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Little Help. Security guard thinks I care about the weather

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When I get to the office, the same security guard is there pretty much every morning, and he always has some comment on the weather.  "It's sunny out!"  "Cloudy today!" "Pretty nice out!"

My first inclination every single time is to say, "No sh¡t.  I just came from out there," but I understand he's just trying to be friendly, and I'm sure the building management tells him he has to say something to people when they come in, but holy fock, the only thing I ever say is, "Yeah, I hope it's nice later," or some dumb sh¡t. 

I want to be nice, but honestly, I just want to grab him and say, "Dude, I don't give a fock about the weather," but I guess my options are

  1. Just keep giving the "yeah... mumble, mumble, mumble" answer until I die
  2. I just stop one day, and say, "hey, I suppose, management says you have to say something every morning, but you don't really have to with me."  The problem with this approach is maybe he just really is excited to talk about the weather every morning.
  3. I lean into.  Check the forecast right before I get out of the car.  Then I just stop, "Yeah, it sure is sunny.  I saw it's supposed to be 73 later today with light wind.  maybe we can go get a smoothie later! Oh... you can't, oh well.  Maybe next time."

He should know I don't stand on ceremony.  When they had the Palestine protests at our offices across the street finding us guilty of genocide, he was out by the door watching for trouble, and I said, "look at these focking idiots.  Let me get a picture of these jackasses," so you'd think he knows I don't really care about his professionalism.

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You’re an a55hole.   Probably best just to keep your fat mouth shut. 

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I feel, so much depends on the weather.

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Just say yep sure is, love it, or looks like rain…what have you…followed up with have a good one, Bob.

We are living in a society man! Be nice.

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2 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

Just say yep sure is, love it, or looks like rain…what have you…followed up with have a good one, Bob.

We are living in a society man! Be nice.

 Niceness get you nowhere in this society no.I’ll be nice when others don’t stop being so stoopid obnoxious fawking stoopid. 

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2 minutes ago, BunnysBastatrds said:

 Niceness get you nowhere in this society no.I’ll be nice when others don’t stop being so stoopid obnoxious fawking stoopid. 

This is not a good start to the being nice play I’m going with.

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I'd lean into it. Also you are in LA; like Phoenix, there is basically no weather. Do some research on monsoons and haboobs, and go full frontal weather on his ass.

You might need his help in the zombie apocalypse, after all.

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Don’t understand why that would be a bother.  

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Frank  won this thread

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6 hours ago, nobody said:

When I get to the office, the same security guard is there pretty much every morning, and he always has some comment on the weather.  "It's sunny out!"  "Cloudy today!" "Pretty nice out!"

My first inclination every single time is to say, "No sh¡t.  I just came from out there," but I understand he's just trying to be friendly, and I'm sure the building management tells him he has to say something to people when they come in, but holy fock, the only thing I ever say is, "Yeah, I hope it's nice later," or some dumb sh¡t. 

I want to be nice, but honestly, I just want to grab him and say, "Dude, I don't give a fock about the weather," but I guess my options are

  1. Just keep giving the "yeah... mumble, mumble, mumble" answer until I die
  2. I just stop one day, and say, "hey, I suppose, management says you have to say something every morning, but you don't really have to with me."  The problem with this approach is maybe he just really is excited to talk about the weather every morning.
  3. I lean into.  Check the forecast right before I get out of the car.  Then I just stop, "Yeah, it sure is sunny.  I saw it's supposed to be 73 later today with light wind.  maybe we can go get a smoothie later! Oh... you can't, oh well.  Maybe next time."

He should know I don't stand on ceremony.  When they had the Palestine protests at our offices across the street finding us guilty of genocide, he was out by the door watching for trouble, and I said, "look at these focking idiots.  Let me get a picture of these jackasses," so you'd think he knows I don't really care about his professionalism.

This is almost....ALMOST as good as Recidivists post about his drunken messican restaraunt cheese thingie..


Meh...Recidivist or whatever isn't here anymore, and Nobody is.  
Nobody > Most of you tards

Yes, it is still ghey friday here, and I want to give my man love out for nobody tonight. Cums and swallows...err... goes here on occasion but once again, for the most part, smarter than you. 

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Beat him to the punch on Monday. As soon as you walk in just start blabbering "Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day today. I think I'll have lunch in the park this afternoon. Want to join me? We could feed the ducks or rent a paddle boat."


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1 hour ago, 5-Points said:

Beat him to the punch on Monday. As soon as you walk in just start blabbering "Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day today. I think I'll have lunch in the park this afternoon. Want to join me? We could feed the ducks or rent a paddle boat."


I'll definitely try that.

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Tell him to "stand back its going to rain in about five minutes" then go to the roof and pee on the Palestinian protestors.

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Go full Cliff Clavin

At least we're not on Venus, it rains sulphuric acid there. 

That's not hot, Mercury can hit 800℉. That's hot. 

Windy? Sheeet, Neptune has wind speeds over 1000 miles per hour.


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