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Are kickers worth switching weekly?

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I have Dawson vs Seattle tomorrow, and I'm not sure if that will be good or bad. Is it even worth worrying about, or are kickers too unpredictable? Dawson is solid, so I could see just rolling with him on a weekly basis for the most part.

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Sorry to bore you. How's this for excitement....I scored 123 points and lost by 4 last week. It just so happened that Miller's doughnut is what cost me the game, so why wouldn't I be worried about getting every point I can?


I have McCoy, Megatron, Cobb as my core studs. That's a good group to build your team around in a 12 man league, obviously. I also have Stafford, Cook and Murray who will all provide solid production. So why worry about a kicker? Look no further than last week. Kickers do matter...keep yawning.

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Kickers do matter...keep yawning.

I was not implying kickers do not matter. I am telling you this thread does not matter. I almost fell asleep... reading your last post.


If you want to sit here and discuss kicker match ups, be my guest. But IMO, you may be over analyzing your team just a bit. With that said, I am sleepy now and will anxiously await a "Which kicker do I start" thread in the morning.

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I was not implying kickers do not matter. I am telling you this thread does not matter. I almost fell asleep... reading your last post.


If you want to sit here and discuss kicker match ups, be my guest. But IMO, you may be over analyzing your team just a bit. With that said, I am sleepy now and will anxiously await a "Which kicker do I start" thread in the morning.

Or, you could just avoid the conversation altogether and I'd be fine with that too. I didn't post for your entertainment.

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I usually stream kickers and never play one that I think will be on the losing team. I just picked up Legatron, I'll see if the hype is for real.

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I don't think so. If you have one of the top ten, you should just let it ride. The difference in kicker points long term is not a big factor in winning and losing as a Fantasy team.

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Yes, especially when taking into account weather conditions. Most teams won't send a guy out to attempt a 50+ yarder in the rain/snow/wind, but if it's in a dome or somewhere sunny and calm then it's highly possible. Plus, if two guys are scoring about the same, why not play the one versus a team that gives up more points to kickers?


All in all, unless we're talking about guys on terrible offenses, it's roughly a crapshoot. But later in the season and in specific circumstances I think it's one of the most overlooked parts of fantasy football.


I'm also tempted to replace Dawson this week with someone, specifically Forbath. Right now I'm still leaning toward hanging onto Dawson for the time being.

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I tend to play match ups with kickers. If know there is a good team playing a defense that is pretty good in the redzone at preventing opposing teams from scoring then yes I will drop my kicker for that one. However when im drafting I usually go with a kicker who is in a high powered offense. Such as Matt Bryant. This ensure that you will get plenty of chances to score since they will charge down the field a lot.

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Yes, especially when taking into account weather conditions. Most teams won't send a guy out to attempt a 50+ yarder in the rain/snow/wind, but if it's in a dome or somewhere sunny and calm then it's highly possible. Plus, if two guys are scoring about the same, why not play the one versus a team that gives up more points to kickers?


All in all, unless we're talking about guys on terrible offenses, it's roughly a crapshoot. But later in the season and in specific circumstances I think it's one of the most overlooked parts of fantasy football.


I'm also tempted to replace Dawson this week with someone, specifically Forbath. Right now I'm still leaning toward hanging onto Dawson for the time being.

Weather conditions are why I like to draft people like Bryant and Hartley and then forget about it the rest of the season. They are kicking indoors half the time for teams that score points. Even outdoor kickers in southern climates like Dallas( which I think now has a retractable roof?) where wind is less a factor as also good.

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to the OP, depends on the league really...in mine, the winner usually has like 220 pts so a kicker is hard pressed to matter


unless you have a turd and nothing in FA worth locking up then beck ya, change em like socks.

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Yes, especially when taking into account weather conditions. Most teams won't send a guy out to attempt a 50+ yarder in the rain/snow/wind, but if it's in a dome or somewhere sunny and calm then it's highly possible. Plus, if two guys are scoring about the same, why not play the one versus a team that gives up more points to kickers?


All in all, unless we're talking about guys on terrible offenses, it's roughly a crapshoot. But later in the season and in specific circumstances I think it's one of the most overlooked parts of fantasy football.


I'm also tempted to replace Dawson this week with someone, specifically Forbath. Right now I'm still leaning toward hanging onto Dawson for the time being.

Thanks for the worthwhile answer. I wish more people on this board would be willing to use the place for what it was actually designed for instead of being d!cks.

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Oh good grief, my kicker in a couple of leagues was Bullock. That's past tense. I don't now who the new one is because waivers haven't opened. I've never seen a kicker this awful in 15 years of FF.


1/5 this season. That won't do.

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It makes sense to switch kickers the first few weeks as you try to find a good one, but once you've pinpointed a winner, just stick with him. There's so much variance. Sturgis, Josh Brown, and Novak all look like decent and available options on okay offensive teams that will hit some field goals.

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Bullock lost me the game yesterday.


I will pickup Sturgis or Novak.

The Miami offense worries me a little though.

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Crap, kicker is like the second most important position other than QB. Those 3 extra point weeks can kill you when you go up against another team getting 4 FG's. Dan Bailey has been nice so far.

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Never play match ups with kickers. Sure you may get lucky but you almost need to stick with one to make sure you get the high weeks. There is no rhyme or reason to kicker stats on a weekly basis. Over the course of a season, usually good offenses produce good kickers.

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