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Sample U.S. Citizenship test - use for voting rights?

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In another thread, someone suggested that IQ be used to determine voting rights. I don't think that's fair, personally, as IQ is at least partially out of a person's control. I think that understanding "basic" citizenship is a much nicer way to go.


These are 20 sample questions from an actual citizenship test. Get 16 right, you stay in America. Below that, enjoy the ride......




I love talking to my Advanced Placement US History kids about immigration at the turn of the century, getting them all riled up about present-day effects, asking them what the criteria for citizenship should be........and then giving them this test. Usually about 1/4 of them pass. We then talk about how they are the upper-echelon and that they study much more history than 90% of their peers ever will, and what this all means. Many of them wind up feeling guilty and calling themselves bad Americans.......of course, I reassure them that they aren't, but then we discuss the importance of, say, pop culture.....versus "boring" American history..........


Good times. :overhead:

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You answered 90% of questions correctly. Here's your rating:


0-20%: Maybe you're still thinking too much about the Old Country.


25-40%: Mmmm. Do you really want to be a citizen? This kind of performance isn't going to impress those nice immigration folks.


45-60%: Not too bad, but you really need to break out the civics books again -- word is, the INS is looking for an 80 percent score.


65-80%: Hey, you may make a good citizen yet! Look at your wrong answers and a little revision should do the trick.


85-100%: Welcome to the United States! (And, truth be told, you know more about this great land than most Americans.)


Scroll down to see answers for each question. Also, please let us know what you think about the quiz. The feedback is appreciated



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You answered 100% of questions correctly. Here's your rating:


0-20%: Maybe you're still thinking too much about the Old Country.


25-40%: Mmmm. Do you really want to be a citizen? This kind of performance isn't going to impress those nice immigration folks.


45-60%: Not too bad, but you really need to break out the civics books again -- word is, the INS is looking for an 80 percent score.


65-80%: Hey, you may make a good citizen yet! Look at your wrong answers and a little revision should do the trick.


85-100%: Welcome to the United States! (And, truth be told, you know more about this great land than most Americans.)


Scroll down to see answers for each question. Also, please let us know what you think about the quiz. The feedback is appreciated.



It should be harder. I like the IQ idea. Make it 140 and above. Only the best and brightest should be able to vote.

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You answered 100% of questions correctly.


Most of them are pretty damn basic, but there's no way the average American would know #19 (and I guessed).

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Who killed Biggie and Tupac?


A) Who gives a crap?

:pointstosky: All of the above

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I'll ask a question that I always ask the students.........


In all seriousness, what percentage of the population do you think passes (16/20, for example) this test?


I think that the number is fairly low, much lower than people would think and/or realize.

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By the way, keep in mind that the real test is obviously much longer, given orally, and involves no multiple choice.

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I got 75% correct. I'm not up to date on specific INS forms to apply for citizenship, or, which amendment regarding I forgot what it was, and got the Constitution dates backwards. I think I'll stay.

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I got 75% correct. I'm not up to date on specific INS forms to apply for citizenship, or, which amendment regarding I forgot what it was, and got the Constitution dates backwards. I think I'll stay.

I'm sorry, you're out. :cheers:

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19 out of 20 ######





I have a better citizenship test........if your fuckingpieceofshit ancestors showed up here AFTER the fuckingcivilwar, go back where you fuckingcamefrom, yer still a fuckingcarpetbagger.



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I only got 60%!


How did I ever get a college degree?



Aren't you a video editor... Aren't the only requirements for that degree just proving you can hold your alcohol?

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I only got 60%!


How did I ever get a college degree?

Is that a question for us? I'm guessing you slept with someone or you paid someone or you paid someone to sleep with you. Or The professors got you mixed up with someone else. Or you had dirty secks pics of your dean in chains and leather.


Any of these correct?

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Aren't you a video editor... Aren't the only requirements for that degree just proving you can hold your alcohol?


Yes I am...and good point.


I got all A's in that subject.

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Missed the 13 original states :music_guitarred:


New Zealand is not a state. HTH.

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You answered 45% of questions correctly.



Fock me. I'm the Cyric of Messicans

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I guess I had better sell my house and move to Mexico with my kats :music_guitarred:

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I guess I had better sell my house and move to Mexico with my kats :(


60% also. :wall:


Hello Canadian Ballet tho!! :music_guitarred: :bench:

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By the way, keep in mind that the real test is obviously much longer, given orally, and involves no multiple choice.



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80% :dunno:


So, if this was the actual test, with no multiple choice, you'd be deported. Good job, professor.

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Missed 16 and 20.

16 I didn't know...20 I think I misread.


To answer your question Rattlesnake; I'd be willing to bet if this test were given to 100 random high school seniors, no more than 25% would pass with 16 or more correct out of 20.


Kids don't learn sh!t anymore in school. We just pump em out, dumber than ever, and that's the way they want em.

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To answer your question Rattlesnake; I'd be willing to bet if this test were given to 100 random high school seniors, no more than 25% would pass with 16 or more correct out of 20.


Kids don't learn sh!t anymore in school. We just pump em out, dumber than ever, and that's the way they want em.


I agree on the percentage. When I give it to my Advanced Placement (i.e. college) students, only about 1/3 of them usually pass it. Sometimes it's less. It's really pathetic.


However, let's just be clear that the reasons that kids are struggling in school is because of societal pressures, piss-poor parenting (this includes basic involvement, not to mention emotional abuse and neglect), ridiculous and poorly-organized federal mandates, and major budget cuts that affect instructional programs, particuarly in minority and low SES areas.

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So, if this was the actual test, with no multiple choice, you'd be deported. Good job, professor.


Its passing in this format. You just need to be thankful none of the questions were about GW1 or Vietnam. :music_guitarred:

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Its passing in this format. You just need to be thankful none of the questions were about GW1 or Vietnam. :shocking:


Considering the fact that I aced my history Praxis when entering teaching, I feel pretty good about any US History test, no matter the topic.

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However, let's just be clear that the reasons that kids are struggling in school is because of societal pressures, piss-poor parenting (this includes basic involvement, not to mention emotional abuse and neglect), ridiculous and poorly-organized federal mandates, and major budget cuts that affect instructional programs, particuarly in minority and low SES areas.


Haha. Hahahaha. Ha.

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20/20 (guessed on the immigration form) :overhead:

watching john adams helps too


any of the students question the answer to who is allowed to declare war? :nono:

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20/20 (guessed on the immigration form) :rolleyes:

watching john adams helps too


any of the students question the answer to who is allowed to declare war? :thumbsup:


They take this once we're approaching the turn of the (19th-20th) century and they're AP kids, so most of them have no problem with questions like that. It's the current questions, along with the original states, that zap many of them. A lot of them score 60's and 70's, which isn't atrocious, but not enough to remain citizens.

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