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[** Guess How Many Cats Live In My Home Contest - WE HAVE A WINNER!**]

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I was about to come running to @WhiteWonder's defense because he's generally a cool dude.  But then I saw the pictures of him using a cat leash.  🤣

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3 minutes ago, WhiteWonder said:

Bright bulb right here 😂. Calling a guy out for having a lot of posts in a thread designed for him to have a lot of posts. Durrrr 

I wonder who has the next most … 🤔 

I posted that 3 days ago. Thanks for taking the time out of your day to do the research on me. :thumbsup:

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1 minute ago, Horseman said:

I was about to come running to @WhiteWonder's defense because he's generally a cool dude.  But then I saw the pictures of him using a cat leash.  🤣

I want a cool cat. He’s been hunting squirrels and climbing trees. I don’t want to deal with having to chase him too far or fish him out of a tree 🤷🏻‍♂️

but fair 😂

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Cat #21


This one is the brother of cats #7, 14, 16, 17 and 19.

Here they are when they were kittens:


There were eight in the litter. One of them died early on, and another one is up at the lounge.

He's pretty shy but not as much as #19. He's pretty easy to approach and scratch but often darts away. He focking LOVES the laser pointer. 

BeenHereBefore, you have been eliminated.

Has fellow cat lover WhiteWonder won this thing? Will we have a winner tomorrow?

Stay tuned!


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More than 21?  Wowzers. 

I'm not being mean here, serious question.  The smells...how much do you spend on cat litter and air freshener?  

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12 minutes ago, KSB2424 said:

More than 21?  Wowzers. 

I'm not being mean here, serious question.  The smells...how much do you spend on cat litter and air freshener?  

They don't think it smells.  They have so much cat dander and hair stuck in their orifices they think it's normal.  Can't believe an operation like this doesn't get shut down by the city or state. 


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I was too nice/respectful to ‘Price is Right’ WW so I gave him some cushion and I wonder if it costs me the sauce. 

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22 minutes ago, KSB2424 said:

More than 21?  Wowzers. 

I'm not being mean here, serious question.  The smells...how much do you spend on cat litter and air freshener?  

Sorry,  I didn't see the other thread. 

I actually enjoyed this thread and will not pile on.  I mean, I will in a political thread, but this isn't one.


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10 minutes ago, KSB2424 said:

More than 21?  Wowzers. 

I'm not being mean here, serious question.  The smells...how much do you spend on cat litter and air freshener?  

Not a penny. The non-profit group provides everything. They usually ship it all to our house, but if we're low on something, I'll just run by the storage unit next to the cat lounge and grab stuff. 

The boxes get cleaned two to three times daily, usually by the wife and my sons. 

I fill their bowls in the morning, which is quite a spectacle because they love being waited on. 

We used to do a lot of rescue, transport and volunteering at the cat lounge, but now we've boiled it down mostly to doing our part with the ones at home, which includes rehabilitating the near-feral ones and get them adopted. 

A cat such as #11 can be feral as fock for months and then one day decides to trust and give back a little. Over a long period of time, she finally goes all in, and there she is sitting in a lap all night.

None of the fosters are addicts and hoarders. The objective is to get them adopted, and it's bittersweet when they do. 

Yeah, they scratch the couch and make a bit of a mess, but all of them combined don't make the mess that our one dog makes. 

It might look pretty focked up to have so many around, but it doesn't smell as bad as one would imagine, and so many of these would otherwise be dead if it weren't for us, and they know this. We've adopted out hundreds of these precious things since we started this journey.

That journey won't go on forever, but the party never ends!

And I most certainly knew what I was getting into when I put this all out there. 

I'm a Silverback like that. 


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3 hours ago, Pimpadeaux said:

Yeah, it's a seasonal deal. We get overrun in the spring and then spend a few months whittling down the numbers. They either get adopted, go to the studio, get shipped off to Canada or die from something like the dreaded FIP,  which now seems to have a cure. A kitten we fostered and then sent to the cat lounge came down with it but survived. 

What's with Canada, do you have some sort of coyote cat-smuggling ring going on?

2 hours ago, Utilit99 said:

400 cat turds in the home. Piss all over the house. Cat hair in the lungs. 

Yeah you'll say I'm obsessed, but after 50-ish posts saying basically the same thing in multiple threads including ones you started specifically for this purpose, I feel confident in requesting that you eat an internet bullet and delete your account for eternity.  Or, perhaps a compromise, just post in political threads, because your attempts to branch out are not good.  :( 

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21 minutes ago, Horseman said:

They don't think it smells.  They have so much cat dander and hair stuck in their orifices they think it's normal.  Can't believe an operation like this doesn't get shut down by the city or state. 


We work with animal control and law enforcement all the time in situations such as this. When one comes up, animal control and the network of non-profits mobilizes to ensure the safety and health of the cats. Some shelters are big on euthanasia and will kill a cat at the slightest sniffle. We jump in, tag them and spare them from the lethal needle. I've referenced some of those. 

We don't live in the city and are not bound by ordinances, even though the city would recognize us the same way it would a shelter. All of our cats are tested for diseases, vaccinated, chipped and cared for in a big way, and the non-profit is picky about who gets to foster and who gets to adopt a cat. There is a screening process. 

If we're notified of a feral colony, we trap, spay/neuter, test for diseases, vaccinate and release. That way they're not breeding like crazy and causing problems. They're useful in the wild of controlling rodent populations. 

One colony in particular lives near a cluster of restaurants. Some of the cats I've featured come from that colony, but damned if we can figure out where they all are so we can trap, fix and release them.

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9 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

What's with Canada, do you have some sort of coyote cat-smuggling ring going on?


It's supply and demand. Cats don't proliferate outdoors like they do down here because it's focking cold in the winter. Plus, people are more responsible about getting them fixed, unlike Seamus in the trailer park who feeds a bunch a cats, and every year there are more and more. So demand is high and supply is low up there. 

We got a call about a trailer-park kitten in trouble. We went out there, and the poor thing somehow had a bunch of rope or twine around her mouth, where it had gotten absorbed into the gums and caused a horrific infection. I don't know how she ate and survived.

We got her all cleaned up, and she was the cutest, sweetest little thing ever, quickly getting adopted.








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11 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

Yeah you'll say I'm obsessed, but after 50-ish posts saying basically the same thing in multiple threads including ones you started specifically for this purpose, I feel confident in requesting that you eat an internet bullet and delete your account for eternity.  Or, perhaps a compromise, just post in political threads, because your attempts to branch out are not good.  :( 

He thinks it's funny to post videos of vehicles running over cats. He's a sick focker who should have been run off this board a long time ago. 

He's the only one here for whom I have 0 respect and with whom I would not go have a beer. 

He's insufferably lame and childish. He adds nothing of value. In fact, quite the opposide.

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35 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

Or, perhaps a compromise, just post in political threads, because your attempts to branch out are not good.  :( 

Hell the political threads they start suck as well...

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I don't really know anything about your history here or aliases or what kind of poster you are but I certainly respect you starting a thread like this that contributes something fun and non politics. Especially knowing the child poster would be in here non stop looking for attention. 

Cat #21 looks the most like mine so it would be funny if that was the final cat but I have a feeling there may be several more. 

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43 minutes ago, Pimpadeaux said:

It's supply and demand. Cats don't proliferate outdoors like they do down here because it's focking cold in the winter. Plus, people are more responsible about getting them fixed, unlike Seamus in the trailer park who feeds a bunch a cats, and every year there are more and more. So demand is high and supply is low up there. 

We got a call about a trailer-park kitten in trouble. We went out there, and the poor thing somehow had a bunch of rope or twine around her mouth, where it had gotten absorbed into the gums and caused a horrific infection. I don't know how she ate and survived.

We got her all cleaned up, and she was the cutest, sweetest little thing ever, quickly getting adopted.








You’re making it impossible to see you as an insufferable one-dimensional jerk. The person who takes the time and effort to help this cat (and the others) deserves respect and praise. 👍

I’d hesitated to join this sauce competition because we have had some recent run-ins. I’d almost given up the notion that Rusty 1.0  was still in there somewhere but I’m glad I did join, and it’s prompted me to keep checking in and seeing the humanity re-emerge.

 It’s not lost on me that fifteen years ago, you’d been one of my favorite posters here. The paying for pizza by check thread was an all time great. Anyway if you’re trying to rehabilitate your reputation along with these cats: it’s working.

Good job, Rusty. 👍


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Congrats WW and thanks Rusty for doing this.

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12 hours ago, Voltaire said:

You’re making it impossible to see you as an insufferable one-dimensional jerk. The person who takes the time and effort to help this cat (and the others) deserves respect and praise. 👍

I’d hesitated to join this sauce competition because we have had some recent run-ins. I’d almost given up the notion that Rusty 1.0  was still in there somewhere but I’m glad I did join, and it’s prompted me to keep checking in and seeing the humanity re-emerge.

 It’s not lost on me that fifteen years ago, you’d been one of my favorite posters here. The paying for pizza by check thread was an all time great. Anyway if you’re trying to rehabilitate your reputation along with these cats: it’s working.

Good job, Rusty. 👍


The recent Rusty is there just to get under the skin of posters like HT and Util that don't know any better...  Just trying to bring back hilarity to the forum...

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Cat #22


Cat #23


Cat #24


Cat #25


Cat #25 came to us from the aforementioned colony living near the restaurant cluster. She and her two siblings were very sick. The two siblings died. 

Spring is Kitten Season, and we get hammered with calls and messages about newborn kittens. Some are put in bags or boxes and just thrown on the side of the road. Others just show up at people's houses or work places.

We took in the other three after Cat #25's siblings died. 

All four of them will head to the cat lounge after they grow a bit and are fully vaccinated. 

And that's it. We have 25 cats right now.




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With 25 of those fockers running around you're bound to have missed one, I demand a recount dammit :mad:

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36 minutes ago, Pimpadeaux said:

We have a winner.


 No we don’t 

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22 minutes ago, posty said:

The recent Rusty is there just to get under the skin of posters like HT and Util that don't know any better...  Just trying to bring back hilarity to the forum...


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3 minutes ago, Pimpadeaux said:

Cat #22


Cat #23


Cat #24


Cat #25


Cat #25 came to us from the aforementioned colony living near the restaurant cluster. She and her two siblings were very sick. The two siblings died. 

Spring is Kitten Season, and we get hammered with calls and messages about newborn kittens. Some are put in bags or boxes and just thrown on the side of the road. Others just show up at people's houses or work places.

We took in the other three after Cat #25's siblings died. 

All four of them will head to the cat lounge after they grow a bit and are fully vaccinated. 

And that's it. We have 25 cats right now.






Well there's a surprise turn of events. I'd just given up the ghost not ten minutes ago.

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4 minutes ago, dain11279 said:

With 25 of those fockers running around you're bound to have missed one, I demand a recount dammit :mad:

I actually didn't know going into this, so I had to walk around the house and take inventory. Then I cross checked it with my autistic son. 

Now I have to mail sauce to focking China, where it likely will be used on barbecued cat.



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1 minute ago, Pimpadeaux said:

I actually didn't know going into this, so I had to walk around the house and take inventory. Then I cross checked it with my autistic son. 

Now I have to mail sauce to focking China, where it likely will be used on barbecued cat.



No worries about that. It won't... not unless the box gets stolen. We have Western dietary ethics in our house.

Thanks Rusty.

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Just now, Horseman said:

The real losers are anyone who are associated with cat lounges.

They're actually a blast, well at least our cat lounge is a blast. 

We visited one in New York City last year, and it sucked. There weren't any toys. You couldn't pick up a cat. 

The cats that were there just sat around. It was boring.

I took a fishing pole and tied a cork to the end of it. At the cat lounge, I'll wing the cork across two beams, so the cork drops twice as I reel it in. The cats go bonkers for this.

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1 minute ago, Voltaire said:

No worries about that. It won't... not unless the box gets stolen. We have Western dietary ethics in our house.

Thanks Rusty.

I'm familiar with that. I have a client who lives over there, and I mailed him some masks but had to write something else regarding contents on the paperwork because it otherwise would have gotten stolen.

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On a side note, the cable guy just left here.

Our cable had gone out recently. I called, and a technician was sent out two days later. This was last week.

The technician said he thought it was a short in the attic, which he said he wasn't allowed to go into because it was hot and after 11 a.m. I asked whether we could just run a line directly from the outside box to the modem and cable box, and he said no. After he left, I found a bunch of cable in the attic, ran a line directly from the box and managed to get Internet but no cable.

Before the technician left, he told me to call and set another appointment, which I did and was told the earliest would be July 4, and I was all fock you that's not acceptable.

I was given another number to call, and this moron with a thick accent kept telling me he was going to recall the technician, and I told his dumb ass six times that he couldn't come back because it was after 11 a.m.

He kept insisting on this and said he'd call me back within three hours. Four hours later, and he calls and leaves a message saying the technician rejected the recall because it was after 11 a.m. :mad:

I called and managed to get an intelligent person on the phone, and an appointment was set for this morning.

The guy shows up on time, fiddles around and informs me that I have to hire an electrician to go into the attic and re-cable the house. He's all sniffling and sneezing because he's allergic to cats.

Technician: So you need to hire an electrician.

Me: Why can't you do it?

Technician: I can't do that.

Me: OK, so if the problem is in the attic, how am I able to run a cable directly from the outside box, bypassing this alleged attic issue, and get Internet but no cable?

Technician: :blink:


Technician: :unsure:

So technician goes out, gets a new box, puts it in and WALLAH! Cable works fine.

The box died because of cat pee.




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Congrats @Voltaire!  You've got some sort of rain man way of always being close on these sorts of things... anyway, I believe part of the prize is naming some cat of his.  Perhaps @Pimpadeauxcan post some pictures and we can help with some suggestions?  :D 

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2 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

Congrats @Voltaire!  You've got some sort of rain man way of always being close on these sorts of things... anyway, I believe part of the prize is naming some cat of his.  Perhaps @Pimpadeauxcan post some pictures and we can help with some suggestions?  :D 

Of course. It might be awhile because we're in get-rid-of-cats mode right now. 

But Voltaire gets to name the next one that I take in. 

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3 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

Congrats @Voltaire!  You've got some sort of rain man way of always being close on these sorts of things... anyway, I believe part of the prize is naming some cat of his.  Perhaps @Pimpadeauxcan post some pictures and we can help with some suggestions?  :D 


4 minutes ago, Pimpadeaux said:

Of course. It might be awhile because we're in get-rid-of-cats mode right now. 

But Voltaire gets to name the next one that I take in. 

I'll keep this in mind. I'd best not ask the love of my life, my youngest daughter, to help. Sadly, I've seen her name all her stuffed animals and she has absolutely no aptitude for this sort of thing.

A typical name she'd come up with would be something like "Brown and White Cat".

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Twenty four cats and only 6 litter boxes? 



Congrats, Voltaire. 

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