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Libs going after kids

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We told you all that the left and the lgbtq community were going after kids. Leftists kept saying “nO wE aReNt” yet would host drag Queen parties for kids, put books in schools that teach them how to suck d1cks, telling them they can be whatever gender they want, etc. Now Netflix came out with a show for PRESCHOOL kids (ages 3-5). This is in the very first episode where they’re teaching these kids about this crap.


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1 minute ago, WhiskeyCash said:

We told you all that the left and the lgbtq community were going after kids. Leftists kept saying “nO wE aReNt” yet would host drag Queen parties for kids, put books in schools that teach them how to suck d1cks, telling them they can be whatever gender they want, etc. Now Netflix came out with a show for PRESCHOOL kids (ages 3-5). This is in the very first episode where they’re teaching these kids about this crap.


Cue some libtard saying Bugs Bunny once dressed as a woman. 

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13 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Cue some libtard saying Bugs Bunny once dressed as a woman. 

Oh I’m waiting for it. Cause we all know dressing up like a woman for a gag is the same thing as teaching kids to suck d1ck or that they can actually be the opposite gender 

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19 minutes ago, WhiskeyCash said:

We told you all that the left and the lgbtq community were going after kids.

Some of them follow 14 year olds on Instagram. :ninja: 

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6 minutes ago, MDC said:

Some of them follow 14 year olds on Instagram. :ninja: 

Oh yea I forgot, we have a groomer here :doh: I’m sure you agree with all that and want more of that don’t you? Matter of fact, I’ll go call the fbi tip line and let them know so they can check your hard drive 

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1 minute ago, WhiskeyCash said:

Oh yea I forgot, we have a groomer here :doh: 

Says the guy who follows 14 y/o girls online. 


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1 minute ago, MDC said:

Says the guy who follows 14 y/o girls online. 


Says the guy who literally focks kids you disgusting pedophile 

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Just now, WhiskeyCash said:

Says the guy who literally focks kids you disgusting pedophile 

That’s your fantasy. But you already admitted to looking at pictures of little girls online. 


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1 minute ago, MDC said:

That’s your fantasy. But you already admitted to looking at pictures of little girls online. 


This idiot Pedo is going full tilt cause he keeps losing arguments :lol: 

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Anyone else find it hilarious that MDC immediately goes into attack mode instead of finding this disgusting? The pedo doesn’t see a problem with it and infact he’s even said he’s taken his kids to drag show. 

What a disgusting creep, Pedo, and groomer. Absolutely DISGUSTING 🤢 

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3 minutes ago, WhiskeyCash said:

Anyone else find it hilarious that MDC immediately goes into attack mode instead of finding this disgusting?

I find it disgusting that you admitted to looking at pictures of 14 y/o girls online. 


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3 minutes ago, MDC said:

I find it disgusting that you admitted to looking at pictures of 14 y/o girls online. 


Liar. I’ve never said I look at pictures of kids online :lol: I swear you keep LYING to try and make yourself look less stupid. Sorry but this entire board knows you already so they know how much of a groomer pedophile you are. You’ve admitted to it :lol: 

Keep tilting 

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4 minutes ago, WhiskeyCash said:

Liar. I’ve never said I look at pictures of kids online :lol: I

You said you follow your 14 y/o daughter’s friends on Instagram. Why do that except to look at the pictures? 


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Just now, MDC said:

You said you follow your 14 y/o daughter’s friends on Instagram. Why do that except to look at the pictures? 


I said I followed her you focking dumb ass idiot :lol: Wanna know why? Cause teenagers nowadays are all about followers and likes. They add EVERYBODY. This is how I know you don’t have kids and if you do then it’s for your own personal pleasures you sick fock :lol: 

Now as I said before, your grooming ass keeps lying to defend your pedo ways. Just stop :lol: 

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1 hour ago, MDC said:

you already admitted to looking at pictures of little girls online.

When was this?

edit:  whoops missed the link above. Ew, digby is a pedo for sure

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8 minutes ago, TimHauck said:

When was this?

edit:  whoops missed the link above. Ew, digby is a pedo for sure

He’s proud of friending little girls on Instagram. :( 

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2 minutes ago, MDC said:

He’s proud of friending little girls on Instagram. :( 

I told you to stay in your thread. I know you had to log off your Tim alias before you could get back on the groomer one. But admitting to showering with kids and also admitting to taking them to drag show and being proud of it is the biggest admittance of pedophilia I’ve ever seen 

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Just now, WhiskeyCash said:

I told you to stay in your thread. I know you had to log off your Tim alias before you could get back on the groomer one. But admitting to showering with kids and also admitting to taking them to drag show and being proud of it is the biggest admittance of pedophilia I’ve ever seen 

MDC took his kids to a drag show or are you lying again?

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Just now, TimHauck said:

MDC took his kids to a drag show or are you lying again?

Logged back into your Tim alias I see

Now do us all a favor and just shuuuuuuuuy the fock up. Because literally nobody likes you or wants to listen to you. Especially when you’re on this alias. You’re an insufferable douche and nobody wants to speak with you 

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1 hour ago, WhiskeyCash said:

Logged back into your Tim alias I see

Now do us all a favor and just shuuuuuuuuy the fock up. Because literally nobody likes you or wants to listen to you. Especially when you’re on this alias. You’re an insufferable douche and nobody wants to speak with you 

How does one shuy up?

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3 hours ago, MDC said:

Some of them follow 14 year olds on Instagram. :ninja: 


3 hours ago, MDC said:

Says the guy who follows 14 y/o girls online. 



3 hours ago, MDC said:

That’s your fantasy. But you already admitted to looking at pictures of little girls online. 



2 hours ago, MDC said:

I find it disgusting that you admitted to looking at pictures of 14 y/o girls online. 



2 hours ago, MDC said:

You said you follow your 14 y/o daughter’s friends on Instagram. Why do that except to look at the pictures? 



1 hour ago, MDC said:

He’s proud of friending little girls on Instagram. :( 

If this is the thread where MDC admits to being a pedophile, I don't see it. He about WC's following his daughter's friends on social media over and over again.

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19 minutes ago, Voltaire said:






If this is the thread where MDC admits to being a pedophile, I don't see it. He about WC's following his daughter's friends on social media over and over again.

MDC isn’t a pedo, digby/WhiskeyCash is

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This all started when there was a discussion about Biden taking inappropriate showers with his daughter. Tim Hack chimes in and said he did too.  Now he’s lamely attempting to deflect. Also, I don’t do any of this insta face shite, but If you’re following your kid on social media, which you should be doing, how do you not see who they are interacting with, like their friends?  This is so lame. 

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MDC accuses all conservatives of being  pedos. It's really tiring old garbage from him. It's a classic liberal move. Accuse others of what you are. Kind of like liberals calling all conservatives racists all the time.

Timhack admitted, in another thread, to taking showers with his 6 year old daughter. He's on the same level of evil as mdc. Gross, harmful old men.

Mdc also doesn't think parents of 14 year olds should monitor their kid's actions online. Another sick attribute he has.



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4 minutes ago, seafoam1 said:


Mdc also doesn't think parents of 14 year olds should monitor their kid's actions online.

WhiskeyCash monitor other people’s kids online. :unsure: 

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12 hours ago, seafoam1 said:

MDC accuses all conservatives of being  pedos. It's really tiring old garbage from him. It's a classic liberal move. Accuse others of what you are. Kind of like liberals calling all conservatives racists all the time.

Timhack admitted, in another thread, to taking showers with his 6 year old daughter. He's on the same level of evil as mdc. Gross, harmful old men.

Mdc also doesn't think parents of 14 year olds should monitor their kid's actions online. Another sick attribute he has.



Something tells me there is info missing on this one.  I'm guessing a similar conversation as was had on FBGs.  

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Florida’s legislature is “protecting” kids by making it a crime for girls to talk about their period. All this talk about protecting kids from the latest bogeymen of woke, CRT, and transgenderism… and you’re missing actual problems for kids such as repealing child labor laws and censoring of children by the state. 


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30 minutes ago, dogcows said:

Florida’s legislature is “protecting” kids by making it a crime for girls to talk about their period. All this talk about protecting kids from the latest bogeymen of woke, CRT, and transgenderism… and you’re missing actual problems for kids such as repealing child labor laws and censoring of children by the state. 


The very rare girl that gets her period before sixth grade can go talk to the school nurse. Or their mother. Move along. 

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25 minutes ago, dogcows said:

Florida’s legislature is “protecting” kids by making it a crime for girls to talk about their period. All this talk about protecting kids from the latest bogeymen of woke, CRT, and transgenderism… and you’re missing actual problems for kids such as repealing child labor laws and censoring of children by the state. 


Well, that wasn't the intention:


The GOP lawmaker representing Ocala, Fla., later clarified that it “would not be the intent” of the bill to punish girls if they came to teachers with questions or concerns about their menstrual cycle, adding that he’d be “amenable” to amendments if they were to come up.

But, since the Left controls the MSM, I'm sure we'll be inundated with the "Florida hates girls periods" law or some such, much like the "Don't Say Gay" bill that never said the word gay.

And I'm surprised that someone from the far Left wants to get into a battle of unintended consequences.  "Hey, let's let rapists self-identify as women and put them in womens' prisons, what could go wrong?!"

That being said, I would agree that the pendulum seems to be swinging a little too far in Florida.  I'm confident they'll resolve this menstruation issue, and you can relax.  :cheers:

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8 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

Well, that wasn't the intention:

But, since the Left controls the MSM, I'm sure we'll be inundated with the "Florida hates girls periods" law or some such, much like the "Don't Say Gay" bill that never said the word gay.

And I'm surprised that someone from the far Left wants to get into a battle of unintended consequences.  "Hey, let's let rapists self-identify as women and put them in womens' prisons, what could go wrong?!"

That being said, I would agree that the pendulum seems to be swinging a little too far in Florida.  I'm confident they'll resolve this menstruation issue, and you can relax.  :cheers:

They ALWAYS say that isn’t their intention. But then they never act to amend or repeal laws that have (according to them) unintended consequences. Which makes one ask: were the consequences truly unintended?

But, you say, maybe they will come to their senses. A pair of Republican lawmakers in Oklahoma foolishly believed that too. That’s why they proposed a law making it illegal for teachers to hit disabled students. One might think such a thing would already be illegal, but not in Oklahoma!



Moore thought it would be an easy bill to pass because he didn’t think anyone would actually argue for using corporal punishment on kids with special needs.

I told the author that number one I would co-author this with him, but that this would be an easy bill to carry because there's nobody whos going to be for corporal punishment on students with disabilities," Rep. Moore said.

"I apologize to the author because apparently I was wrong."

One lawmaker who debated against the bill was Rep. Jim Olsen, R-District 2, who was adamant corporal punishment isn't a bad thing and that God agrees with him.

And there are more stories of this medieval attitude towards children from “red state” legislatures every week. Which is why you’ll have to excuse me for rolling my eyes every time these same people claim their anti-woke or anti-trans crusade is all about protecting kids.

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11 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

The very rare girl that gets her period before sixth grade can go talk to the school nurse. Or their mother. Move along. 

The point is: why is the government getting involved in this at all? I could swear that the Republican Party used to oppose government interference in our lives.

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1 minute ago, dogcows said:

The point is: why is the government getting involved in this at all? I could swear that the Republican Party used to oppose government interference in our lives.

By "our lives," do you mean "the lives of teachers teaching whatever woke crap they read on Tumblr that day?"  :dunno: 

This "Republicans hate girls" bill or whatever your overlords will name it has nothing to do with parental care of children that I can tell.

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12 minutes ago, dogcows said:

They ALWAYS say that isn’t their intention. But then they never act to amend or repeal laws that have (according to them) unintended consequences. Which makes one ask: were the consequences truly unintended?

But, you say, maybe they will come to their senses. A pair of Republican lawmakers in Oklahoma foolishly believed that too. That’s why they proposed a law making it illegal for teachers to hit disabled students. One might think such a thing would already be illegal, but not in Oklahoma!


And there are more stories of this medieval attitude towards children from “red state” legislatures every week. Which is why you’ll have to excuse me for rolling my eyes every time these same people claim their anti-woke or anti-trans crusade is all about protecting kids.

I have mixed feelings about corporal punishment; our schools had it when I was growing up, nobody was abused and it was an effective tool.  The inmates are running the asylum in a lot of schools these days which have no mechanisms of controlling behavior.

Anyway, enough of your red herrings.  What do you think about the Netflix show?  You know, the subject of this thread?  :cheers: 

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5 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

By "our lives," do you mean "the lives of teachers teaching whatever woke crap they read on Tumblr that day?"  :dunno: 

This "Republicans hate girls" bill or whatever your overlords will name it has nothing to do with parental care of children that I can tell.

Because all teachers are “woke” (what’s the meaning of that word today?) and trying to indoctrinate kids? 🙄.

As for the law, why do we need a law telling kids they can’t talk about their own bodies? I’ve pointed out the potential negative effects of the law. Perhaps somebody could enlighten me as to what its positive effects might be? Seems like pure virtue signaling.

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16 minutes ago, dogcows said:

The point is: why is the government getting involved in this at all? I could swear that the Republican Party used to oppose government interference in our lives.

Why does the left want to talk to elementary school kids about sex and gender? Why is that necessary at that age ? That’s why they get involved. Why do you people want to shove this shite on little kids?

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3 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

I have mixed feelings about corporal punishment; our schools had it when I was growing up, nobody was abused and it was an effective tool.  The inmates are running the asylum in a lot of schools these days which have no mechanisms of controlling behavior.

Anyway, enough of your red herrings.  What do you think about the Netflix show?  You know, the subject of this thread?  :cheers: 

I didn’t even look at it. I’m not interested in the drunken ramblings of WhiskeyCash, who I think has called every member of this board a pedophile at some point in time. Other parts of the discussion were interesting to me though. 👍🏼

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1 minute ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Why does the left want to talk to elementary school kids about sex and gender? Why is that necessary at that age ? That’s why they get involved. Why do you people want to shove this shite on little kids?

Do they? Or is it just fear mongering and passing bills making it illegal for bogeymen to hide under beds? 

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