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Don't say I didn't warn you about the Muslims

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Yeah, you've always got an excuse. Just like in my last example where you go round and round and finally just say "so what, he deserved it."




You need to get a life.

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You need to get a life.


This seems to be your fall back after you've been owned. You asked for links. I provided links. Must suck to have someone actually show you how dumb you are capable of being, huh?

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This seems to be your fall back after you've been owned. You asked for links. I provided links. Must suck to have someone actually show you how dumb you are capable of being, huh?



I clocked out of the bored fairly early on Friday night. Nikki and Worms chimed on after I left and said I needed to get a life for posting here on Friday night............and they did it on Friday night. :doh:

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This seems to be your fall back after you've been owned. You asked for links. I provided links. Must suck to have someone actually show you how dumb you are capable of being, huh?




You accused me of changing my mind. The three examples you provided which aren't even relevant:


1. I explained how retail companies perform merchandising and product safety. I was right. And as IGW explained because he is a lawyer, none of it matters because all parties in the distribution chain are held liable for product safety failures, whether it was their fault or not. Which was at the heart of what I was saying was bullshiit before you came in with your retard games trying to tell everyone how dumb they are. My opinion on this has never waivered.


2. Yes. I think both the banking industry and the Fed were to blame, along with others, for the mortgage crisis. Again.. some may say that the banking industry and the Fed are either completely in bed together or pretty much the same thing. My opinion on this hasn't waivered.


3. I still don't give a fock if a terrorist hiding in an al-Qaeda camp is taken out by military force without a fair trial because he happened to be born in the US.




Your definition of "owned" is someone who disagrees with you. And all you do is make an ass of yourself by starting these pissing matches and picking out individual words that people post to argue with. It makes you look like kind of a sad person.


Anyway. Carry on with the topic of this thread. I think Strike is still trying to make his point that the vast majority of Muslims promote terrorist acts. Or was it a small percentage? I can't keep up.

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I think Strike is still trying to make his point that the vast majority of Muslims promote terrorist acts. Or was it a small percentage? I can't keep up.

The small percentage you refer to are those who condemn terrorist acts.......I think at last count there where about 10 who have spoken up. And about 6 of those have been killed for speaking against Islam. ;)

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The small percentage you refer to are those who condemn terrorist acts.......I think at last count there where about 10 who have spoken up. And about 6 of those have been killed for speaking against Islam. ;)


Listen. I am not about to toe the libtard party line on this one. The Muslims scare me. As does anyone who holds onto values to the letter that were written down in a book a few thousand years ago. I just opened this thread and was reading it and randomly saw my name in it. :dunno:

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So why have the names of soldiers involved with this PR book burning thing been released???


Why it became public news was sketchy first of all, second the fact they were identified to the enemy


Thirdly, 5 have been killed execution style by afghan soldiers, point blank back of the head...



WTF is going on here.

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It is HILARIOUS reading this thread. The same folks who SLAM Christianity on a near daily basis are in here defending Muslims with every fiber in their being. :lol: :lol:

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So why have the names of soldiers involved with this PR book burning thing been released???


Why it became public news was sketchy first of all, second the fact they were identified to the enemy


Thirdly, 5 have been killed execution style by afghan soldiers, point blank back of the head...



WTF is going on here.

We have an enemy running the show

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It is HILARIOUS reading this thread. The same folks who SLAM Christianity on a near daily basis are in here defending Muslims with every fiber in their being. :lol: :lol:


I assume you are talking about me, so I'll respond.


I'm not trying to blanket defend the Islamic world. Obviously, there are a bunch of nuts doing horrible things there. I am trying to make two points...


1. The Islamic world is not monolithic, any more than "The West" is. Not all Muslims are bad. Most are peacful people who worship in acceptable ways.


2. Our strategy in fighting the "bad ones" has been misguided, ineffective, and just plain dumb. It creates more problems than it solves, and needs to be rexamined.


I am all for killing terrorists. You find a terrorist camp, I am all for putting a missile in it. But conquering entire countries to fight terrorism is like seeing a fly on your friend's nose, and hitting it with a sledgehammer. Did you kill the fly? Sure. But you caused more harm than you solved, and there are better ways to go about it.


Hunting and killing terrorists is a job for special forces units, CIA hitmen, and drones. Not armored batallions.

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It is HILARIOUS reading this thread. The same folks who SLAM Christianity on a near daily basis are in here defending Muslims with every fiber in their being. :lol: :lol:


That's because liberalism is a psychiatric illness. :D

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You accused me of changing my mind. The three examples you provided which aren't even relevant:


1. I explained how retail companies perform merchandising and product safety. I was right. And as IGW explained because he is a lawyer, none of it matters because all parties in the distribution chain are held liable for product safety failures, whether it was their fault or not. Which was at the heart of what I was saying was bullshiit before you came in with your retard games trying to tell everyone how dumb they are. My opinion on this has never waivered.


2. Yes. I think both the banking industry and the Fed were to blame, along with others, for the mortgage crisis. Again.. some may say that the banking industry and the Fed are either completely in bed together or pretty much the same thing. My opinion on this hasn't waivered.


3. I still don't give a fock if a terrorist hiding in an al-Qaeda camp is taken out by military force without a fair trial because he happened to be born in the US.




Your definition of "owned" is someone who disagrees with you. And all you do is make an ass of yourself by starting these pissing matches and picking out individual words that people post to argue with. It makes you look like kind of a sad person.


Anyway. Carry on with the topic of this thread. I think Strike is still trying to make his point that the vast majority of Muslims promote terrorist acts. Or was it a small percentage? I can't keep up.


I accused you of several things. I've provided examples of all of them I think. I'm done with that tangent. Let's talk about the Mooslims some more and not your hormonal issues.

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I accused you of several things. I've provided examples of all of them I think. I'm done with that tangent. Let's talk about the Mooslims some more and not your hormonal issues.

Are the Muslims still rioting or did they calm down yet?

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All religion is a farce and religious fundamentalism always leads down this path. You couple religious fundamentalism with widespread poverty, political corruption and disdain for knowledge and science, this what you get. That's my theory. Others think the slightly different fairly tale in their book of voodoo mesmerizes Muslims and makes them evil, like in Videodrome or something. I think this is basically retarded but it's also not anything we can prove either way so it's also barely worth arguing about. Mostly these topics are about people trying very hard to validate their own beliefs.

What is your stance on the tax exempt status of Islamic churches in the U.S.?


Ya know, since they are so bigoted they will kill someone who doesn't convert to their ghey-bashing religion.


8 pages, and nothing about pulling their tax exempt status. I guess you reserve that outrage for the Boy Scouts of America. :overhead:

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What is your stance on the tax exempt status of Islamic churches in the U.S.?


Ya know, since they are so bigoted they will kill someone who doesn't convert to their ghey-bashing religion.


8 pages, and nothing about pulling their tax exempt status. I guess you reserve that outrage for the Boy Scouts of America. :overhead:


I think all churches should pay taxes. Why should everyone else have to pay higher property taxes so you can have a gigantic building complete with a workout center dedicated to a fairy tale?

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I think all churches should pay taxes. Why should everyone else have to pay higher property taxes so you can have a gigantic building complete with a workout center dedicated to a fairy tale?

Not only churches but all non-profits. :thumbsup:




It's a focking scam. :mad:

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I think all churches should pay taxes. Why should everyone else have to pay higher property taxes so you can have a gigantic building complete with a workout center dedicated to a fairy tale?

I think all individuals should pay income taxes. Why should everyone else have to pay higher income taxes so 50% of income earners either pay nothing, or get welfare rebates on taxes they never paid.


While we are at it, let's get rid of every deduction and tax credit on the books. EITC, gone. Personal deductions, gone. Mortgage deduction, gone. All of them, gone.


One tax rate for everyone. Same rules for every American and then everyone would pay "their fair share"......not some mystical "fair share" Obama and the demwits blather on about day after day.

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What is your stance on the tax exempt status of Islamic churches in the U.S.?


Ya know, since they are so bigoted they will kill someone who doesn't convert to their ghey-bashing religion.


8 pages, and nothing about pulling their tax exempt status. I guess you reserve that outrage for the Boy Scouts of America. :overhead:


This thread is about foreign Muslims, not Islamic churches in the US and their tax status.


This hasn't been a very good year for you. :doh:

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This thread is about foreign Muslims, not Islamic churches in the US and their tax status.


This hasn't been a very good year for you. :doh:

Like most 7 page threads, it is all over the bored and discussions of religions in America came up, Sport.



And the other thread wasn't about the tax status of the BSA, until you brought it up. :doh:


Been a very good year for me, Corky. :thumbsup:

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Like most 7 page threads, it is all over the bored and discussions of religions in America came up, Sport.



And the other thread wasn't about the tax status of the BSA, until you brought it up. :doh:


Been a very good year for me, Corky. :thumbsup:


The BSA's policy on gheys is directly related to its tax exempt status.


This thread is about foreign Muslims and I guess sharia law.


Nice try though - keep digging! :banana:

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The BSA's policy on gheys is directly related to its tax exempt status.


No, it's not.


You brought up that red herring when you had no valid argument as to why a private, religious based organization shouldn't be able to allow, and not allow, who they want to join.


Desperation on your part.

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No, it's not.


Yes, it is. The only reason I think the BSA should accept gheys is that they're subsidized by taxpayers, including the very ghey people they exclude.


Keep trying though Bub. I have a little work to do tonight but I'll check in later to laugh at your latest flailing attempt. :lol:

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You brought up that red herring when you had no valid argument as to why a private, religious based organization shouldn't be able to allow, and not allow, who they want to join.



The same reason the SCOTUS ruled that places like the moose lodge can't discriminate against blacks. We're a ways away from SCOTUS doing the same with gheys, but it will happen.

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The same reason the SCOTUS ruled that places like the moose lodge can't discriminate against blacks. We're a ways away from SCOTUS doing the same with gheys, but it will happen.

That was just their opinion.

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Yes, it is. The only reason I think the BSA should accept gheys is that they're subsidized by taxpayers, including the very ghey people they exclude.


Keep trying though Bub. I have a little work to do tonight but I'll check in later to laugh at your latest flailing attempt. :lol:

Link to the BSA getting tax money?

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The same reason the SCOTUS ruled that places like the moose lodge can't discriminate against blacks. We're a ways away from SCOTUS doing the same with gheys, but it will happen.

Looks like you have something to look forward to then.

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