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Ever have to fire someone?

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I just let a contractor go a couple of days ago. Typical IT dork, but from the first week in, was way too comfortable. By comfortable, he'd make border line inappropriate comments to people he'd just met. People that I've known for 12 years and wouldn't consider saying things to. By border line....


To our admin assistant - "I'm a cheap date....and easy too"

To a mainframe guy he'd just met "Who's the bday present for?"..."My daughter, she turns 21 today"....."Hey, tell her I'm single"....."Uh, she's married"....."doesn't matter to me"

To a female coworker - "You're allowed to change your mind, you're a woman"

To the same admin assistant after she says something about her husband - "I've never met anyone married that cares about their weight...or anything else for that matter"

Aloud to himself while giggling about an email he received from an Asian coworker - "Good lord...me no worky, me no log in"


The 2nd day he was here, I'm in the cafeteria ordering a coffee. This dude walks by and says to the cafeteria worker "Hey, watch out for this guy". He was just dumb, annoying and made everyone around him uncomfortable. When I fired him, I told him "Honestly man, I never really had a chance to evaluate your work because you are so tiring to be around. You have no filter and I've had 5 different people come up to me I barely know saying "that guy is strange". Bottom line, you've thrown our team dynamic way off and I need to get it back to normal."

I was just trying to lighten the mood around the office :mad:

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On a company level, we let 3 guys go 2 weeks ago that was a perfect kill shot. These 3 were completely worthless on different levels and were long overdue...


- one guy was technically very good, but the single most unprofessional person I've ever worked with. A total ass to everyone around him.

- one guy was technically inept, but a very nice guy and a hard worker

- the 3rd guy was a combo of the first 2...not only inept, but didn't even get a . This guy was frustrating as he had gotten a reprieve when his first boss passed away. He also had a kid with a severe heart defect. You'd think he would have valued his job more. oh well.


They walked 2 of them out the door and let the nice/hard worker stay for 6 more weeks to finish up some stuff. Well done!

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I just let a contractor go a couple of days ago. Typical IT dork, but from the first week in, was way too comfortable. By comfortable, he'd make border line inappropriate comments to people he'd just met. People that I've known for 12 years and wouldn't consider saying things to. By border line....


To our admin assistant - "I'm a cheap date....and easy too"

To a mainframe guy he'd just met "Who's the bday present for?"..."My daughter, she turns 21 today"....."Hey, tell her I'm single"....."Uh, she's married"....."doesn't matter to me"

To a female coworker - "You're allowed to change your mind, you're a woman"

To the same admin assistant after she says something about her husband - "I've never met anyone married that cares about their weight...or anything else for that matter"

Aloud to himself while giggling about an email he received from an Asian coworker - "Good lord...me no worky, me no log in"


The 2nd day he was here, I'm in the cafeteria ordering a coffee. This dude walks by and says to the cafeteria worker "Hey, watch out for this guy". He was just dumb, annoying and made everyone around him uncomfortable. When I fired him, I told him "Honestly man, I never really had a chance to evaluate your work because you are so tiring to be around. You have no filter and I've had 5 different people come up to me I barely know saying "that guy is strange". Bottom line, you've thrown our team dynamic way off and I need to get it back to normal."

Hard to evaluate without the can sizes of all of the women. :dunno:

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Mental note: don't work for shovelheadt. :o

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If the employee is only average and you want a star - firing him is not the way to go. Not saying don't get rid of him just don't fire him and fock him out of unemployment -- claim restructuring and lay him off.. Or maybe talk to him and say "hey you have gotten a little better since we last spoke about this but you really need to pick it up a lot more or you might get laid off due to restructuring coming down the pike. Doing that - you A. give the guy a final chance to shape up and keep his job B. him him a few months to start looking for other jobs and C. at least he walks away able to get unemployment.


just my .02

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Hard to evaluate without the can sizes of all of the women. :dunno:


IT gals...they're all rough. The admin assistant used to be fairly hot two kids ago...now just a fatty D cup.

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Mental note: don't work for shovelheadt. :o


Yeah, I know it sounds harsh, but this guy was way too much work. I have 11 people that all average 55 hours a week and I didn't have time to hold his hand. 2 other contractors started with him and combined they weren't half the maintenance this guy required. Would also sit in his cube and have personal conversations with his parents, bill collectors, doctors, better business bureau, etc. I'm usually a decent judge of personality, but I failed miserably on this dude. He interviewed well and seemed normal. I still can't figure out what red flag I should have looked for.

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Got caught using company postage (like $30 or more once every few weeks) for his eBay side business. I couldn't prove that one but today he got nailed using his office notary's seal and forging her signature. He admitted to doing it and having done this in the past. I told him to pack his sh1t and get out.


Dude has a month old kid now but he really left me no choice. These things would've gotten him fired even if his work didn't suck. :dunno:

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Only white people... :bench:

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Did you punch his baby momma in the stomach in front of his kid too ?

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Yeah... I'm just to this thread. You did the right thing and I may have done it earlier. I've fired folks in the past and while it focking sucks... you gotta do it. In this situation after the theft, he fired himself. Lucky you don't have him prosecuted for theft.


It's pretty hard to can someone in the gov though. You really have to have your sh!t together paperwork wise. Give them documented counciling on what they have to do to correct. Then follow up periodically with... nope.. your still focking up or you've corrected yourself. Then document document document.


That being said.... congrats.... Axe Man.

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I have to lay two of my people off Monday due to a reduction in force. Was supposed to be today but one called in sick. Didn't want to do one over the phone :(.

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Got caught using company postage (like $30 or more once every few weeks) for his eBay side business. I couldn't prove that one but today he got nailed using his office notary's seal and forging her signature. He admitted to doing it and having done this in the past. I told him to pack his sh1t and get out.


Dude has a month old kid now but he really left me no choice. These things would've gotten him fired even if his work didn't suck. :dunno:

Fired as in he can't collect unemployment? That would suck. :(

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Fired as in he can't collect unemployment? That would suck. :(

I'm assuming so but that's up to the company. It sucks but forging legal documents and lying about it = fired.

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I'm assuming so but that's up to the company. It sucks but forging legal documents and lying about it = fired.

Understood. Also to clarify, I wasn't blaming you; you did what you had to do. :cheers:

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Understood. Also to clarify, I wasn't blaming you; you did what you had to do. :cheers:

I know. I really do feel bad about his circumstances but the guy fired himself.

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I've fired way more than I have wanted to in my days. Some absolutely deserved it, some knew it was coming.


But the best correlation to this I have is a guy who I felt just wasn't a good fit for the job. I even told him that when I let him go, telling him I felt he was in the wrong career.


I felt bad dumping him, however in many cases, with education and experience, he will land somewhere else.......and can bamboozle them for a little while until they wake up to his shortcomings too

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