead. it's a tough one, but how can you overturn the call on the field there?

honestly, packer fans, if the tables were turned, would you feel the same way? be honest.


i suppose the PI call at the goal was total BS too. :rolleyes: another tough call, but it's one that's called all the time.


the bottomline on this game is the Dallas O-Line gets the game ball! they dominated. Dallas executed a better game plan. i don't wanna hear about the injuries and bad calls. Dallas outplayed GB last night, end of story.


packer fans should be happy that Rodgers looked very good replacing Favre last nite. although i gotta admit i hate to see Favre knocked out of a game. he is a true warrior, and a good guy.


Yes, I do think the Dallas o-line played very well last night and that gets losted in all the whining...


J. Jolly and C. Cole have been playing extremely well this season for the Packers at DT.... They have managed to keep people fresh in the fourth quarter because their rotations is so big and that has been huge for the Packers this year. Not having those guys (and KGB) definitely made a difference in this game, but the Dallas O-line is big and tough nonetheless....


Bush was terrible and righfully benched.. Not having Woodson changes the game on defense.


But you play with the guys you have and Romo is a great quarterback; the Cowboys are a great team...


I am anticipating the rematch already...


Great job :thumbsup:

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well said, dead on. and even more to the point on the PI, it was his initial right arm reach around/touch that started it. the rules clearly state, no touching - and he did. everybody wants to say it didn't disturb his stride, BS - how do we know? i say it did, cuz it allowed williams to catch up close enough to get their legs twisted up - he was clearly beat, again.


strange to see no mention of fasano's td that was called off. that was a catch and the ground can't cause a fumble. luckily we scored then next play - but that was a bad call.


You know that was a weird one. I couldn't make up my mind on it. It did look like he had possession long enough, but also kind of not...ya know? Just a weird play. Like you said it didn't matter though

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well said, dead on. and even more to the point on the PI, it was his initial right arm reach around/touch that started it. the rules clearly state, no touching - and he did. everybody wants to say it didn't disturb his stride, BS - how do we know? i say it did, cuz it allowed williams to catch up close enough to get their legs twisted up - he was clearly beat, again.


strange to see no mention of fasano's td that was called off. that was a catch and the ground can't cause a fumble. luckily we scored then next play - but that was a bad call.


Because the ground did not cause a fumble.

You have to maintain possession throughout the catch when you go to the ground on your own. He did not. You are an idiot.


And Williams caught up because he is pretty damn fast.

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ref blew the whistle. play is dead. it's a tough one, but how can you overturn the call on the field there?

honestly, packer fans, if the tables were turned, would you feel the same way? be honest.


The horrible part is the ref blowing the whistle for forward progress being stopped, when the play wasn't even remotely over. HTF can a ref do that when the league "supposedly" told them to err on the side of caution on close plays and NOT blow the whistle so the play can be reviewed. When he blew the whistle, he reduced the challenge possibility to ONLY whther or not it was a catch, which it obviously was (McCarthey should have NEVER challenged that). BUT, it was also a strip and a turnover. Horrible, horrible officiating on that play no matter how you slice it. To say otherwise is blind-ass homerism.


All that being said, Dallas was the better team last night and did deserve the win, even though the refs helped them out.

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That pretty much sums it up. Maybe the ref blew the whistle a little too early, but he did none-the-less. :rolleyes:


A little early? Try WAY to early. It was seriously a split second after TO caught it. To was not out of Bounds.


Seriously lets let the players play the game. To was still in bounds and and AL ripped it away and stayed in bounds.


IT was a BAd bad call by teh ref to just decide to blow the whistle for no reason at all.


And the Pass int was crazy. The ref who was right there 3 feet away called incomplete and tried telling the player why. A good 10 seconds goes by. Players are walking back. Then some ref comes they talk and then it was a flag.

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You have to maintain possession throughout the catch when you go to the ground on your own. He did not. You are an idiot.


And Williams caught up because he is pretty damn fast.

nice, way to maintain your composure. guess the bitterness is finally getting to you for losing. just another fantasy board smuck who can't keep his cool and act like a grown up. :rolleyes:

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and even more to the point on the PI, it was his initial right arm reach around/touch that started it. the rules clearly state, no touching - and he did. everybody wants to say it didn't disturb his stride, BS - how do we know? i say it did, cuz it allowed williams to catch up close enough to get their legs twisted up - he was clearly beat, again.


strange to see no mention of fasano's td that was called off. that was a catch and the ground can't cause a fumble. luckily we scored then next play - but that was a bad call.


This thread was started about the TO catch/fumble/recovery to Harris initially. It's turned into an opinions on all calls.


I'll give you my take on this as a GB fan.


I agree the PI call was justified. I thought it was a little ticky-tacky for a big game like this, but it was justified.


That was a drop by Fasano. The ground can't cause a fumble when you don't have possession to begin with.


After all the b!tching and all is said and done, the Cowboys were the better team in this game. GB kept it close, but Dallas was better.

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nice, way to maintain your composure. guess the bitterness is finally getting to you for losing. just another fantasy board smuck who can't keep his cool and act like a grown up. :rolleyes:


Sorry...when people make posts that dumb...they should be called out.

Its not bitterness about the game...its bitterness about complete ignorance like saying the ground cannot cause the fumble and completely not knowing the rules.

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