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Anyone else wanting Favre to come back

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It's gotten to the point with this guy that i actually want him to come back so he can taint his image some more.

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Good God...the hardon that ESPN would have for weeks might actually cause my TV to ejaculate. Just stay gone please!

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Yeah, did the Vikings see any film on him down the stretch last season?


Whatever, even if he doesn't come back this year, we're going to get speculation like this every year for the next 5 years.

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As a Packer fan, I'd love to see Favre in Minnesota, now. Not only would he hurt the Vikes' chances of improving this season, but we could throttle him twice.

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Favre could take three years off, come back in 2012, and still be better than Tavarius Jackson.

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I'm all for it. Although the NFL Network analysts keep showing clips of his late-season snafus to demonstrate that he's washed up, I don't think the needle is on the E. I think he tried to play through pain last year so that he wouldn't get benched and snap his streak of consecutive games. Selfish? Sure. But if his arm injury has healed, I think he'll come back for the two starts he needs to set the record. Darren Sharper, who knows the Kiln Kannon, says he believes Brett will give it another go.


I think what will happen is this. Childress agrees to make Favre the starter going into the season, allowing him to break the record. Favre agrees that if he is ineffective, he will accept a back-up role for the balance of the season. Vikings fans win either way. If Favre fails, it will probably be the last straw for Childress.


I like it because of the storyline. It'll keep the commentators on ESPN and NFL.com jabbering all year long. The Favre comeback + the Cutler saga will supply them with enough material that they won't need filler like "Top Ten Stadiums for Nachos." If Brett succeeds, it'll be a great story; if he doesn't, it'll be a great story too, as it isn't often that the erstwhile most popular NFL player becomes a pariah whom you wouldn't invite to your backyard cookout.

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him coming back to play for, say, the vikings would be much more entertaining (and uncomfortable) for packer fans than him being banished to the afc last year.


like to see it.

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I wouldn't mind seeing him on the Vikings for a year.

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Picturing Farve in a Minny jersey is just awkward.

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Picturing Farve in a Minny jersey is just awkward.


I'd like him to come back for two reasons:


1. I still have him in a dynasty league and he wouldn't be bad as a number 1 or 2 QB, IMO...if healthy.


2. I work with a big Vikings fan and it would kill him. :bench:

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him coming back to play for, say, the vikings would be much more entertaining (and uncomfortable) for packer fans than him being banished to the afc last year.


like to see it.


As a Packer Fan this would not be uncomfortable for me at all. Bring him on!

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Sounds like we're getting closer. You gotta wonder what the hell he's thinking. Oh well, it'll be fun to watch.

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Some sources have said that Favre needs surgery for his arm to be 100% sound. Anybody know how long the recovery time is for surgery to repair a torn bicep? If Favre comes back, I would expect him to schedule surgery so that he misses mini-camps and part of the preseason; his loathing for these is well known.


As a Packer fan, I wouldn't mind seeing Favre return to stick it to the Pack. I'm tired of Favre, but I much prefer the Kiln Kannon to Titletown Ted Thompson. I didn't like Ted's handling of Favre's situation last year. It looked at one point as though TTT didn't want Favre to play anywhere at all. That didn't sit right with a lot of people--and that includes some players, I think.

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Some sources have said that Favre needs surgery for his arm to be 100% sound. Anybody know how long the recovery time is for surgery to repair a torn bicep? If Favre comes back, I would expect him to schedule surgery so that he misses mini-camps and part of the preseason; his loathing for these is well known.


As a Packer fan, I wouldn't mind seeing Favre return to stick it to the Pack. I'm tired of Favre, but I much prefer the Kiln Kannon to Titletown Ted Thompson. I didn't like Ted's handling of Favre's situation last year. It looked at one point as though TTT didn't want Favre to play anywhere at all. That didn't sit right with a lot of people--and that includes some players, I think.



and in the end Ted Thompson was correct, Favre was done. TT is GM of the Packers and he must do what is best for the organization not what is best for Brett Favre.

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and in the end Ted Thompson was correct, Favre was done. TT is GM of the Packers and he must do what is best for the organization not what is best for Brett Favre.


I'd say Favre had another good year left in GB's system, but more importantly, the "future" was ready.

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I don't want him to come back (again), because if he did I would probably wind up cheering for him to suffer a massive concussion, or some other serious injury, which would make me a bad person (or so I'm told).

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I would love to see him stick a win right up Thompson's a$$ at Lambeau!!! :pointstosky:



Why?? Because TT was right and Favre is done?

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Yes, and I want him to play for Minnesota. We might have a chance of winning something for once.



That is what the Jets thought.

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Vikings owner Zygi Wilf, usually willing to answer a question or two about his team, was conspicuously mute when asked Saturday about whether he has interest in free-agent quarterback Brett Favre. "I have no comment," Wilf said, then repeated, "no comment." Wilf did say he feels "great" about his football team. "We're always improving," he said, adding he feels the team "did a great job" with the draft. Expectations for 2009? "We're there to defend our division, so we're in a good spot," he said. The Vikings have been evasive, but not dismissive, when asked about Favre. It's clear one of two issues involve the possibility of Favre signing with Minnesota. Either Favre isn't certain he wants to play again, or his return is predicated on passing a physical for the biceps muscle he tore in his throwing arm last season. If Favre is to become the Vikings' quarterback for 2009, and it still appears he will, a deal is expected to be done within the next three weeks. The Vikings' mandatory minicamp for players is May 29-31. -- Pioneer Press ..... Ben's Take: Will Favre cry if he's introduced as QB of the Vikings? Should be a good spin job.

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I would love to see him stick a win right up Thompson's a$$ at Lambeau!!! :thumbsdown:


So basically, you would rather see Favre beat your favorite team because of your dislike for the GM?

Seriously...what kind of fan acts like this?


I can't think of any situation I would want another team...especially a division rival...to come in to beat the Packers just out of spite for a member of management.


As for Favre...if he comes back and the rumors of him wanting to do so just to piss off Thompson again...will anyone have any respect for the guy anymore?

He is basically saying its all about him and nothing else...forget really the rest of the goals for the Vikings...forget all of his old teammates that had nothing to do with why he was traded...forget all of the fans that still supported him...its all about him and Ted Thompson...if that does not spell out selfish ######...I don't know what does.


What happened last year did not tarnish any image to me...but if he did this, for that actual reason...it really would. And I think a lot of people (not just Packers fans) would feel the same way.

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So basically, you would rather see Favre beat your favorite team because of your dislike for the GM?

Seriously...what kind of fan acts like this?


I can't think of any situation I would want another team...especially a division rival...to come in to beat the Packers just out of spite for a member of management.


As for Favre...if he comes back and the rumors of him wanting to do so just to piss off Thompson again...will anyone have any respect for the guy anymore?

He is basically saying its all about him and nothing else...forget really the rest of the goals for the Vikings...forget all of his old teammates that had nothing to do with why he was traded...forget all of the fans that still supported him...its all about him and Ted Thompson...if that does not spell out selfish ######...I don't know what does.


What happened last year did not tarnish any image to me...but if he did this, for that actual reason...it really would. And I think a lot of people (not just Packers fans) would feel the same way.

The thought of Packer fans having to choose their allegiance makes for must see TV. Watching all the cheeseheads boo Favre would be priceless.

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The thought of Packer fans having to choose their allegiance makes for must see TV. Watching all the cheeseheads boo Favre would be priceless.


If that is why he would come back...the boos would be warranted.

If he just wants to keep playing, I have no problem with that. And he would then be cheered quite a bit in coming out of the tunnel...and should be...and then booed with no mercy after that (as it should be as he is now the enemy).


And anyone who would need to think about which side to choose...seems more like a Favre fan than a Packer fan.

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If that is why he would come back...the boos would be warranted.

If he just wants to keep playing, I have no problem with that. And he would then be cheered quite a bit in coming out of the tunnel...and should be...and then booed with no mercy after that (as it should be as he is now the enemy).


And anyone who would need to think about which side to choose...seems more like a Favre fan than a Packer fan.


Yeah, I'm not a Packer fan (although I think it's a fine NFL organization) but I am a fan of Favre and it would be great for the NFL if he suited up in the Viking purple and faced his former team. There's no denying that.

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Yeah, I'm not a Packer fan (although I think it's a fine NFL organization) but I am a fan of Favre and it would be great for the NFL if he suited up in the Viking purple and faced his former team. There's no denying that.


In a way yes...though, does the NFL want one of its posterboys possibly coming back seemingly solely out of spite?

Does the NFL want to see him finish again like he did last year?

While the thought of him going into Lambeau to play Green Bay is probably a nice one for them, I can't see the league wanting some of what comes with him coming back.

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I hope he comes back and stuffs a win right up Thompson's a$$! :pointstosky: Thompson has been a miscarriage! :thumbsup:



Hopefully the Pack wins the remaining games, loses those two, and goes on to win the Supwer Bowl. If not, I'd love to see favre take the Vikes to their only Super Bowl win!!

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Include me in the group of Packer fans who wouldn't mind watching Favre beat the Pack at Lambeau. Maybe we can all sit together.


Initially, I supported Titletown Ted in the Favre flap last year. The old showboat, who always talked like he yearned to return to Mississippi and fish off the dock with a cane pole, staged a teary, Gehrig-style farewell and then recanted within weeks. How can you plan your draft or your season if star players can remove themselves from the roster and then add themselves at will?


I thought Green Bay should have released Favre out of gratitude for years of giving it his all, but I could even understand Thompson's refusal. If you're the GM, perhaps you feel that it's not in the team's interest to give away something that has value. Where I and others lost sympathy for Ted is when he dragged matters out, determined not to trade Brett to any team that would face the Pack in '09. If you fear the Kiln Kannon that much, why let him go? TTT protracted it all in the hopes that Favre would return to Kiln, and even offered him a personal services contract that would play him for not playing. This was an unseemly spectacle, and Goodell apparently thought so too. If a guy wants to play and there are teams that want him, let him go. So, I would love to see Favre beat Green Bay on MNF, and hear the catcalls each time Thompson's image appears on the Jumbotron.


I don't know that it's so shocking to root against your team now and then. While the NFL is not the World Wrestling Federation, it is, after all, entertainment, and we need not take it too seriously. If Favre faces his former team, it's great theater. In the unlikely event that he takes Minnie to a Super Bowl title at age 40, it will be material for a feature film, and Favre will get attention as never before.

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I have been on record many times stating that I am a Packer fan first, then a NFL Norse fan, then a NFC fan. I have always wanted the bears, the Vikings, and the Lions to win all of their games not against Green Bay. I could never cheer for the Bucs though. This is a small change for one glorious season, that I want favre to stick it to Thompson. There are many more Pack fans that feel the same way whether you want to believe it or not, and crowd would be much more split than you are ready for.

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Include me in the group of Packer fans who wouldn't mind watching Favre beat the Pack at Lambeau. Maybe we can all sit together.


Initially, I supported Titletown Ted in the Favre flap last year. The old showboat, who always talked like he yearned to return to Mississippi and fish off the dock with a cane pole, staged a teary, Gehrig-style farewell and then recanted within weeks. How can you plan your draft or your season if star players can remove themselves from the roster and then add themselves at will?


I thought Green Bay should have released Favre out of gratitude for years of giving it his all, but I could even understand Thompson's refusal. If you're the GM, perhaps you feel that it's not in the team's interest to give away something that has value. Where I and others for Ted is when he dragged matters out, determined not to trade Brett to any team that would face the Pack in '09. If you fear the Kiln Kannon that much, why let him go? TTT protracted it all in the hopes that Favre would return to Kiln, and even offered him a personal services contract that would play him for not playing. This was an unseemly spectacle, and Goodell apparently thought so too. So, I would love to see Favre beat Green Bay on MNF, and hear the catcalls each time Thompson's image appears on the Jumbotron.


I don't know that it's so shocking to root against your team now and then. While the NFL is not the World Wrestling Federation, it is, after all, entertainment, and we need not take it too seriously. If Favre faces his former team, it's great theater. In the unlikely event that he takes Minnie to a Super Bowl title at age 40, it will be material for a feature film, and Favre will get attention as never before.


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In a way yes...though, does the NFL want one of its posterboys possibly coming back seemingly solely out of spite?

Does the NFL want to see him finish again like he did last year?

While the thought of him going into Lambeau to play Green Bay is probably a nice one for them, I can't see the league wanting some of what comes with him coming back.

The NFL only cares about revenues and TV ratings. They're not about to get into Favre's supposed motivations for playing. I'm sure they'd be fine with it.

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I have been on record many times stating that I am a Packer fan first, then a NFL Norse fan, then a NFC fan. I have always wanted the bears, the Vikings, and the Lions to win all of their games not against Green Bay. I could never cheer for the Bucs though. This is a small change for one glorious season, that I want favre to stick it to Thompson. There are many more Pack fans that feel the same way whether you want to believe it or not, and crowd would be much more split than you are ready for.



I just want to know why? This really doesn't make any sense to me.

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I just want to know why? This really doesn't make any sense to me.


Because they love Brett and believe everything he and Bus say...and if so...Ted Thompson is the devil and they want him booed and fired.

Never mind how it could affect the rest of the team or the season...they are as bad as Favre (if that is his motivation right now) wanting to do everything to piss off one man...not caring about the rest of the team or fans...just his own ambition to stick it to the GM.


Its actually quite sad to see.

You think you are supporting Favre...in the end, you are turning on the team you claim to be a fan of.

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I just want to know why? This really doesn't make any sense to me.

Last years record falls squarely on Thompson's shoulders. You do remember the turnaround last year......right? It didn't have to happen. Even had TT simply released favre, they would have done better. TT had the power to solve this thing Early last year, and he decided he was skeered of Favre beating his a$$. That is the only reason it drug on like it did, and he lost his team. You have the right to your opinion, and me to mine.

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Because they love Brett and believe everything he and Bus say...and if so...Ted Thompson is the devil and they want him booed and fired.

Never mind how it could affect the rest of the team or the season...they are as bad as Favre (if that is his motivation right now) wanting to do everything to piss off one man...not caring about the rest of the team or fans...just his own ambition to stick it to the GM.


Its actually quite sad to see.

You think you are supporting Favre...in the end, you are turning on the team you claim to be a fan of.

The difference between you and me is I realize you have an opinion, and have the right to it. You NEVER realize anyones right to their opinion. To you they are just wrong because they don't agree with you. I know I'm a Packer fan, just like you. In my opinion they'd be better off without Thompson. When it comes to Favre and his vendetta, and his will to show what he can do......I defer to him. It is something we will all have to face someday as we get older, in some way shape or form,and I wonder how many of us will say we can't do it anymore and just roll over when they say we're done.

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Last years record falls squarely on Thompson's shoulders. You do remember the turnaround last year......right? It didn't have to happen. Even had TT simply released favre, they would have done better. TT had the power to solve this thing Early last year, and he decided he was skeered of Favre beating his a$$. That is the only reason it drug on like it did, and he lost his team. You have the right to your opinion, and me to mine.


Fair enough but I don't agree. I put this squarely on the shoulders of the incredibly self centered selfish Brett Favre. TT just played the cards he was handed. If you are a Packer fan you know Favre was a jerk for much of his career in GB. That is the difference our opinion.

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I fully support Favre coming back, ASAP. I just don't want to hear about for 3 months.

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