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NSA triples data collected from one year prior

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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. National Security Agency collected 534 million records of phone calls and text messages of Americans last year, more than triple gathered in 2016, a U.S. intelligence agency report released on Friday said.


The sharp increase from 151 million occurred during the second full year of a new surveillance system established at the spy agency after U.S. lawmakers passed a law in 2015 that sought to limit its ability to collect such records in bulk.


The spike in collection of call records coincided with an increase reported on Friday across other surveillance methods, raising questions from some privacy advocates who are concerned about potential government overreach and intrusion into the lives of U.S. citizens.


The 2017 call records tally remained far less than an estimated billions of records collected per day under the NSAs old bulk surveillance system, which was exposed by former U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowden in 2013.


The records collected by the NSA include the numbers and time of a call or text message, but not their content.


Overall increases in surveillance hauls were both mystifying and alarming coming years after Snowdens leaks, privacy advocates said.


The intelligence communitys transparency has yet to extend to explaining dramatic increases in their collection, said Robyn Greene, policy counsel at the Washington-based Open Technology Institute that focuses on digital issues.


The government has not altered the manner in which it uses its authority to obtain call detail records, Timothy Barrett, a spokesman at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which released the annual report, said in a statement.


The NSA has found that a number of factors may influence the amount of records collected, Barrett said. These included the number of court-approved selection terms, which could be a phone number of someone who is potentially the subject of an investigation, or the amount of historical information retained by phone service providers, Barrett said.


We expect this number to fluctuate from year to year, he said.


U.S. intelligence officials have said the number of records collected would include multiple calls made to or from the same phone numbers and involved a level of duplication when obtaining the same record of a call from two different companies.


Fridays report also showed a rise in the number of foreigners living outside the United States who were targeted under a warrantless internet surveillance program, known as Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, that Congress renewed earlier this year.


That figure increased to 129,080 in 2017 from 106,469 in 2016, the report said, and is up from 89,138 targets in 2013, or a cumulative rise over five years of about 45 percent.

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How the fock are people ok with this? The government is blatantly spying on its people.


The fourth amendment is being utterly shat on. And yes, this long predates trump.

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This started under Bush and escalated under Obama. Did Trump do anything different or is it just a continuation of the same trend?

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raising questions from some privacy advocates who are concerned about potential government overreach and intrusion into the lives of U.S. citizens.


This quote infuriated me. Potential overreach and intrusion? What the fock would that look like? Going through underwear drawers?

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Thanks Obama

I think we should focus on the current regime and what their involvement in escalating the amount of data collection. Worrying about what Obama did isn't going to change anything now. Stop being a lemming

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Yeah, I don't want to disappoint anybody here, but I know a thing or two about a thing or two. If you look into it, you will find that the gchq in England is huge. I mean, massive staff. Bigger than the NsC. It should be, because we shipped hundreds of our guys over to England specifically for this. Any guesses why?


Current law precludes domestic electronic surveillance. England has very similar laws. Ever see that movie Throw Momma from the Train?


Okay England, you eavesdrop on our citizens and well eaves drop on your citizens! That way, neither of us is spying on our own citizens!! Brilliant!


I think it's operation Troubadour? It's a would like that. I'd have to research for a couple minutes. But the whole five eyes deal. Which is like Australia England Canada America and somebody else, we are so incestuous. But this is the most egregious work around 2 spying on our people that you can imagine. And it's 100% true, and 100% legal. There's no law with England sharing electronic data collection with their American counterparts, now is there?

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Thanks Obama

Yeah, you're about a dozen years too late on assigning blame.


And by the way, if this is the story it's making the rounds? It's about a hundred times more intrusive than that.

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So NOW we are supposed to be concerned with the FISA court?


Go ###### yourself.

Didnt read it...did you?

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Is Trump greenlighting the accumulation of more data from Americans?

Based on what we have learned from the IG report and congressional hearings, the extra 300 million pieces of data collected are most likely ex-Obama officials still spying on Trump. What has that dumb Samantha Power been up to lately?

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Didnt read it...did you?



My comment stands alone as a post.



After reading your link I don't think it means what you think it means.


-FISA court "denied" record number of applications. (shitlib blog tries to insinuate this reflects poorly on Trump admin)


-FISA court was notorious for approving nearly every single application, it was almost impossible to get turned down. Only 21 applications were turned down in 40 years


-Last April the FISC issued a scathing report of corruption and abuse in the FISA process by the Obama admin, and recommended changes


-Now the FISA process is stricter, it takes more than a fake dossier and FBI employee posing as a Russian spy to get approval



Sounds like another example of MAGA

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My comment stands alone as a ###### post.



After reading your link I don't think it means what you think it means.


-FISA court "denied" record number of applications. (shitlib blog tries to insinuate this reflects poorly on Trump admin)


-FISA court was notorious for approving nearly every single application, it was almost impossible to get turned down. Only 21 applications were turned down in 40 years


-Last April the FISC issued a scathing report of corruption and abuse in the FISA process by the Obama admin, and recommended changes


-Now the FISA process is stricter, it takes more than a fake dossier and FBI employee posing as a Russian spy to get approval



Sounds like another example of MAGA

Another classic Shenuff backfire. Lol.

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My comment stands alone as a ###### post.



After reading your link I don't think it means what you think it means.


-FISA court "denied" record number of applications. (shitlib blog tries to insinuate this reflects poorly on Trump admin)


-FISA court was notorious for approving nearly every single application, it was almost impossible to get turned down. Only 21 applications were turned down in 40 years


-Last April the FISC issued a scathing report of corruption and abuse in the FISA process by the Obama admin, and recommended changes


-Now the FISA process is stricter, it takes more than a fake dossier and FBI employee posing as a Russian spy to get approval



Sounds like another example of MAGA

Sounds like an example of Trump trying to abuse the system he complains about.

Nearly every nickname he makes up or complaint he has about others...he is guilty of those things and usually to a greater extent.

Yet you dips wont admit it and support him despite whining about those things for others.

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Sounds like an example of Trump trying to abuse the system he complains about.

Nearly every nickname he makes up or complaint he has about others...he is guilty of those things and usually to a greater extent.

Yet you dips wont admit it and support him despite whining about those things for others.

how could he abuse the system ?

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I assume it's the NSA trying to collect all the data on the conspirators on Operation Trump. Obama, Hillary, Lynch, Comey, Rice, Baker, Ohrs, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, etc........


Lot of data to be mopped up to nail these fockers. :thumbsup:

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