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Rumor that the Raiders will release

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He'll go unclaimed in waivers and become a FA and try to sign where he could get the most money.


I wonder if the Patriots would take a chance on him even though he's a headache.



I'm seeing Dallas in his future.

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I'm seeing Dallas in his future.


Exactly what I am thinking. I think after the Pac-Man Jones disaster, they would not touch him. You never know??

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Too bad. He was the #1 DB in my dynasty league and I owned him. This would be a big blow to some fantasy teams.

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Raiders :unsure: Plus sports radio here in Sacto said there was discussion that Javon Walker would be following Hall out the door.


As a Chargers fan it couldn't happen to a better team! :o

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at least it shows signs they realize how bad they are, and how much worse their deciison making has been regarding player personnel. they threw a ton of $$$ to names like tommy kelly [$50M], deangelo hall[$70M], and javon walker[$55M], and have gotten very little for their investment. [as for hall, a few months ago, after getting burned in the opener, was there not an article or story about him coming over to lockdown the other side which outlined the fact that they supposedly wanted him to play bump-and-run man-cover, whereas he prefers/is good at only off-cover?]


if they realize they have some talent at the skill positions in the offensive backfield [russell, mcfadden, bush], and at linebacker[howard, morrison] and one corner [asomugha sp?], they have to address the offensive and defensive lines. both have been atrocious since the SB appearance. after lincoln kennedy, barry sims, and steve wisniewski got old, they never replaced them. sapp was had a resurgent yr or two, but now is gone and again not replaced by someone with contributory value.


maybe its a good sign in oakland. :overhead:

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Also under consideration to be let go is wide receiver Javon Walker, who received an $11 million signing bonus and a $1 million base salary this year but has only 13 catches in his first seven games.


What a focking Joke Al Davis is. This moron signed Walker when the Broncos couldn't even get a 5th round draft pick for him. Then Walker decided he wanted to quit - even offered to give back the signing bonus! - And Davis talked him out of it. 8 weeks later...


Every time I think I can't possibly lose more respect for Al Davis and the Raiders organization, they top themselves in incompetence.



Hall might be picked up in Denver too given Bailey's injury. Though, Denver seems to have bailed on the "hire risky / low character players to fix our defense" tactic. Cowboys would NOT surprise me in the least bit.

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By releasing Hall, who was acquired from Atlanta before this season, the Raiders are washing their hands of a seven-year, $72 million contract after only eight games. Hall was paid $8 million for eight games; he received a $7 million signing bonus and a $1 million base salary.




Also under consideration to be let go is wide receiver Javon Walker, who received an $11 million signing bonus and a $1 million base salary this year but has only 13 catches in his first seven games.

And that preek Davis won't pay out the measly $2M that he contractually owes to Lane Kiffin. What an absolute friggin ass.

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Too bad. He was the #1 DB in my dynasty league and I owned him. This would be a big blow to some fantasy teams.


I own him as well. :thumbsup:

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And that preek Davis won't pay out the measly $2M that he contractually owes to Lane Kiffin. What an absolute friggin ass.



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Positives and negatives according to a Raiders fan:



-No longer having Hall in the locker room or his antics on the field

-No longer having such an overpaid player around, when other players are wondering why they play harder and better but get paid a fraction of his salary.

-From a cap standpoint, not having having to pay him any more than they already have. This won't be an immediate benefit, but 2 years from now it will help.



-It doesn't go over well with the team to give up on the roster like this. Supposedly one of the goals in the housecleaning was to have the money to sign Asomugha long-term. (Something they should have taken care of before even considering signing Walker or trading for and extending Hall.) But Asomugha is even more frustrated now.

-It's clear this is being done for the wrong reasons and the players will alll see through it. Al didn't cut Hall primarily because his play or his behavior were disappointing. He cut him more because he could avoid paying the other bonuses.

-Lots of money and two draft picks flushed down the drain.


When I heard the rumors that we'd trade a high draft pick for the rights to pay Hall superstar money, I was upset. It was a bad move and I was very disappointed that we brought him aboard. I'm glad that the Raiders cut him. But the whole thing leaves us worse off (in many ways) than we were before Hall was a Raider.


This is nothing new, but I think it's more true now than ever before: There's no reason for a quality coach or player to come to the Raiders for a reason other than money or desperation to have an NFL job. I don't see how they will ever be able to get a roster full of competitive players at decent value salaries until the entire house is reset: New owner, all new coaching staff, all new players, and a salary cap free of these bad contracts. Best-case scenario, they cut Walker and Kelly, and in the offseason, they fire the entire coaching staff, Al sells the team, and they start over with a clean slate cap-wise and reputation-wise. (They'd of course be screwed on the 2009 cap but golden on the 2010 cap.) And then maybe the team could be competitive by 2012 or so. But of course that's not going to happen. Al will find ways to make this worse. I've said all offseason and throughout the regular season that it's going to get worse before it gets better. And it has continued to get worse. And it will continue to get worse.

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When I first saw this I thought there was no way they would cut Hall not even a full year into such a large deal.


Then I saw that he "only" got 7 mil guaranteed so the cap hit was doable.


The guy has some ability but he has ALWAYS been vastly overrated IMO. And he's been an azz since the first day he stepped foot on Va Tech's campus. I guess it a good move to go ahead and cut your losses now BUT obviously the real mistake was signing him in the first place.

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maybe its a good sign in oakland. :thumbsdown:



The only good sign in Oakland would be a tombstone with the Godfather's name on it. Hell, tj and I could run that team... I got some time off coming this summer.


I'd bet Charlie Casserly or Floyd Reese would like to get back to work.

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PATRIOTS need some help in secondary and we turn raider thugs into heros :wub:

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Apparently Hall signed a 1 year deal with Washington today.

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I don't understand why people think that Hall is a good CB. :dunno:


He has never done anything.

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