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An Ethics Question

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Here's the situation:


I'm currently 9-1 and will have the number 1 seed and a bye in the playoffs with a win in any of my remaining three games. I face a good, but not great team in week 13 (final regular season game) that is in a five-way tie for anywhere between 3rd and the 6th and final spot, and is a game ahead of one other team on the outside looking in.


If I have nothing to play for, but can control letting a decent team in the playoffs at the expense of a potentially dangerous/title winning team, is that at my discretion to bench my players or would it be worthy of the commish imposing a penalty/locking my lineup to ensure my guys play?


Obviously, if I was another team, I'd have a big problem with another team essentially getting a free pass into the playoffs, however I feel it's another aspect of coaching my team in order to make my path easier to win the league


Just wanted to get other thoughts and opinions in regards to this. It's still a couple weeks away but given the competitiveness between the rest of the league, I am sure I'll have to make a decision one way or another.

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That is basically asking for trouble. Call it karma or pissing off the fantasy gods or whatever...that stuff usually comes back to bite you.

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Every year this question get's posted and every year it's mostly the same responses. Most of them saying don't be a d@ck and play your starters but alot of these people (NOT ALL) have never played in a championship let alone won one. If you are playing for cash you do whatever you have to do to win the pot as long as you put in a lineup of players that are actually playing (no questionable starters) . With that being said this is not really a ethics question or a moral issue some people play this game to have a reason to drink with their buds, some play for fun ,some play for something to do on Sundays, but the real players are playing for the cash. I can honestly tell you I'm not playing for any reason but cash. If you are the type of person that believes in Karma, Fantasy gods,playing for fun(no cash involved) or anything else that these people will spit out at you then put in your best lineup and play it out but if your playing for cold hard cash your final goal is to win the most money. THe best example I think is right in the NFL their is a reason teams sit their best players at the end of the season when they are already in the playoffs they have their eye on the big picture not some meaningless game.


Have a great day and now wait to see the crap start flying .

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First off you can lose three in a row buddy. I would win that clinching game first before I start counting my eggs.


Secondly, the 'decent' teams or whathaveyou may be stellar in three weeks. They might have a Sproles on their team and LT gets hurt this week and Sproles turns into a monster. Stuff like that happens every year. Unless you got a crystal ball or sumptin, I would not assume things so quickly.


You don't know what team is gonna be strong or weak a month from now. So don't get ahead of yourself and over-think this (pull a Belichick). Set your lineup and play the game.


Plus the whole 'Karma' thing.

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First off you can lose three in a row buddy. I would win that clinching game first before I start counting my eggs.


Secondly, the 'decent' teams or whathaveyou may be stellar in three weeks. They might have a Sproles on their team and LT gets hurt this week and Sproles turns into a monster. Stuff like that happens every year. Unless you got a crystal ball or sumptin, I would not assume things so quickly.


You don't know what team is gonna be strong or weak a month from now. So don't get ahead of yourself and over-think this (pull a Belichick). Set your lineup and play the game.


Plus the whole 'Karma' thing.



This and the whole 'Don't be a d!ck' thing.

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I can honestly tell you I'm not playing for any reason but cash.



This dude is an idiot. I only play for the cash. What a doosh. Lots easier less variable chance ways to make $$$. You start over thinking it, it will comeback to bite you.



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This dude is an idiot. I only play for the cash. What a doosh. Lots easier less variable chance ways to make $$$. You start over thinking it, it will comeback to bite you.




You result to name calling the guy wated a HONEST answer and I gave him one LOTS easir man it's your money that I keep taking year in and year out because you actually think the game is hard. You have a good day and thanks for the child like response. Enjoy your family league maybe you can beat gradma ruth this week.

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Every year this question get's posted and every year it's mostly the same responses. Most of them saying don't be a d@ck and play your starters but alot of these people (NOT ALL) have never played in a championship let alone won one. If you are playing for cash you do whatever you have to do to win the pot as long as you put in a lineup of players that are actually playing (no questionable starters) . With that being said this is not really a ethics question or a moral issue some people play this game to have a reason to drink with their buds, some play for fun ,some play for something to do on Sundays, but the real players are playing for the cash. I can honestly tell you I'm not playing for any reason but cash. If you are the type of person that believes in Karma, Fantasy gods,playing for fun(no cash involved) or anything else that these people will spit out at you then put in your best lineup and play it out but if your playing for cold hard cash your final goal is to win the most money. THe best example I think is right in the NFL their is a reason teams sit their best players at the end of the season when they are already in the playoffs they have their eye on the big picture not some meaningless game.


Have a great day and now wait to see the crap start flying .

I appreciate your honesty, but I can't really empathize with this position because I've never been there. All of the leagues I've played in, including for $$$, have been with people I know, or at least internet-know. As such I, personally, would never intentionally tank a game. Perhaps if it were random internet people, but I would never put $$$ into a league if I didn't know the people, that would be stupid.

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I've never tried anything this dooshy (tanking a game) but I have picked up the only viable player that my opponent that week needed, forcing him into starting someone sh!tty or with a horrible matchup. EVERY time that player he's forced to start goes off and the guy I grabbed didn't do squat.

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Do WHATEVER you have to do, within posted league rules, to put YOUR TEAM in the best position to win the championship. You are the manager of your roster, and if you paid the admission price, should be able to put whatever starters you want in any week.


The other team should have won more games if he didn't want his destiny to be controlled by anyone else besides him.


If its just for fun, why even pay money? Is it "douchey" to set up a few bluffs against friends in a poker table?



Real Karma will bite you if you do something wrong/unethical, ie collusion, releasing players due to quitting halfway etc...

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ive never done it but as long as an owner fields a competent team, theres nothing wrong with intentionally putting in the lesser players on your roster.


I wouldnt allow anyone to start injured players or not field a full team.

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I've never tried anything this dooshy...

Seriously? This is dooshy?

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Well I'd say deliberately trying to fack someone out of a playoff spot is a dooshy move. It's a character issue IMO. Classless. :headbanger:

Aren't we all trying to "fack someone out of a playoff spot"?


Isn't picking up a player off the WW that you don't need, but your opponent needs tantamount to the same thing?


What about when an NFL team is mathematically eliminated and goes on the record saying that they want to prevent their division rival from getting the last wild card spot?

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The responses to this question are ridiculous, I didn't realize so many gay people played fantasy football.


If it is within the rules, then not only can you do it, but you should do it in order to win. All this time I thought fantasy football was about winning the league, period, whether you get money from it or not. Part of this game, and every game, is knowing and understanding the rules. The people in your league should realize that it is a good move and respect you for making the move if it helps you to win. No one ranked below you can argue with any decisions you made or moves you made throughout the season.

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play your best lineup. there is no way to predict who will blow up in the playoffs and a bad team with bad players that was not a playoff team could end up sneaking into the playoffs due to your benching guys and even winning your league. YOu want to be the best. you have to beat the best.

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This is why I play in leagues that pays you per win ... or you pay per loss ... instead of entry fees. This way you play EVERY game to win.



exactly...if if a guy starts a guy on the bye..he gets a warning..after that, its equal to a pick up fee...


as for throwing the game..its legal..but in our league..we are allowed to run the train on that owners gal or wife.....


its a fair rule...

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It's cheating, plain and simple. There can't be a written rule about it, given the subjectivity involved in many marginal sit/start decisions. But if you are not playing to win in the final week as you describe, you are trying to screw someone in your league out of money (i.e., the guy you don't want in the playoffs).


I wouldn't play in any leagues where people would resort to a "cheat to win" mentality, and only get in leagues with friends and friends of friends. The money is a nice bonus, the bragging rights are worth a lot more than the $1,000 to $2,000 first place prize. And yes, I've won before.


Obviously there is no guarantee it would work, as your "lesser" players might happen to have career weeks.......

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"trying to screw someone in your league out of money"



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For those of you who feel that strategically throwing a game is fair and valid and should not be frowned upon, what do you think about teams that mathematically have no chance of making the playoffs quitting and not managing their team for the rest of the season, thereby giving all their future opponents a cheap win?


In both cases, personally I feel it's unfair to the league as a whole. Every team should play to win each and every week.

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It's an individual thing. You do what you think is best. I always send my best every week. One thing to think about is that next year you may be the guy getting shafted. You would hope that the other guy puts his best and not lay down.

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"trying to screw someone in your league out of money"




No. I'm no saint nor are my friends I'm in leagues with, but we all have integrity. We try to draft the best team, make the best moves and decisions during the year, talk alot of $hit....and may the best (and luckiest) team win the money and Yahoo t-shirt.


There is a difference between trying to win the money fair and square, and using underhanded tactics by attemping to throw games late in the season to manipulate the composition of playoff teams.

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You result to name calling the guy wated a HONEST answer and I gave him one LOTS easir man it's your money that I keep taking year in and year out because you actually think the game is hard. You have a good day and thanks for the child like response. Enjoy your family league maybe you can beat gradma ruth this week.


What the fock are you talking about? You never have taken $$$ off me nor will you ever. I call names as I see it, you are a doosh, and that is an honest answer. I play for money, no matter how well you draft you don't win every league, every year. You might compete on a regular basis, but too much luck is involved for you to win every time. I have no problems with the dude throwing a game, but I would advise against it, one of those be careful what you ask for things. that simple. doosh. yawn.



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"trying to screw someone in your league out of money"



Not me, but I play with friends. I suspect most folks here are not out to screw over their friends by any means necessary.

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You result to name calling the guy wated a HONEST answer and I gave him one LOTS easir man it's your money that I keep taking year in and year out because you actually think the game is hard. You have a good day and thanks for the child like response. Enjoy your family league maybe you can beat gradma ruth this week.

:sleep: You poor little thing. Maybe we should throw you a pity party Mr. sensitive.

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It seems like there is a flaw in your league if (you think) there is an advantage for your team to lose games. Maybe a weekly high game prize $$ so teams don't lose interest or feel compelled to throw games. That needs to be fixed.

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For those of you who feel that strategically throwing a game is fair and valid and should not be frowned upon, what do you think about teams that mathematically have no chance of making the playoffs quitting and not managing their team for the rest of the season, thereby giving all their future opponents a cheap win?


In both cases, personally I feel it's unfair to the league as a whole. Every team should play to win each and every week.


These two things are not the same at all. On one hand you have a winning team, in fact he has won enough games that he thinks he can lose a game on purpose within the rules of his league, in order to keep a strong team out of the playoffs. That is fantasy football at it's best. In the other case, the teams you are talking about cannot make the playoffs and are just tanking the rest of the games for the season. There is a difference in doing everything you can to win, and giving up and just screwing the league up.


In my money league at least, I know for sure that you would get a pat on the back from each player for making such a move IF it worked out, and ridiculed to no end if it didn't. There is nothing unethical about it. It's playing smart, and most importantly SETTING YOURSELF UP TO WIN THE LEAGUE! That's what fantasy football is about.


To the people that think this is unethical, why don't you just let all the teams in your league in the playoffs? In fact why have playoffs at all, why not just give everyone their money back at the end of the season and give everyone a big pat on their back for doing their best all season long?

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To the people that think this is unethical, why don't you just let all the teams in your league in the playoffs? In fact why have playoffs at all, why not just give everyone their money back at the end of the season and give everyone a big pat on their back for doing their best all season long?


Intentionally attempting to throw a game, with the intent of eliminating a particular team from the playoffs, is about as unethical as it gets in FF. That crosses the line from being competitive to just being a scumbag.

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so at the end of this year when the colts are benching peyton or saints benching brees or when any team is benching its starters and they are playing a team who is in playoff contention is that cheating? im pretty sure that has happened once or twice when colts threw sorgi in the game and lost which put teams in the playoffs.


so long as your fielding players who are starting and not blatantly injured then who cares. do whatever you think you need to do to win.



that being said. this is one of many reasons why in my league we reward points so heavily. the points winner actually gets more money then the super bowl winner. we also have a weekly high points winner....im 9-1 and will prolly have no issue making the playoffs but im sweating cuz im actually 4.5 points behind current point leader and bet your butt im not throwing any games.

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Wow...I definitely didn't expect to set off this much of a debate. The overall tone alone leads me to go with my gut and play to win. The league is 12 coworkers and while it is for money, creating a rift outside of what is supposed to be a fun event isn't worth it :doh:


oh, and fwiw, I am the overall points leader by a substantial margin, so that's out of the equation too

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So, judging by some of the responses whatever is 'legal' in the league is okay to do. Since the same people think it's okay to deliberately lose then it's okay for teams to just drop players regardless of their value as long as it's 'legal'.


One team (1) knows that another team (2) is very good but on the bubble and that team is facing a team (3) with #1 WW priority in need of a WR. So team (1) drops a WR2 that he won't need just to fack over team (2) in his matchup. Completely doosh move but legal.


Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's something you should do, especially if you want invited back next year in that league.

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There is a difference in doing everything you can to win, and giving up and just screwing the league up.


What's the difference between throwing a game while just screwing the league up and giving up while just screwing the league up? Not much in my mind.


To the people that think this is unethical, why don't you just let all the teams in your league in the playoffs? In fact why have playoffs at all, why not just give everyone their money back at the end of the season and give everyone a big pat on their back for doing their best all season long?


What does everyone playing to their best have anything to do with not being competitive?

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Hey, you can do whatever you want in a game and/or league as long as there is not a specific rule against it. However just because you can doesn't mean you should. It makes you a dooshbag. And if you don't see how it makes you that, then you are already a dooshbag. Congrats. :mad:

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So, judging by some of the responses whatever is 'legal' in the league is okay to do. Since the same people think it's okay to deliberately lose then it's okay for teams to just drop players regardless of their value as long as it's 'legal'.


One team (1) knows that another team (2) is very good but on the bubble and that team is facing a team (3) with #1 WW priority in need of a WR. So team (1) drops a WR2 that he won't need just to fack over team (2) in his matchup. Completely doosh move but legal.


Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's something you should do, especially if you want invited back next year in that league.

You really think that's a legit analogy?

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Every year this question get's posted and every year it's mostly the same responses. Most of them saying don't be a d@ck and play your starters but alot of these people (NOT ALL) have never played in a championship let alone won one. If you are playing for cash you do whatever you have to do to win the pot as long as you put in a lineup of players that are actually playing (no questionable starters) . With that being said this is not really a ethics question or a moral issue some people play this game to have a reason to drink with their buds, some play for fun ,some play for something to do on Sundays, but the real players are playing for the cash. I can honestly tell you I'm not playing for any reason but cash. If you are the type of person that believes in Karma, Fantasy gods,playing for fun(no cash involved) or anything else that these people will spit out at you then put in your best lineup and play it out but if your playing for cold hard cash your final goal is to win the most money. THe best example I think is right in the NFL their is a reason teams sit their best players at the end of the season when they are already in the playoffs they have their eye on the big picture not some meaningless game.


Have a great day and now wait to see the crap start flying .



You are a tool. How can you sit there and make these blanket statements abou other people you have never met?


I have probably been in about 15 championship games out of 40 seasons played (4 leagues).


I work for my money. I play fantasy football because it's fun and another way to enjoy football, and to talk ###### on my friends... and the money is a great bonus. But I NEVER care about losing the money because it's a cheap investment in fun.


Anyhow, it's your perogative... but it's my view that if you try to lose, then you're a loser.

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