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Johnny Mitchell

Non playoff teams putting in waiver claims

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I had Jahvid Best on my team all season up until last week when I dropped him...I was fighting for the last playoff spot and missed it by one game.


Best actually had a decent game last week- was it wrong for me to put in a claim for him when I have zero chance of winning? I have him back on my roster. This is a keeper league.


One playoff team was infuriated with me.

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I had Jahvid Best on my team all season up until last week when I dropped him...I was fighting for the last playoff spot and missed it by one game.


Best actually had a decent game last week- was it wrong for me to put in a claim for him when I have zero chance of winning? I have him back on my roster. This is a keeper league.


One playoff team was infuriated with me.



If your done playing you should not be allowed to make roster moves. But id say the rules change in a keeper league. But if your just taking him to take him and not keep him then thats messed up.


I play in non keeper leagues and in one im commish in i lock the guys who did not make playoffs out on Tuesday so they can not add or drop anyone else.

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I see no problem with staying active if there is a consolation bracket for non playoff teams. Your goal is still to do as well as possible and if picking up Best could possibly help your team then its a good move to make.

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I see no problem with staying active if there is a consolation bracket for non playoff teams. Your goal is still to do as well as possible and if picking up Best could possibly help your team then its a good move to make.


There is a consolation bracket...I figured he was on my team all year, might as well grab him if he's going to start contributing again.


I could see why people wouldn't like it though. I emailed the commish and told him I'd drop him if he wants me to.

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I don't see a problem with it either. I want to win every game, even if I'm already eliminated.


It should be even less of an issue in a keeper league. You don't know who you want to keep yet but Jahvid Best could be one of them depending on what happens in the offseason.

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I see no problem with staying active if there is a consolation bracket for non playoff teams. Your goal is still to do as well as possible and if picking up Best could possibly help your team then its a good move to make.


This :pointstosky:


Plus, it's a keeper league, so nothing wrong with stockpiling players that you might want next year, even if you ultimately decide not to keep them.

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I lock teams not in the playoff's from making add/drop in the league I commish. We have no consolation prize, so they have no reason to be making roster moves. It's a 2 player keeper league.

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The teams in the playoffs should already have their playoff team set at this point. Even if you are a matchup kicker/defensive type owner. Your ###### should have been thought out for down the road. If you leave someone out on the WW that you plan on using in the playoffs just to hoard your handcuff assuming that player will be there later. Then it's your fault.


My playoffs don't start until week 15 and i was getting my playoff lineup in order starting in week 10. No one should ever ###### about ANY team picking up ANY player period. Especially when it's a keeper league.


Those owners need to manage their team better.

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I lock teams not in the playoff's from making add/drop in the league I commish. We have no consolation prize, so they have no reason to be making roster moves. It's a 2 player keeper league.


and that's bulllshit. Dude in my league was knocked out weeks ago and was able to pick up some good players on IR to use as trade bait in the offseason. By locking your owners out who didn't make the playoffs that can afford to hoard such players you our taking away an advantage they may be able to utilize. Also what if the playoff team dropped Best or any other player that a non playoff could use or keep. They are screwed again.


Total bush league IMO. Yes you prevent non playoff owners from dumping and letting playoff teams get good players but that can always be reversed. Then you lock that owner out from making moves.

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I lock teams not in the playoff's from making add/drop in the league I commish. We have no consolation prize, so they have no reason to be making roster moves. It's a 2 player keeper league.


As long as said two teams can utilize tradebacks, I see no issue with your rule. :thumbsup:

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and that's bulllshit. Dude in my league was knocked out weeks ago and was able to pick up some good players on IR to use as trade bait in the offseason. By locking your owners out who didn't make the playoffs that can afford to hoard such players you our taking away an advantage they may be able to utilize. Also what if the playoff team dropped Best or any other player that a non playoff could use or keep. They are screwed again.


Total bush league IMO. Yes you prevent non playoff owners from dumping and letting playoff teams get good players but that can always be reversed. Then you lock that owner out from making moves.


Uhhhh...So your playoff's started weeks ago? I'm not locking teams when they're mathematically eliminated. I'm looking teams when Week 13 ends and the playoff's start.




1) Trade deadline is week 10.

2) No trading in the off-season.

3) only players acquired via draft or trade are eligible to be kept.

4) that makes all of your points moot.



If you ask me... allowing teams to keep FA acquisitions as keepers is "bush league". Talk about requiring no skill or foresight. zzzzzzzz.

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Uhhhh...So your playoff's started weeks ago? I'm not locking teams when they're mathematically eliminated. I'm looking teams when Week 13 ends and the playoff's start.



If you ask me... allowing teams to keep FA acquisitions as keepers is "bush league". Talk about requiring no skill or foresight. zzzzzzzz.


Mobb -- there is no skill or foresight in ffb... there is only luck. :P

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In my league everyone puts in an extra $5 per week, and that $50 goes to the team with high points for the week. We do this through week 16 which is our championship, so non-playoff teams still have something to play for the entire time. Kind of annoyed me this morning since our playoffs start this week. I snuck into the playoffs with the final seed, so I was hoping the non-playoff scrubs wouldn't play the wire this week.....


I assume in any league where non-playoff teams are still making moves, they have something to play for. Even side bets outside the normal league settings, etc. If not they are just F'ing the playoff teams to be pricks (not that I haven't done that before in fantasy football).

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I have a problem with non-playoff teams playing the wire, especially if the WW priority is based on record (worst to first). I don't care if it is a keeper league or not.

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Uhhhh...So your playoff's started weeks ago? I'm not locking teams when they're mathematically eliminated. I'm looking teams when Week 13 ends and the playoff's start.




1) Trade deadline is week 10.

2) No trading in the off-season.

3) only players acquired via draft or trade are eligible to be kept.

4) that makes all of your points moot.



If you ask me... allowing teams to keep FA acquisitions as keepers is "bush league". Talk about requiring no skill or foresight. zzzzzzzz.


1) point being?

2) why no trading in the offseason?

3) I can see both sides of this. But if the Titans choose to keep Randy Moss next year, is that Bush league? Being he was a WW pickup.

4) Your rules does make my point moot. Doesn't make your rules right. Not saying mine is. Different strokes for different folks. just seems unfair. especially if players are being dropped. Like DeAngelo williams or Ryan Grant or a Tony romo who are hurt but owners who claimed & stashed them can't keep them.


If you are talking the Kyle Orton's (who likely won't be the FF demon who was without McDaniels) or the Brandon Lloyd's then yea free agent acquisitions like that don't require such skill. but as i said not all free agent pickups are of that ilk. As stated by the original poster in Jahvid best. Not saying he's the next best thing but....... You should atleast catch my drift.

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I lock teams not in the playoff's from making add/drop in the league I commish. We have no consolation prize, so they have no reason to be making roster moves. It's a 2 player keeper league.

this is silly in my opinion. if i am mathematically eliminated but still have games to play, i do what i can to win those games, including improving my team through waiver wires. if i was a commissioner, i wouldnt make rules like this that promote people giving up on the league and packing it in. id want all teams to be working towards being competitive.

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this is silly in my opinion. if i am mathematically eliminated but still have games to play, i do what i can to win those games, including improving my team through waiver wires. if i was a commissioner, i wouldnt make rules like this that promote people giving up on the league and packing it in. id want all teams to be working towards being competitive.


Ok, let me emphasize, yet once again... I lock teams when the PLAYOFF'S START. The season is over for any team not in the playoff's. You know, like in the NFL, when the playoff's start and the other teams don't play anymore.


I do this because 1) those teams are not playing anymore, so they have no reason to make roster changes, 2) so some drunk guy doesn't dump players, and 3) so I have a reference to use when I'm getting together my list of keeper eligible players for the next season.


Fock, some of you are thick.

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In the past, I've asked non-playoff teams to allow playoff teams a chance to make their claims...and everyone cooperated. This year we're transitioning to a keeper, and will use the consolation bracket to determine the first 4 picks in next year's draft (winner of that bracket gets the first pick). So everyone has something to play for in the next few weeks.


I proposed allowing playoff teams first crack at free agents by reordering the waiver order (determined by record). The league shot that down....quick. So we have non-playoff teams making claims....maybe, they run tonight.


Personally, I don't like it. You're not going to find a keeper on waivers this late, and while you should get an opportunity to make moves to try to win, I don't think playing for the 2011 #1 pick (#30 overall) supercedes winning the 2010 championship. My leaguemates disagree...whatever. But if it were entirely up to me, playoff teams would get top priority for free agents.

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Our league has a simple way around this problem.


We take the top 20 available waiver wire players each week and raffle them off.

The way to get a raffle "ticket" is to give up one of your own rostered players.

It's a little bit of a gamble, because you do not know who you are going to get.

To get a good team you have to gamble a bit, and "hit" some of your "raffle tickets."

This is the best answer we have come up with for that and other problems.

Our season goes through week 16, and we have roster freezes at week 5 (for 2 weeks), 10 (for 1 week), and then finally after week 15. Things get pretty heated in our league, and we've found that the roster freezes gives everyone a chance to calm down.

We've found this system to be the best by far in our 16 home town league (still 9 original owners!)


Try it out next year and let me know how you like it.

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Fock, some of you are thick.


So, it's either your way or the highway when it comes to how other folks choose to run their leagues? If your system works for you, fine. We're happy for you. Don't change a thing. But maybe, just maybe, there are some obviously misguided people doing this fantasy football thing who have stumbled across a system that works equally well for them. I reckon this makes them "thick."


I wager there are leagues that let the waiver wire open to everyone. There is even a chance that they have been doing it this way for years without anyone getting their panties in a bunch. Keeper leagues, perhaps, that allow non-playoff teams access to the wire so they can begin reloading for next season. Or make roster moves that boost their odds of winning high point money or the consolation tourney. Leagues that don't toss the also-rans to the curb, but keep them involved even though they might be out of the championship hunt.


Sure, it's not the way you have decided things ought to be done. And, yes, it's probably "ghey" or something. But so what? It's a game. A hobby. It ain't orthopedic surgery.

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As long as your in the league... you are entitled to waivers just like anyone else and it's not even up for debate if it's a keeper league. Also, you might be in a position where beating your next opponent(s) may determine playoff positioning so you should always get the best possible team out there regardless of your post season outlook...

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So, it's either your way or the highway when it comes to how other folks choose to run their leagues? If your system works for you, fine. We're happy for you. Don't change a thing. But maybe, just maybe, there are some obviously misguided people doing this fantasy football thing who have stumbled across a system that works equally well for them. I reckon this makes them "thick."


I wager there are leagues that let the waiver wire open to everyone. There is even a chance that they have been doing it this way for years without anyone getting their panties in a bunch. Keeper leagues, perhaps, that allow non-playoff teams access to the wire so they can begin reloading for next season. Or make roster moves that boost their odds of winning high point money or the consolation tourney. Leagues that don't toss the also-rans to the curb, but keep them involved even though they might be out of the championship hunt.


Sure, it's not the way you have decided things ought to be done. And, yes, it's probably "ghey" or something. But so what? It's a game. A hobby. It ain't orthopedic surgery.


LOL, you're kidding right? Did I ever say my system was better than anyone else? I explained how I handled it in my league. I don't care how any other league handles the same situation. I'm calling the guy thick because I keep saying I lock non playoff teams WHEN THE PLAYOFF'S START and his response was "if I'm mathematically eliminated but still have games to play, blah blah blah". He's thick (like you), because he has absolutely zero reading comprehension, not because of any elitist fantasy football attitude I may or may not have.


Again, some of you are THICK.

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Reading comprehension is not a strong suit in this thread. :doublethumbsup:


Nobody ever said that teams "mathmatically" eliminated's roster should be locked. Only when the playoffs start. Which makes perfect sense. Duh.


If it is a redraft league then there is absolutely ZERO reason for an eliminated team to make roster moves once the playoffs start. Their season is over. Done. Adios.


If it's a keeper league an arguemnet can be made both ways. Personally I would still lock the rosters of eliminated teams (after the regular season ends)as those teams had 13 or 14 weeks to pick up potentional keepers and the playoffs should be about the teams in the playoffs.

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Me and two others are fighting to stay out of last place. I think all of us put in wavier request last week (non-keeper.

We all have our own reason to keep fighting and it happens in real football.

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Me and two others are fighting to stay out of last place. I think all of us put in wavier request last week (non-keeper.

We all have our own reason to keep fighting and it happens in real football.

Is your regular season over? Do you have a playoffs?

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In the redraft league I run, I lock non-playoff teams out of add/drops once the regular season is done.


If it was a keeper league, I would still lock non-playoff teams out of add/drops during the playoffs, but I'd give them a few days after the season to consider if they want to pick someone up as a keeper. If they pickup a player at that time, then they must designate them as one of their keepers. The last restriction should prevent any #@%&* moves where someone pretends to be interested in a player as a keeper, but is really just blocking out a playoff-team from acquiring that player as an emergency play.

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Uhhhh...So your playoff's started weeks ago? I'm not locking teams when they're mathematically eliminated. I'm looking teams when Week 13 ends and the playoff's start.




1) Trade deadline is week 10.

2) No trading in the off-season.

3) only players acquired via draft or trade are eligible to be kept.

4) that makes all of your points moot.



If you ask me... allowing teams to keep FA acquisitions as keepers is "bush league". Talk about requiring no skill or foresight. zzzzzzzz.


You give yourself way too much credit. Austin and Charles weren't on many radars last year until they got a chance to play. People who picked them up obviously saw something so why shouldn't they be rewarded.

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It's don't matter if I'm 0-11. As long as there is a game to be played, I will do whatever necessary changes I must do in order to win. If you're out of the playoffs, you play for two things. 1) Pride 2) Beat a team, and hope that game knocks them out of the playoffs as well.

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I got a keeper league, and usually I block all non playoff teams from add drops, but since all the non playoff teams play each other for their draft picks for next year over the next two weeks, I thought it would be unfair to lock them, so what I did was edit the waiver order to where the playoff teams can claim players before the rest of them can. Seemed like the best way to go considering teams are still playing for something.

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My keeper league runs a winner's bracket and a loser's bracket. As teams lose, they are eliminated from contention (as in no more meaningful games) and are therefore not allowed to perform add/drops. The sole reason for disallowing add/drops is so that the "losers" don't dump their entire team in search of keepers for next year.


It's not the most perfect system, however. Everyone paid their money to play a full season of fantasy football, so I'm torn by turning off add/drop privileges for some and not for others.


Take Arian Foster for example. Last year he came on late in the season. I was still in contention and picked him up week 15 just for the hell of it (cockblock). At the time, there were 4 teams that had no chance to pick him up since they were already eliminated. While I ended up not keeping him :cry: :wall: , it seemed unfair that 4 of the 10 teams had no possibility of signing him. I guess I'm looking for a more fair way to handle late season add/drops. The only other thing I can think of is having all add/drops approved by the commissioner - which I hate.

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You give yourself way too much credit. Austin and Charles weren't on many radars last year until they got a chance to play. People who picked them up obviously saw something so why shouldn't they be rewarded.


People who picked them up had waiver priority, nothing more... nothing less. I don't allow FA acquisitions to be kept to allow the weaker teams a chance to improve their teams more via the draft the following year.


I'm not saying my system is perfect, but it has worked for my league for some time now. Nobody has ever raised any issues with it, and I've only seen positive results. What works for my league obviously won't work for every league though.

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I am the commish in my league and I prevent non-playoff teams from making transactions once the playoffs have started. It reduces collusion.

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My keeper league runs a winner's bracket and a loser's bracket. As teams lose, they are eliminated from contention (as in no more meaningful games) and are therefore not allowed to perform add/drops. The sole reason for disallowing add/drops is so that the "losers" don't dump their entire team in search of keepers for next year.


It's not the most perfect system, however. Everyone paid their money to play a full season of fantasy football, so I'm torn by turning off add/drop privileges for some and not for others.


Take Arian Foster for example. Last year he came on late in the season. I was still in contention and picked him up week 15 just for the hell of it (cockblock). At the time, there were 4 teams that had no chance to pick him up since they were already eliminated. While I ended up not keeping him :cry: :wall: , it seemed unfair that 4 of the 10 teams had no possibility of signing him. I guess I'm looking for a more fair way to handle late season add/drops. The only other thing I can think of is having all add/drops approved by the commissioner - which I hate.


I don't see what's wrong with dropping and adding to get keepers. I prefer leagues with open add/drop to the end of the year for everyone. Not sure why you don't just do that.

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For the anysayers........... http://blogs.nfl.com/2010/12/14/season-over-not-if-you-are-in-a-keeper-league/


Think that your season is over just because you have been eliminated from the playoffs? That is absolutely not the case if you are still involved in a keeper league.


Our producer for NFL.com Fantasy LIVE, Dylan Milner, came to me recently and asked, “Is it unethical that I picked up TE Dallas Clark on waivers in my keeper league?”


Not only is that move ethical, this is the time of year you should be looking to make an acquisition like this. Players in keeper leagues should be looking over the free-agent list to see what gems can be unearthed at this time of year. Take advantage of short-sighted owners who were forced to cut Clark, TE Jermichael Finley or RB DeAngelo Williams.


And now Milner has one of the top tight ends on his roster for next season. And even if you don’t want to keep the player long-term, you still block another owner from making a claim on the player. Seriously, this is one of the joys of playing in keeper leagues — it keeps your head involved the whole year.


For example, one fantasy enthusiast dropped QB Tom Brady in our Orange County Register league back in 2008, and I scooped him up in Week 15 to save him from the keeper list. I already had a nice stable of our then-maximum three keepers that included RBs Adrian Peterson, Matt Forte (at least then) and Michael Turner, so I cut Brady loose, but it kept that owner from reacquiring him in Week 16 and keeping him the following year. And, trust me, this guy was not happy about it.


Nor was he happy when I drafted Brady in the first round the following year. And now, Brady has become a permanent part of that team. (We have increased our keepers to five, and I own AD, Turner, Brady, Ray Rice and Brandon Marshall – the latter will be cut this year so I can keep Finley.)


So do not consider it unethical to pick up those players. You are encouraged to do so. In fact, stop reading this and go scour the free-agent list right now. That is an order.

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