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RaiderHaters Revenge

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RaiderHaters Revenge last won the day on January 28

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  1. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Hey VAX Nazis, it was nice knowing you!

    people were kicked out of the military as well, god open your focking eyes there were more than nurses and firefighters, those same nurses and firefighters that were keeping everything going before the fake vaxx, but then lost their job after having immunity to that sh1t naturally
  2. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Hey VAX Nazis, it was nice knowing you!

    1) no it didnt stop lying 2) so would vitamin D and being healthy and not having 2.4 comorbidites 3) lol you should thank the king that got it out in warp speed, oh wait your masters said they wouldn't take it, til they were in charge
  3. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Hey VAX Nazis, it was nice knowing you!

    anyone who said the covid "vaccine" stops the spread and keeps you from getting it should be in jail but you think its the bestest vaccine ever
  4. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Hey VAX Nazis, it was nice knowing you!

    I agree with this, it was more of an attack on people on the left, not you I don't know where you align, nor do I know from the statement you made earlier I have never seen any sh1t stirring from you and would actually love to see you post more
  5. RaiderHaters Revenge

    War in Israel

    keep the war mongering, it does not help our economy, it helps the rich war machine
  6. RaiderHaters Revenge

    War in Israel

    war funding is war funding
  7. RaiderHaters Revenge

    We can all agree kids (under 18) shouldn’t get married right?

    You’re a dumba55 I think if two 16 year olds have a pregnancy and want to do the right thing and get married and raise the child correctly that should be ok
  8. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Washington State.

    Prayer club. That’s why it’s ok. I don’t think it originally had that in the OP. I have zero issue in clubs
  9. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Washington State.

    I don’t smoke gods medicine but maybe you should
  10. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Washington State.

    keep your prayers out of school
  11. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Is the border crisis over? Border crossings are way down

    nobody coming from mexico is legally seeking asylum. but they got you and the rest of libtards believing it
  12. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Question about the WNBA vs Women's Softball

    You sure those are women
  13. RaiderHaters Revenge

    When does Biden get impeached for withholding aid to Isreal?

    OMB you think Trump sleeping with a hooker is election interference
  14. RaiderHaters Revenge

    The state of the Presidential race

    https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6t8raZx2tQ/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Riley corn pop. We have a first name finally. And he played for the packers
  15. RaiderHaters Revenge

    When does Biden get impeached for withholding aid to Isreal?

    exactly so him blocking aid is impeachable guaran focking tee if trump did the same thing there would be impeachment hearings on MSNBC and you'd be in here crying