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League Champion

WHO'S WOKE? Turn off the CAPS

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3 minutes ago, MDC said:


Oh okay than it is frequent.

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3 minutes ago, MDC said:


Go vote for fetterman again and hide in your safe space like you always do.

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1 hour ago, GutterBoy said:

He does the same thing to me.Ā  And he calls himself a grown man.

No I donā€™t. Stop trying to jump on the bandwagon,Ā boy.Ā 

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1 hour ago, MDC said:

I donā€™t soĀ much care about the wife stuff - Tardcore made that up too butĀ whatever, Iā€™ll play that game if you want. He has said repeatedly my 10 y/o son watches porn, then accuses others of being sexually creepy about kids.Ā 

What a loser.

You said your wife was tall and slender years ago. Then you claimed she had an hourglass figure years later. Ā Go ahead and clear that one up. Should be good.Ā 

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Tardcore said his wife had a rough pregnancy in her 40s. Then he said he needed Viagra to get erections with her.

Clearly sheā€™s got flapjack teets and a gunt. šŸ•µļøā€

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3 hours ago, TheNewGirl said:

Unless there is a specific "no kids allowed" venue, then that's tough to police.Ā 

How does this affect YOU? These parents taking their kids, how does it affect YOU and your life?Ā 


How Socialist/Marxist regimes recruit isn't much different than how widespread street gangs and terrorists organizations recruit - They target the 'popular kids' if they can.Ā 

The common thinking is to get the fringe people, the outcasts, those without friends or a practical social network and a safe home life. And those are swept in to, but designated as sometimes useful cannon fodder for the organization. But the proverbial "White Whale" a la Moby D!ck , is someone who is popular, has a lot going for them, has family with connections, has access, etc, etc.Ā 

What's the total power in someone like Taylor Swift telling someone to buy a specific product? Or Rihanna saying to go visit a certain website? Or Oprah telling middle aged women to read this certain kind of book?Ā 

It impacts all kids because once the activists get their claws into one kid, they are looking for a "force multiplier" effect. They want that kid to talk to other kids in their classes. Then if enough kids do it, no one wants to be left out.Ā 

Big juggernaut brands are now hiring "influencers" in very quiet contracts to do some activism for them. Again, selective targeting. The ones getting paid aren't ugly, they aren't the unpopular kids, they aren't the shy kids, they will tend to be the outspoken ringleaders.Ā 

Cults do the same thing. They'll take almost anyone because they need warm bodies and future expendable cannon fodder, but sometimes you get a Tom Cruise or a Elisabeth Moss in your ranks. Then that gets you a Will Smith and his entire family. And that entire pipeline into the money, arts, production, finance, advertising, marketing, television, music, etc, etc.Ā 

Since Team Blue and the DNC cannot feasibly indoctrinate the same way at the college/university level anymore ( If college graduates voted Republican in the majority in contrast, for example, do you think Obama/Biden/Clinton would push for student "loan forgiveness"?)Ā  So Team Blue figures why not hammer K-12. They control the major teachers unions. And they can do it with your tax dollars. With my tax dollars. And create a consistent "feeder system" for future woke shock troopers for the DNC.Ā 

That being said, I believe in free speech. And the freedom to assemble. But I also believe in good consumerism and the power of "demonetization"Ā 

I wouldn't tell these activists to stop with their toxic behavior towards kids. ( What's not extremely aggressive to start, is usually some kind of "ramp in" to normalize more obscene behavior later, again, cults and terrorists groups use these tactics to recruit)Ā  But I would openly demonetize them completely. Team Blue and the DNC worships money over their broken ideology.Ā 

"I'm the one guy who says don't force the stupid people to be quiet. I want to know who the morons are." - Mark Cuban

I want the woke gutless radical leftist activists to have their free speech. It lets everyone know who is coming for their kids. Like Mark Cuban points out, I want to know who the morons are out there. I want to know who to demonetize.Ā 

So, no, it's not just "their kid" doing that. Not with the full blitz that includes trying to change the language, poisoning music, movies, books and all forms of entertainment. Also driving it in Big Social Media then in the most of the activist MSM. Then using the "cancel culture" to try to remove any kind of public dissent. It's a coordinated saturation bombing of all children for this woke madness. If you say, "It's just their kids, it's not my kids", then ask yourself how easy it is to keep sand out of your shoes on the beach. Once it's everywhere, it's designed to hit everyone in some fashion through some angle.Ā 

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4 minutes ago, MDC said:

Tardcore said his wife had a rough pregnancy in her 40s. Then he said he needed Viagra to get erections with her.

Clearly sheā€™s got flapjack teets and a gunt. šŸ•µļøā€

Never said that. And my wife is in her early 40ā€™s, so impossible. So sad. Youā€™ve been picked on a lot here over the years, by a lot of people. But no one has focked your shitt up like me. That makes me happy. Lol. Ā 

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I deduced it. Mrs. Tardcore had a rough pregnancy in her 40s. Now her not elderly husband canā€™t get hard for her without pills and spends every major holiday swordfighting with men online.

Just cause she has staples doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s a centerfold. :(Ā 


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8 minutes ago, MDC said:

I deduced it. Mrs. Tardcore had a rough pregnancy in her 40s. Now her not elderly husband canā€™t get hard for her without pills and spends every major holiday swordfighting with men online.

Just cause she has staples doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s a centerfold. :(Ā 


Not true. Ā But what isĀ true is you had to agree to raiseĀ some deadbeats kid just so you could finally get a woman. Your lack of success with the ladies is well chronicled here. By you! Lol. Ā 

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2 hours ago, Fnord said:


This is just further evidence that getting all your info from SM makes you stupid. You can't even define woke, and neither can most liberals. No one knows what itĀ really means.Ā 


The main "false idol" for Team Blue and the DNC is money. But there are others.Ā Not their "identity politics"Ā 

Start costing them lots of money and see how fast the tune changes ( Look at Anheuser Busch and Target for example)Ā 

It's unfortunate that so many people here like to mock @weepawsĀ and ignore his scriptures thread. Many of those passages talk about or allude to "false idols"Ā  Those who have no principle, no conviction, no real purpose, will break easily. Once it costs them money, they'll sing a different tune, even to one where children are not targeted, even to point of flipping an entire 180 on the "narrative"Ā 

John The Baptist had real principle. He said things that were unpopular and even that he knew would risk his own life. When others manipulated to have him executed, he was given a chance to beg for his life by King Herod, but he did not. He had faith, he believed, he knew principles and values only mean something if you are willing to stand by them even if it costs you everything.Ā  Lots of people think the only kind of bravery is fighting on some hill alone and endlessly until you get some medal for it. No, John The Baptist was incredibly brave, without ever picking up a weapon. He did what he thought was right, even when the entire world turned against him for it. The bedrock of real faith is part and parcel a large degree of utter fearlessness.Ā 

This is why the "woke" and the activists who are looking to poison America's children can never truly prevail. When put to the test, unlike a John The Baptist, they'll break. They have no conviction. Their false idols are money. Their narcissism. Their social media "platform" Their personal "brand" Their clicks, likes, views and subscribes. They are nothing but cowards.Ā 

Have your free speech. I won't take that from you. But I pity your children. I pity the children of all the woke activist radicals in here and out there. You've rationalized why your own children should become prey.Ā  Did you ever stop to think about what happens when Team Blue and their cooked bullsh!t ideology has no more use for you?Ā  And can't squeeze one more drop of pure innocence to burn out of your children? They'll line you up against a wall with all the rest eventually.Ā  Unlike John The Baptist, you'll probably beg.Ā 

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Itā€™s pretty simple:

1. Mrs. Tardcore had a ā€œroughĀ pregnancy.ā€

2. Now she canā€™t give her husband boners without Viagra.

3. Tardcore spends all day swordfighting with men online and saying gross sexual things about kids.

By my powers of deductive reasoning, I conclude that sheā€™s a busted pig. And irresponsible too!

lolz :first:Ā 

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There was no rough pregnancy. Iā€™d like to see something, anything indicating I claimed that.Ā 

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4 hours ago, MDC said:

This couldnā€™t fit into any of the other tranny related threads youā€™ve started?




Christmas Day for the year 2018 is celebrated/ observed on Tuesday, December 25th.

Christmas is a Christian celebration celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and is observed on December 25th each year. It is preceded by Advent (Nativity Fast ā€“ Eastern Church with abstinence and penance) roughly 4 weeks prior to Christmas Day, which is a time of preparation for the commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ.






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You have to understand about MDC. He canā€™t take a beating like a man, so he makes things up. Heā€™s the guy that calls other peoples kids retarded then claims someone else did. He gets so flustered he forgets the shitt he spews. Heā€™s been doing it for decades. Ā 

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9 minutes ago, MDC said:

Itā€™s pretty simple:


Don't spend Thanksgiving Day on a message board forum and then suddenly feel entitled to run purity tests on what everyone else posts?Ā 

Simple like that?


Thanksgiving Day for the year 2018 is celebrated/ observed on Thursday, November 22nd.

Thanksgiving Day in the United States is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November each year. Traditionally it is a time to give thanks for all the sacrifice and hard work done for the harvest. In modern times people take time off work (4 day weekend starting Thursday) and spend time with family and friends over a large feast held on Thanksgiving Day.





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4 hours ago, League Champion said:

Dems, put your name on it. Who's WOKE, who's not and please be honest. Thank youĀ 



I don't know if that person has any musical talent.....I"m not sure they're not lip synching. IT might be child abuse because it sounds like a really crappy concert.Ā That being said, would it have been child abuse for a parent to allow their kid to watch/listen to David Bowie in the 70's?.....or those hair metal bands in the 80's who dressed up in makeup and wore their hair like women?

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Iā€™llĀ dig up the thread where Tardcore talked about his irresponsible wifeā€™s rough pregnancy when he shows me the thread saying my wife is fat and my 10 y/o son watches porn.

Until then, Tardcoreā€™s wife is disgusting. My powers of deductive reasoning say so! šŸ•µļøā€

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9 minutes ago, MDC said:

Iā€™llĀ dig up the thread where Tardcore talked about his irresponsible wifeā€™s rough pregnancy when he shows me the thread saying my wife is fat and my 10 y/o son watches porn.

Until then, Tardcoreā€™s wife is disgusting. My powers of deductive reasoning say so! šŸ•µļøā€

Tall and slender/ Hourglass. Canā€™t happen. Lol.Ā 

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Rough pregnancy over 40 + canā€™t get husband hard + husband spends all day swordfighting with men online = flapjack teets and a gunt.Ā 

Thatā€™s just science. šŸ•µļøā€

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2 minutes ago, BuckSwope said:

Bye Bye Binary?Ā  :lol:Ā Ā 


My Son came home from school today with a list of books that he has to choose from for the first semester of High School.Ā 

Even you would have a heart attack if you seen some of these books. WTF is going on in these schools? What happened to the classics? šŸ˜‚

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13 minutes ago, League Champion said:

My Son came home from school today with a list of books that he has to choose from for the first semester of High School.Ā 

Even you would have a heart attack if you seen some of these books. WTF is going on in these schools? What happened to the classics? šŸ˜‚

Care to share the choices?Ā Ā 

Classics aren't woke enough, gb.Ā  Ā 

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7 minutes ago, BuckSwope said:

Care to share the choices?Ā Ā 

Classics aren't woke enough, gb.Ā  Ā 

We were going over the general synopsis of each book. I would honestly say that 6 out 10 were unmistakenly WOKE. He also informed me that his teacher has pink hair and a nose ring, but who's judging? Who else are you going to find for 50,000 a year.Ā 

Did you know that Of Mice and Men was banned? I didn't realize that either. I'm learningĀ 

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29 minutes ago, League Champion said:

My Son came home from school today with a list of books that he has to choose from for the first semester of High School.Ā 

Even you would have a heart attack if you seen some of these books. WTF is going on in these schools? What happened to the classics? šŸ˜‚

No he wouldnā€™t.Ā 

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5 minutes ago, League Champion said:

We were going over the general synopsis of each book. I would honestly say that 6 out 10 were unmistakenly WOKE. He also informed me that his teacher has pink hair and a nose ring, but who's judging? Who else are you going to find for 50,000 a year.Ā 

Did you know that Of Mice and Men was banned? I didn't realize that either. I'm learningĀ 

Uh, careful now - it wasn't banned.Ā  Ā You can still purchase it online.Ā  ;)Ā 

Yes, and that's why my first reaction to these challenges/bans is to side with it being an overreaction.Ā  I've seen the lists of these books that are challenged from both sides for all sorts of dumb reasons.Ā  Ā  From Judy Blume to To Kill a Mockingbird to Of Mice and Men up to Gender Queer.Ā  Ā  Most of it is nonsense for anybody with a brain and involved with their kids, but here we are.Ā Ā 


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Also, to be clear - are those the only 10 choices he has, and how many of those 10 does he have to read?Ā 

My oldest is a Junior - I'll ask him what he hasĀ for Lit this year.Ā  I think last year was Lord of the Flies and some Shakespeare.Ā  Ā Ā 

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On 8/23/2023 at 6:45 PM, League Champion said:

We were going over the general synopsis of each book. I would honestly say that 6 out 10 were unmistakenly WOKE. He also informed me that his teacher has pink hair and a nose ring, but who's judging? Who else are you going to find for 50,000 a year.Ā 

Did you know that Of Mice and Men was banned? I didn't realize that either. I'm learningĀ 

We put him in Catholic school.

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