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Matt Mueller

Worst era of qbing in recent NFL?

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Seriously we've got Rodgers, Brees and Brady having seasons for the ages.


A couple solid guys like Manning, Ryan, Romo, Roth, Stafford, a couple emerging rookies, a few guys who are up and down and a bunch of crap.



Among the all stars starting at qb this week are:

T Jax












Yikes. Seriously can anyone remember a recent time when it's been worse?

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Seriously we've got Rodgers, Brees and Brady having seasons for the ages.


A couple solid guys like Manning, Ryan, Romo, Roth, Stafford, a couple emerging rookies, a few guys who are up and down and a bunch of crap.



Among the all stars starting at qb this week are:

T Jax












Yikes. Seriously can anyone remember a recent time when it's been worse?


I don't remember any seasons even as far back as the 1990s where the overall quality of NFl QBs were this bad. Even the once elite QB Phillip Rivers is having a terrible season. I suppose he's entitled to one bad season.


For the rookies, Ponder and Gabbert play for terrible teams, while Newton and Dalton have played very well. Yates has yet to prove himself in Houston, so I can't yet put him the the bad category.


I would consider Tebow about average for now. Same for TJax. Kolb was way over rated. Orvlosky contributed heavily in Detroit's 0-16 season, which is where he'll take Indy.

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How can you lump Tebow in with all those stiffs?


Lake of fire...


He should been have been included in my top list as a wildcad. Something we've never quite witnessed before.


That said for all Tebow's great ness he's lead the team to less than 20 points in 5 out of 6 games and is completing 45% of his passes.


I'm enjoying this Tebow run as much as anyone but the defense is carrying that team. And yes I know that he's helping by not turning it over and controlling the clock.


If anything, a qb who is winning and can't even get real praise from his coach and gm is more an example of how far elite league wide qbing has fallen this season.



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If those guys were all healthy, then the situation wouldn't look bad at all. Can anyone remember a season where so many QBs were out with injuries?

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Damn you Lockout! Damn you!

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There has been a lack of competent QB play for quite some time in the NFL. You have a few things working in unison to screw it all up:


1. There are too many teams in the NFL which waters down the talent pool of QBs. There are probably 8-10 starters that wouldn't be starters if ya know what I mean.

2. Colleges don't prepare QBs properly. They run chicken shiat offenses and gimmicky systems against lousy defenses since college football doesn't offer any defensive play.

3. Teams overpay for QBs that are really backups, like Fitzpatrick, Kolb, Jackson, etc, etc. then they are stuck with them so they force it and we are stuck watching these clowns for years and years.


Just ask Steve Young, he's correctly been bitching about the QB situation in the NFL for a while.


It just makes guys like Rodgers, Brees, Rothlisberger seem even more amazingly incredible.

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It seems like the middle 10 quarterbacks success is determined by the rest of the team. There are elite guys who truly make their teams better, but there is also probably 10 guys who could play well (but not excellent) or pretty bad (but not horrible) based on their offensive line and their defenses ability to not get them behind early. I'm thinking of guys like Flacco, Campbell, Bradford, Hasselbeck, probably Matt Ryan. If these guys can stay upright they look very good at times. But as evidenced by Campbell on the Redskins, and Bradford right now, they can also look not so great.

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It seems like the middle 10 quarterbacks success is determined by the rest of the team. There are elite guys who truly make their teams better, but there is also probably 10 guys who could play well (but not excellent) or pretty bad (but not horrible) based on their offensive line and their defenses ability to not get them behind early. I'm thinking of guys like Flacco, Campbell, Bradford, Hasselbeck, probably Matt Ryan. If these guys can stay upright they look very good at times. But as evidenced by Campbell on the Redskins, and Bradford right now, they can also look not so great.


Goo dpoint - and yes.... sometimes Matt Ryan or Flacco will look all-wrold and then other times you'll wonder why they are still starting in the NFL. Its crazy.

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If those guys were all healthy, then the situation wouldn't look bad at all. Can anyone remember a season where so many QBs were out with injuries?



Little or no better than the guys on the other list.


The rule changes have made it possible for guys that shouldn't be in the league to post numbers that, when compared with QB of previous eras, make them look competent.

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Seriously we've got Rodgers, Brees and Brady having seasons for the ages.


A couple solid guys like Manning, Ryan, Romo, Roth, Stafford, a couple emerging rookies, a few guys who are up and down and a bunch of crap.



Among the all stars starting at qb this week are:

T Jax












Yikes. Seriously can anyone remember a recent time when it's been worse?


Left out






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Seriously we've got Rodgers, Brees and Brady having seasons for the ages.


A couple solid guys like Manning, Ryan, Romo, Roth, Stafford, a couple emerging rookies, a few guys who are up and down and a bunch of crap.



Among the all stars starting at qb this week are:

T Jax - Bad

Young - Due to Injury

Palko - Due to Injury

Hanie - Due to Injury

Tebow - Really? 5-1 as a starter

Ponder - Rookie

Orvolosky - Due to Injury

Grossman - Bad

Yates - Injury

Kolb - Injured/Not Horrible



Yikes. Seriously can anyone remember a recent time when it's been worse?

As someone else mentioned, imagine the elite QB crop with a healthy Peyton Manning, Michael Vick, Matt Scaub, Jay Cutler, Matt Cassel (?).


Also, a lot of young guys are struggling because of a shortened off-season. I'd lump some of the new guys in there as well - like K. Kolb in Arizona.

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As someone else mentioned, imagine the elite QB crop with a healthy Peyton Manning, Michael Vick, Matt Scaub, Jay Cutler, Matt Cassel (?).


Also, a lot of young guys are struggling because of a shortened off-season. I'd lump some of the new guys in there as well - like K. Kolb in Arizona.


Vick and Cassell are NOT even close to being elite QBs. Cmon , man. Kolb is a piece of crap. Lets be realistic here. :rolleyes:

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Vick and Cassell are NOT even close to being elite QBs. Cmon , man. Kolb is a piece of crap. Lets be realistic here. :rolleyes:

Well Michael Vick was an MVP contender last season, so give him some props.


And agreed about Cassell and Kolb; but my point was to compare them with Jon Skelton & Tyler Palko. Palko and Skelton don't even belong in the NFL, at least Cassell and Kolb can hold their own as a starting QB.


This year, the QB position seems to be 2-fold: You have some all-time great seasons being had by Brees, Rodgers, and Brady. But you have about 10 QB's (as the original poster listed) who are downright laughable. My point was that 70% of those QB's were because of injury.

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If those guys were all healthy, then the situation wouldn't look bad at all. Can anyone remember a season where so many QBs were out with injuries?


It's not just the QB's dude. check out the RB situation. tons of starters have missed time this year.


Maybe its a trend of more injuries in the NFL.

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Well Michael Vick was an MVP contender last season, so give him some props.




:lol: He got zero votes.

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:lol: He got zero votes.

He was neck and neck with Tom Brady until the final few weeks of the season. There was probably a point in the middle of the season when he was the runaway favorite.

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This is definitely the worst I can remember. Even if you don't count all of the lousy backups for injured starters - which is another issue entirely - I would say that half of the teams in the league began the year with starting QBs who were questionably average at best or downright putrid. And half is being kind, because I'm not really counting some big names who are having bad or inconsistent years (Vick, Rivers...). There are a lot of games that are hard to watch right now.

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It's not just the QB's dude. check out the RB situation. tons of starters have missed time this year.


Maybe its a trend of more injuries in the NFL.


So you're saying these new poosification rules the league keeps adding every year aren't working. Unpossible!! :shocking:

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There has been a lack of competent QB play for quite some time in the NFL. You have a few things working in unison to screw it all up:


1. There are too many teams in the NFL which waters down the talent pool of QBs. There are probably 8-10 starters that wouldn't be starters if ya know what I mean.

2. Colleges don't prepare QBs properly. They run chicken shiat offenses and gimmicky systems against lousy defenses since college football doesn't offer any defensive play.

3. Teams overpay for QBs that are really backups, like Fitzpatrick, Kolb, Jackson, etc, etc. then they are stuck with them so they force it and we are stuck watching these clowns for years and years.


Just ask Steve Young, he's correctly been bitching about the QB situation in the NFL for a while.


It just makes guys like Rodgers, Brees, Rothlisberger seem even more amazingly incredible.


Tavaris signed a 2 year 8 million dollar deal.

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He was neck and neck with Tom Brady until the final few weeks of the season. There was probably a point in the middle of the season when he was the runaway favorite.


Well forking duh... That's Vick. He get's you all wet with 4 or 5 huge games but the rest are either horrible or hurt. Absolutely zero consistency. That's been his MO since the get. Good fantasy QB and good NFL QB are two different things. He sucks and kills dogs. Fact.

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This isn't necessarily a case of an abundance of bad quarterbacks, but inversely a number of phenomenal seasons being put together by a few (Rodgers, Brady, Brees, etc), which shifts the perceived nominal of an NFL quarterback. So far, we are 11 games into the season. Let's make a comparison to the 1987 season (strike shortened season)where most of the elite quarterbacks played 12 games. These quarterbacks include: Marino, Elway, Montana, Moon, Kosar, Cunningham, Kelly, Lomax (top QB of the year).


Comparison of 3000 yd passers

1987- 6 (3387 yds by Lomax)

2011- 9 (Brees and Brady both over 3600 yds)


TD Passes (more that 20)

1987- 7 (Joe Montana w/ 31)

2011- 6- (Rodgers w/33)


Picks- More than 10

1987- 20 (Chuck Long w/ 20)

2011- 16- (Rivers w/ 17)


Passer Rating Greater than 90

1987- 3- (Montana w/ 102)

2011- 9- (Rodgers with a ridiculous 127)


Completion percentage- Greater than 60%

1987- 3 (Montana at 66.8%)

2011- 22! (Rodgers at 71.8%!!)


So... The delta between the quarterbacks may be increased, but that is more due to the shift at the top than the drop in the bottom...


My elongated opinion.

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I find it cute you didn't mention Sanchez Jets fan. He belongs on your "all-stars" list. He sucks.


I know he's super inconsistent and looks terrible at times. I'd lump him into my wildy inconsistent group.


For all his faults he has a pretty epic playoff stat line....of course helped by a tremendous defense and run game.


6 Games 4-2 95 157 60.5% 1155 9 3 94.3

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I know he's super inconsistent and looks terrible at times. I'd lump him into my wildy inconsistent group.


For all his faults he has a pretty epic playoff stat line....of course helped by a tremendous defense and run game.


6 Games 4-2 95 157 60.5% 1155 9 3 94.3


Fair enough response. I apologize for the brashness of my previous post

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It would likely surprise that this is not the worst, but is in fact consistent with the last 5 years. I dont see QB rating as the be all stat for qbs but it is better than any single stat and is a standard of sorts.


* Average QB rating of the top 30 qbs for the past 5 years: 88.2

* Average QB rating of the top 30 qbs for 2011: 88.1


Top 5 QBs:

5 yr avg: 103.1

2011 avg: 106.1


QBs 6-10:

5 yr avg: 93.2

2011 avg: 91.8


QBs 11-15:

5 yr avg: 87.8

2011 avg: 85.3


QBs 16-20:

5 yr avg: 82.8

2011 avg: 81.5


QBs 21-30:

5 yr avg: 74.2

2011 avg: 76


Note that:

* the top 5 are way above average this year (not unexpected), but this is solely the result of Aaron Rodgers and is not a trend.

* The bottom 10 (21-30) are actually above average (surprising)

* The middle group (6-20) are what is below average


So, the bottom tier that this thread started with are not name players, but are actually producing at a better rate than other over the past 5 years.


The big factor that prompted this thread is the rash of new qbs on the scene over the past few weeks that havent played enough to qualify for the qb rating averages above.


Young, Hanie, Palko, Lienart, yates and Skelton are the new guys presed into action recently. They are new and may suck, but at this point are just new, so the overall perception is that this year is a weak class. Time will tell.

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Well forking duh... That's Vick. He get's you all wet with 4 or 5 huge games but the rest are either horrible or hurt. Absolutely zero consistency. That's been his MO since the get. Good fantasy QB and good NFL QB are two different things. He sucks and kills dogs. Fact.

I'm just saying, your assertion that my "Vick was an MVP contender" comment was laughable - well that itself was pretty laughable.


I don't like Vick, in fact, I dislike him. But you can't deny that he was a top3 MVP contender for almost all of last season. If you can't concede that, you're likely just a blind hater.

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It's not that bad.

Expectations have been raised to new heights

and the strike season/injuries have wreaked havoc


But you've got 2 rookies doing a great job in Newton and Dalton. That's unheard of.

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I would argue that's its a combination of things. First off, the changes to the game are making the top QB's appear so good that all other play pales by comparison. The seasons that Rodgers, Brees and Brady are having in particular just serve to make the chasm wider. Secondly, as pointed out, the injury bug has bitten hard this year. Take out guys like Cutler, Schaub, Garrard and Peyton and you are definitely causing the bottom guys to look like they're trending down even more. Third, again as pointed out, the shortened offseason hasn't helped. It was clear that defenses started slow which helps the established guys, but QB's that had little to connection their offensive system this year really suffered. Again, guys like Brady, Brees, Rodgers, Roethlisberger, Flacco and a few others are immune to this, but the rest get bitten hard. The shortened season has likely caused injuries in other important positions which affect the QBs, mainly offensive line. Lastly, I think that the "turnaround" factor is vastly overstated. Rookies coming out of college just aren't as ready to turn around a team as they used to be. The rookie and 2nd yr QB's are on teams that were much worse than people figured they would be and are not nearly as competitive as most figured. I think it's a combination of a lot of things, but I also think in a couple more years we are going to see a very good batch of new young QB's ready to ascend.

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Young, Hanie, Palko, Lienart, yates and Skelton are the new guys presed into action recently. They are new and may suck, but at this point are just new, so the overall perception is that this year is a weak class. Time will tell.


Update, remove the "may" in front of suck for Hanie. Palko completed one hail mary, so lives to fight another day, Yates may have some game.

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