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Jesse the Body Ventura for President!

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Gotta love the open-minded, logical folks. :cry:



You gotta be a Bush supporter. That makes you a LOSER.

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You gotta be a Bush supporter. That makes you a LOSER.

First of all, a supporter of someone who was elected twice wouldn't be that much of a loser. :dunno:


Second, no. I'm not a Bush supporter anymore so than I would support any president we have, regardless of their politics. But it's easier to pigeon-hole and name call than give a well thought out argument that doesn't include making fun of mentally challenged people, so whatever you wanna do. :wave:


Third, I wasn't old enough to vote either time he was elected, although I do feel the other two idiots he ran against were worse choices, and the American people agreed.


Fourth, I just found it hilarious that you were talking about how this country needed to be run logically and then went on to use the term "retard" freely more than once and belittle religious people. Nothing more open minded than mocking Christians and retarded people. If that's the kind of "logic" you think we need to be run with, leave me out of the loop. Thanks. :unsure:

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You gotta be a Bush supporter. That makes you a LOSER.


I don't think anyone who has their FF team in their sig has any room to call people losers.

just sayin' :unsure:

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Don't confuse MrSteak or gridiron with such things.

They have researched this read the conspiracy sites...most of which have been refuted by evidence and actual science. They know it all.


Wow how original time for you to start slinging mud. No one said we know it all, just that there are some big holes in the govt's story and that my opinion is that they had a hand in either letting this happen or helping.


Your PM article has been has debunked multiple times (written by Micheal Chertoff's (secretary of homeland security) cousin - but that must be a coincedence), but you decide not to read it or believe it. Doesnt matter to me to each his own.

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Wow how original time for you to start slinging mud. No one said we know it all, just that there are some big holes in the govt's story and that my opinion is that they had a hand in either letting this happen or helping.


Your PM article has been has debunked multiple times (written by Micheal Chertoff's (secretary of homeland security) cousin - but that must be a coincedence), but you decide not to read it or believe it. Doesnt matter to me to each his own.


There have been several other places besides just PM.

Oh...and conspiracy sites trying to debunk PM is not the same as it being debunked.

Everytime you have posted this 9/11 conspiracy crap...it has been blown away by facts (not even sure the one poster who just kept killing you and gridiron with facts...) I quit even trying to reason with you...instead...its easier just to mock the tinfoil hat wearing.

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There have been several other places besides just PM.

Oh...and conspiracy sites trying to debunk PM is not the same as it being debunked.

Everytime you have posted this 9/11 conspiracy crap...it has been blown away by facts (not even sure the one poster who just kept killing you and gridiron with facts...) I quit even trying to reason with you...instead...its easier just to mock the tinfoil hat wearing.



I don't know about any conspiracy - fock I hope it really was just planes that brought the towers down. All I do know is fire and or a plane collision has never brought down a skyscraper. I have to question why A. Their was not One bit of concrete - was all pretty much turned to powder B. No steel remained standing C. the hauled the steel off that fell and incinerated it less than a week after ! The steel was the one thing that oculd have gioven any real evidence.


I have heard the entire PM argument and evidence that the plane hit and weakned the beams and the fire melted the steel enough to pancake down. I have also heard numerous proffesors ( not the pyscho nut cases either ) state how what they say happened just could not of happened. No plane struck WTC #7 . Sorry I just think personally somethign else other than just planes casued it to happen. I hope to be proven solidy wrong.

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All I do know is fire and or a plane collision has never brought down a skyscraper.

When has a huge commercial airliner ever crashed into a skyscraper before 9/11?

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I don't know about any conspiracy - fock I hope it really was just planes that brought the towers down. All I do know is fire and or a plane collision has never brought down a skyscraper. I have to question why A. Their was not One bit of concrete - was all pretty much turned to powder B. No steel remained standing C. the hauled the steel off that fell and incinerated it less than a week after ! The steel was the one thing that oculd have gioven any real evidence.


I have heard the entire PM argument and evidence that the plane hit and weakned the beams and the fire melted the steel enough to pancake down. I have also heard numerous proffesors ( not the pyscho nut cases either ) state how what they say happened just could not of happened. No plane struck WTC #7 . Sorry I just think personally somethign else other than just planes casued it to happen. I hope to be proven solidy wrong.


A. there was lots of concrete in the rubble

B. There was steel still standing

C. The steel was not all melted in a week

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First of all, a supporter of someone who was elected twice wouldn't be that much of a loser. :dunno:


Second, no. I'm not a Bush supporter anymore so than I would support any president we have, regardless of their politics. But it's easier to pigeon-hole and name call than give a well thought out argument that doesn't include making fun of mentally challenged people, so whatever you wanna do. :overhead:


Third, I wasn't old enough to vote either time he was elected, although I do feel the other two idiots he ran against were worse choices, and the American people agreed.


Fourth, I just found it hilarious that you were talking about how this country needed to be run logically and then went on to use the term "retard" freely more than once and belittle religious people. Nothing more open minded than mocking Christians and retarded people. If that's the kind of "logic" you think we need to be run with, leave me out of the loop. Thanks. :rolleyes:


The american people were wrong as you can see. Highest debt ever, highest gas prices ever, rampant inflation, war with no end. I could go on and on with the failures of the worst administation in the history of this country.


Christians are for the most part retarded. They believe that they are right with absolutely ZERO proof. I demonstrate with this idiotic post by a Bush loving whacked out jesus lover:




That is embarrassingly stupid. 'I know God made Bush president....'


EXACTLY what is wrong with this country. You have been totally owned on your 4th point. Retarded. Yep. She proves it.

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I don't know about any conspiracy - fock I hope it really was just planes that brought the towers down. All I do know is fire and or a plane collision has never brought down a skyscraper. I have to question why A. Their was not One bit of concrete - was all pretty much turned to powder B. No steel remained standing C. the hauled the steel off that fell and incinerated it less than a week after ! The steel was the one thing that oculd have gioven any real evidence.


I have heard the entire PM argument and evidence that the plane hit and weakned the beams and the fire melted the steel enough to pancake down. I have also heard numerous proffesors ( not the pyscho nut cases either ) state how what they say happened just could not of happened. No plane struck WTC #7 . Sorry I just think personally somethign else other than just planes casued it to happen. I hope to be proven solidy wrong.


You are right there are hundreds of respective professors around the world that have said the govt story is BS. Here is a link to some: http://georgewashington.blogspot.com/2008/...s-have-now.html


14 structural engineers now publicly challenge the government's account of the destruction of the Trade Centers on 9/11:


A prominent engineer with 55 years experience, in charge of the design of hundreds of major building projects including high rise offices, former member of the California Seismic Safety Commission and former member of the National Institute of Sciences Building Safety Council (Marx Ayres) believes that the World Trade Centers were brought down by controlled demolition (see also this)


Two professors of structural engineering at a prestigious Swiss university (Dr. Joerg Schneider and Dr. Hugo Bachmann) said that, on 9/11, World Trade Center 7 was brought down by controlled demolition (translation here)


Kamal S. Obeid, structural engineer, with a masters degree in Engineering from UC Berkeley, of Fremont, California, says:


"Photos of the steel, evidence about how the buildings collapsed, the unexplainable collapse of WTC 7, evidence of thermite in the debris as well as several other red flags, are quite troubling indications of well planned and controlled demolition"

Ronald H. Brookman, structural engineer, with a masters degree in Engineering from UC Davis, of Novato California, writes:


"Why would all 110 stories drop straight down to the ground in about 10 seconds, pulverizing the contents into dust and ash - twice. Why would all 47 stories of WTC 7 fall straight down to the ground in about seven seconds the same day? It was not struck by any aircraft or engulfed in any fire. An independent investigation is justified for all three collapses including the surviving steel samples and the composition of the dust."

Graham John Inman, structural engineer, of London, England, points out:


"WTC 7 Building could not have collapsed as a result of internal fire and external debris. NO plane hit this building. This is the only case of a steel frame building collapsing through fire in the world. The fire on this building was small & localized therefore what is the cause?"

Paul W. Mason, structural engineer, of Melbourne, Australia, argues:


"In my view, the chances of the three buildings collapsing symmetrically into their own footprint, at freefall speed, by any other means than by controlled demolition, are so remote that there is no other plausible explanation!"

Mills M. Kay Mackey, structural engineer, of Denver, Colorado, points out:


"The force from the jets and the burning fuel could not have been sufficient to make the building collapse. Why doesn't the media mention that the 11th floor was completely immolated on February 13th, 1975? It had the weight of nearly 100 stories on top of it but it did not collapse?"

Haluk Akol, Structural Engineer and architect (ret.)


Charles Pegelow, structural engineer, of Houston, Texas (and see this)



Dennis Kollar, structural engineer, of West Bend, Wisconsin


Doyle Winterton, structural engineer (retired)


Michael T. Donly, P.E., structural engineer


William Rice, P.E., structural engineer, former professor of Vermont Technical College


Postscript: Since writing this list, I have found other structural engineers who challenge the government's version of 9/11. I'm not going to constantly update the title from "14" to a higher number.


For example:


David Scott, Structural Engineer, of Scotland, argues:


"Near-freefall collapse violates laws of physics. Fire induced collapse is not consistent with observed collapse mode . . . ."

Nathan Lomba, Structural Engineer, of Eureka, California, states


"I began having doubts about, so called, official explanations for the collapse of the WTC towers soon after the explanations surfaced. The gnawing question that lingers in my mind is: How did the structures collapse in near symmetrical fashion when the apparent precipitating causes were asymmetrical loading? The collapses defies common logic from an elementary structural engineering perspective. “If” you accept the argument that fire protection covering was damaged to such an extent that structural members in the vicinity of the aircraft impacts were exposed to abnormally high temperatures, and “if” you accept the argument that the temperatures were high enough to weaken the structural framing, that still does not explain the relatively concentric nature of the failures.


Neither of the official precipitating sources for the collapses, namely the burning aircraft, were centered within the floor plan of either tower; both aircraft were off-center when they finally came to rest within the respective buildings. This means that, given the foregoing assumptions, heating and weakening of the structural framing would have been constrained to the immediate vicinity of the burning aircraft. Heat transmission (diffusion) through the steel members would have been irregular owing to differing sizes of the individual members; and, the temperature in the members would have dropped off precipitously the further away the steel was from the flames—just as the handle on a frying pan doesn't get hot at the same rate as the pan on the burner of the stove. These factors would have resulted in the structural framing furthest from the flames remaining intact and possessing its full structural integrity, i.e., strength and stiffness.


Structural steel is highly ductile, when subjected to compression and bending it buckles and bends long before reaching its tensile or shear capacity. Under the given assumptions, “if” the structure in the vicinity of either burning aircraft started to weaken, the superstructure above would begin to lean in the direction of the burning side. The opposite, intact, side of the building would resist toppling until the ultimate capacity of the structure was reached, at which point, a weak-link failure would undoubtedly occur. Nevertheless, the ultimate failure mode would have been a toppling of the upper floors to one side—much like the topping of a tall redwood tree—not a concentric, vertical collapse.


For this reason alone, I rejected the official explanation for the collapse of the WTC towers out of hand. Subsequent evidence supporting controlled, explosive demolition of the two buildings are more in keeping with the observed collapse modalities and only serve to validate my initial misgivings as to the causes for the structural failures."

Edward E. Knesl, civil and structural engineer, of Phoenix, Arizona, writes:

" We design and analyze buildings for the overturning stability to resist the lateral loads with the combination of the gravity loads. Any tall structure failure mode would be a fall over to its side. It is impossible that heavy steel columns could collapse at the fraction of the second within each story and subsequently at each floor bellow.


We do not know the phenomenon of the high rise building to disintegrate internally faster than the free fall of the debris coming down from the top.


The engineering science and the law of physics simply doesn't know such possibility. Only very sophisticated controlled demolition can achieve such result, eliminating the natural dampening effect of the structural framing huge mass that should normally stop the partial collapse. The pancake theory is a fallacy, telling us that more and more energy would be generated to accelerate the collapse. Where would such energy would be coming from ?"

David Topete, civil and structural engineer, San Francisco, California


See this website and this website for further additions.


There are many other structural engineers who have questioned the government's account in private. We support them and wish them courage to discuss these vital issues publicly.


See also this.

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I heard some of Jessy's interview on radio and he kept saying "How did the WTC buildings fall at the speed of gravity" to throw suspician out there that the gubmint was behind it.


WTF speed is it supposed to fall at? How would it fall either faster or slower than gravity? :blink:


Great point Hammerhead. :rolleyes:

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I heard some of Jessy's interview on radio and he kept saying "How did the WTC buildings fall at the speed of gravity" to throw suspician out there that the gubmint was behind it.


WTF speed is it supposed to fall at? How would it fall either faster or slower than gravity? :bandana:


Great point Hammerhead. :overhead:


God you are stupid. Not only are you wrong on the economy you are wrong on this. The steel and concrete to reinforce each floor would provide enough resistance to slow down the building fallling at unresisted gravity speed. The building came down at basically the speed of gravity in a vacuum - which is impossible with all of the structure built in to support it.


Your sarcasm makes you stupid.....

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The american people were wrong as you can see. Highest debt ever, highest gas prices ever, rampant inflation, war with no end. I could go on and on with the failures of the worst administation in the history of this country.


Christians are for the most part retarded. They believe that they are right with absolutely ZERO proof. I demonstrate with this idiotic post by a Bush loving whacked out jesus lover:




That is embarrassingly stupid. 'I know God made Bush president....'


EXACTLY what is wrong with this country. You have been totally owned on your 4th point. Retarded. Yep. She proves it.

I won't bother reading the link, because there are idiots in every demographic of people. My point initially was that you were off in your original assumption and that it was hypocritical to talk about being ruled by logic (a common statement made by "open minded" or "liberal" people) and then use brash, idiotic, insensitive statements like "retard" while automatically calling me a loser, Bush-supporter for pointing out the irony there.


In short, chill out. I was busting your balls.

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God you are stupid. Not only are you wrong on the economy you are wrong on this. The steel and concrete to reinforce each floor would provide enough resistance to slow down the building fallling at unresisted gravity speed. The building came down at basically the speed of gravity in a vacuum - which is impossible with all of the structure built in to support it.


Your sarcasm makes you stupid.....



A few questions:


1. What exactly is the "speed of gravity" of a hundred+ story building falling?

2. How does "the speed of gravity" differ from "gravity in a vacuum"?

3. How did Jessy measure the speed in which the WTC fell?

4 How fast should the WTC have fallen given the "steel and concrete reinforcement", and how much variance was there to "the speed of gravity"?

5. Since it took seconds for the WTC to go from 100+ stories to rubble, what kind of margin of error are you using when you say "basically the speed of gravity"?


Focking tin-foil hat wearing moron.




One more question: Exactly how long should the WTC have taken to fall after being hit by a jumbo jet Vs. how long it should have taken to fall if the Gubmint blew it up? 1 Second? 2 Seconds? 5 Seconds?


I'm sure you have that figured out. :overhead:

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In New York, a construction worker buries a Red Sox shirt in the new Yankees stadium construction, and can't keep the secret more than a couple days.


Thousands of people participate in the 9/11 conspiracy, and nobody has talked in the 7 years since.



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In New York, a construction worker buries a Red Sox shirt in the new Yankees stadium construction, and can't keep the secret more than a couple days.


Thousands of people participate in the 9/11 conspiracy, and nobody has talked in the 7 years since.




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In New York, a construction worker buries a Red Sox shirt in the new Yankees stadium construction, and can't keep the secret more than a couple days.


Thousands of people participate in the 9/11 conspiracy, and nobody has talked in the 7 years since.



:thumbsup: :thumbsdown: <_<

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Mr. Steak must be busy hunting that "gravity" button on the ol' calculator. :doublethumbsup:


You are so funny....Im sorry I have an outside life out of this place. Here you go - an article from a group of scientists and physicists that explains it all in simple terms for you - it even has pictures! : http://physics911.net/closerlook


An outake:


The height of the South Tower is 1362 feet. I calculated that from that height, freefall in a vacuum (read, absolutely no resistance on earth) is 9.2 seconds. According to testimony provided to the 9-11 Commission, the tower fell in 10 seconds. Other data shows it took closer to 14 seconds. So the towers fell within 0.8-4.8 seconds of freefall in a vacuum. Just like WTC7, this speed seemed impossible if each of the 110 floors had to fail individually.


As I was considering this, another problem arose. There is a principle in physics called the Law of Conservation of Energy. There is also the Law of Conservation of Momentum. I’ll briefly explain how these principles work. Let’s assume there are two identical Honda Civics on the freeway. One is sitting in neutral at a standstill (0 mph). The other is coasting at 60 mph. The second Honda slams into the back of the first one. The first Honda will then instantaneously be going much faster than it was, and the second will instantaneously be going much slower than it was.


This is how the principle works in the horizontal direction, and it works the same in the vertical direction, with the added constant force of gravity added to it. Jim Hoffman, a professional scientist published in several peer-reviewed scientific journals, took a long look at all of this. He calculated that even if the structure itself offered no resistance, that is to say, even if the 110 floors of each tower were hovering in mid-air, the “pancake” theory would still have taken a minimum of 15.5 seconds to reach the ground. So, even if the building essentially didn’t exist, if it provided no resistance at all to the collapse, just the floors hitting each other and causing each other to decelerate would’ve taken 15.5 seconds to reach the ground.


Secondary explosions in the basement of the building along with many of the floors - firefighters interviews:



MIT engineer, National Institute of Standards and Technology reject floor pancake theory:


Part 1:


Part 2:


Im done with after this post, either take it or leave it, i dont care. I highly doubt you read or watch all of this anyways. Im sure you will ignore it and call me names or whatever. Even your precious 9/11 Commission admits that they made mistakes and that their report was not entirely correct. I have the physics you have the tinfoil.


Link: http://commentisfree.guardian.co.uk/peter_...ig_coverup.html


An outake for RP:


The chair and vice chair of the 9/11 Commission, respectively Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, assert in their book, Without Precedent, that they were "set up to fail" and were starved of funds to do a proper investigation. They also confirm that they were denied access to the truth and misled by senior officials in the Pentagon and the federal aviation authority;

and that this obstruction and deception led them to contemplate slapping officials with criminal charges.


Despite the many public statements by 9/11 commissioners and staff members acknowledging they were repeatedly lied to, not a single person has ever been charged, tried, or even reprimanded, for lying to the 9/11 Commission.


LAST THING FOR YOU RP - QUARTER 3 and 9/11 I'm 2 for 2! :pointstosky:

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In New York, a construction worker buries a Red Sox shirt in the new Yankees stadium construction, and can't keep the secret more than a couple days.


Thousands of people participate in the 9/11 conspiracy, and nobody has talked in the 7 years since.



In case you missed it the first time. I put it in bold too. Your welcome.


Also, History Channel has been abusing the 9/11 theorists lately. You should try to catch some of their shows. For example, they show a Conspirarist, a truck drive, arguing with a Rationalist, a structural engineer.


But that's just me.

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In New York, a construction worker buries a Red Sox shirt in the new Yankees stadium construction, and can't keep the secret more than a couple days.


Thousands of people participate in the 9/11 conspiracy, and nobody has talked in the 7 years since.

In case you missed it the first time. I put it in bold too. Your welcome.


Also, History Channel has been abusing the 9/11 theorists lately. You should try to catch some of their shows. For example, they show a Conspirarist, a truck drive, arguing with a Rationalist, a structural engineer.


But that's just me.

Your consistency is unparalled. :thumbsup:

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The height of the South Tower is 1362 feet. I calculated that from that height, freefall in a vacuum (read, absolutely no resistance on earth) is 9.2 seconds. According to testimony provided to the 9-11 Commission, the tower fell in 10 seconds. Other data shows it took closer to 14 seconds. So the towers fell within 0.8-4.8 seconds of freefall in a vacuum.


So your link shows in a vacuum it would take 9.2 seconds, but it actually took 14 seconds. or 52% longer than falling in a vacuum.


I guess that concrete and steel did slow it down some. :thumbsup:

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So your link shows in a vacuum it would take 9.2 seconds, but it actually took 14 seconds. or 52% longer than falling in a vacuum.


I guess that concrete and steel did slow it down some. :huh:



Sometimes you are a giant idiot. Try reading the whole post. Not just picking bits and pieces that suit your argument.


Personally, I have my doubts that the government could keep an inside job a secret. The only way is if it came from the top, and only a few people knew (IE, Top Officials, 1 guy to plant demolitions and detonate).


But there are some interesting arguments made. Ask yourself this..WHY do so many people have an issue with the truth about 9/11?


I don't buy into conspiracy theories, at least not many of them. But you have to admit there are somethings that don't add up.

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In New York, a construction worker buries a Red Sox shirt in the new Yankees stadium construction, and can't keep the secret more than a couple days.


Thousands of people participate in the 9/11 conspiracy, and nobody has talked in the 7 years since.

In case you missed it the first time. I put it in bold too. Your welcome.


Also, History Channel has been abusing the 9/11 theorists lately. You should try to catch some of their shows. For example, they show a Conspirarist, a truck drive, arguing with a Rationalist, a structural engineer.


But that's just me.


Pretty much all of MrSteak's crap has been refuted over and over again.

He and gridiron resurface from time to time with a few new sites...and some of the older ones that have been gone over time and time again.


I will give them that...they are persistent...but they have been shown to be morons over and over on this board.

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Pretty much all of MrSteak's crap has been refuted over and over again.

He and gridiron resurface from time to time with a few new sites...and some of the older ones that have been gone over time and time again.


I will give them that...they are persistent...but they have been shown to be morons over and over on this board.



True, but just because somebody says it on TV or in Popular Mechanics don't necessarily make it true.

If you were to buy into the conspiracy theory, you might say those engineers or stories are planted.

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True, but just because somebody says it on TV or in Popular Mechanics don't necessarily make it true.

If you were to buy into the conspiracy theory, you might say those engineers or stories are planted.


I agree...its not just because those people "say it on TV".

But every theory he has thrown out there in the past has been addressed in numerous places...and pretty much blown apart by actual facts (rather than the speculation that most of those theories require).

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Sometimes you are a giant idiot. Try reading the whole post. Not just picking bits and pieces that suit your argument.


Steak was addressing a question I had about how long it took for the WTC to fall. The fact his own link had an almost 5 second spread further illustrates the idiocy of his position. Exactly how does this make me the "giant idiot"?

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In New York, a construction worker buries a Red Sox shirt in the new Yankees stadium construction, and can't keep the secret more than a couple days.


Thousands of people participate in the 9/11 conspiracy, and nobody has talked in the 7 years since.

In case you missed it the first time. I put it in bold too. Your welcome.


He actually buried the shirt 8 months ago.

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Personally, I have my doubts that the government could keep an inside job a secret. The only way is if it came from the top, and only a few people knew (IE, Top Officials, 1 guy to plant demolitions and detonate).


Have you ever watched how they demo a building on TV? A ten story abandoned building takes weeks, if not months, of carefully placed charges. They come in and drill holes in columns at very specific locations to set the charges. The focking detonation cord is running all over the place.


I would think out of the tens of thousands of people who worked in the WTC someone would have asked that "one guy" WTF he was doing running from floor to floor drilling holes in all the columns and wiring detonation cord through all their cubicles. :dunno:

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Exactly how does this make me the "giant idiot"?


I think it's self explanatory.

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Have you ever watched how they demo a building on TV? A ten story abandoned building takes weeks, if not months, of carefully placed charges. They come in and drill holes in columns at very specific locations to set the charges. The focking detonation cord is running all over the place.


I would think out of the tens of thousands of people who worked in the WTC someone would have asked that "one guy" WTF he was doing running from floor to floor drilling holes in all the columns and wiring detonation cord through all their cubicles. :dunno:



Fair enough. :lol: I guess that's shortsighted on my part. One would assume they would need time to do this.

Oh wait...both buidlings were closed for 'IT and telecommunications service upgrades' over the weekend just before 9/11.


Even so....one man couldn't do the entire building himself and run the cabling all over the place without a) anyone knowing/seeing it and b)without some help.

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Pretty much all of MrSteak's crap has been refuted over and over again.

He and gridiron resurface from time to time with a few new sites...and some of the older ones that have been gone over time and time again.


I will give them that...they are persistent...but they have been shown to be morons over and over on this board.


Oh really? Show me where my stuff has been refuted. You, parrot and RP show up and try to pick little holes into the info I post and then try to play it off like everything I have is incorrect. The PM article has been ripped to shreds by multiple sources, not only the "off the wall" sites that you claim I have. I have MIT, Cal-berk, Stanford, EU, etc., etc., professors and award winning physicists that claim the gov't story doesnt add up. In fact, I have posted in this exact thread a link to the article where the heads of the 9/11 investigation claimed they were lied to by govt superiors, they had information they requested withheld, etc.


Go ahead and ignore the math and physics I provide - ignore the spatial modeling and graphs, ignore the admissions of the 9/11 commissions failures, ignore the huge coincidences and the burning heat of kerosene:


How about this one - why dont they just release the video from the parking camera at the pentagon? You know the one where they confiscated the video minutes after the "plane" hit and they edited the majority out? The video where they released it a year later but still missing 50+ frames of the impact? Yeah that one, how about they release it in full and we can put this crap to bed, but they dont. You know why? Because it is incriminating - it shows something that they dont want us to see. Dont give me that national security BS either, showing that video would not endanger anyone or anything.


Im concerned for all of you that cant take a step back and see the huge inconsistencies of the govt's story - the huge holes and contradicting info. I know it makes you scared and question your reality, but guess what either way you look at it - the govt is corrupt as hell and you know it.

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Oh really? Show me where my stuff has been refuted. You, parrot and RP show up and try to pick little holes into the info I post and then try to play it off like everything I have is incorrect. The PM article has been ripped to shreds by multiple sources, not only the "off the wall" sites that you claim I have. I have MIT, Cal-berk, Stanford, EU, etc., etc., professors and award winning physicists that claim the gov't story doesnt add up. In fact, I have posted in this exact thread a link to the article where the heads of the 9/11 investigation claimed they were lied to by govt superiors, they had information they requested withheld, etc.


Go ahead and ignore the math and physics I provide - ignore the spatial modeling and graphs, ignore the admissions of the 9/11 commissions failures, ignore the huge coincidences and the burning heat of kerosene:


How about this one - why dont they just release the video from the parking camera at the pentagon? You know the one where they confiscated the video minutes after the "plane" hit and they edited the majority out? The video where they released it a year later but still missing 50+ frames of the impact? Yeah that one, how about they release it in full and we can put this crap to bed, but they dont. You know why? Because it is incriminating - it shows something that they dont want us to see. Dont give me that national security BS either, showing that video would not endanger anyone or anything.


Im concerned for all of you that cant take a step back and see the huge inconsistencies of the govt's story - the huge holes and contradicting info. I know it makes you scared and question your reality, but guess what either way you look at it - the govt is corrupt as hell and you know it.


How do you and your tin-foil hat wearing brethren explain what I outlined inpost #69?


Seriously, explain to us how thousands of charges and miles of detonationn cord were strategically placed in the two WTC buildings without any of the tens of thousands of people who work there noticing it.


This should be as entertaining as the rest of your crap.

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How do you and your tin-foil hat wearing brethren explain what I outlined inpost #69?


Seriously, explain to us how thousands of charges and miles of detonationn cord were strategically placed in the two WTC buildings without any of the tens of thousands of people who work there noticing it.


This should be as entertaining as the rest of your crap.


FU 1


FU 2


FU 3


FU 4


What else do you want? I am so sick of your crap. You are the biggest tool on this board. You have nothing to add except for "yeah well i bet this is wrong", or "show me this", or "that is all you have", I keep providing info for you and just keep getting more requests.


Im sorry but you are beyond saving......open you f'in mind and figure it out - 9/11 was controlled/helped by our govt, the economy is crap and is in recession, the war (or occupation i should say) in Iraq is a crock of crap (WMDs anyone?). There are ethic cleansings and massacres happening all the time - WHY ARENT WE THERE? WHY ARE WE IN IRAQ?


Im never responding to another of your posts again. You are dead to me - go pilot your recliner f@t @ss.

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FU 1


FU 2


FU 3


FU 4


What else do you want? I am so sick of your crap. You are the biggest tool on this board. You have nothing to add except for "yeah well i bet this is wrong", or "show me this", or "that is all you have", I keep providing info for you and just keep getting more requests.


Im sorry but you are beyond saving......open you f'in mind and figure it out - 9/11 was controlled/helped by our govt, the economy is crap and is in recession, the war (or occupation i should say) in Iraq is a crock of crap (WMDs anyone?). There are ethic cleansings and massacres happening all the time - WHY ARENT WE THERE? WHY ARE WE IN IRAQ?


Im never responding to another of your posts again. You are dead to me - go pilot your recliner f@t @ss.



Um, not one of those links explain how thousands of strategically placed charges and miles of detonation cord were placed undetected in both WTC towers.


You are a joke.

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Oh really? Show me where my stuff has been refuted. You, parrot and RP show up and try to pick little holes into the info I post and then try to play it off like everything I have is incorrect. The PM article has been ripped to shreds by multiple sources, not only the "off the wall" sites that you claim I have. I have MIT, Cal-berk, Stanford, EU, etc., etc., professors and award winning physicists that claim the gov't story doesnt add up. In fact, I have posted in this exact thread a link to the article where the heads of the 9/11 investigation claimed they were lied to by govt superiors, they had information they requested withheld, etc.


Go ahead and ignore the math and physics I provide - ignore the spatial modeling and graphs, ignore the admissions of the 9/11 commissions failures, ignore the huge coincidences and the burning heat of kerosene:


How about this one - why dont they just release the video from the parking camera at the pentagon? You know the one where they confiscated the video minutes after the "plane" hit and they edited the majority out? The video where they released it a year later but still missing 50+ frames of the impact? Yeah that one, how about they release it in full and we can put this crap to bed, but they dont. You know why? Because it is incriminating - it shows something that they dont want us to see. Dont give me that national security BS either, showing that video would not endanger anyone or anything.


Im concerned for all of you that cant take a step back and see the huge inconsistencies of the govt's story - the huge holes and contradicting info. I know it makes you scared and question your reality, but guess what either way you look at it - the govt is corrupt as hell and you know it.


Show you where?

Search for every thread regarding 9/11 that you have posted in...every single one of them your theories get beat down.

Math and physics? You mean the math and physics that did not show what you claimed? Thanks...ok.



Im concerned for people that ignore that they don't have one single ounce of evidence that it was an inside job...yet still believe it because the gov't was wrong on some things (imagine that...our gov't was wrong...shocking i know).


I chose not to keep responding to your theories and instead mock you...its because you have proven you will just go on to the next theory a few months later...only to be smacked down again.

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In New York, a construction worker buries a Red Sox shirt in the new Yankees stadium construction, and can't keep the secret more than a couple days.


Thousands of people participate in the 9/11 conspiracy, and nobody has talked in the 7 years since.



:( :shocking: Let's hear from the conspiracy guys on this little nugget. Patiently waiting for an answer on this.

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Lick my nutsack biotch. He is still the only Gov. in the states history that gave me back my taxes after they over taxed me two years in a row. :dunno:

I'd vote for Jessy any day :bench:



Way to own that loser.


Jesse just destroyed that Michael Reagan blowhard on Larry King tonight. Reagan is a clueless buffoon. Before that he totally dismantled 2 Democrat lemmings. Those 2 jackasses actually said that they don't beleive there should be more than 2 parties...IN A DEMOCRACY!!!!!


When Jesse asked them 'if things are going so great' as the congressman from NY said, 'then why are we 9 trillion in debt?'. What did the 2 bozos do? One had a blank look on his face. He had no answer. The tard from NY just had this ###### eating smile on his face. Also, no answer.

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Jesse's a joke. He does speak his mind, for better or worse. That is kinda refreshing from a politician. But as a leader, the guy has some serious defects. Dude doesn't handle the media well and is overly defensive at times. He's also never wrong about anything, leading to arrogance and condescension. I don't think there's anything all that special about the guy. He's just a sharp contrast to the hacks who currently occupy public office.

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Jesse's a joke. He does speak his mind, for better or worse. That is kinda refreshing from a politician. But as a leader, the guy has some serious defects. Dude doesn't handle the media well and is overly defensive at times. He's also never wrong about anything, leading to arrogance and condescension. I don't think there's anything all that special about the guy. He's just a sharp contrast to the hacks who currently occupy public office.



You just described the garbage occupying the white house. I could add a mountain more of defects for that bozo. I'll take someone who actually answers a 'yes or no' question with a yes or no (Jesse) over the hacks we currently have who will spin the question into some other topic that suits them.

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