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Merry F*cking Easter man

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It's all about the chocolate.


- from the staff at FFToday

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Hope all of you religious folks have a blessed day. :thumbsup:


Today happens to be my son't 19th birfday, and he came home from college last night (well, just up the road at ASU) to celebrate. Of course he didn't get in until some time after 3:30 AM so I don't know when we'll actually see him. :unsure:


When the kids were young we started hiding their baskets and sending them on a hunt where they had to solve 3 clues. In recent past years my wife and I were like "eh, you guys are too old, we won't do that any more." They instantly morphed into little kids, "no Mommy Daddy please please hide them we love that$#@!" So we still do it, even though the youngest is almost 14. :D


We also used to put candy in plastic eggs and hide them all over the house. Sometimes we'd find one or two which were particularly well-hidden 6 months from now. We gave up on that because it is a PITA to fill those dam eggs.

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It's snowing like a bastard here. On Easter. Happy focking Easter :wall:


I hope there's a live grenade in the Easter Bunny's basket this year

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Happy Easter guys! Normally I go to sunrise service but I don't really go to church here in San Antonio. Only go back home cause it's where I'm comfortable. My parents flew in so they are cooking Easter lunch. First time I've had Easter lunch in years. Always had to work

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Happy Easter guys! Normally I go to sunrise service but I don't really go to church here in San Antonio. Only go back home cause it's where I'm comfortable. My parents flew in so they are cooking Easter lunch. First time I've had Easter lunch in years. Always had to work

Yeah, God, prayer, and such gets weird when you are away from home :wacko:

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Yeah, God, prayer, and such gets weird when you are away from home :wacko:

No it's really a lot of churches around here are Spanish speaking. The other ones I've been to are nice but it takes me at least 45 minutes to get there.

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No it's really a lot of churches around here are Spanish speaking. The other ones I've been to are nice but it takes me at least 45 minutes to get there.

That's like an eternity

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That's like an eternity

40 days and 40 nights

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No it's really a lot of churches around here are Spanish speaking. The other ones I've been to are nice but it takes me at least 45 minutes to get there.

You're the geek club's Job.

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Don't forget to eat some zombie Jesus today.


"For My flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink.

He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him.


As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also will live because of Me."


John 6:56

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Sorry, quit religion years ago.

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When the kids were young we started hiding their baskets and sending them on a hunt where they had to solve 3 clues. In recent past years my wife and I were like "eh, you guys are too old, we won't do that any more." They instantly morphed into little kids, "no Mommy Daddy please please hide them we love that$#@!" So we still do it, even though the youngest is almost 14. :D



16 & 13, still had to hide the eggs.

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16 & 13, still had to hide the eggs.

Same ages and this was the first year we didn't.


Got them a bacon filled chocolate bunnies and bacon donuts.


1 liked and 1 hated. Neither loved. Lesson learned and 40 bucks wasted.

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Thank goodness easter has been more about candy and bunnies than religeon for decades now. I can only imagine when intelligent aliens visit earth one day. "so let me get this straight, most of this planet believes in things that dont exist and have special holidays for these things that dont exist?"

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Thank goodness easter has been more about candy and bunnies than religeon for decades now. I can only imagine when intelligent aliens visit earth one day. "so let me get this straight, most of this planet believes in things that dont exist and have special holidays for these things that dont exist?"

yeah, l can't wait until our real friends from outer space finally decided to visit

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yeah, l can't wait until our real friends from outer space finally decided to visit


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