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I've just started reading a book called The Closing Of the American Mind that addresses this issue, though it kinda argues against what you're saying here. Colleges and Universities have become training centers instead of centers of higher learning. Consequently we have a bunch of folks who can't think for themselves. They only know how to do the job they've been trained to do. Scary.

I think you would have been better off sticking with your original argument: should we foot the bill for low income births? That's a policy question. But the above statement introduces an entirely different issue altogether, and it centers on morals more than policy. When you do that, people take it personally when they shouldn't and you exposed that uppity b!tch for who she is. Trust me man, I sympathize with you because I work with a lot of these type of broads. They're nothing but well manicured manequins reciting political correctness in the name of progress. They don't get it.



i know, if i would have been thinking straight i wouldnt have said that. but when someone in a 100 person lecture tells you to your face that your white and a male and therefore your wrong, you dont always think straight. Imagine if I told a woman that she is white and a woman therefore her argument is wrong :headbanger:

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I guess I'm going to create a new email account when I get home, and stomp a mudhole into these useless clumps.


I'll post a copy here.



:headbanger: :pointstosky: :pointstosky:

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:headbanger: :pointstosky: :pointstosky:


this probably won't go over too well for you UNLESS after your expulsion Fox News picks up the story.


just sayin'


it's their University, backwards or not, they'll run it how they want to, and you giving out professors' emails to this loony-bin can't possibly end well for you.

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this probably won't go over too well for you UNLESS after your expulsion Fox News picks up the story.


just sayin'


it's their University, backwards or not, they'll run it how they want to, and you giving out professors' emails to this loony-bin can't possibly end well for you.


if every1 uses anonyous ###### they have no proof.

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if every1 uses anonyous ###### they have no proof.

Dumb idea. It's one thing to jihad a fishing board, or a curly board. It's another to give out your prof or lecture's email address to a bunch of numbskulls on here. Bad move college boy.

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this probably won't go over too well for you UNLESS after your expulsion Fox News picks up the story.


just sayin'


it's their University, backwards or not, they'll run it how they want to, and you giving out professors' emails to this loony-bin can't possibly end well for you.


Shhh... This is going to be greta. I can't wait to see what philly writes.






















(but yeah, this is the dumbest idea ever. When the prof gets forty emails calling her a cumbucket and threatening to kill her grandmother, it will bite you in the ass.)

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It's liberalism, radical feminism (anti-male policies), and the propagation of perpetual victimhood that has pervaded our Universities for a long, long time. Good luck stemming that tide!



You are risking the wrath of the feminazis!!!

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i know, if i would have been thinking straight i wouldnt have said that. but when someone in a 100 person lecture tells you to your face that your white and a male and therefore your wrong, you dont always think straight. Imagine if I told a woman that she is white and a woman therefore her argument is wrong :headbanger:


I gotcha man. Totally agree. Take solace in the fact that she exposed herself as being the very thing she consciously guards against: a narrow minded, pretentious cunt. And she did so in front of your peers, many of whom probably took notice.


If she was any kind of person in the community, as she probably likes to think she is, she would have engaged you in discussion rather than wedging her biases into the exchange by invoking the only defense her enfeebled mind could muster.

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Today we had a guess lecturer, .


How does this work? "Uh, Sheila - and you're a nurse!" "Uh, Angela - and you're a lawyer!"






my teacher sent out this email:


Hello all,


I gather I am not alone in being discontent with the tenor of conversation in today's class.


What the fock school do you go to where they have "guess lecturers" and your PROFESSOR doesn't know the difference between "discontent" and "discontended?"


- The university of phoenetics??

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guess im focked.


guys please make to say you were in the class


We all read it on somebody's blog.


And you may want to delete this thread. My anger can be very anonymous and I would go to lengths not to let anyone else take any responsibility for my venom, but not everybody would be conscious enough to have the same respect to you.

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I just emailed her with a link to this thread










































Ok...not really

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Once you've been quoted it's pretty pointless to delete your first post :rolleyes:

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Dumb idea. It's one thing to jihad a fishing board, or a curly board. It's another to give out your prof or lecture's email address to a bunch of numbskulls on here. Bad move college boy.


So, has EAWer been expelled yet? :bandana:

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Wow, this took a great turn. You realize you can't be anonymous when you're the one that caused the scene, right?

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You may have a tough time being accused of being a white male.


I meant as in no teacher has said anything remotely close to this to any student in class. I have a polisci teacher who leans heavily to the left and we have a few students who disagree with her. She has normal discussion, doesn't get mad at them or accuse them of anything.


But in general, if you said this to most students in cali, they'd be shocked. That kind of ignorance just doesn't happen here. Your white so you're wrong, makes the person saying it lose all credibility and can not be taken seriously.


Also, the attitudes expressed in this thread deserve a big gian :double fail:.


Talk about playing the victimization card. All you guys are whining like a bunch of poosays. Man the f up. You guys are acting just like the people you guys rail against non stop.

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You may have a tough time being accused of being a white male.


I meant as in i haven't seen an exchange anything similar to that. Obviously i would never be accused of being a white male or being wrong. Ok, maybe just one part of that statement is true.


All i'm saying is the teachers actions are not liberalism, its retardism. You would never hear an exchange like that in the california education system. Saying, even though i know nothing about your life, the fact that to me you look white means you don't understand is the dumbest thing you can say and takes any credibility you have.


Also, the attitudes expressed in this thread by most people deserve a giant :shocking:. A lot of you guys are being whiny poosays. The kind you guys rail against non stop. You guys are acting like sissy lil victimized helpless people.

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here's the thing that concerns me about EAwer:


so, he's a college kid that's staging a Geek Club jihad on his loony-liberal professor, and he has been posting here since 2001 (according to his member name/number/profile).


Does that mean that this kid was 13 when he started posting here?

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here's the thing that concerns me about EAwer:


so, he's a college kid that's staging a Geek Club jihad on his loony-liberal professor, and he has been posting here since 2001 (according to his member name/number/profile).


Does that mean that this kid was 13 when he started posting here?

He's had his cherry popped on this bored and so many different ways.

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I was a Pre-Teen when I started posting here. Now Im a fatazz, married with a kid and one on the way who kills bugs for a living.


Dreams really do come true at the Geek Club.


I just hope GFIAFP didnt have anything to do with one of those ways. :ninja:



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here's the thing that concerns me about EAwer:


so, he's a college kid that's staging a Geek Club jihad on his loony-liberal professor, and he has been posting here since 2001 (according to his member name/number/profile).


Does that mean that this kid was 13 when he started posting here?


yea i was. u can read my old posts if you dont beleive it.

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