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Just found this in an article about bullying in schools

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In response to the increasing concern over the issue of school safety, the National Education Goals Panel (1993) included as one of the six national education goals, "by the year 2000, every school in America will be free of drugs and violence and will offer a disciplined environment conducive to learning."


So close. :doh:

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Have you ever read David Cullen's book Columbine? If you haven't, I would strongly recommend reading it. It's an honest look at what really happened and how the media, the NEA, religious groups, anti-bullying advocates, and others really used it for political reasons.


The shooters were actually not planning on shooting up the school, they were planning to blow it up and shoot the stragglers. The propane tanks didn't blow up so they had to change plans.


The shooters were not bullied, they were actually the ones who bullied others. They also didn't target religious kids or jocks, as reported.


It's a great read.

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I don't think you're ever going to eliminate bullying from schools just like you'll never get drugs off the streets, but I am glad that schools are taking it seriously and I stead of a "boys will be boys" attitude they treat it like harassment and assault if that's what it really is. :dunno:

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I don't think you're ever going to eliminate bullying from schools just like you'll never get drugs off the streets, but I am glad that schools are taking it seriously and I stead of a "boys will be boys" attitude they treat it like harassment and assault if that's what it really is. :dunno:


Bullying has taken on a whole new level with social media and cell phones. Kids get harassed on Facebook, Twitter, etc. more than at school. The laws around cyber bullying make it the school's problem to investigate it so I'm sure the reports of bullying are probably overinflated because of this.

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It doesnt help matters that todays kids are generally a bunch of over-coddled pu$$ies. Every stupid mom or dad that felt like they were bullied (but didnt have the intestinal fortitude to stick up for themselves) as kids is gonna "make sure the same horrible things dont happen to my kid"

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I don't think you're ever going to eliminate bullying from schools just like you'll never get drugs off the streets, but I am glad that schools are taking it seriously and I stead of a "boys will be boys" attitude they treat it like harassment and assault if that's what it really is. :dunno:

There is no doubt about it that your kid is going to be a bottom.

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There is no doubt about it that your kid is going to be a bottom.

Internet tough guys like you are almost always poosays and losers IRL.

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How's a kid supposed to know he's a poosay if the other kids are forbidden to tell him? :dunno:

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Internet tough guys like you are almost always poosays and losers IRL.

People like you almost always talk with a lisp.

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Have you ever read David Cullen's book Columbine? If you haven't, I would strongly recommend reading it. It's an honest look at what really happened and how the media, the NEA, religious groups, anti-bullying advocates, and others really used it for political reasons.


The shooters were actually not planning on shooting up the school, they were planning to blow it up and shoot the stragglers. The propane tanks didn't blow up so they had to change plans.


The shooters were not bullied, they were actually the ones who bullied others. They also didn't target religious kids or jocks, as reported.


It's a great read.


Playing skeptic here for a moment, who can really say what they were feeling or thinking?

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It doesnt help matters that todays kids are generally a bunch of over-coddled pu$$ies. Every stupid mom or dad that felt like they were bullied (but didnt have the intestinal fortitude to stick up for themselves) as kids is gonna "make sure the same horrible things dont happen to my kid"

There are always those parents that encourage their kids to assert themselves without limits and really do not care about the consequences to "over-coddled pu$$ies".

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There are always those parents that encourage their kids to assert themselves without limits and really do not care about the consequences to "over-coddled pu$$ies".

There are always limits, but i would guess the kids encouraged to assert themselves turn out much better than the over-coddled ones.

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There are always limits, but i would guess the kids encouraged to assert themselves turn out much better than the over-coddled ones.

Problem is, where's the line? You've got kids killing themselves because they were so severely bullied. Obviously that's not OK. So how many steps back from that do we take where it's fair to say they should just toughen up and/or fight back?

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Problem is, where's the line? You've got kids killing themselves because they were so severely bullied. Obviously that's not OK. So how many steps back from that do we take where it's fair to say they should just toughen up and/or fight back?


Stop it.


Kids that kill themselves have severe mental defects, not because of bullying. That's deflecting from the real issue.

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Stop it.


Kids that kill themselves have severe mental defects, not because of bullying. That's deflecting from the real issue.

Certainly there are probably done other things going on, but even if bullying were just part of the mix I'd say that is unacceptable. You would too if you dropped the b.s. Internet tough guy act for a second.

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Certainly there are probably done other things going on, but even if bullying were just part of the mix I'd say that is unacceptable. You would too if you dropped the b.s. Internet tough guy act for a second.

Without the act he has no wife / girl friend, no sex life, no cell phone, no car, no property. All he has is diabetes and a 3-hour commute.

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Without the act he has no wife / girl friend, no sex life, no cell phone, no car, no property. All he has is diabetes and a 3-hour commute.

I hope your kids get bullied into suicide. YAHTZEE!! :banana:

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It doesnt help matters that todays kids are generally a bunch of over-coddled pu$$ies. Every stupid mom or dad that felt like they were bullied (but didnt have the intestinal fortitude to stick up for themselves) as kids is gonna "make sure the same horrible things dont happen to my kid"

This :thumbsup: I heard a really interesting interview of an author that wrote a book about different parenting styles around the world. Parents in the US tend to really over-shelter our children. For example, in Japan kids are encouraged to be kids and work things out themselves. So if they argue or even physically fight, the parents rarely get involved unless it gets out of hand. They believe this helps the kids develop better coping skills later in life.




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i think its a real issue and i am also glad schools are beginning to take it more seriously. as someone previously stated, with social media bullying doesnt end when the bell rings for the day, it can be non stop. thats just cruel and these kids should be charged with harassment in my opinion. as adults we cant treat each other like absolute crap... :lol:

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Without the act he has no wife / girl friend, no sex life, no cell phone, no car, no property. All he has is diabetes and a 3-hour commute.


And let's not forget I own your ass everyday.


Er, wait.... :huh:


:banana: Who Cares :banana: Who Cares :banana:

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Problem is, where's the line? You've got kids killing themselves because they were so severely bullied. Obviously that's not OK. So how many steps back from that do we take where it's fair to say they should just toughen up and/or fight back?

The rules have changed. It used to be that if you stuck up for yourself it was ok. Now you get suspended or expelled if you stick up for yourself. If you care about school and a white trash future welfare recipient decides to bully you there isn't much you can do about it without getting in trouble. Then you have parents who don't tell their kids to stick up for themselves and whine to the schools. You kind of put a bullied kid between a rock and a hard place regarding options.


Times have certainly changed with online media and stuff but I think we'd be better off just letting kids take care of this stuff for themselves like we used to.

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I hope your kids get bullied into suicide. YAHTZEE!! :banana:

I just hope you never have kids. :dunno:

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The biggest bullies in the school are the teachers!

We don't need no education! :mad:

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This :thumbsup: I heard a really interesting interview of an author that wrote a book about different parenting styles around the world. Parents in the US tend to really over-shelter our children. For example, in Japan kids are encouraged to be kids and work things out themselves. So if they argue or even physically fight, the parents rarely get involved unless it gets out of hand. They believe this helps the kids develop better coping skills later in life.




Monocultures work more smoothly than polycultures. :dunno:

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I just hope you never have kids. :dunno:

The odds of a woman choosing to mate with phillybear are essentially nil. I would not worry unless they outlaw abortion even in cases of rape and incest

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I would not worry unless they outlaw abortion even in cases of rape and incest


Alright, NOW you're talking my language. :fap: :drool:

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Monocultures work more smoothly than polycultures. :dunno:

I'm not sure that's it, Japan's approach is similar to most of Europe. In France the parents believe its good to annoy kids to help them learn some coping skills for that ... I think I often use the French approach in this regard:


Kid: Where's mom?

Me: She went to sh!t and the hogs ate her.

Kid: :wall:

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I'm not sure that's it, Japan's approach is similar to most of Europe. In France the parents believe its good to annoy kids to help them learn some coping skills for that ... I think I often use the French approach in this regard:


Kid: Where's mom?

Me: She went to sh!t and the hogs ate her.

Kid: :wall:



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I recently caught a podcast with William Huff Jr. who wrote 'Bullies Suck"

He had some interesting things to say on the subject, much of which I agreed with.


Notably, he asserts that "turn the other cheek" is not an effective method to deal with bullies because you effectively become a doormat for that bully.


He also believes that telling your teacher, counselor, parent, etc when someone picks on you is the worst thing a kid can do. First of all, the kid will be labeled a pussie for telling. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, asking an authority figure to intervene turns you into a powerless victim.


I have one boy starting K and another starting preschool next week, and I feel I'd done them a disservice by teaching them this crap. In my heart, I knew that standing up to a bully is the only thing that works. It worked for me in grade school and then again in high school.


When I heard this podcast, things started to click again, and I remembered one of the key responsibilities of being a dad. I told them I was wrong about what I'd said before about bullies, and that I had a better idea about how to deal with these types of kids.


What I teach them now is very basic.


When someone says something to you that you don't like, stop whatever your doing, stand up tall, look them in the eye and tell them to stop. If they continue, warn them again that you don't like what they're saying and let them know you won't tolerate it. If, after that final warning the kid continues to taunt you, feel free to unleash any means of verbal attack you fell necessary to embarrass, shame, or humiliate that kid. I've armed them with a few one liners that will help them along the way.


When it comes to physical abuse, the method is the same, with one less step. Stand up tall, get into their face and tell them not to ever do that again. Warn them only once not to hit, push, shove, or trip you. If they do it again, lay 'em out.


I'm teaching them a little about self defense from a boxing point of view since I know a little about it. However, I'd like to enroll them in a martial arts class when they get a little older.


If you have kids, and are interested in learning more, I'd suggest checking out the Jay Mohr podcast with William Huff Jr, or I guess you could buy his book.

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