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peenie last won the day on November 11 2023

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1,696 Excellent

About peenie

  • Rank
    FF Geek
  • Birthday 11/15/1966

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    Decatur, GA
  • Interests
    Vogue Dance Culture

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  1. peenie

    Wordle scores

    Oh, lol! I guessed SHADE, SHAKE, SHAME AND SHALE. Clearly, I should've guessed SHAVE before SHALE.
  2. peenie

    Racist frat boys

    I don't have TikTok, I am not allowed to have it. Unfortunately, my job prevents it. I had to sign a contract stating I would not use it. I had it only for a few months. I liked it actually. I do NOT watch MSN nor CNN nor FOX. I don't watch the brainwashing news. I did however, see the clip of the black girl and the white guys because my sister sent it to me, it was on Instagram. There is no way on this green earth you will ever convince me without evidence that she was shouting antisemitic remarks. Is that the excuse you are using to justify their actions? Where was her antisemitic placard? Everyone was holding a camera, where is the evidence that she provoked her mistreatment?
  3. peenie

    Racist frat boys

    This issue over there in Israel is very complex. I have no idea whose side I should be on. I choose no side. Why? I have Jews as friends. Who cannot sympathize with a people who want their own country where they can be free to worship and live in peace. They needed a safe haven after all the evil and destruction they lived through after the Holocaust. Who cannot also recognize that there were people living there before the Jews arrived after WWII that were displaced and are continuing to be displaced right now. They had their land and were forced to move and forced to live in poor conditions. You want them to go away silently? You think they shouldn't put up a fight? I can't say who is right or wrong, both are right, both are wrong. It's not for me to say. I don't support death on any side.
  4. peenie

    Racist frat boys

    No one thinks that racists are the biggest issue facing this country Volty. However, it's easy for you to sit there and not think it's a big deal because you live in your white skin. No one is afraid of a college kid making monkey noises. As you can see that black girl was not even phased. However, when that boy becomes a senator, and he makes policies that disenfranchise women and minorities, it is a problem. Yes, let's be distracted from the fact that America is not at war with anyone at the moment, yet our hard-earned dollars are being shipped off to a country to bomb innocent families. Hamas has nothing to do with the majority of those folks who have been affected by this senseless violence. The fact that you can just poo-poo those college animals for shouting at peaceful protestors means you see nothing wrong with what they were doing.
  5. peenie

    Racist frat boys

    It is this moment, right now, quite seriously, that I have finally realized that no, it's not that white people just don't understand us or aren't our neighbor or aren't friends with us or don't have examples to prove we are equally intelligent, equally law abiding, love God like you, love family like you, love our children as you love your children. I truly used to think, until right now that whites just didn't have enough exposure to not be racist. Now I know that you all hold on to racism despite all that you know about blacks. You are racist and are proud of it and encourage it and you make up lies to support it and you never had any intention of letting it go of racist thoughts and you want it to grow forever. You all are racist to your bones and are truly hateful. Kids calling for a cease fire in Gaza and divesting has nothing to do with supporting Hamas. You all are creeps.
  6. peenie

    Wordle scores

    Omg, I jealous! See, if I was a man then I would've guessed it earlier. How often do I do that?? Not very. I'm not hairy. (Except I did it today so...)
  7. peenie

    Wordle scores

    I didn’t guess it today: Wordle 1,052 X/6 🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩 Gender bias!
  8. peenie

    Wordle scores

    I got this word on the 5th guess. Framed #784 🟩 https://framed.wtf
  9. peenie

    Is the earth alive?

    That doesn't mean we can't discuss the possibilities.
  10. peenie

    Beyonce's Country Song

    I'm not a fan of the song or the album, but I do like Beyonce. I prefer her older music.
  11. peenie

    Is the earth alive?

    It's moving and spinning, right? Doesn't that require energy? The inside of the earth is hot, is that it's energy source? Maybe the earth is a form of a living thing, but not sentient. Don't living things have to be made of carbon? Earth certainly has carbon.
  12. peenie

    Wordle scores

    I just registered for an account last week. I’ve been playing for a long time and none of it recorded. Wordle 1,032 4/6 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  13. peenie

    NPR Is Garbage

    I like it a lot. It's much better than the music being played these days. Some of the last things I've heard on NPR: A guy decided to follow the truck that took away his glass recycling. He found that they just dump the recycled glass right where they throw away the other trash, it wasn't recycled at all. Jazz music Funny stories that people told about their lives , I can't remember off hand, but just random people talking into a mike as if they were doing stand-up but instead of comedy they told an interesting story. Oh, I know! One was about a young man who found out his father, who he respected a great deal for being a top United States agent, was in fact a Russian spy. That he eventually forgave his dad, visited him in jail and then....started to spy for the Russian government! An older lady with a shaky voice interviews authors or celebrities. Classical music Interviews with restaurant owners in the local area
  14. peenie


    What's this about Bitcoin halving?
  15. peenie

    Wordle scores

    Exactly! I almost never get the answer. I figured the owner of this game must not be American. I figure they’re from the UK of Canada.