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IGotWorms last won the day on July 29

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About IGotWorms

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    FF Geek

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  1. Kremlin needs to update its cultural references
  2. IGotWorms

    TNF Discussion: Patriots at Jets - Wk3

    Pats fan here. FML
  3. Lawrence hasn’t lived up to expectations but he doesn’t focking suck either. Hence, the meh
  4. God they focking suck. Mayo doesn’t seem like the answer at HC, either. Van Pelt sucks. Really just not a lot of room for hope right now
  5. This listen2me guy is a bit unhinged Rogers looking great out there tonight though. Seems he found the fountain of youth
  6. IGotWorms

    Divorce question re: house

    I don’t think she said it was paid off. If so, that’s different, but if not, that would be an event of default on the existing mortgage, unless she affirmatively refinanced it in her name (and could qualify for it and afford the payment)
  7. IGotWorms

    Divorce question re: house

    You think she can qualify for and pay for the mortgage and a HELOC on all her own? Sounds like the two of them have just been sponging off his parents so I doubt it. And BTW, quit claim would usually be an event of default under the mortgage, if the mortgage is in both of their names.
  8. IGotWorms

    Divorce question re: house

    Child support might be an issue too, even at 50/50 custody that could be an issue in many states. And potentially spousal support especially if she needs education or something to get a decent job and support herself. Kinda sounds to me like neither of them do sh1t so it might be hard getting that out of the guy. She’s going to have to work to show that this guy has way more than her even if it is all technically through his parents. She’ll need a good lawyer and will probably need to request up front that the court make him pay for her attorney.
  9. IGotWorms

    Divorce question re: house

    This is basically it in a nutshell. She should agree to mediate early and get the best deal she can. Basically it’ll probably be 50/50 with the kids and the property but there’s different ways that can shake out as far as exact custody schedule, who gets the debt, what kind of property she gets, how retirement accounts (if any) are dealt with, etc
  10. IGotWorms

    Divorce question re: house

    The lawyer is probably sh1tty (most “men’s rights” lawyers are shysters, good attorneys will represent either side). And she may be able to get the court to order him to pay for her attorney. Typically not fair if one side can pay for an attorney and bury the other side with that.
  11. IGotWorms

    Divorce question re: house

    I’m not a divorce attorney and the bored righties will tell you I’m not a real attorney at all. So huge grain of salt here. Also I don’t know sh1t about your state and things can vary by state. But I believe the court would look at it like the mortgage payments were a gift from the husbands parents and then the question is was it a gift to the husband only or a gift to the husband and wife. I think, but don’t actually know, that it would be presumed to be a gift to them both, at least assuming that they bought the house together while married. It gets more complicated if the husband bought the house before they were married. But she would probably only be entitled to half the equity in the home. So if she was going to keep it she’d have to pay him off for his share of the equity and then she’d also probably have to get the mortgage refinanced to her (which obviously means she’d have to be able to qualify for it and pay for it by herself). Usually this is just not feasible and so typically people do end up selling the house and splitting the profits. Only time it usually works for one spouse to keep the house is if they had a bunch of other assets too, so that the husband could take all those assets to offset the wife getting the house. Also pretty unlikely she gets full custody. Usually there has to be some really bad substantiated instances of abuse or neglect towards the kid (not just the spouse) for something like that to happen. Absent that they’re probably likely to end up with shared custody if the husband wants it. And he will, because otherwise he’ll owe a ton of child support. So most likely your friend is probably not being reasonable and will not get what she’s asking for. Sucks for her but often with divorces your standard of living will slip and you will have to share custody of your kids and that’s just all there is to it.
  12. The anti vax loons still love him So he’s got that goin for him
  13. IGotWorms

    Blowing up pagers?

    Who is sympathizing with hezbollah?
  14. IGotWorms

    Mass Deportation

    I mean that’s basically what he’s talking about, minus the gas chambers. But you never start with the gas chambers, that comes later
  15. Did you go to college? Are you familiar with small sample sizes and things like that?